My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3178 New Government Order

Chapter 3178 New Government Order

The knock on the door fell, and then Yu'er's voice came from outside the door.

"Miss, it's Yu'er, are you in the room?"

"Husband, it's the girl Yu'er."

Young Master Liu nodded with a faint smile, and put the jade pendant in his hand back into the brocade box on the table.

"Yun'er, Yupei will try again when my husband is free. Let Yue'er come in first."

Qi Yun smiled lightly and nodded Zhenshou, then turned to look at the door and said softly, "Yu'er, come in first."


The door of the room opened in response, and Yu'er walked into the room lightly.

When Yu'er saw First Young Master Liu standing in front of her, she was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly gave a blessing after she realized it.

"Slaves see uncle, miss, Mrs. Lian Er."

Liu Mingzhi waved his hands indifferently, turned around and picked up his own tea.

"Well, no gift."

"Hey, thank you, uncle."

"Yu'er, what's the matter with you?"

"Miss Hui, it's like this, it's getting late, Madam asked the servants to inform you and Young Madam Lian Er to go to the main hall for dinner."

"okay, I get it."

Qi Yun put down the teacup in her hand, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a smile.

"Husband, go and wash your face, let's go have dinner together."

First Young Master Liu reached out and rubbed his stomach, stood up and stretched his body.

"Oh ~ Yun'er, Lian'er."

"Hey, husband?"

"For my husband, I'm not hungry at all now, you and your sisters just go to dinner."

Qinglian's pretty face was stunned, and she asked with a crescent eyebrow, "Huh? Husband, aren't you going?"

Young Master Liu raised his hand and patted Qinglian's arm, and said cheerfully: "Yes, I won't go because of my husband."

"Husband, it's just getting dark now, and the night is still growing, why don't you eat a little bit to pad your stomach!"

Qi Yun also persuaded softly: "Husband, Sister Lian'er is right, how much are you!"

Liu Mingzhi waved his hand casually: "Yun'er, Lian'er, for my husband, I'm really not hungry at all right now."

Qi Yun pursed her cherry lips, looked up at Young Master Liu and said with a reproachful expression: "But, I am worried about your body!"

"Husband, why don't you do this, I will ask Yiyi to bring you some pastries later."

Seeing the concern on the pretty faces of Qi Yun and Qinglian, Young Master Liu waved his hands helplessly.

"Yun'er, how about this, when you come back to your room after dinner, bring me a bowl of white fungus and lotus seed soup for my husband."

"Okay, my wife knows.

Husband, besides white fungus and lotus seed soup, do you want to eat something else? "

"No, no, lotus seed soup is enough in the past."

"Yeah, I know, so we sisters will go there first."

Young Master Liu waved his hand with a smile, and was about to walk behind the screen when he immediately looked at Yu'er who was following Qi Yun.

"Yu'er, wait a minute."

Yu'er paused, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a puzzled expression.

"Grandpa, do you have any orders?"

"My young master has been drinking for most of the day, and now his body is full of alcohol.

You have sent two buckets of hot water, I want to take a bath. "

"Yes, the servant knows."

"Well, let's go."

After Qi Yun, Qinglian, and Yu'er left, Young Master Liu picked up the book in one hand and a candle in the other, and walked towards behind the screen lazily.

Liu Mingzhi lay down on the recliner again, flipped through the books in his hand, and waited silently.

The moon was rising, and the bright moonlight quietly passed through the window sill and shone into the room.

The knock on the door outside the room interrupted First Young Master Liu's mood.

"Master, this servant has brought you hot water for bathing."

"Okay, come in."

After the four maids adjusted the hot water in the tub, they saluted Young Master Liu respectfully.

"Young master, do you need slaves and sisters to help you take a bath?"

Young Master Liu put down the book in his hand, got up and walked straight towards the steaming and misty bathtub behind the screen.

"No need, this young master can just take a bath by himself, you guys should go back and do your own things first."

"Yes, the maidservants and sisters will leave."

The maids responded with a sweet voice, each lifted the buckets beside them, and walked lightly towards the outside of the screen.

First Young Master Liu lay down in the bathtub, and when he heard the sound of the door opening and closing outside the screen, he groaned contentedly.

"Ah, An Yi."

After about half an hour or so.

The moon rose high, and the moonlight outside the window became brighter and brighter.

Qi Yun spoke softly.

The sound of the door.

Simultaneously sounded.

"Husband, my concubine is back.

Sister Lian'er, Sister Shu'er, please close the door. "


Hearing Wenren Yunshu's voice, First Young Master Liu lifted off the brocade quilt on his body, sat cross-legged on the bed, and looked at the two beauties following Qi Yun with a smile.

"Lian'er, Shu'er, you are here too."

"Hey, husband."

"Husband, my concubine sister was worried that you would not be able to fill your stomach with a bowl of lotus seed soup, so she accompanied Sister Yun'er and brought you two more plates of pastries."

First Young Master Liu raised his eyes and glanced at Wenren Yunshu for a few times. Sister Qinglian nodded with a smile that was not a smile on their well-proportioned, mature and plump bodies.

"is it?"

"Of course, otherwise what do you think?"

"My husband thought that the two of you sisters wanted to be my husband, and today I want us to sleep together!"

Wenren Yun Shu rolled her eyes coquettishly, leaned over and placed the tray in her hand on the low table beside the bed.

"Bah, no one is right."

Seeing that Wenren Yunshu had put down the tray, First Young Master Liu put his arms around her waist, and hugged the beautiful lady into his arms.

"Hey hey, good Shu'er, if your husband is serious, how can you give birth to our son?"

Wenren Yunshu glanced at Qi Yun, Qinglian and the two elder sisters, their pretty faces blushed, and they thumped Young Master Liu on the shoulder.

"Stinky husband, Sister Yun and Sister Lian'er are watching, let go of this concubine quickly."

Seeing the beauty's shy look, Young Master Liu tilted his head and kissed the beauty's jade cheek lightly.

"Shu'er, they just look at it, we are old married couples, there is nothing to be shy about."

Wenren Yun Shu picked up the porridge bowl on the tray with a hot face, and carefully handed it to First Young Master Liu.

"Husband, you should drink the lotus seed soup first, it won't taste good when it gets cold."

"Okay, let's drink porridge for my husband."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, and stopped teasing the beautiful woman in his arms, let go of his arms around the beautiful woman's waist, and took the porridge bowl directly.

Qi Yun looked at the man who was drinking porridge, and smiled and picked up the pastries on the tray.

"Husband, this is the pastry that Sister Ying'er just made, would you like to try it?"

Young Master Liu took a big mouthful of lotus seed soup, looked up at Qi Yun and shook his head.

"Yun'er, put away the pastry, my husband really can't eat it anymore."

When Qi Yun heard her husband's words, she had no choice but to put the pastry back in her hand.

"Okay, husband, if you really can't eat it, forget it."

Young Master Liu quickly drank up the lotus seed soup, and handed the porridge bowl to Wenren Yunshu with a full belch.

"Hi! Hip! I'm full, I'm really full."

Wenren Yun Shu took the porridge bowl with a smile, got up and walked towards the outside of the screen.

"Husband, this concubine puts the porridge bowl in the main hall first."

Young Master Liu nodded slightly, and looked up at Qinglian.


"Husband, what's wrong?"

Young Master Liu frowned slightly and fell silent for a moment, then sighed softly: "Hey, Lian'er, come here, I have something to tell you about my husband."

Hearing Young Master Liu's sigh, Qinglian hurriedly walked to the bed, looked at her husband with a puzzled expression and asked, "Husband, what's the matter? What do you want to tell me?"

Liu Mingzhi patted the back of Qinglian's hand lightly, turned sideways and looked out of the screen.

"Shu'er, come here too."

"Hey, here we come."

Wenren Yun Shu responded coquettishly, walked quickly to the bed and stopped.

"Husband, what's wrong?"

"Lian'er, Shu'er, my husband suddenly wants to eat something again?"

"Huh? Husband, what else do you want to eat? My concubine will prepare it for you right away."

"Yes, yes, husband, what else do you want to eat?"

First Young Master Liu narrowed his eyes slightly, grabbed the wrists of the two beauties, laughed loudly and dragged Qinglian, Wenren Yunshu and the other sisters onto the bed.

"Hahaha, of course I ate you two beauties."

"Ah! Bad husband, you are too insidious."

"Hahaha, good lady, if my husband is not like this, how can I deceive you two beauties!"

"Hmm... stinky husband... ah...

Husband, this concubine is sweating all over in the afternoon and hasn't bathed yet! "

"Yeah, yell, bad husband, so is my concubine."

"That's just right, the water in the tub is still hot, so my husband will take a bath with you."

"Bah, I don't want to be a concubine."

"No? That's up to you."

Young Master Liu turned over and got out of bed, and directly pulled the two blushing beauties towards the bathtub behind the screen.

When passing by Qi Yun, Young Master Liu grabbed Qi Yun's bright wrist.

"Good rhyme, you too."

"Virtue, no wonder you asked the maids to bring you hot water for bathing early in the morning, so you planned it in advance!"


After a long time.

it is more than words.


There is no trace of time.

And the most ruthless.

As if in the blink of an eye, the time has come to the end of the year.

Dalong Taiping six years, December [-]th.

New Year's Eve.

The special day of New Year's Eve declared that the six years of Dalong were about to pass.

It also means that the new year is coming.

Inner courtyard of Liu Mansion, study room.

Qi Ya carried a festive red lantern in her hand, and walked slowly to the outside of Young Master Liu's study.

Looking at the flickering fire in the study, Qi Ya raised her jade hand and knocked lightly on the door a few times.

"Husband, have you finished your work? Is it convenient for me to go in?"

As soon as Qi Ya finished speaking, Young Master Liu responded immediately from the study: "Sister Ya?"

"Hey, it's a concubine."

"Sister Ya, come in directly."

Qi Ya gently pushed open the door, and walked into the study lightly.

Young Master Liu raised his eyes and glanced at the beautiful woman who entered the room, then smiled lightly and put the vermilion pen in his hand on the inkstone.

"Sister Ya, why are you here?"

Qi Ya closed the door casually, walked to Young Master Liu's side with smiling eyes and stopped.

"I have nothing to do. Come to my husband and have a look. Are you done with your work?"

Young Master Liu stood up from the chair, stretched his arms high, then walked towards the stove.

"It's almost there, sister Ya, if you don't come here, I plan to rush to the main hall for my husband in a while!
Sister Ya, sit down first and pour you a cup of tea for your husband. "

"it is good."

Qi Ya smiled and nodded her head a few times, then turned around and glanced at the neatly arranged documents on the desk.

"Husband, haven't you finished reviewing this year's documents?"

Young Master Liu returned to the desk with two cups of warm tea, and cheerfully handed a cup of tea to Qi Ya.

"Sister Ya, tea."

Qi Yun immediately put the red lantern in her hand aside, and took the teacup with a smile.

"Hey, thank you husband."

Young Master Liu picked up the teapot and took a sip, then sat sideways on the desk.

"My husband has already reviewed all the documents in the court this year ten days ago."

Hearing her husband's answer, Qi Ya sipped the tea leaves at the corner of her mouth, and pouted her lips suspiciously at the documents on the desk.

"Since my husband, you have already finished reviewing this year's documents, what are these documents?"

"Because my husband has nothing to do, I have drawn up some new government orders for next year."

"A new decree?"

Young Master Liu nodded slightly, and casually placed the teacup on the desk.

"Yes, some new decrees."

While speaking, Young Master Liu stretched out his arms to embrace the plump willow waist of the beautiful woman, turned around and sat on the chair next to him.

"Ah, my husband, the tea spilled on your clothes."

"It's okay, it's okay, just wipe it off for your husband."

After Qi Ya took advantage of the situation and sat in her husband's arms, she took out her handkerchief from her cuff, and gently wiped the tea that had spilled on the skirt of her clothes.

Liu Mingzhi changed to a comfortable sitting position, and his palms naturally moved gently over the beautiful woman's graceful and exquisite body.

Qi Ya directly put the teacup on the table, leaned on Young Master Liu's shoulder with a tender expression, and let her husband's big hands wander recklessly in her arms.

"Stupid, you just finished spending time with Wanyan's sister yesterday, why don't you be more honest today?"

Young Master Liu frowned slightly, nodded and pecked the beauty's red lips lightly, and said with a smile: "Hehehe, I'm used to it, I'm used to it."


Liu Mingzhi hugged Qi Ya's waist tightly, reached out and picked up a book from the desk, and put it into the beauty's still white and tender hand.

Qi Ya's delicate face was slightly startled, she looked at Liu Mingzhi with some doubts and asked softly: "Husband, what are you?"

"A new decree for my husband."

Hearing her husband's answer, Qi Ya sat up straight suddenly, and with a slight frown, she hurriedly stuffed the document back into First Young Master Liu's hand.

"Husband, no, no, how can I see such an important thing by myself."

Seeing the resentment on the beauty's delicate face, First Young Master Liu lifted the document in his hand with a chuckle, and put it back in the beauty's hand.

"Sister Ya, we don't have so many rules between husband and wife.

You are a good sister Ya for your husband. If your husband says you can watch, you can. "

Qi Ya's delicate face was bitter, and she looked at First Young Master Liu with tangled eyes.

"Husband, but..."

"Oh, good sister Ya, I was thinking that you could help me as my husband's staff. Let's take a look."

"Then, that concubine really saw it."

"Hehehe, just watch."


Qi Ya responded softly, nodded and looked at the document in her hand.

Liu Mingzhi silently embraced the beauty's waist, leaned on the chair and sighed lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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