My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3180 is different

Chapter 3180 is different

Qi Ya's lotus feet stopped suddenly, and she looked up at Liu Mingzhi in astonishment.

"Huh? Chengzhi?"

Qi Ya originally thought that her husband would raise the issue of the appointment of the crown prince in a more cryptic manner, but she never expected that her husband's question would be so straightforward.

Liu Mingzhi also stopped, and seeing the astonishment in the beauty's beautiful eyes, he instinctively frowned.

"What? Sister Ya, do you think Cheng Zhi is not suitable?"

Hearing Liu Mingzhi's question, Qi Ya recovered from her surprise, and seeing her husband frowning slightly with a puzzled expression, she hurriedly shook her head a few times.

"No, no, that's not what I mean by being a concubine, that's not what I mean."

"Sister Ya, what about you?"

Qi Ya raised her jade hand to tidy up the cloak on Young Master Liu, looked up at Young Master Liu with a wry smile and said, "Husband, at first I thought you just wanted to ask about my body, take the time Feng, Chengzhi, and Chengqian, who is more suitable for them?

How could this concubine think that my husband, you are so straightforward when you ask my concubine's ears.

The concubine didn't react for a while, so she couldn't help being surprised. "

Seeing Qi Ya's wry smile, Liu Mingzhi put his hand on the beautiful woman's jade cheek, and gently stroked it.

"So that's how it is. My husband thought that sister Ya, you thought Cheng Zhi was inappropriate!"

Qi Ya shook her head silently, hugged Liu Mingzhi's arm in her arms again, and walked lightly towards the outside of the courtyard.

"No, of course I don't think so."

Liu Mingzhi placed the red lantern full of joy in front of the two of them, and walked silently with the beautiful woman.

"Sister Ya, can you tell Weifu your opinion now?"

Qi Ya bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, turned her head to look at Liu Mingzhi and said softly: "About the matter that you want to register Chengzhi as the crown prince?"

Liu Mingzhi breathed out a sigh of relief, and nodded noncommittally: "Huh~ That's right."

Qi Ya pondered for a while with a tangled expression, and frowned involuntarily.

"Husband, what should I say about this kind of problem when you let me be a concubine.

The concubine understands, why do you want the concubine to help you refer to it.

You obviously want to embarrass me to death! "

Liu Mingzhi pulled his arm out of Qi Ya's embrace, and held her jade hand in his backhand: "Hehehe, Sister Ya, what's so embarrassing about this, you can say what you want."

Seeing her husband's relaxed expression, Qi Ya immediately rolled her eyes pretending to be angry: "Oh, my good husband, because of this, I really don't know how to say it better."

"Huh? Why?"

Qi Ya looked up at the direction of the main hall, and sighed with a complicated expression.

"Hey, my husband, don't forget that this concubine is Yun'er's real sister, Chengzhi's real aunt!
Concubine, younger sister Yun'er, and child Chengzhi, the relationship between the three of us is too close.

In this way, it would be unfair to Chengfeng, Chengqian, Zhenghao, and the brothers below them if you asked the concubine to help you refer to this matter.

Husband, aren't you afraid that the concubine will favor this child Chengzhi? "

Liu Mingzhi shook his head without hesitation, looked at the beautiful woman beside him solemnly, and said with a light smile, "Sister Ya, do you want to listen to the truth or lies?"

"Huh? What about lies? What about the truth?"

"It's a lie, don't be afraid."

Qi Ya frowned, looked at her husband and asked softly: "What about the truth?"

Liu Mingzhi clasped the beauty's slender fingers, looked at Qi Ya sincerely and said happily, "I'm not afraid of the truth, not at all!"

Qi Ya glanced at First Young Master Liu with a coquettish look, and rolled her eyes angrily.

"If you are virtuous, you know how to say nice things to make your concubine happy."

"Sister Ya, what you say for your husband is from the bottom of your heart!
Sister Ya, it is precisely because my husband knows what kind of person you are that I discuss this issue with you without hesitation. "

"However, husband, the two of us discussed in private about your desire to enshrine the child of Chengzhi as the crown prince. It's really unfair to Chengfeng, Chengqian, and Zhenghao, their brothers and others.

The concubine is afraid of herself, afraid that because of Yun'er, she will involuntarily develop some selfishness. "

Liu Mingzhi tightly held the beauty's jade hand, and looked at Qi Ya softly.

"Sister Ya, my husband trusts you, you will never do this."

Hearing her husband's affirmative tone, Qi Ya was moved, but also gave Young Master Liu a blank look helplessly.

"Silly husband, do you really trust my concubine so much?"

"That's right, my husband believes in you so much, more than I believe in myself.

Sometimes, even if my husband doubts himself, he won't doubt you, Sister Ya, at all. "

"Stupid, the more you say it, the more outrageous it is."

"Sister Ya, the heavens can learn from you, what you say for your husband is the truth.

If you don't believe it, my husband will swear to the sky in front of you immediately.

For my husband, if I tell you a lie, I will let my husband beat me...uh..."

Before First Young Master Liu finished speaking, Qi Ya covered his lips.

Qi Ya gently let go of her jade hand, and gave First Young Master Liu a hard look with her beautiful eyes.

"Don't talk nonsense, you understand?"

Seeing the beauty's angry eyes, Liu Mingzhi nodded with an apologetic smile: "Hey, good sister Ya, I made a mistake for my husband, and I know I was wrong."

Seeing her husband's face full of apologetic smiles, Qi Ya seemed still puzzled, and directly performed the two-finger Zen magic skill, twisting her fingers fiercely on the soft flesh around Young Master Liu's waist.

"Next time I dare to talk nonsense, I will get angry. Do you hear me clearly?"

"Hiss, yes yes, my husband heard clearly."

Qi Ya nodded slightly, and then let go of her slender fingers pinching Young Master Liu's waist.

"It's almost there."

Liu Mingzhi took a few breaths, and walked towards the long corridor ahead, holding the beauty's jade hand.

"Sister Ya, by saying this for my husband, I just want you to know that what I said for my husband is the truth!"

"Silly husband, I am not a fool, of course I understand what you mean.

It's just that I just don't want to hear those unlucky words from your mouth. "

"I made a mistake for my husband, and I knew that I was wrong."

"Okay, I forgive you."

"Sister Ya, what my husband said just now was definitely not intentional to make you happy.

I really believe in you more than I believe in myself.

Otherwise, my husband would not have talked with you so calmly about the establishment of the crown prince. "

Qi Ya smiled wryly and nodded: "Husband, you want me to think about it."

"Sister Ya, what is there to think about? As a husband, what I want to hear is your truth, the truth from your heart."

"Husband, what I said after thinking about it is also my sincere words from my heart."

Liu Mingzhi saw a group of maidservants approaching at the corner ahead, looked around, smiled and nodded.

"Okay, sister Ya, you should think about it first."

When a group of maids carrying red lanterns saw Young Master Liu and Qi Ya and his wife, they hurriedly greeted them with lanterns in their hands.

"Slaves and sisters see the young master, see the young lady."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, raised the lantern in his hand and smiled lightly as a gesture.

"Well, it's all free."

"Excuse me."

"Thank you, young master, and thank you, young lady."

"Qi'er, you sisters go to work first."

"Hey, young master, go slowly, young lady, go slowly, slaves and sisters leave."

Liu Mingzhi waved his hands casually, and led Qi Ya to continue walking down the corridor ahead.

After a long time.

Qi Ya looked sideways at Liu Mingzhi: "Husband."
"Well, Miss Ya, have you made up your mind?"

"Husband, after the concubine expresses her opinion, don't be angry."

Hearing the beauty's awkward tone, Liu Mingzhi turned his head and glanced at Qi Ya with a smile: "Hehehe, sister Ya, do you know?"

"Huh? Know what?"

"Sister Ya, in my husband's heart, there is one you, one sister Shan, the two of you sisters are in my husband's heart, with Yun'er, Lian'er, Yan'er, Wanyan, Qingshi, Xiaoxi...these sisters and others, totally different."

"Huh? Different? Where, where is it different?"

Liu Mingzhi paused, first glanced at Qi Ya, and then looked up at the night sky.

"Sister Ya, how much older are you and Sister Shan than your husband?"

Seeing her husband's hesitant expression, Qi Yamei's eyes flashed a look of worry, she let out a silent breath, and put her arm on Young Master Liu's chest pretending to be unhappy.

"Oh, what's the matter, do you dislike my concubine and sister Shan'er, our sisters are getting old and decrepit?"

"Hehehe, Sister Ya, you don't have to make jokes on purpose to make your husband happy. You know better than anyone else that this is definitely not what your husband means."

"Okay, then you can continue."

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze, raised his head and gestured to the bench under the guardrail a few steps away.

"Sister Ya, let's sit over there."

Qi Ya raised her head a little bit, and directly pulled Liu Mingzhi towards the bench next to her.

"it is good."

As soon as Qi Ya sat down, Liu Mingzhi half-lyed on the bench sideways, and rested the back of his head on the beauty's slender legs.

Afterwards, First Young Master Liu handed the red lantern to Qi Ya's hand.

"Hey hey, good sister Ya."

Qi Ya took advantage of the opportunity to take the dragon lantern, looked at Young Master Liu tenderly, and immediately lifted the cloak on her body and wrapped it around Young Young Master Liu.

"Stupid, let your sons and daughters see you like this, let's see if you know how embarrassing you are."

Young Master Liu smiled lightly, and leaned sideways on the beautiful woman's willow waist full of fragrance.

"Hehehe, if you see it, you will see it."

"Virtue, the older you are, the less you have moral conduct."

Liu Mingzhi stretched out his hand to grab the beautiful woman's hand and brought it to his lips for a light kiss, then looked faintly at the dark night sky.

"Good Miss Ya."

"Huh? What's the matter, what do you want to tell my concubine?"

"Sister Haoya, in my husband's mind, besides being a loving couple who live together and fly together, we are also a pair of confidants who have me in you and you in me.

The kind of confidant who can talk about everything and talk about everything. "

Qi Ya looked down at her husband who was pillowing on her lap, pursed her red lips and chuckled a few times, and just said a word in a soft tone.


"Sister Ya, you know your husband's heart better than anyone else.

If you love your husband, you love him even more.

Sometimes, a lot of words, a lot of things, my husband is always bored in my heart, and I don't know how to talk to anyone, how to say it.

Even if it is the old man of our family, and our mother and their elders, it is the same.

Yun'er, Lian'er, Yan'er, their sisters and others are still the same.

However, you are the only one who is different, Sister Ya.

In the heart of my husband, even if I am a husband, I have a heavy burden on my body.

As long as I tell you, my husband will soon be able to relax. "

Qi Ya sighed softly, reached out her hand and stroked Young Master Liu's cheek a few times.

"Oh, silly husband."

Liu Mingzhi stopped looking at the night sky, sat up gently, smiled wryly, and grabbed the beauty's jade hand again.

"Sister Ya, is your husband really stupid?"

Seeing the bitter smile on her husband's face, Qi Ya shook her head silently a few times, leaned her waist and pecked Young Master Liu's lips lightly.

"Not stupid, stubborn, dead-brained."
Liu Mingzhi pursed the lips that still had the beautiful woman's kiss on Yu Wen, opened his hands and directly embraced Qi Ya, and lowered his head to kiss the beautiful woman's delicate red lips.

After a long time.

The lips and teeth are separated.

Liu Mingzhi reached out and took the red lantern from the beauty's hand, and then held the beauty's jade hand with the other hand and stood up from the bench.

"Sister Ya."

"Hey, husband?"

"Now tell Weifu your opinion, or your idea."

Qi Ya looked around, and after making sure that there were no maids around, Tan took a deep breath with her mouth slightly open.



Qi Ya tightly held First Young Master Liu's big hand, her expression was calm, and she looked calmly at her husband.

"It's still the same sentence just now, after the concubine expresses her thoughts, husband, you are not allowed to be angry."

Liu Mingzhi nodded without hesitation, turned to look at Qi Ya and said solemnly: "No problem, I promise not to be angry for my husband."

Qi Ya smiled sweetly, and gently tugged Young Master Liu's arm.

"Let's go, let's talk as we go."

"it is good."

Qi Ya looked up at First Young Master Liu, and said softly: "Husband, it's about you wanting Cheng Zhi to inherit the throne.

Concubine body means qualified, very qualified. "

Young Master Liu remained silent for a moment, frowning slightly, and looked at the beautiful woman calmly.

"Sister Ya, are you sure?"

Qi Ya raised her eyes to look at Liu Mingzhi, looked at her husband's deep gaze, and nodded her head a few times: "Mmm, I can tell you with certainty that Cheng Zhi's succession to the crown prince is very important. qualified."

Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, and was silent for a moment as if thinking, then looked down at Qi Ya.

"Sister Ya."


(End of this chapter)

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