Chapter 3181

"Sister Ya, can you tell Wei Fu, what do you think is the reason why this child Cheng Zhi is qualified?"

Qi Ya nodded with a light smile, glanced cautiously at the maidservants coming and going in the surrounding corridors, stretched out her hand to hold Liu Mingzhi's wrist, and walked towards the dimly lit corridor in the distance.

"Husband, there are too many maids coming and going here, let's talk over there."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, and silently followed Qi Ya forward.

Qi Ya exhaled into the palm of her hand, and raised her eyes to look at Liu Mingzhi.

"Husband, let's talk about the concubine's identity."

"Okay, Sister Ya, just say it, I'll listen to you for my husband's sake."

Hearing her husband say the words "all ears and all ears", Qi Ya angrily rolled her eyes at First Young Master Liu.

"Fuck you, don't make fun of me."

"Ok, Sister Ya, hurry up and talk."

"Husband, I have two thoughts about whether it is appropriate for Cheng Zhi to inherit the throne.

One is the issue of the identity of the concubine.... "

When Liu Mingzhi saw Qi Ya say the question about his identity, his brows couldn't help but frown deeply.

When Qi Ya uttered the words "di and concubine", although she changed her words in time, but only by relying on these two words, she already guessed what Sister Ya wanted to say with the two words after her.

I don't need to think deeply to know that what Sister Ya wants to say is nothing more than the distinction between concubine and concubine.

He took a deep look at Qi Ya, and gently pressed the emerald finger on the thumb with his fingers, and there was an indescribable complex look in the depths of his eyes.

"Sister Ya, the identity issue you mentioned is the so-called distinction between concubine and concubine?"

Hearing her husband's question, Qi Ya looked at her husband's frowning brows. Instead of denying anything, she looked at Liu Mingzhi sincerely and nodded without hesitation.

"Husband, you guessed right, this is exactly what this concubine wants to say."

Seeing Qi Ya straightforwardly, Liu Mingzhi admitted it, and the complex look in his eyes became intense again.

Qi Ya felt the complex meaning in her husband's eyes, and she couldn't help showing a hint of worry in her beautiful eyes.


Liu Mingzhi rubbed his hands vigorously, looked at Qi Ya and let out a sigh of relief with a smile: "Huh~ Sister Ya, I'm fine as a husband, you can continue talking."

Qi Ya breathed a sigh of relief, and reached out to hold her husband's generous palm.

"Husband, I know that in your heart you always treat us sisters and others equally, and you have never favored one over the other.

Not only the concubine knew it, but all of us sisters knew it in their hearts.

From the moment our sisters and your husband became husband and wife, you treated all of us sisters as real wives.

Even sister Chen Jie and sister He Shu are the same.

Where are our children, husband, you also treat everyone equally.

No matter which sister's child is born, whether it is a son or a daughter, you husband have never treated them differently.

Husband, you as a husband, as a father.

All that was done to our sisters, all that was done to a lot of children.

Concubine sisters, all of them are in their hearts.

However, my husband, have you ever thought about it.

Concubine sisters know everything you do, but outsiders don't!
We sisters can understand your thoughts, understand your difficulties and difficulties, but outsiders can't understand you!
Yes, Husband, you treat all our children equally, and you have never cared about the so-called distinction between concubine and concubine.

However, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty don't know what's in your heart, my husband, and the people in the world don't know what's in your heart, my husband.

In their eyes, they only knew that Chengzhi was the son of Yun'er, the empress of the palace.

He is the well-deserved and veritable eldest son of the emperor.

Compared with your husband, you want Chengfeng, Chengqian, Zhenghao, Zhengran, and even the younger Zhengwen, Chengrui and his brothers to be the crown prince of the current dynasty and the future successors.

If you want to register Chengzhi as the crown prince, it will go well, too much.

Looking at all the civil and military officials above the court, except for some officials with malicious intentions, almost no officials raised any objections.

In this way, husband, you can spend less energy and mind.

My husband, the reason why this concubine came up with such an idea and made such a decision before.

It's not because the concubine is sister Yun'er's biological sister, nor is it because the concubine deliberately favors the child Chengzhi.

This concubine loves you dearly, for the sake of your body! "

Looking at Qi Ya's red eyes, listening to Qi Ya's sobbing tone.

In a trance, Liu Mingzhi's eye sockets were sore for an instant, and his eyes became moist involuntarily.

Qi Ya quickly took out a handkerchief from her cuff, first wiped the corners of her eyes a few times for Liu Mingzhi, then took back the handkerchief and gently wiped her eye sockets.

Liu Mingzhi pulled out the dry tobacco pouch from his waist, and after loading the shredded tobacco, he leaned over and approached the big dragon lantern that Qi Ya was holding in his hand.

Seeing that her husband was about to smoke again, Qi Ya not only didn't say anything to persuade him, but directly lifted the cover and raised the lantern a little higher.

Because she knows very well in her heart that her husband needs to be calm and calm now.

"Shut up!"

Liu Mingzhi took a puff of smoke, stood up and looked at Qi Ya: "Sister Ya, continue talking."

Qi Ya put down the outer cover of the lantern, smiled lightly and nodded as a gesture.

"Husband, speaking from the heart, in terms of personal abilities, the three brothers Chengfeng, Chengzhi, and Chengqian are not bad at all.

It can be said that each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

It's really embarrassing for me to let me judge who is superior and who is inferior.

Therefore, the concubine can only comment impartially from the perspective of an aunt.

Speaking from the concubine's own body, the personal abilities of the three brothers are evenly matched.

What the concubine said was only to take advantage of the wind, inherit the will, and accomplish the personal abilities of the three brothers.

If you count all the sons and daughters under our knees, Feifei, Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Yueer... Among them are brothers and sisters.

Talk about means, talk about ability, talk about mind.

Among their brothers and sisters, the one with the most outstanding personal ability is undoubtedly the girl Yue'er.

The concubine can feel his conscience and say, in terms of personal ability.

If the girl Yue'er is really serious, let alone Cheng Feng and Cheng Zhi, she will become any one of the three brothers.

Even if the three of them are tied together, they may not be the opponent of Yue'er.

In terms of mind and eyes, the three brothers are even more difficult to match.

The concubine can say with certainty that if Yue'er is really playing tricks on Chengfeng, Chengzhi and his two elder brothers, Chengqian.

The three of their brothers were sold by the girl Yue'er, and they had to happily count the money for the girl Yue'er!
Among the brothers and sisters among them, it is really necessary to say who is the most suitable to inherit the throne and become the successor.

In the eyes of my concubine, Yue'er is definitely the first choice.

The concubine can say with certainty that, husband, if you let Yue'er, a girl, inherit the throne.

In the future, after your husband passes the throne to Yue'er, it will be on the question of whether Dalong's [-]-mile mountains and rivers will be safe and sound.

Husband, you can definitely have peace of mind.

It's a's a pity..."

Qi Ya's words stopped abruptly, and she pursed her cherry lips a few times with a complicated expression, not knowing how to say the following words better.

Liu Mingzhi took a puff of dry cigarette vigorously, looked up at the dark night sky, and exhaled a puff of light smoke with deep eyes.

"It's a pity that Yue'er is a girl after all.

One day, after all, she will leave the court and marry someone.

Miss Ya, right? "

Seeing her husband's melancholy expression, Qi Ya nodded with a wry smile, and responded with a voice like a mosquito.


"Sister Ya, don't talk about Yue'er, let's continue talking about Chengfeng, Chengzhi, and the three of them."

"Hey, my concubine knows.

Husband, as I said just now, in terms of personal ability, Chengfeng and his three brothers are completely equal.

Just in terms of personal ability, the three brothers are all suitable to inherit the throne and become the successor king.

However, the child Chengfeng married a girl named Serena.

Husband, let me tell you from the bottom of my heart, although Serena is not our Dalong's girl, I still like this girl very much.

Not only the girl Serena, but also the grandson Chenyu, the concubine also likes it very much.

The concubine believes that Yun'er, sister Lian'er, and sister Yan'er are the same as the concubine.

Especially Sister Lian'er, not to mention, Serena is her good daughter-in-law, and Chen Yu is her grandson!
However, I like it, all my sisters like it, it's useless!
Husband, what do you think, the civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty, the common people of the world.

Will they admit from the bottom of their hearts that Serena is the mother of a country, and will they sincerely agree that Chenyu is our Dalong's grandson?
Husband, there is something I don't want to say, but I have to say it.

Let alone the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, the common people of the world.

Even if it's your husband, your concubines, sisters and others, there is a tacit understanding of the same in our hearts as a couple.

Non-my family, its heart must be different. "

Hearing these words, Liu Mingzhi glanced back at Qi Ya, but nodded silently without saying anything.

After Qi Ya saw her husband's reaction, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and the slight sense of embarrassment in her heart was instantly swept away.

"Husband, after excluding the child Chengfeng.

He has grown up, and at this point of age, he is suitable to inherit the throne and become the successor, and only Cheng Zhi and Cheng Qian are his brothers.

Chengzhi, Chengqian among their brothers, the reason why the concubine thinks that Chengzhi is more suitable to inherit the throne.

It's because the child Chengzhi has married Jingyao girl, has a family and a business, and has a pair of children.

On the other hand, this kid Chenggan is still alone now, and he hasn't married the girl Tong'er yet!
Husband, now we are no longer an ordinary family.

The children of Cheng Zhi and Jing Yao, the young couple, are just our grandchildren to our couple and our family.

For father and mother, it is just their great-grandson and great-granddaughter.

But for the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, that is the grandson of the emperor!

If Cheng Zhi is registered as the crown prince and crown prince by your husband, then he is the grandson of the emperor.

A prince who already has a son, and a prince who has not yet married and has no heirs.

Although they are both our sons and His Highness the Prince of the current dynasty, the difference is huge.

Husband, the grandson of the emperor is not just our grandson.

He can even stabilize people's hearts and stabilize the court!

Husband, you are the king of a country, on this point, you should be more clear than me, a woman who is a concubine, right?
It is because of this that the concubine feels that the child Chengzhi is more suitable to inherit the throne than the child Chenggan. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, first knocked out the ashes in the smoke pot under his feet, and then untied his wine bag from his waist.

"My husband understands."

"Husband, I think so because you told me just now that you plan to select one of our children to be the crown prince next year.

Therefore, the concubine thinks that Cheng Zhi is a more suitable child.

If you, husband, wait until the child Chengqian and the girl Tong'er are married and have children of their own, then ask about the concubine's identity.

Maybe, the concubine doesn't necessarily think so, and doesn't necessarily answer her husband like this.

What the concubine says are all the words from the heart of the concubine, as for whether you believe my husband, I don't know. "

Liu Mingzhi took the wine bag from his mouth, smiled lightly, raised the wine bag in his hand and handed it to Qi Ya.

"Sister Ya, if you say that, I will be angry as a husband.

As a husband, if I don't believe your words, why should I talk about this issue with you frankly! "

Qi Ya'e raised her eyebrows, and took the wine bag from Liu Mingzhi's hand with a smile.

"Yes, yes, the concubine's identity is wrong, can't the concubine's identity be wrong?"

As soon as the beauty finished speaking, she directly raised the wine bag and sent it to the cherry lips.

First Young Master Liu looked at Qi Ya who was drinking, raised his hand and tightened the cloak on his body, then smiled lightly and pinned the pipe to his waist.

Qi Ya wiped the wine from the corner of her mouth with her fingers, and handed the wine bag to her husband with a smile.

"How can you drink the peach blossom wine that my concubine prepared for you when my daughter is red?"

"I'm not willing to drink it. Peach Blossom Noodles is a fine wine that you personally brewed for my husband, Sister Haoya. If you drink a little, you should drink less. Naturally, my husband should drink it sparingly."

"If you are virtuous, you know what to say.

My concubine will brew some peach blossom wine for you every year and store it in the cellar. You can't finish it even if you die.

If you don't want to drink, just say it, why do you say it sounds so good. "

"No, no, what my husband said is true.

Sister Ya, let me ask you another question for my husband. "

"Huh? What's the problem?"

"If Chengqian, the child has already married and has children of his own.

In this way, Cheng Zhi, who do you prefer between the two brothers, Cheng Zhi? "

Hearing her husband's question, Qi Ya replied without thinking, "It's still Cheng Zhi."

"Huh? Sister Ya, don't you even think about it?"

Qi Ya put away the wine bag that was about to be handed to First Young Master Liu, raised her head and drank a few more sips of fine wine, and looked at First Young Master Liu with complicated eyes.

"Husband, to put it bluntly, some things are just legitimate issues!"

(End of this chapter)

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