Chapter 3182

"Huh? The name is justified? Sister Ya, what do you mean by this?"

Qi Ya silently sipped the wine from the corner of her lips a few times, and rolled her eyes at Liu Mingzhi pretending to be reproachful.

"Husband, do you really not understand? Or are you pretending to be confused for this concubine?"

In fact, Liu Mingzhi has roughly grasped the deep meaning of Qi Ya's words.

However, he still showed a puzzled expression, pretending to be puzzled and shook his head with a faint smile at Qi Ya.

"Sister Ya, why would my husband pretend to be ignorant? I really don't understand what you mean when you just said it's just and right."

Qi Ya once again gave Eldest Young Master Liu a coquettish look, and smiled, raised the wine bag and sent it to her red lips.

"Hehehe, it's strange to believe you."

Looking at the beautiful lady who raised her jade neck slightly and was sipping wine, Young Master Liu raised his brows, bent his fingers and pointed directly at the beautiful woman's willow waist.

With Young Master Liu's finger on her waist, Qi Ya's delicate body suddenly trembled. She squirted out a sip of wine, and then coughed repeatedly with her pretty face flushed.

"Pfft...cough cough cough... cough cough cough...

Smelly husband, do you want to choke my concubine to death? "

Seeing Qi Ya's choked and blushing face, First Young Master Liu hurriedly took out a handkerchief from his cuff, and wiped it directly on the beauty's red lips.

Qi Ya reached out and tugged at the skirt of her plump chest that was wet with wine, raised her lotus feet with reproachful eyes, and kicked Young Master Liu's calf.

"Stinky husband, you know how to pretend to be a good person. If it wasn't because you touched my waist with your hands, would this concubine become like this?"

Young Master Liu grinned, gently wiped the wine from Qi Ya's red lips, and then grabbed the beauty's willow waist with both hands.

"Sister Ya, if you don't say anything, I will tickle you with both hands as a husband."

Qi Ya's delicate body couldn't help trembling, and hurriedly nodded her head a few times.

"Talk about it, isn't it okay for the concubine to say it?"

"It's almost the same. Tell me, my husband, listen!"

Qi Yamei stared at First Young Master Liu reproachfully, and struggled vigorously with her arms propped up.

"You let go of the concubine's body first."

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment: "Sister Ya, after my husband let you go, what if you don't say anything?"

Qi Ya sensed the suspicion in her husband's eyes, Qi Ya'e frowned softly and snorted: "Hmph, ouch, I vaguely remember that some heartless guy seemed to have said it himself.

Does he believe in the concubine's body more than he believes in the concubine's body?

What's the matter, this is not enough for two cups of tea, so I don't believe it? "

Qi Ya didn't say who the person was referring to in every sentence, but it seemed that everything had been said.

Seeing Qi Ya's smiling face, First Young Master Liu coughed a few times with a resentful expression, and immediately let go of the hands pinching the beauty Liu's waist with a smirk.

"Hmm, Sister Ya, tell me."

Qi Ya put the wine bag into Liu Mingzhi's hand, raised the dragon lantern in her hand, and walked forward unhurriedly.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to tighten the cloak on his body, raised his head and drank a few mouthfuls of fine wine, then set off to chase after Qi Ya.

"Sister Ya?"

Qi Ya looked back at her husband who was also following her, then turned slightly and walked towards the long corridor leading to the main hall in front.


"Hey, I'm here for my husband."

First Young Master Liu responded, and immediately stepped up to walk side by side with Qi Ya.

"Husband, I am very clear about what I just said, you are just pretending to be confused, but in fact, husband, you understand everything in your heart.

Therefore, the concubine is no longer shying away from anything. "

"Sister Ya, me."

Qi Ya glanced sideways at Liu Mingzhi for a moment, and said softly with a calm expression: "Husband, how did you get the chair you're sitting on now.

Husband, you know it yourself, and so do the sisters who are concubines.

The hearts of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty are also very clear.

To put it bluntly, husband, you rebelled and snatched it from the Li family of Yan'er's younger sister.

Even if you don't want to admit it, husband, there is nothing you can do, because it is the truth.

It is a fact known to all civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty and the common people all over the world.

Husband, you shouldn't be angry when I say that, right? "

After hearing Jiaren's calm and calm tone, Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly, turned to look at Qi Ya and nodded with a wry smile.

"Hehehe, sister Ya, don't worry, you won't be angry at all for your husband.

Just like what you said just now, Sister Ya, the fact remains the same whether the husband admits it or not.

Being a husband can stop the mouths of a few people, but being a husband can't stop the mouths of all the people in the world! "

Qi Ya looked at the calm and helpless expression on her husband's face, and sighed melancholy.

"Hey, husband, if you don't get angry, the concubine will feel relieved."

"Sister Ya, I'm not so narrow-minded about your husband."

"Husband, it is precisely because the chair you are sitting on now belonged to the Li family.

Therefore, on top of the choice between Chengzhi and Chenggan who is more suitable to inherit the throne, the concubine gave priority to Chengzhi. "

Hearing Qi Ya's words, First Young Master Liu turned around and glanced in the direction of the palace, and heaved a long sigh full of complicated meanings in his eyes.


Seeing her husband's gloomy expression, Qi Ya stretched out her left hand to hold his big hand.

"My lord, to put it simply.

As far as the current situation is concerned, looking at the entire court, except for the Li family members in the clan mansion, in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, there are several dynasties from the elders to the junior officials.

Among them, [-]% of the officials would not want to see Cheng Qian, the prince with the blood of the former royal family, inheriting the land of Dalong.

Especially our elder brother's elder brother Wu Yi Wang Song Qing, and Qing Tonghou Zhou Baoyu, Cheng Kai, Ning Chao, Ye Baotong... They are the six generals of the new army who have made great military exploits and outstanding achievements.

And among the six guards of the new army, there are hundreds of generals, big and small guards, and battalion generals.

Those old brothers who have followed your husband to the front and made contributions for many years, the last thing they want to see is this child named Chengqian as the crown prince and heir, and become the future successor of our Dalong.

Except for big brother, brother Cheng Kai, brother Baoyu, these old brothers of your husband.

There are also younger sister Wanyan's subordinates, the former king of Jin Kingdom Wanyan Chizha, the old generals of Yeluha, and the generals of the twelve guards of Jin Kingdom.

Under the command of younger sister Yunyao, Hu Yanyu, the prince of the Turkic court, and the generals of the twelve elite cavalry in the grassland.

They, the hundreds of generals who surrendered to your husband at the beginning, also do not want this child to inherit the throne.

As for the reason, even if the concubine doesn't say anything, you should understand, husband, right? "

Liu Mingzhi raised his head and drank a few mouthfuls of wine, looked sideways at the person walking side by side with him, and nodded his head in a sigh.

"Scared, right?"
Qi Ya nodded her head a few times noncommittal: "Yes, they are afraid.

I'm afraid to wait until the child Chengqian is registered as the crown prince and prince, and becomes Dalong's new army in the future.

One day, I will find them to follow you, husband, to fight in the north and south, and to settle accounts with the officials of the dragon who rebelled.

Oh my husband! "

"Huh? Sister Ya?"

"Husband, let me tell you something from my conscience, in fact, you should understand the difficulties of elder brother, Cheng Kai, Baoyu, Ning Chao, Baotong and others better than anyone else.

Let's put it this way, if it was you who replaced them with husbands, wouldn't you be afraid, husband? "

After Liu Mingzhi heard the beauty's straightforward question, he nodded without hesitation, then raised the wine bag with a complicated expression and sent it to his mouth.


Qi Ya looked sideways at Liu Mingzhi, and nodded silently.

"Husband, it is precisely because of this consideration that when you asked Cheng Zhi and Cheng Qian who the concubine would choose between the two brothers, I chose Cheng Zhi without hesitation.

The concubine knew very well in her body and mind that the child's virtues and personal abilities were not to be said, and his personal abilities were also very good.

It's a pity, alas! "

"It's a pity that the child Cheng Qian was born by Yan'er, the third princess of the former dynasty."

"Well! Exactly.

Husband, this child has the blood of the former royal family, not just a symbol of dignity.

Again, a mistake. "

As soon as Qi Ya finished speaking, she squeezed Young Master Liu's palm hard.

"Husband, don't tell sister Yan'er what my concubine said just now!"

Liu Mingzhi turned to look at Qi Ya: "Sister Ya, do you think being a husband would be so stupid?"

"Husband, isn't this concubine afraid that you might slip up?"

"Sister Ya, don't worry, I'm not that unreliable as a husband."

"Yeah, I believe you."

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his eyes, and his eyes fell silent.

After a long time.

Young Master Liu glanced at the beautiful woman with a light smile, and happily took a sip of his drink.

"Sister Ya, we've talked so much.

In short, you just think Chengzhi is more suitable to inherit the throne? "

Qi Ya bit her cherry lips lightly with her white teeth, and turned to look at First Young Master Liu.

"Husband, what I said just now, do you think that I am deliberately favoring this child Chengzhi?"

Between Qi Ya's words, there was an undisguised nervousness in her beautiful eyes.

Liu Mingzhi felt the tension in the beauty's beautiful eyes, smiled lightly and shook his head.

"No, not at all."


"Heh heh, of course it's true.

Sister Ya, let me tell you this, I have already thought about the concerns you just told me many times alone. "

Hearing her husband's answer, Qi Ya swung First Young Master Liu's generous big hand, and directly used the two-finger Zen magic skill to wriggle vigorously on the soft flesh around Young Young Master Liu's waist.

"Stinky husband, since you have already considered these concerns, and you have considered them many times, then why do you let the concubine speak out?"

As soon as his waist hurt, First Young Master Liu immediately grinned at Qi Ya: "Hiss, hiss, pain, pain, sister Ya, be gentle, this is meat!"

Seeing her husband's grinning reaction, instead of letting go of her hands, Qi Ya pinched the soft flesh around Young Master Liu's waist and twisted it a few more times.

"Virtue, you deserve the pain."

Young Master Liu shook his body, and quickly caught on the beautiful woman's wrist with his backhand: "Hiss, sister, please forgive me as your husband, you are wrong for your husband, you are wrong for your husband."

Qi Ya only exerted a little force to ease the pressure on her slender fingers.

"Okay, stop pretending, I know better than you whether the concubine is working hard."

Young Master Liu bent his body slightly, grabbed Qi Ya's snow-white wrist and shook it gently a few times with an apologetic smile on his face.

"Sister Ya, what you pinched was the flesh of my husband's waist."

After Qi Ya gently rubbed Young Master Liu's waist a few times with her jade hands, she looked at her husband with melancholy eyes, and sighed softly with a complicated expression.

"Husband, it doesn't matter if you are in real pain or fake pain.

On this point, the concubine doesn't care.

If the concubine really pinches you, the concubine can apologize to you immediately.

At that time, you can punish the concubine however you want, and I have absolutely no complaints about the concubine.

I just hope that, Husband, you don't misunderstand Qie Shen, thinking that what I said just now is deliberately biased towards my own sister, or Cheng Zhi, that's all. "

As soon as Qi Ya finished speaking, she raised her eyes and glanced at the main hall outside the long corridor in front of her. She frowned her crescent eyebrows in a low voice, and sighed slightly with her mouth slightly opened.


Seeing the beauty's reaction, Liu Mingzhi stretched out his hand to tug on the beauty's hand, and immediately stopped in his tracks.

Qi Ya paused, and looked at Liu Mingzhi with a puzzled expression.


Liu Mingzhi pinned the wine bag around his waist, opened his arms and gently embraced the beautiful woman into his arms.

Qi Ya's delicate body trembled slightly, and she silently leaned her profile against Liu Mingzhi's shoulder.


Liu Mingzhi nodded and kissed Qi Ya's delicate red lips lightly, then rested his chin on the beauty's fragrant shoulders and gently rubbed it.

"Sister Ya, the reason why I asked you that way for my husband just now has no other meaning.

I did this for my husband, just to get an answer from you, Sister Ya.

An answer that can reassure my husband and make him calm. "

Qi Ya directly raised her eyes and looked at Liu Mingzhi: "Husband, I."

Liu Mingzhi raised his head, looked down at the beautiful woman in his arms.

"Sister Ya, do you know? What you said just now made my husband understand directly.

I see, the husband's decision is correct. "

Qi Ya pursed her cherry lips and remained silent for a moment. After looking at Liu Mingzhi for a while, she smiled directly.

"Yeah, as long as I have done nothing wrong and can help you, I will be satisfied."
Liu Mingzhi let go of the hands holding the beauty's waist, and directly reached out to take the big red lantern in her hand.

Then, Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to straighten the beautiful woman's black hair that was a little disheveled by the breeze, and turned around to gesture to the main hall ahead.

"Sister Ya, let's go to the main hall to have dinner first.

If it was delayed any longer, the old man would probably have to criticize him again. "

Qi Ya took a deep breath, smiled sweetly, and gestured to Young Master Liu sideways.

"Hey, my husband first please."

(End of this chapter)

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