Chapter 3183

"Sister Ya, let's go together."

"Hey, let's go together."

Qi Ya smiled sweetly, picked up the red lantern in her hand, and followed her husband with a smile on her face.

As soon as Liu Mingzhi, Qi Ya and his wife walked into the yard outside the main hall, and there was still a distance from the hall door, they heard bursts of laughter coming from the main hall from a distance.

Qi Ya raised her eyes to look at the main hall full of laughter and laughter, and also looked at Liu Mingzhi with a smile on her face.

"My lord, it seems that everyone is in a good mood.

You listen to the laughter, one after another. "

Liu Mingzhi opened his arms and stretched his body: "Sister Ya, after all, today is New Year's Eve, and it is normal for everyone to be happy."

Qi Ya looked up at the dark night sky above her head, and sighed with a look of exclamation on her face: "Yes, in the blink of an eye, today is already New Year's Eve.

In a few hours or so, it will be the Spring Festival.

Time flies so fast! "

Liu Mingzhi rubbed his slightly cold hands, then turned around and straightened the cloak on Qi Ya's body.

"Hehehe, who's to say it's not! Sister Ya, don't be emotional, let's go into the hall first."

"Well, here we come."

Qi Ya withdrew her gaze, and was about to lift her lotus feet and walk towards the main hall, but stopped suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Ya quickly raised her jade neck again to look at the dark night sky.

Seeing Qi Ya's reaction and behavior, First Young Master Liu couldn't help being puzzled.

"Sister Ya, what's the matter? Why did you stop again?"

Qi Ya was unmoved by her husband's question, her eyes were still staring straight at the dark night sky.

Unknown, Liu Mingzhi looked at Qi Ya who was quietly looking at the night sky, subconsciously followed her gaze, and looked towards the dim night sky.

"Sister Ya, the night is so dark today, you can't even see a single star in the night sky, why are you staring straight at the sky?"

Qi Ya raised the lantern in her hand a little higher, then raised her jade hand and pointed towards the dim night sky.

"Husband, snow, it's snowing."
Liu Mingzhi frowned, and looked in the direction of Qi Ya's finger.

as predicted.

At this moment, under the dark night sky, crystal clear snowflakes gradually fell.

Under the corridors around the courtyard, under the light of the dozen or so red lanterns, the snowflakes falling from the sky are extraordinarily crystal clear and pleasing to the eye.

Young Master Liu casually put his hands inside his warm cuffs, and smiled cheerfully with the corners of his mouth grinning.

"Hehehe, hehehe, it really is snowing."

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, he immediately felt a chill on his face.

Pieces of crystal clear snowflakes quietly enveloped First Young Master Liu, Qi Ya and his wife.


"Hey, Miss Ya, what's the matter?"

"I haven't danced for you for a long time, how about I dance for you in the snow after we have lunch later?"

"Okay, I can't ask for more for my husband."

Hearing the beauty's proposal, Liu Mingzhi naturally readily agreed.

"Yeah, husband, let's go to dinner quickly."

"Okay, let's go to dinner."

Liu Mingzhi had just walked a few steps with Qi Ya, when suddenly the tiger's body shook and he stopped abruptly.

This time, it was Qi Ya's turn to look puzzled.

"Husband, what's wrong with you?"

Liu Mingzhi turned his head to look at Qi Ya, and after pursing his lips a few times with a cloudy expression, he looked again at the night sky with crystal snowflakes falling in his eyes with some vicissitudes.

Quietly staring at the snowflakes in the sky that look extraordinarily pleasing to the eye under the candlelight.

In front of Liu Mingzhi's eyes, a beautiful figure appeared involuntarily.

Scenes of scenes that have passed for many years gradually flooded into my mind.

Husband, as a concubine, how about dancing in the snow for you?
Yao remembered that a long time ago, a woman once said this sentence to herself.

Today is my birthday, you must listen to me.

Isn't it just to go shopping with my concubine?Are you so tired?

Husband, how about I dance for you in the snow?
The two places of lovesickness are drenched in the same snow, and this life is considered to be a total of whiteheads.

That time, it was the first time that woman danced in the snow for herself.

Also, it was the last time that woman danced in the snow for herself.

Since then, I have been separated from her, and I never saw her again.

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at the crystal snowflakes falling from the sky.

The impression of that woman dancing in the snow for herself back then gradually became clearer.

It became clear, at this moment she seemed to be standing in front of her, dancing for herself in the snow again.

Tao Ying, how are you doing in heaven?

For husband!

I miss you!
You know, how much hope I have for my husband, I hope you can appear in front of my husband now.

In the snow that is flying all over the sky, dance for my husband and me again?
Seeing her husband's appearance like this, Qi Ya frowned slightly and began to think silently.


Qi Ya seemed to understand why her husband suddenly became what he is now.


Qi Ya yelled softly.

Maybe it was because Qi Ya's voice was too low, but Liu Mingzhi was like a wooden stake, still standing there motionless, staring at the falling snowflakes in the air in a daze.

Qi Ya walked lightly to Liu Mingzhi's side, and stood side by side with her husband with a worried face.




Qi Ya called Husband three times in a row, and the last time she called Husband, she faintly increased her voice.

"Huh? Sister Ya? What's wrong?"

"Husband, do you think of sister Tao Ying again?"

Liu Mingzhi didn't hide anything. After silently nodding to Qi Ya, he glanced at Feixue who was all over the yard and sighed softly.

"Yeah, I remembered her again.

Back then, on the night of her birthday, there was also a heavy snowfall in the sky.

Later, when we were enjoying the snow in the yard, she danced for her husband in the snow.

And later, and later..."

Liu Mingzhi paused for words, and gave a wry smile with a complicated expression.

"Hehehe, after that, there will be no later.

If you don't think about those past events at the beginning, you still don't feel much.

However, as long as my husband calms down and thinks about it carefully.

But I found that the scenes of the past were vaguely in front of my eyes. "

Qi Ya stretched out her jade hand to catch a few snowflakes, and looked at Liu Mingzhi with a remorseful expression.

"Husband, I'm sorry, my concubine has brought up a sad incident between you and younger sister Tao Ying."

Liu Mingzhi quickly waved his hands: "Oh, sister Ya, you must never say that."

Just when Qi Ya was about to say something, Liu Zhi'an's doubtful voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Bastard, Ya girl, don't you two see that it's snowing in the sky?

Why don't you hurry in and have dinner, what are you doing standing outside? "

Liu Mingzhi blinked his sore eyes a few times, suppressed his throat and let out a muffled cough, then turned around and waved to Liu Zhian.

"Got it, got it, old man go in first, young master Ben and sister Ya will go in now."

Qi Ya wiped the snow in her palms on the cloak, and gave Liu Zhi'an a blessing with a smile.

"Father, my daughter-in-law and husband will be there soon."

Liu Zhi'an looked at First Young Master Liu, Qi Ya and his wife, shook their heads with strange expressions, turned around and walked into the hall door in a murmur.

Qi Ya watched Liu Zhi'an's back as he walked into the hall, and gently tugged at her husband's sleeve: "Husband, father and mother should have been waiting impatiently, let's hurry over."

"Okay, let's go."

As soon as Liu Mingzhi, Qi Ya and his wife walked into the hall, Qi Yun, the third princess, sister Huyan Yunyao and the others immediately got up and gave a blessing.

"The concubine's sister has seen her husband."

"Okay, okay, excuse me."

"Thank you husband."

Immediately afterwards, Liu Feifei, Liu Chengfeng, Liu Chengzhi, Liu Feifei, Little Cutie, and their brothers and sisters on the two dining tables next to each other stood up one after another, and began to salute to First Young Master Liu, Qi Ya and his wife.

"The child pays respects to father and mother."

"Daughter-in-law pays respects to father and mother."

Young Master Liu nodded cheerfully, raised his hands and held them up.

"Okay, good, no courtesy, no courtesy."

Qi Ya blew out the lantern and put it behind the door, and waved to the children with smiling eyes.

"Hey, it's all free."

"Thank you daddy, thank you mother."

After Liu Mingzhi took off the cloak on his body, he walked straight towards the main seat.

"Old man, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, I kept you waiting for a long time."

Liu Zhi'an nodded cheerfully, and poured a glass of warm wine for Young Master Liu.

"The wine and food are all ready, let's sit down and eat."

Perhaps it was because today was New Year's Eve, it was rare for Liu Zhian not to bicker with Young Master Liu.

Seeing that the eldest son had already sat down, Mrs. Liu pushed the dishes over with a kind expression.

"Thank you, mother, for keeping you waiting."

"It's okay, it's okay, for your mother and your father, your father-in-law and mother-in-law, we just sat down."

Mrs. Qi nodded with a light smile, and said in agreement: "Zhier, there is no need to be so particular about the family."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a faint smile, seeing that Qi Ya had already taken his seat, he raised his wine glass and gestured to everyone at the several dining tables in the hall.

"Old man, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, today is New Year's Eve, there are not so many polite words among our family.

Come, let's have a drink together. "

Liu Zhian and his wife.

Qi Run and his wife.

Qi Yun, the third princess, and their sisters.

Liu Xuan, Liu Mingjie, and Jiu Niu are three brothers and sisters.

Liu Yiyi, Liu Feifei, Liu Chengfeng, Liu Chengzhi, Liu Yaoyao, Little Cutie, Liu Lingyun, Liu Yunxin, all their brothers and sisters.

And Serena, Li Jingyao.

After hearing Young Master Liu's words, all of them raised their wine glasses one after another.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the group of people holding up the wine glasses, and looked at Liu Zhengwen, Liu Lianiang, Liu Keke and other little fellows with a smile.

"Text, Lianniang, Coco."

"Hey, Daddy?"

"Children, today is Dalong's New Year's Eve, Daddy is very happy.

Therefore, Daddy will make an exception and let you little fellows taste the taste of the wine.

However, we have to agree in advance.

You little guys can only drink three small glasses of wine at most, and if you have too much, you can't drink any more, understand? "


"Daddy? Did you let us drink?"

"Daddy, is it true? Is what you said true?"

Seeing surprise, astonishment, surprise, and other expressions on the immature faces of a group of little guys, Liu Mingzhi nodded cheerfully.

"Of course it's true. If you don't want to drink, just pretend that your father didn't say anything."

"Drink, drink, baby, drink, baby has long wanted to taste what wine is like."

"Daddy, the child drinks too, the child drinks too."

"Thank you Daddy, thank you Daddy."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the excited expressions of the little fellows, and cheerfully pointed to the small wine glasses in front of them.

"Of course it's true, hurry up and pour the wine, you can pour the wine yourself, or let your brothers and sisters pour the wine."

After receiving the words of affirmation from their father, a group of little guys rushed to pick up the cups in front of them that could only be used to drink tea.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, which one of you two should pour me a drink quickly."

"Sister Yaoyao, hurry up and pour me a glass, Daddy let me drink."

"Sister Yue'er, sister Yue'er, I want it too, I want it too."

"Third brother, hurry up, hurry up and pour wine for Coco."

Liu Yiyi, Liu Chengzhi, Liu Yaoyao, the grown-up brothers and sisters, looked at the group of younger brothers and sisters holding their wine glasses eagerly, and they all picked up their wine glasses with a light smile.

"Okay, okay, big brother will pour you wine."

"Oh, dear mother, what are you doing with the bowl? What my father said is to let you drink in a small cup."

"Don't worry, don't worry, third brother will pour wine for you right now."


In the entire main hall, except for the maid next to her.

All hands held a cup filled with fine wine.

"Old man, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, let's have a cup."

"Okay, let's have a drink together."

"Drink together, drink together."

Qi Yun, the three princess sisters and others all signaled to Liu Zhi'an, Qi Run and his four elders at the same time.

"Four elders, Haier and sisters respect you."

Then, he raised his wine glass to First Young Master Liu.

"Husband, concubines and sisters toast you together."

Liu Xuan, Liu Mingjie, and Jiu Niu brothers and sisters looked at each other, and raised their wine glasses one by one to signal.

"Father, mother, uncle, aunt.

Brother, sisters-in-law.

Let's have a drink together. "

In the end, there are Liu Yiyi, Liu Feifei, Liu Chengfeng, Liu Chengzhi, Liu Yaoyao, cutie...their group of brothers and sisters.

And, Serena and Li Jingyao are the two of them.

"Brothers and sisters, respect grandparents, grandparents.

Respect father, respect mother, all aunts. "


"Drink together, drink together."

After a set of etiquette, it seems very cumbersome.

However, in this seemingly cumbersome etiquette, it is full of joy and harmony among the family.

"Hahaha, cheers."

(End of this chapter)

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