My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3184 He is stupid and you are too

Chapter 3184 He is stupid and you are too

Liu Mingzhi drank the wine in his glass with a smile in his eyes, and as soon as he sat on the chair, he heard the exclamations of the little guys at the two dining tables next door.

"Oh, huh huh, the wine is so spicy."

"Yeah, it's spicy, and it tastes pretty good. Sister Yue'er, pour me another glass, and I'll continue to drink."

"Zizizi, is this the smell of wine?"

"Bah, bah, it's not good at all."

"Ke Ke, if you don't like to drink, just give your drink to brother, and I will drink it for you."

"No, I want to drink it myself."

"Don't you think it doesn't taste good?"

"Then I'll drink slowly."

A group of little guys each held a small wine glass, whispering to each other about their feelings after drinking for the first time.

Qi Yun looked helplessly away from looking at the group of little guys, and raised the pot to refill a glass of wine for Young Master Liu.

"Oh, it seems that our family will have several little drunkards in the future."

Liu Mingzhi took a mouthful of the dishes, and cheerfully picked up the wine glass that the beauty refilled for him.

"Small drinking and joy, little drinking and joy!"

Qi Yun gave Eldest Young Master Liu a supercilious look, and refilled a glass of drink for herself with a faint smile: "You, just let them get used to these little fellows."

Liu Mingzhi didn't answer the beautiful woman's words, and glanced at the family members at the dinner table with a light smile.

"Old man, mother, move your chopsticks quickly, if you don't eat, the food will be cold."

"Got it, got it, you can eat first, the old man and his in-laws have a few drinks first and then we can talk."

After Liu Zhi'an said that, Young Master Liu didn't say anything, and greeted the rest of the people with a smile.

"Lian'er, Wanyan, why don't you hurry up and eat."

"Oh, I got it, I got it."

Amidst the responses from the Queen and the sisters, Jiu Niu held a roast leg of lamb in one hand and a large bowl in the other and gestured to First Young Master Liu.

"Brother, I respect you a bowl."

The corner of Liu Mingzhi's mouth twitched as he glanced at the large bowl in Jiu Niu's hand that could hold about a catty of wine at a time, and glanced at his wine glass resentfully.

"Jiu Niu, my brother doesn't hold as much alcohol as you do!"

Jiu Niuhan laughed a few times: "Hey hey, big brother, little brother drinks from a wine bowl, you can do whatever you want."

Young Master Liu frowned, and quickly raised his wine glass.

"It's so good, it's so good, buddy, let's drink."

"Okay, cheers."

As soon as Jiuniu finished speaking, he happily took the big bowl in his hand and started drinking.

Seeing Jiu Niu's cheerfulness, Young Master Liu naturally had nothing to say, and happily accompanied Jiu Niu to exchange cups.

As the eldest brother, Liu Mingzhi himself would not take advantage of Jiu Niu too much.

Whenever Jiu Niu drank a large bowl of wine, Young Master Liu would consciously drink five glasses of wine.

Qi Yun Sitting next to First Young Master Liu, Qi Yun was chewing and eating food slowly, while pouring wine for her husband attentively.

"Brother, let's have another bowl."

"Okay, Yun'er, pour wine for my husband."

"Hey, I already know."

Jiu Niu casually wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth, sat carelessly on the chair specially made for him by Young Master Liu, leaned over and lifted a wine jar containing about five catties of fine wine from under the table.

"Huh, good wine, really good wine!
Brother, the wine at your house is still delicious, much more delicious than the wines I drink in restaurants or restaurants outside. "

"Hic! Hahaha."

Young Master Liu burped lightly, and after taking a bite of the cold dish, he laughed heartily and looked at Jiuniu with a silly smile on his face.

"Hahaha, you kid is quite knowledgeable.

Brat, brother, let me tell you this, the wines stored in the cellar of brother's house are all first-class wines.

It's really not easy for you to drink alcohol that can't be served on the table at your eldest brother's house! "

Jiu Niu scratched his head and laughed a few times, and patted off the sealing mud on the wine jar with incomparable skill.

"Hehehe, that little brother took advantage of you today, so don't feel sorry for him."

Liu Mingzhi raised his hands and rubbed his hot face, and gave Jiu Niu a feigned annoyed look.

"Nine cows."

"Huh? Brother?"

"Jiu Niu, what did you just say?

What do you mean you took advantage of the big brother, we are good brothers!

Big brother asks you, what do you call me? "

"Big brother!"

"Your name is Yun'er, Sister Ya, Lian'er, Yan'er and the other sisters?"

"sister in law."

"Where are Xuan'er and Mingjie, the siblings?"

"Little sister, little brother."

"Where are our old man and mother kissing their two elders?"

"Father, mother."

"That's it, Jiu Niu, we are a family!

When you said that just now, didn't you take me, your brother-in-law, and your sister-in-law as outsiders? "

Jiu Niu's face became anxious for a moment, and he stood up abruptly, looking at Young Master Liu anxiously.

"Brother, I...I didn't mean that."

Liu Mingzhi put down the chopsticks in his hand, reached out to take Qi Yun's wine jug that had just been filled with wine, smiled lightly and looked at Jiu Niu who stood up like a small rockery.

"Jiu Niu, if you say something wrong, you will be punished with alcohol.

How about this, you punish yourself with a bowl of wine, and three glasses with you for my brother, it's fair. "

Hearing the eldest brother's inquiry, Jiu Niu nodded hurriedly, grabbed the wine jar and poured himself a big bowl of wine.

"Fair, very fair, my brother is willing to be punished."

"Hehehe, as long as you are willing to be punished, drink."

"Brother, younger brother, do it first and respect."

"Drink with you for my brother."

Seeing her husband's flushed face after drinking, Qi Yun quickly reached out and tugged at his sleeve, and said in a low voice, "Husband, don't bother drinking with Brother Jiu Niu, but also eat some food."

Liu Mingzhi turned around and shook his head at Qi Yun, said with a light smile, "Yun'er, don't worry, such a little drink is nothing to my husband."

When Qi Yun was about to say something, Young Master Liu shifted his gaze to Jiuniu with a smile, and accompanied him with two more glasses of wine.

Liu Xuan raised her eyes and glanced at Jiu Niu who was pouring wine for her. First, she gave her eldest brother a bad look, and then brought a plate of roast duck with more than half of it left in front of Jiu Niu with a helpless expression.

"Brother Jiuniu."

"Hi! Hip! Sister Xuan'er, what's wrong?"

"Don't just drink, eat some food to suppress the alcohol!"

Jiu Niu sat down on the chair suddenly, and took the plate containing the roast duck in Liu Xuan's hand with a silly smile.

"Sister Xuan'er, thank you."

"Thank you so much, eat some food to suppress the alcohol."

"Hehehe, sister Xuan'er, I'm fine, I just drank a jar of wine, what's wrong with that!"

Liu Xuan glanced at First Young Master Liu, then at Jiu Niu with a simple and honest face, and said with a gloomy expression: "Hey, my silly brother Jiu Niu, didn't you see that this stinky guy is deliberately pouring Do you drink?"

Hearing the words of little sister Liu Xuan, Jiu Niu didn't say anything yet, Young Master Liu suddenly became unhappy, and looked at Liu Xuan deliberately with an unhappy expression.

"Hey, hey, Xuan'er, don't talk nonsense, you brat!
Big brother, when did I deliberately bully you? There is no proof, how can you slander me big brother out of thin air? "

Just as Liu Xuan was about to refute, Jiu Niu spat out the bones in his mouth and looked at Liu Xuan with a silly smile.

"Sister Xuan'er, brother is right, he really didn't drink me on purpose.

You forgot, when I punished myself with a bowl of wine just now, my eldest brother also accompanied me with three glasses of wine! "

Seeing that Jiu Niu not only failed to understand his good intentions, but was still leaning towards his elder brother Liu Mingzhi, Liu Xuan was immediately annoyed.

"You! You! What a fool, drink, drink, you can continue to drink, I don't care about you, my girl, can't you?"

Seeing the little girl's anxious appearance, Young Master Liu gave Liu Xuan a smug look with a smile, and raised his wine glass to Jiuniu with a hearty laugh.

"Hahaha, Jiuniu is still sensible, unlike some stinky girl who just knows nonsense.

Good brother, come, come, let's continue to drink. "

"Okay, big brother, little brother respects you."


Liu Xuan looked at the two brothers who continued to exchange cups, shook her head helplessly, and raised her elbow to push the arm of the younger brother Liu Mingjie next to her.

Liu Mingjie was eating his rice bowl, when Liu Xuan pushed him into his arm, he looked at her suspiciously.

"Sister, what's wrong?"

Liu Xuan rolled her eyes angrily: "Brat, you only know how to eat, have you never eaten in eight lifetimes? You haven't seen your eldest brother for so long.

Today is New Year's Eve, such a beautiful day, shouldn't you accompany our big brother to have a few drinks, and even go home without getting drunk? "

Liu Mingjie looked up at the big brother and Jiu Niu who were drinking together non-stop, and looked away at Liu Xuan with a resentful expression.

"Sister, brother Jiu Niu can drink well, or I'd better forget it."

Liu Xuan gritted her silver teeth lightly, stretched out her arms and wriggled fiercely on the soft flesh of Liu Mingjie's waist.

Liu Mingjie's tiger's body trembled immediately, and he sucked in a breath of cold air with his teeth bared.

"Hiss—my sister."

Liu Xuan let go of her slender fingers grabbing the soft flesh around her younger brother's waist, and gave Jiu Niu an angry look at Jiu Niu who had just finished drinking a large bowl of wine.

"Stinky boy, Brother Nine Niu is stupid and you are too stupid?"

"Sister, I'm not stupid, but the opposite is our good brother.

In addition, there are a large group of our sister-in-laws sitting next to us. "

As soon as Liu Mingjie's words fell, before Liu Xuan could speak, Huang Lingyi who was sitting beside her spoke first.

"Little sister."

"Hey, sister-in-law Lingyi?"

Huang Lingyi looked at his brother-in-law Liu Mingjie's gloomy expression, and happily picked up a piece of food for Liu Xuan.

"Little sister, what our family Mingjie said is right.

Beside you and him, there are still a large group of sisters-in-law and us sitting! "

Liu Xuan's pretty face was embarrassing, and she raised the jug in front of her with a resentful expression, and refilled a glass of wine for Huang Lingyi with a smile.

"Hee hee hee, good sister-in-law, I would like to offer you a toast."

"Yeah, little girl, let's have a drink together."

"Oh, sister-in-law, drink as long as you drink, but can you not imitate the virtue of little sister and big brother in your tone of voice!"

Huang Lingyi looked at Liu Xuan's feigned anger, and raised her wine glass with a smile: "Hehehe, little sister, sister-in-law, I can't help it, you can do whatever you want!"

"Yes, yes, my little sister, I wish you, husband and wife, and others will be united forever and grow old together.

Good sister-in-law, drink, drink. "

"Little sister, cheers."

With Huang Lingyi beside her making jokes, even though Liu Xuan wanted to help Jiuniu, she was powerless.


Liu Xuan obviously underestimated Jiu Niu's drinking capacity.

While a group of people in the main hall were pushing and changing glasses, time passed quietly.

After about half an hour, the atmosphere in the main hall became more and more noisy.

First Young Master Liu, the Jiuniu brothers, and Liu Mingjie who had to join the battlefield after they were full.

Among the three brothers, after pushing each other to exchange cups for half a day.

Young Master Liu's face after drinking was so rosy that it was almost the same as a monkey's butt. Apart from his rosy face, Jiu Niu was almost as normal as a normal person.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, this guy still steadily lifted a jar of wine from under the table, and slapped the seal on the wine jar with a silly smile.

Qi Yun looked up at her slightly drunk husband, then at Jiu Niu, who was also a little drunk, and quickly grabbed Young Master Liu's sleeve and gently tugged it a few times.

"Husband, it's almost enough, don't drink any more."

In fact, even if Qi Yun didn't remind herself, Liu Mingzhi didn't intend to continue drinking with Jiu Niu.

Because, I still have to stay awake, waiting for my good sister to dance in the snow for me.

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and gave Qi Yun a peaceful look, put down the spoon in his hand, raised the wine glass and gestured to Jiu Niu who was pouring the wine.

"Nine cows."

"Hi! Hey, brother, what's the matter?"

"Brother, my alcohol limit is limited, so I can't continue to drink with you."

"Ah? Brother, have you drunk too much?"

"Hehehe, almost, almost.

Good brother, I still have a little personal business to do, I have to go back after drinking this glass of wine with you. "

Jiu Niu stretched out his hand and scratched his head, holding up his big bowl with a regretful expression.

"Okay, my little brother will offer you a last respect."

"Okay, good brother, cheers."

"Brother, younger brother, do it first and respect."

Major General Liu drank the wine in his glass and stood up with a smile.

"Nine cows."

"Big brother?"

"Shouldn't you be having fun, kid?"

"Hey hey, I...I..."

Young Master Liu smiled lightly and pointed at Jiu Niu, then turned and looked at Liu Song who was standing not far away.


"Hey, the little one is here."
"Liu Song, after Master Ben leaves, you take Jiu Niu to find Xiao Wu, Xiao Liu, Xiao Jiu and their brothers.

Then, you brothers and sisters will have a good drink with Jiuniu. "

"Yes, little brother understands."

Liu Mingzhi raised his hands and rubbed his hot face a few times, and walked slowly towards Qi Ya.

"Sister Ya."

(End of this chapter)

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