My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3185 Can You Dance?

Chapter 3185 Can You Dance?

"Husband, my concubine is here."

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and glanced at the bowls and chopsticks in front of Qi Ya, and asked with a faint smile, "Sister Ya, have you finished eating?"

Qi Ya naturally knew in her heart what her husband meant by asking her this question, and immediately stood up from the chair with a smile on her face.

"Back to husband, I'm already full."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly, gave Qi Ya a wink, and walked straight towards the cloak he had hung behind the hall door earlier.

"It's good to be full, then let's go first."

Qi Ya nodded slightly, and smiled at Liu Zhi'an and his wife, Qi Run and his wife, and the four elders gave a blessing.

"Four elders, my husband still has some trivial matters to tell Ya'er, so Ya'er can't leave the banquet with you.

If there is any disrespect, I hope you four elders will not take offense. "

Mrs. Liu looked kindly at Qi Ya who had already got up, smiled lightly and waved her hands.

"Alright, alright, girl Ya, Zhi'er, you two should go get busy first."

"Hey, my daughter-in-law will leave first."

"Okay, let's go."

"Hey, thank you, mother."

Qi Ya nodded with a smile, and was about to walk towards her husband behind the hall door, as if thinking of something, she pretended to casually look at Ren Qingrui who was drinking porridge.

She glanced at the husband who had already taken off the cloak from the hanger behind the door, and walked towards Ren Qingrui who was diagonally opposite with lotus steps.

"Sister Rui'er."

Ren Qingrui was sipping the lotus seed soup in her hand, only feeling that the light of the candle in front of her eyes dimmed slightly, and instinctively looked up.

When she saw Qi Ya standing next to her, Ren Qingrui couldn't help being stunned: "Sister Ya, what's wrong?"

Qi Ya sneaked a sneak peek at the husband who had already put on the cloak and was walking towards the door of the hall unhurriedly, and tugged Ren Qingrui's sleeve lightly with her fingers.

"Sister Rui'er, come with my sister, she has something to explain to you."

Unknown, Ren Qingrui put down the porridge bowl in her hand, got up quickly and followed Qi Ya who was walking towards the back hall.

"Sister Ya, what's the matter?"

"Sister, come with my sister to the back hall."

Ren Qingrui muttered with a puzzled expression, and had no choice but to follow Qi Ya towards the back hall.

After the two sisters walked to the main hall, Ren Qingrui asked the question in her heart again: "Sister Ya, what's wrong?"

Qi Ya looked at Ren Qingrui's bewildered look, smiled sweetly and hooked her finger at her.

"Silly sister, come here with your ears."


Ren Qingrui responded softly, and leaned over to Qi Ya's side.

"Sister Ya, tell me."

"Good sister, tell my sister truthfully, can you dance?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Great, sister Rui'er, listen to what my sister said, later you..."


"Silly sister, stop, go get ready."

"Sister Ya, my little sister knows your kindness, but..."

"Sister, there's nothing to worry about, go get ready."

As soon as the words fell, Qi Ya walked towards the front hall with a smile on her face without waiting for Ren Qingrui to react.

"Fourth elder, Ya'er will go first."

"Alright, let's go."

Qi Ya picked up the red lantern she had brought earlier from behind the door, and after seeing Liu Mingzhi fastened the cloak on his body, he was already in the courtyard outside the hall door, and trotted after him.

"Husband, wait a moment for me to become a concubine."

Liu Mingzhi looked back at Qi Ya who was chasing towards him, bent down and picked up a handful of snow from the thin snow on the ground, and smiled towards him. After drinking the wine, he was applying it on his hot face ,
The moment the snowflakes were applied to his face, Young Master Liu trembled instantly, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

"Hiss, it's so cool!"

Qi Ya, who followed lightly with lotus steps, saw her husband grabbing the snow and applying it to his face, and shook his head dumbfounded.

"Husband, are you stupid, put snow on your face, you don't think it's cold.

People who are already dozens of years old now, how can they still look like a child? "

"Sister Ya, this is so refreshing!" Young Master Liu grabbed a handful of snow from the ground as he spoke, and motioned to Qi Ya with a slightly raised brow: "Good Sister Ya, do you want to do it too?" Come on?"

Seeing this, Qi Ya hurriedly took a few steps back, and shook her head generously at First Young Master Liu.

"Don't, don't, the concubine is very sober now, such a refreshing little coup, husband, you should use it for yourself."

Liu Mingzhi glanced sideways at the situation in the main hall, and after slowly rubbing the snow in his hands into small snowballs, he hooked his fingers at Qi Ya with a smile.

"Sister Ya, come here, I have something to tell you about my husband."

Seeing her husband slowly approaching her, Qi Ya pretended to be inadvertent and glanced at the snowball in Young Master Liu's hand, quickly lifted up her skirt, and pointed the red lantern in her hand towards the snowball. Run away outside the courtyard.

"Stinky husband, I don't care to listen to what you say, so you should keep it and tell others."

When Young Master Liu saw the figure of the beautiful woman who ran away without saying a word, he was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, he hurriedly chased after Qi Ya.

"Hey, sister, why are you running away? I haven't told you what it is for my husband!"

Qi Ya looked back at the husband who was chasing up, and said angrily: "Bad husband, fuck you, you are really blind as a concubine, didn't you see the snowball you rubbed out in your hand?"

"Hey, Sister Ya, you have misunderstood my husband. I just threw snowballs for my husband for fun. I didn't want to stuff snowballs into your clothes!"

Hearing her husband's words, Qi Ya turned her head and gave Liu Mingzhi a supercilious look, tapped her lotus feet lightly, and immediately performed the peerless lightness kung fu she had cultivated, leaping ethereally to the side of the roof superior.

"Bad guy, I never said that from the beginning to the end, you want to stuff snowballs into my clothes, right?
Husband, what you said just now, is it self-inflicted? "

When Young Master Liu heard Qi Ya's coquettish words, his expression froze slightly, and he also performed lightness kung fu and chased after the beautiful woman who was leaping over the roof.

"Okay, little fairy, play tricks with your husband, right?

Don't let Weifu catch up with you, otherwise, Weifu must look good. "

The moment Qi Ya's lotus feet tapped the snow in the air and leaped into the air, she glanced sideways at her husband who was chasing after her, and spat softly in her eyes.

"Hey, stinky husband, you have been exposed by your concubine's 'conspiracy', and you are starting to get angry from embarrassment."

Young Master Liu raised his brows, and shouted directly at Qi Ya's beautiful figure with a playful tone: "Hahaha, okay, since Sister Ya, you have already discovered Wei's 'conspiracy', if this is the case, then why not?" Husband, I have nothing to pretend.

Little goblin, hurry up and get caught. "

When Qi Ya heard her husband's pretentious play, she became playful in an instant, her delicate body flipped in the air, and between a few contracts, her figure erratically flew straight towards the garden in the inner courtyard of Liu Mansion.

"Fun Lord, don't even think about succeeding, I am a heroine of a generation of female heroes, how can I be willing to be captured without a fight."

"Demon girl, don't be ignorant of good and bad.

Otherwise, after this young master captures you, he will definitely torture you. "

Qi Ya raised her slender jade hand and turned it lightly, her internal energy surged around the jade hand, directly taking the flying snow that was falling down beside her into her palm.

In an instant, a snowball the size of a goose egg appeared in Qi Ya's palm.

"Mr. Hun, if you want to capture this heroine, just dream.

Don't forget that your current lightness kung fu was taught to you by this heroine. "

Qi Ya's lotus feet touched a piece of snow that was as light as a feather, and her white and tender jade hands slightly turned, transporting the round snowball to her two fingers.

"Mr. Hun, this heroine is half your master, you are trying to deceive your master and destroy your ancestors!
Da Hunjun, this heroine is going to kill her relatives righteously today, and severely punish you, a disobedient person.

Traitor, watch the trick. "

In Qi Ya's words, he directly catapulted the snowball between his fingers towards Young Master Liu who was chasing after him.

In an instant, the snowball passed through the heavy snow, and shot towards Young Master Liu's chest like an arrow flying off the string.

Liu Mingzhi felt the snowball rush towards him through the heavy flying snowflakes, his expression tensed slightly, and he hurriedly volleyed.

The moment Young Master Liu flipped in the air, the snowball ejected from Qi Ya's fingertips flew past the fox-fur cloak on his chest.

"Hey, let me go, witch, you are going to get serious!

In this way, this young master will forgive you even more. "

Liu Mingzhi exclaimed, rolled the cloak behind him, tapped his toes lightly on a snowflake, and chased after Qi Ya again.

The moment Liu Mingzhi flipped in the air, he immediately threw the snowball in his hand towards the beauty's back.

Feeling the snowball shooting from behind, Qi Ya's expression tightened, and she instinctively flew aside to dodge.

After Qi Ya dodged the snowball that Young Master Liu catapulted with a nervous expression, she glared at Young Master Liu with her beautiful eyes, "Oh, Da Hun Lord, this heroine can be considered half of your master anyway, what are you doing?" Really want to 'deceive masters and destroy ancestors'!"

"Hehehe, demon girl, demon girl, I dare not do it, my young master, to deceive the master and destroy the ancestor.

But when it comes to deceiving teachers!Especially to bully you, a witchy master, I am very happy. "

"Hey, a fool is a fool."

"Hey hey, master demon girl, I'm not welcome, young master."

Qi Ya rolled her eyes at First Young Master Liu, and with a backhand move, once again condensed a snowball in her palm and shot it towards First Young Master Liu: "Your Majesty, don't get carried away.

Have you forgotten what this heroine told you just now, don't forget, your current qinggong was taught to you by this heroine! "

After gaining the first experience, Liu Mingzhi's volleying figure turned slightly, and easily avoided the snowball that the beautiful woman catapulted towards him.

Seeing her husband's figure paused slightly, Qi Ya raised a smug smile on the corner of her lips, and retracted the big dragon in her hand. Dalong's figure was like a dragonfly touching water, and she flew back lightly towards the garden.

"Hehehe, Dahunjun, if you want to compete with this heroine, you are still far behind."

Amidst Qi Ya's laughter like silver bells, she instantly distanced herself from Liu Mingzhi.

With the light of the lantern in the beautiful woman's hand, Liu Mingzhi could clearly see the smug smile on the pretty face of the beautiful woman.

He stared closely at the beautiful woman's floating figure, and with a backhand wave of the cloak on his body, he leaped straight towards Qi Ya as if he had escaped from the arrow of a bow.

"Little goblin, this young master admits that you taught me my qinggong indeed.

But don't forget, before this young master learned lightness kung fu from you, what he practiced was the nine-style sword song taught to him by my mentor, Mr. Wen Ren.

In terms of lightness kung fu, I am indeed not as good as you, young master.

However, no matter how powerful your lightness kung fu is, no matter how outstanding it is.

There is one thing, but you can't ignore the little goblin.

That is, no matter how powerful the half-step innate realm is, it is still a half-step innate realm after all.

Compared with the innate zhenqi that can be used in the innate realm, the internal force below the innate realm is always just internal force.

Even if it is a master of the half-step innate realm, it is the same. "

Under Qi Ya's astonished eyes, Young Master Liu's figure flashed and disappeared into the snowflakes flying all over the sky.

Qi Ya seemed to have sensed something, and quickly turned her head to look behind her.

as predicted.

At this time, First Young Master Liu had already appeared behind him, looking at him with embarrassment.

Seeing the astonished expression of the beauty, Liu Mingzhi laughed and grabbed Qi Ya's fragrant shoulder: "Hahaha, witch, where else do you want to run away?"

Qi Ya turned sideways, raised her lotus root arms and made a feint at Young Master Liu.

Young Master Liu's expression tightened, and he dodged to the side subconsciously.

Qi Ya saw her husband dodging to the side, and hurriedly flew towards the garden below.


Seeing her husband's stunned reaction, Qi Ya couldn't help but smile on her cherry lips.

After Young Master Liu reacted, Qi Ya was already a hundred paces away.

"Hehehe, Dahun Lord, deep skill does not mean everything."

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at Qi Ya's ethereal figure in the air, and had no choice but to chase after her again.

At the beginning, Qi Ya originally planned to fly into the garden of the inner mansion and then stop.

But when he saw her husband displaying his lightness kung fu, he had no choice but to leap forward and rush towards the courtyard where he lived.

After a few breaths.

After Qi Ya saw the courtyard where she lived, she instinctively paused.

It just so happened that the moment Qi Ya subconsciously stopped her figure, Young Master Liu's figure chased after her.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi turned sideways, opened his arms and directly wrapped around the waists of several people.

"Sister Ya, what's wrong with you?"

Qi Ya's delicate body turned around, and she took advantage of the opportunity to embrace Liu Mingzhi's waist, and looked at her husband with smiling eyes.

"Silly husband, I'm tired and don't want to continue running, can't I?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman with smiling eyes, frowned helplessly, and gently kissed the beautiful woman's white and tender forehead with a smiling face.

"Sister Ya, there's no need for you to give way to husband on purpose just to take care of husband's face."

Qi Ya glanced down at the courtyard below, raised her jade hand and stroked Young Master Liu's cheek.

The jade hand was slightly cold, making Young Master Liu subconsciously hug the beauty's willow waist tightly.

"Sister Ya."

"Dahunjun, this heroine didn't let you on purpose.

However, no matter how good this heroine's lightness kung fu is, it can't compare to the internal strength behind you, Dahunjun.

In desperation, under your pursuit, this heroine has no choice but to capture her without a fight. "

Qi Ya said that she didn't take care of her husband's face, but after she said these words.

Between every word and deed, he took care of First Young Master Liu's face invisibly.

(End of this chapter)

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