Chapter 3191

All things greet the spring and send off the wax, and the end of the year is tonight.

While Liu Mingzhi was drinking wine and staring at the fireworks in the sky, Liu Zhian's shout came from under the snow viewing pavilion.


Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Liu Zhian and the others who were sitting in the snow-appreciating pavilion in surprise.

"Old man, what's the matter?"

Liu Zhi'an glanced at the wine bag in Young Master Liu's hand, smiled lightly and raised his wine glass as a gesture.

"You bastard, what's the point of drinking alone in the snow? Why don't you come over to the Snow Pavilion and have a drink with me and your father-in-law!"

As soon as Liu Zhi'an's words fell, Qi Run, who was sitting opposite him, immediately echoed with a light smile, "Zhi'er, what my in-laws said is correct, standing alone in the snow drinking wine is too boring.

Why don't you come to the pavilion and have a drink with us. "

Between Qi Run's words, he raised his wine glass with a light smile and gestured to First Young Master Liu: "Zhier, what do you think?"

"Brother, let's have a drink together."

Liu Mingzhi lowered his head to look at the wine bag in his hand, and then looked at the sons and daughters who were chasing and fighting with each other on the snowy ground in the distance, and some children gathered together to set off fireworks, and finally shook hands with Liu Zhian and the others. shook his head.

"Old man, I won't go there, young master, you guys just drink slowly."

Hearing the eldest son's answer, Liu Zhi'an said angrily: "Hey, what's the point of you standing alone in the snow drinking silently!"

Liu Mingzhi raised his head and drank a big mouthful of wine, laughed loudly and stretched out his hand to catch a few falling crystal snowflakes from mid-air.

"Hahaha, what this young master drinks is an artistic conception, you don't understand."

"The artistic conception of bullshit, you fucking nonsense, why don't you come and have a drink together?"

Young Master Liu waved his hands casually, and turned his gaze to the sky filled with fireworks.

"No, Master Ben will continue to enjoy the fireworks."

Hearing First Young Master Liu's answer, Liu Zhi'an and the others didn't say anything, and continued to exchange cups with each other.

"Yun'er, Lian'er, Jie'er, Shu'er."

"My concubine is here, my husband, what's the matter?"

"If you sisters are cold, go sit with your mother in the snow viewing pavilion. There is a stove inside to keep warm."

"Husband, I am not cold."

"Husband, I'm wearing a big cloak, so I'm not cold at all."

"I haven't watched the fireworks for a long time, I'd better stay and watch the fireworks with you."

"Okay, you sisters can do whatever you want."

Liu Mingzhi, Qi Yun, the empress, his wife, and others stopped talking, and all watched the various and colorful fireworks in the sky intently.

"Wow, Uncle Jiu Niu, you are so amazing, Uncle Jiu Niu, hurry up and light a bucket of fireworks for me."

"Okay, here you go, give the incense to uncle."

"Uncle Jiuniu, hold my hand, shall we order together?"

"Ah? Lian Niang, aren't you afraid?"

"Oh, Uncle Jiuniu, Lianniang, I asked you to help me light the fireworks because I was afraid!"

"That's true, come, come, Uncle Jiu Niu will help you light the fireworks together."

"Yeah, thank you Uncle Jiuniu."

Jiu Niu just helped Liu Yunxin, Liu Lianiang and her sister lit a bucket of fireworks, Liu Keke, Liu Kexin, Liu Zhengwen and the other little fellows all picked up a bucket of fireworks and rushed towards Jiu Niu.

"Uncle Jiu Niu, I want it too, I want it too."

"Uncle Jiuniu, I don't want to set off small firecrackers anymore, I also want to blow up fireworks."

Jiu Niu smiled honestly, and helped a group of little guys set off barrel after barrel of fireworks one by one.

Liu Mingzhi lowered his head and turned his sore neck a few times, then turned his head to look at Qinglian who was standing next to him and was still watching the fireworks in the sky with her jade neck up.


Qinglian immediately withdrew her gaze, and looked at Liu Mingzhi with a puzzled expression.

"Hey, husband?"

Liu Mingzhi took a sip of wine, and pouted cheerfully at the fireworks piled up like hills on the grass in front of him.

"Lian'er, didn't you like watching fireworks the most before? Would you like to set off a few barrels of fireworks yourself?"

Hearing her husband's suggestion, Qinglian's beautiful eyes suddenly flashed with emotion.

Immediately afterwards, Qinglian smiled and shook her head.

"Husband, forget it, this concubine should just stand here and watch the children set off the fireworks."

"What's the matter? Lian'er, don't you want to set off some fireworks yourself?"

Sensing her husband's suspicious gaze, Qinglian smiled wryly and said, "Husband, I'm already this age now."

Liu Mingzhi frowned, shook his head with a helpless expression, and directly took out a fire pocket from his cuff and stuffed it into Qinglian's jade hand.

"Lian'er, what does it mean to be so old, what's wrong with getting older, whoever stipulates that you can't set off fireworks when you are older.

My husband is one year older than you. Don’t you always set off fireworks every year during the holidays?

I won’t talk about the previous ones, but tomorrow morning, for my husband, I plan to set off a dozen or twenty barrels of fireworks with my own hands! "

Qinglian lowered her eyes to look at the fire bag that her husband stuffed into her hand, and then glanced at the large group of good sisters around her with a slightly embarrassed face.

"Husband, this."

Following Qinglian's gaze, Liu Mingzhi cheerfully glanced at the beauties around him.

"Yun'er, Sister Ya, Xiaoxi, Yunyao... If any of you sisters set off fireworks together first, just accompany Lian'er to go there.

What's the point of just standing here to watch the fireworks? It's better to watch the fireworks with your own hands. "

Qi Yun, the third princess, Yun Xiaoxi and the other beauties heard her husband's proposal, and their eyes moved with emotion.

Young Master Liu saw the emotion on the faces of all the beauties, walked to Huyan Yunyao's side with a smile, and patted the beauties on the fragrant shoulders with a light smile.


"Hey, husband?"

"Yao'er, when you were still in the capital and didn't return to the grassland, during the festivals in those years, you often came to our house to ask for fireworks for my husband, my senior brother!
Today coincides with the New Year's Eve, don't you want to recall your life when you were young? "

When Huyan Yunyao heard her husband's inquiry, the emotion in her pretty eyes became more and more obvious.

Seeing the beauty's reaction, Young Master Liu happily took a sip of the wine.

"Hehehe, good Yaoer, go if you want.

Whoever is older than the stipulated age can no longer set off fireworks. As a husband, I have never organized you sisters!

The children brought so many fireworks from the storeroom and piled them on the snow, who will let them go, right? "

After all, Huyan Yunyao is a woman who grew up in the grassland, and she reveals a sense of boldness in her bones.

She looked at Young Master Liu with a smile on her face, and after vigorously nodding Zhen's head a few times, she took Qinglian's wrist and walked towards the fireworks piled up on the snow.

"Sister Lian'er, let's set off fireworks.

What my husband said is so right, who said that you can't set off fireworks when you are old. "

Qinglian looked at Huyan Yunyao who was leading her carelessly towards the snowy ground, and nodded vigorously with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, let's set off fireworks."

Liu Mingzhi watched Qinglian and sisters walk away, turned around and shifted his gaze to the beauties, and took a sip of wine with a light smile.

"Yun'er, Rongrong, Xiaoxi..."

Qi Yun, the third princess, Yun Qingshi and their sisters felt Liu Mingzhi's gaze, and looked at each other with strange expressions.

"Sisters, let's go."

"Okay, let's go together, sisters."

"Sisters, let's also take a look at the difference between the fireworks we set off and the fireworks set off by the children."

"Stick what you want."

"Oh, sisters, my sister won't wait for you, I'll go to Sister Lian'er, Sister Yao'er and the others first."

At this time, Qinglian and sister Huyan Yunyao took the lead, and the rest of the beauties naturally had nothing to hesitate.

Especially Ren Qingrui, who was still at a young age at this time.

She is the youngest and naturally the most active.

After she exclaimed, she lifted her skirt and moved towards Qinglian first, and the two sisters, Huyan Yunyao, chased after her.

"Sister Lian'er, sister Yao'er, wait a minute, sister, I'll set off fireworks with you."

"Husband, my concubine sisters also went to set off fireworks."

"Husband, I won't be with you for now, I'm going to set off the fireworks."


"Hey, Will?"

"Husband, it's meaningless for you to stay here alone, why don't you come with me to set off fireworks?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head with a light smile, and reached out to wipe the snow off the temples for the beauty.

"Wei'er, you can't go there because you are a husband, you sisters can just let it go."

Ling Wei'er nodded with a hesitant expression, and waved lightly at First Young Master Liu: "Well, that concubine will go first."

Young Master Liu smiled and nodded: "Hehehe, go, go."

"Husband, don't forget to help the sisters who are concubines to judge and judge. Compared with the fireworks set off by our sisters and the fireworks set off by the children, the fireworks set off over there are better."

Liu Mingzhi shifted his gaze to Yun Qingshi, and took a big sip of wine with a smile.

"Hehehe, Qingshi, I don't even need to watch it as a husband. I know that the fireworks set off by your sisters must be more beautiful."

Upon hearing this, Yun Qingshi gave Eldest Young Master Liu a supercilious look: "Hehehe, stinky husband, my concubine sisters have not started to set off fireworks, you know that our fireworks are more beautiful!

You, aren't you talking nonsense with your eyes open? "

Liu Mingzhi shook the snowflakes on the cloak slightly, and pointed to the beauties in front of him who had started to set up fireworks on the snow field with a slightly raised brow.

"Qingshi, you'd better go there quickly, Sister Ya and the others have already started to do it."

Yun Qingshi glanced sideways at the situation ahead, and hurriedly ran towards the group of good sisters.

"Stinky husband, I won't bicker with you anymore, let me go first"

"Hurry up, if you slow down Lian'er, Xiaoxi and the others should light the torch."

While drinking wine, Liu Mingzhi watched with great interest the beauties who were arranging fireworks.

Gradually, under Liu Mingzhi's eyes.

Qi Yun, the empress, the third princess, and Murong Shan, all the sisters, after discussing in low voices, lit the fireworks in front of them together with a torch.

The roar of fireworks rising into the sky resounded, Young Master Liu instinctively raised his head and looked into the brightly lit sky already illuminated by the fireworks.

Bang bang... bang bang...

Dozens of dazzling and colorful fireworks exploded in the sky.

In an instant, the entire Liu Mansion was instantly illuminated by fireworks like daylight.

Hearing such a commotion, Liu Zhi'an and the others who were drinking and having a long chat in the snow appreciation pavilion put down their wine glasses at the same time, and looked up at the night sky together.

Young Master Liu stared at the gorgeous fireworks in the sky, raised his wine bag and drank a few mouthfuls of fine wine, with a spring-like smile on his face.

"Life is like this, what more can I ask for. Life is like this, what more can I ask for."

With the addition of Qi Yun, Chen Jie, Gu Mo Rongrong, and Huang Lingyi, more than a dozen beauties, the fireworks piled up on the snow gradually decreased.

On the contrary, the fireworks in the sky became more and more dazzling.

It can be said that all the fireworks that are being set off in the inner and outer cities of this capital are added together, and they are not as pleasing to the eye as the fireworks over the Liu Mansion.

At this time, there was heavy snow in the sky above the Liu Mansion, and there were endless fireworks.

As time passed quietly.

After about half an hour or so, the dazzling fireworks over the Liu Mansion gradually thinned out.

"Oh, mother, aunts, stop setting off fireworks.

If you let it down again, the fireworks will be over soon. "

"Wow, there are so many fireworks, how come there are only so few left, mother, how many did you set off?"

"Oh, what's the situation, I moved the fireworks for so long and a long time?"

"Fireworks, my fireworks, what about my big pile of fireworks?"

Hearing the exclamation of a group of little guys, Qi Yun, the third princess and the other sisters looked at each other, then subconsciously turned to look at the pile of fireworks piled on the snow.

Sure enough, there were not many fireworks left that had piled up like a hill.

Qi Yun, the empress, Qinglian and the other sisters coughed in unison, and put away the fire folders in their hands with embarrassing expressions.

Seeing the embarrassing expressions of the beauties, Liu Mingzhi turned his head to look at a group of little guys who were yelling and shouting in front of the fireworks, and walked over with a smile on his wine bag.




"Daddy, the fireworks are almost gone."

Liu Mingzhi raised his head and drank the little wine left in the wine bag. Seeing the aggrieved expressions of a group of little guys, he casually hung the empty wine bag on his waist.

"Okay, don't be upset, it's getting late, these fireworks are enough for you to sleep.

Besides, there are still many fireworks in the warehouse in the backyard, and you will set them off tomorrow morning.

After setting off these fireworks, you should go back and rest. "

(End of this chapter)

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