My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3192 Relieve boredom

Chapter 3192 Relieve boredom

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at the cutie who had walked to his side at some point.

"Yue'er? What's wrong?"

The little cutie twirled the fire folder nimbly with her fingers, and approached Young Master Liu with a smile.

"Father, a large group of us brothers and sisters have already discussed it during dinner, and we don't plan to go to bed tonight."

Hearing Little Cutie's answer, First Young Master Liu frowned slightly, turned his head and glanced around at the children around him, and finally turned his gaze back to Little Cutie.

"Aren't you going to sleep? What are you doing when you don't go to sleep?"

The little cutie wrinkled her nose lightly, and said to First Young Master Liu with a smile: "Smelly old man, are you stupid? Today is the New Year's Eve, and it will be the New Year's Eve in a few more hours." up.

We brothers and sisters don't sleep together, of course it is to keep the year old! "

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly when he heard Xiaocutie's answer, and nodded with a clear expression.

"Okay, I got it for my father."

The little cutie casually untied the wine pouch around her waist, pulled out the cork and took a few sips of the wine, then elbowed First Young Master Liu's arm with a smile.

"Father, we have discussed before that we will play mahjong and chess together tonight to welcome the arrival of the Spring Festival.

Why don't you and your mother and aunts go back to sleep tonight, and stay with us to watch the new year together. "

When Liu Mingzhi heard the invitation from the little cutie, he sighed with regret, reached out and took the wine bag in the little cutie's hand, and sent it to his mouth.

After drinking a few sips of wine in a row, First Young Master Liu looked at the cutie and shook his head with a light smile.

"Stinky girl, father, if I were a few years younger now, I would definitely agree to your girl's suggestion without hesitation.

It's a pity, the years are not forgiving!

How old are your father and I now, how can there be so much energy to accompany you to watch the new year! "

The little cutie rolled her beautiful eyes a few times, and stretched out her hand to hold Young Master Liu's arm, shaking it gently.

"Oh, good daddy, Yue'er didn't tell you to go with mother, aunts and wives stay up all night without going to rest!

You can stay with our brothers and sisters for a while, and then go back to rest!

After all, it will be the Spring Festival after Zishi, and it can be regarded as the completion of the New Year's Eve. "

When Liu Mingzhi saw the appearance of the little cutie persevering in persuading him to watch the new year with her, suspicion flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Based on what I know about this stinky girl, if it's just to stay together and wait for the New Year's Eve, this girl shouldn't be like this.

Could it be, what the hell is this girl planning?
But, if it's just to watch the year together, what the hell can this girl think?
First Young Master Liu murmured secretly, raised his head and took a sip of the wine, looked at the cutie who was holding his arm with a faint smile, and immediately began to think in a hurry.

However, Liu Mingzhi thought over and over again in his heart, but he couldn't figure out why.

For a moment, I couldn't figure out what was going on in this stinky girl's mind.

The more so, Young Master Liu became more cautious.

After all, in my impression, this intimate little padded jacket of mine is not a fuel-efficient lamp!

Seeing that her father was just tasting the wine one mouthful at a time, Xiaocuti smiled slightly and looked at her silent appearance, and suddenly became a little anxious.

"Oh, old man, don't just patronize drinking, you should tell Yue'er, do you agree or disagree?"

Liu Mingzhi first wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth, then flicked the snow on his shoulders, and then looked at the little cutie with a puzzled look.

"Yue'er, why do you agree or disagree? What are you talking about?"

Young Master Liu didn't care what the little cutie was thinking, and just pretended to be stupid to the little cutie.

Seeing her father deliberately pretending to be stupid, the cutie stared sharply with her exquisite bright eyes, and stretched out her hand to snatch the wine bag from First Young Master Liu's hand.

"Father, give me back my girl's wine bag."

Young Master Liu turned his footsteps slightly, and dodged to the side.

"Hey, brat, what do you mean by this, as a father, I am your own father, what's the matter with drinking a little wine from you? What's the matter?"


The little cutie snorted coquettishly, waving her slender lotus root arms with open teeth and claws, and flew towards her father.

"Smelly old man, you return the girl's wine bag."

Young Master Liu saw the little cutie flying towards him, raised his right hand holding the wine bag high, and directly dodged to the side with a lunge, and easily dodged the little cutie who was flying towards him. cute.

"Hey, stinky girl, what are you doing? Weren't we just discussing about keeping the old age?"

Cutie stopped in her tracks, pinched her willow waist with both hands, and glared at First Young Master Liu angrily.

"Hmph! Anyway, old man, you don't agree to watch the New Year with us, so what is there to say?"

First Young Master Liu deliberately drank a few more gulps of wine in front of the cutie, but cheerfully circled around the cutie.

"Stinky girl, if it's just because your father doesn't agree to watch the new year with you, you shouldn't have such a big reaction.

With your current state, why does Father think that you have other plans? "

Cutie suppressed her throat and coughed lightly, and retorted to First Young Master Liu in a serious manner: "Nonsense, what can this girl have planned? Smelly old man, you don't want to defile people's innocence out of thin air!"

First Young Master Liu narrowed his eyes slightly as he stared at the little cutie's expression, raised his hand and put it on his chin, rubbing the sparse beard on his chin thoughtfully.


"Well, of course."


"Of course!"

Young Master Liu raised his brows, and nodded cheerfully at the cutie.

"Is that so!"

Seeing the father's reaction, Little Cutie's eyes flashed with joy, and just as she was about to say something, First Young Master Liu spoke again.

"I don't believe it because of my father."

"That's it, how could this girl be..." Little cutie subconsciously spoke halfway, and instantly realized that she was being teased by her father again, and immediately glared at Young Master Liu angrily: "You Humph! Daddy, believe it or not."

Seeing the annoyed reaction of his little cotton-padded jacket, First Young Master Liu lifted up the wine bag and drank a few mouthfuls of wine cheerfully, and actually took the initiative to pass the wine bag towards the little cutie.

"Hey, brat, your wine bag."

The little cutie didn't hesitate, and snatched the wine bag from the father's hand.

"My girl, I thank you!"

Liu Mingzhi rubbed his cool hands, and suddenly moved towards the little cutie: "Yue'er."

The little cutie's delicate body trembled, she took a few steps back, and instinctively opened her hands in a defensive posture.

"Smelly old man, you... what are you going to do?"

For a moment, the little cutie's bright eyes were full of vigilance.

When Young Master Liu saw the reaction of his little padded jacket, he immediately sneered a few times angrily.

"Hehehe, look at your virtue, I can still eat you, your father."

The little cutie pinched the tip of her nose with her fingers, and smiled bitterly.

"Hey hey, hey hey, sorry, I'm used to it."


"Hmm, what are you doing?"

"Girl, you just told Weifu that when you brothers and sisters watch the New Year together, you plan to play mahjong and chess together, right?"

The little cutie nodded lightly: "Well, that's right, that's what I said just now, my girl."

Young Master Liu nodded with a smile, and glanced sideways at the sons and daughters who were still setting off fireworks not far away.

"Yue'er, you are so persistent in wanting to be my father and I will accompany you brothers and sisters to watch the New Year together.

It can't be you, sister Yiyi, sister Feifei, and sister Yaoyao, who have already discussed in private, and plan to join forces to deal with my father and me alone when playing mahjong. "

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, he stared at the little cutie's face like a torch and began to observe carefully.

The little cutie noticed the deep meaning in his father's eyes, and the astonishment in his eyes disappeared for a moment, and he quickly opened his cherry lips and took a few sips of wine.

Immediately, the little cutie sipped the wine from the corner of her lips, and said loudly to Young Master Liu, "Smelly old man, how can you slander this girl's character out of thin air?

You know how good my reputation is, daddy, how could I do such a thing? "

"Oh——" First Young Master Liu made a long voice in a low tone, looked at the cutie with a smile and said with a smile: "Stinky girl, do you have a reputation?"

Hearing the father's teasing tone, the little cutie glanced like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and instantly grinned and flew towards First Young Master Liu.

"Smelly old man, you are too much. Is there someone who insults people like you? Why don't I have a good reputation as a girl?

Before this girl advises you to say this, you'd better go outside and listen to it.

Looking at the entire capital, from princes and nobles to ordinary people, there is no one who does not give a thumbs up when they hear this girl's name.

This girl, my character, is well-known, okay? "

Young Master Liu dodged sideways, took advantage of the opportunity to grab the wine bag from the cutie's hand, and drank a few mouthfuls of wine.

"Hey, you said you were fat, you still got breathless, and you even went to the street to scan and listen for my father and me.

Smelly girl, your father and I don't even have to go out the front door of our house, we can know the reputation of your girl in our capital from two miles away.

For your reputation, hehe..."

Young Master Liu sneered last, as if he hadn't said anything, and at the same time he seemed to have said everything.

The rationality in the little cutie's heart vanished in smoke with Young Master Liu's heh heh.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." The cutie roared with all her strength, and chased after Young Master Liu with her teeth grinning: "Smelly old man, you can't kill without nodding your head. How dare you insult this girl's character so much? You fought hard."

Young Master Liu put down the wine bag in his hand, and went straight to Qi Yun, and the three princesses and their sisters trotted over.

"Yun'er, Yan'er, ladies, this stinky girl, Yue'er, is crazy, please hurry up and help me stop her."

"Smelly old man, you are crazy, stop me for my girl, today I will fight with you."

Although Qi Yun, Qinglian, the third princess and the other sisters didn't know what happened between the husband and the lord, when they saw the little cutie showing her fangs and claws, they still rushed over one after another.

"Hey, Yueer, Yueer, calm down."

"Yue'er, be obedient, stop quickly."

"Oh, Yue'er, what's the matter?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with you? Why are you so angry all of a sudden?"

"Aunts, don't stop me, I have to fight with the old man today."

"My dear moon, you don't need to stop you, but at least you have to tell us, where did your father provoke you?"

"That's right, that's right, Yue'er, you should at least tell your aunts about the cause and effect."

The little cutie pursed her cherry lips, and glared angrily at the stinky old man who was hiding behind Qi Yun and winking at him.

"My aunts, the smelly old man insulted this girl's character.

You see, you can see that he is still winking and provoking me on purpose. "

When Young Master Liu heard the cutie's angry words, he immediately looked serious, and solemnly raised the cutie's wine bag and drank the wine silently.

Sure enough, as soon as Qi Yun, the third princess, Chen Jie and the other sisters turned around, they saw their husband frowning slightly, drinking wine with a suspicious expression on his face.

Qi Yun, Murong Shan, Yun Qingshi and the other sisters didn't see the change in Young Master Liu's expression, but Cutie saw it clearly.

Seeing her stinky father's posture like this, her lips trembled in anger.

Young Master Liu saw a group of beauties looking at him, and shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

"Ladies, is it okay to drink for your husband?"

All the beauties nodded with strange eyes, not knowing what to say for a while.

In fact, Qi Yun, the three princesses and a group of sisters are very clear in their hearts, that is, the little cutie is not talking nonsense.

My husband must have provoked her on purpose, that's why she reacted like this.

However, it is obvious that my husband's means are better!

With his innocent expression, even if his sisters and others wanted to help the little cutie, they didn't know what to say.

Qi Ya looked at First Young Master Liu with an innocent face, then turned to look at the cutie who was gnashing her teeth, and twisted her fingers on the back of First Young Master Liu's hand in a subtle way.

"Husband, the moon is young, you are still young.

You said that as a father, you can't let the children a little bit. "

Hearing Qi Ya's slightly complaining tone, Liu Mingzhi scratched his forehead with a smile.

"Sister Ya, isn't my husband just playing with Yue'er?"

Qi Ya smiled wryly and sighed lightly: "Oh, you."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qi Ya's pretended resentment, raised his head to glance at the snowy night sky, cheerfully drank a big mouthful of wine, and walked towards the little cutie.

"Sister Ya, now only Yue'er, a stinky girl, can accompany her husband to relieve boredom."

Qi Ya heard what Liu Mingzhi seemed to be talking to herself, and also seemed to be speaking to herself, her delicate body trembled slightly, and the gaze she looked at her husband suddenly became sad.

"Oh, my husband!"


(End of this chapter)

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