My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3195 Back then, just now

Chapter 3195 Back then, just now

Liu Mingzhi glanced down at the well-behaved appearance of the beautiful woman in his arms, leaned slightly on the pillow, and looked out the window again.

Through the half-closed window, the two of them can still watch the colorful and bright fireworks in the garden.

It's just that it doesn't seem so real because of the obstacles of Xue Mu in the air.

However, it added a bit of hazy beauty invisibly.

Ren Qingrui looked at the fireworks outside the window with a smile on her face, and gently turned her sleeping position.

"Da Guoguo, sister, I'm not wrong, the fireworks fly so high, we can still enjoy the fireworks from a distance.

Moreover, we are much more comfortable watching fireworks while lying in the warm quilt than standing in the cold wind and heavy snow. "

Hearing the beautiful lady's vaguely arrogant tone, Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly, stretched out his hand and pulled the brocade quilt on the two of them: "Hehehe, yes yes yes, you are the smartest."

"Hee hee, I think so too."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, raised his hand and put his palm on the back of his neck, stared at the fireworks on the window sill, and fell into silence again.

When Ren Qingrui saw Liu Mingzhi's reaction, she finally came to her senses for a while, her sweetheart seemed not in the mood to speak.

Ren Qingrui silently watched her sweetheart look out of the window and fell into a daze again, quickly swallowed the words that had reached her lips, closed her red lips tightly and calmed down obediently.

Liu Mingzhi watched the wind, snow and fireworks outside the window quietly, his mind was soaring.

It's New Year's Eve now, and in a few hours or so, it will be the new year.

Tonight, everyone is very much looking forward to the coming Chinese New Year.

However, Liu Mingzhi was not so expecting in his heart.

Because, this means that I will be one year older.

Alas, another year old.

Liu Mingzhi sighed silently in his heart, and his eyes looking out of the window became more and more vicissitudes.

I have passed my forty years now, but I still have many, many things that I haven't had time to complete!
I don't know if there will be a chance to finish it in the future.

God is ruthless, and time is even more ruthless.

In a hurry and inadvertently, another year of my life was taken away.

Liu Mingzhi hesitated, and Li Zheng's voice and smile appeared in front of his eyes involuntarily.

Recalling Li Zheng's hands on the railing on the viewing platform of the imperial palace in the past, silently looking at the scenery of the entire imperial palace, Liu Mingzhi felt an indescribable sadness in his heart for a moment. Feelings.

At this time, I finally realized the mood of my father Li Zheng at that time.

I realized that the reluctance in the eyes of the father, Li Zheng, was not a lingering for power, let alone a reluctance for the infinite scenery in the palace.

Li Zheng's reluctance to the world is because he has not witnessed the unification of the world with his own eyes, and because he has not fulfilled his lifelong long-cherished wish.

The great wish in my heart has not been fulfilled, so how can I let go willingly?
Alas, Li Zheng back then.

Just like, today's self.

I just don't know if my future self will be like Li Zheng back then.

With eyes full of reluctance, full of daring not to know, I waved goodbye to this beautiful world!

I hope God will not be so ruthless.

I hope that the years will not be so cold.

Young Master Liu recovered from his contemplation, and looked down at the silent beauty nestled on his shoulder.


When Ren Qingrui heard this, she quickly raised her jade neck and looked towards Liu Mingzhi.

"Hey, Big Guoguo?"

Liu Mingzhi gently lifted the silk quilt that had slipped down on the waist of the beautiful lady Liu, covered her body with a light smile, and slowly hugged her into his arms.

"Girl, in a few hours, it will be the Spring Festival."

"Yeah, my sister knows it."
"Then tell Brother Wei, what are your New Year's resolutions?"

Ren Qingrui held up her fragrant cheeks, looked at Young Master Liu with a smile and said softly: "Da Guoguo, sister, I have a lot of New Year's wishes.

But, after my sister told you her New Year's resolutions one by one, Da Guoguo, can you help me fulfill them all? "

Hearing the beauty's question, Young Master Liu hurriedly shook his head without even thinking about it.

"Girl, I don't have that great ability, as you said before, I'm just a human being, not a fairy.

So how can I fulfill all your New Year's resolutions?
In case some of your wishes are outrageous, girl, even if you kill me, I can't do it as a brother! "

Seeing that her sweetheart refused so decisively, Ren Qingrui felt a little unhappy in her heart.

She turned over and lay in Young Master Liu's arms, and frowned softly, "Hmph, Da Guoguo, how can you act like this?
Can't you speak nicely and make me happy? "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the look of the beautiful woman in his arms pretending to be angry, laughed loudly, and lightly hooked his finger on his pretty Qiong nose.

"Hahaha, girl, I can't do anything for my brother, who makes me a more pragmatic person?"

Ren Qingrui rolled her eyes angrily: "Hmph, do you think my sister will believe you for this reason?"

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly, and directly retracted into the warmed blanket.

"Girl, promise not lightly, I live up to the truth of others, you should understand.

Brother, I am a little more decisive in my answer now, which will certainly make you a little embarrassed, but once Brother has agreed to your New Year's wish, in the end, you will not be able to fulfill your desired wish.

Then you are not just the same as now, a little unhappy. "

Seeing her sweetheart's serious appearance, Ren Qingrui turned over slightly with her hands on the bed, and her jade body in a light gauze and obscene clothes shrank directly into Young Master Liu's arms.

After adjusting to a comfortable sleeping position, Ren Qingrui lifted Liu's waist slightly, opened her mouth slightly, and lightly bit Young Master Liu's lips with her white teeth.

"Hmph, your words convinced me."

Immediately, Ren Qingrui pressed her Zhenshou on Liu Mingzhi's cheek, and sighed softly.

"Oh, Da Guoguo, sister, I am really fascinated by you. No matter what you say, I will believe you without hesitation."

Liu Mingzhi flicked his fingers, and after extinguishing the candle beside the bed, he silently sniffed the fragrance of his daughter on the beautiful woman's jade body, and closed his eyes with a smile on his lips.

"Silly girl, go to rest early, and get up early tomorrow to set off fireworks!"

"Well, Da Guoguo, good night."

"OK, good night."

After a long time.

Ren Qingrui listened to her sweetheart's breathing evenly, opened her eyes secretly, and cast her eyes on the fireworks outside the window again.

The beautiful woman stared quietly at the beautiful scenery of wind, snow and fireworks in the night sky outside the window.

For a moment, his eyes couldn't help being a little crazy.

I am already in my 20s, and this is not the first time I have watched fireworks.

However, this is indeed the first time to lie in the arms of my sweetheart and watch the fireworks.

The fireworks tonight are even more beautiful than the ones I saw for the first time more than ten years ago.

Da Guoguo, did you know?

In fact, sister, I only have one new year's wish, that is to be like sisters Yun'er, Ya, and Yan'er.

marry you as a wife.

After Ren Qingrui secretly confided her New Year's wishes in her heart, her eyes became more and more infatuated as she looked at the beautiful scenery of heavy snow and fireworks coexisting outside the window.

It seemed that those beautiful scenery could fulfill the wish in her heart.


Time passed quietly.

From night to five o'clock.

The Spring Festival has arrived.

The knock on the door woke Liu Mingzhi and Ren Qingrui from their sweet dreams.

Young Master Liu yawned sleepily, and looked up lazily towards the door.

"Mmm, who is it?"

As soon as First Young Master Liu finished speaking, Qi Ya's soft voice came from outside the room.

"Husband, Sister Rui'er, it's already five o'clock, it's time to get up."

Hearing Qi Ya's voice, First Young Master Liu shook his head vigorously, stretched his waist with his arms raised high, and leaned sideways on the pillow behind him.

"Yeah~ Sister Ya, my husband knows."

However, just as Young Master Liu sat down, Ren Qingrui murmured dissatisfiedly from the brocade quilt.

"Oh, oh, oh, what are you doing, Da Guoguo, you're crushing my hair."

When Liu Mingzhi heard the dissatisfied murmur of the beautiful woman, his expression tightened, and he quickly raised his arm.

"Okay, okay, I'm wrong, girl, go on sleeping."

Ren Qingrui's dreaming voice sounded again: "Yeah, my sister understands, Da Guoguo, you can continue to sleep."

Hearing Ren Qingrui's words that seemed to be babbling in sleep, Young Master Liu sat up straight just as he was about to shrink back into the bed subconsciously.

First Young Master Liu shook his head vigorously again, and after a few moments of sobriety, he rubbed his eyes and looked towards the door.

"Sister Ya, are you still there?"

"Husband, of course I'm still here.

I brought you a change of clothes here, if I leave, how will you change into new clothes after you wash up later? "

"Yes, yes, my husband knows, but my husband was almost confused by Ren Yatou.

Good sister, wait a moment, my husband will get out of bed and open the door for you. "

"It's okay, husband, you don't have to worry too much, it's okay for me to wait a little longer."

"Don't wait, my husband will get up immediately and open the door for you."

First Young Master Liu responded to Qi Ya's cry, then, taking advantage of the light from the candlelight in the corridor outside the room, he got out of bed and groped towards the door.

After Young Master Liu opened the door, he immediately saw the man outside the door who was already fully dressed and was holding a lantern and looking at him with a smile.

"Sister Ya, what time is it now?"

Qi Ya held a big red lantern in one hand, and hugged a piece of clothing in the other hand and saluted Young Master Liu.

"Husband, it's five o'clock now."

"Oh, sister Ya, you don't need to be so polite."

"Thank you husband."

Liu Mingzhi stretched his hands and moved his body, and welcomed Qi Ya into the room with a light smile.

"Sister Ya, come in quickly."

"Hey, I already know."

Seeing that Qi Ya had entered the room, First Young Master Liu closed the door, turned around and walked towards the bed behind the screen.

"Oh, time flies so fast, in the blink of an eye, it's already five o'clock.

Husband, when I heard your knock on the door, Sister Ya, I thought I had just fallen asleep. "

"Hehe, husband, you are so tired. It seems that sister Rui'er served you well last night, didn't she?"

First Young Master Liu looked embarrassed, and looked back at Qi Ya who was lighting a candle in front of the table, and shook his head helplessly.

"Sister Ya, don't make jokes about your husband."

Seeing her husband's helpless expression, Qi Ya covered her red lips and let out a muffled laugh, and walked behind the screen with the lantern in her hand.

"Pfft, ok, ok, I won't tease you anymore, you should hurry up and call Sister Rui'er to wash up."

"Okay, for my husband, call this stinky girl."

Qi Ya walked lightly to the dressing table to light a candle, while Young Master Liu walked all the way towards the bed.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Ren Qingrui who was still sleeping soundly under the brocade quilt, and stretched out his hand to pat the beauty's flawless pretty face a few times.

"Girl, girl, it's five o'clock, it's time to get up and wash up."

"Hmm, Da Guoguo, be honest, my sister hasn't had enough sleep yet."

Liu Mingzhi shook his head helplessly when he heard the beauty's moaning words, and stretched out his hand to pull Ren Qingrui up from the bed.

"Smelly girl, get up and wash up."

Ren Qingrui stared sleepily at Young Master Liu who was standing on the bedside for a while, then saw Qi Ya who was already walking towards her with a lantern, and after an exclamation, she woke up instantly.

"Ah! Sister Ya, when did you come here?"

Seeing Ren Qingrui's shocked expression, Qi Ya shook her head with a smile, and sat sideways on the bed with the red lantern in her hand.

"Good sister, have you forgotten what you secretly told my sister last night in the garden?"

Looking at the good sister with narrow eyes and smiling brows, Ren Qingrui blinked her sleepy eyes a few times vigorously, and straightened her willow waist suddenly.

"Sister Ya, what time is it?"

Qi Ya gestured to the window with her head turned, and said with a smile: "Silly sister, it's already five o'clock.

If you don't get up to wash at this time, when will you wait? "

"What? It's five o'clock now?"

"Well, it's five o'clock now."

"Oh, why is it already five watch so soon, my sister clearly thinks that I just closed my eyes!"

Ren Qingrui let out an exclamation, threw off the brocade quilt on her jade body, got out of bed and trot towards the closet next to her.

"It's bad, it's bad, I've slept until now, and Da Guoguo must be waiting impatiently.

It's over, it's over, I shouldn't see those fireworks that Da Guoguo said. "

Seeing Ren Qingrui's anxious look, Qi Ya stood up with a chuckle, and walked towards her husband who was already standing in front of the washing rack picking up the water temperature.

"Sister Rui'er, are you sleepy?"

"Oh, sister Ya'er, stop joking with me, sister, and help me choose what clothes are more suitable for me today!"

When Qi Ya saw Ren Qingrui's panic-stricken appearance, she immediately shook her head helplessly.

"Silly sister, in fact, you don't have to worry too much."

"Hey, sister Ya, I'm not in a hurry, sister, Da Guoguo should be in a hurry."

Qi Ya couldn't help laughing, looked at the helpless Young Master Liu and said with a sullen smile, "Really?"

"Of course."

"Scared! But, dear sister, have you forgotten that your big Guoguo is still by your side?"


Ren Qingrui paused suddenly when she opened the clothes she picked out from the closet, and turned to look at First Young Master Liu with a pretty face in embarrassment.

"Oh! Da Guoguo, so you are here?"

(End of this chapter)

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