My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3196 Are you honest?

Liu Mingzhi put the kettle back on the circuit, looked at Ren Qingrui who looked sullen, and shook his head angrily.

"Girl, what do you mean I'm here? Brother, I'm not here, where else can I be?"

Ren Qingrui scratched her head in embarrassment with a pretty face, and walked towards First Young Master Liu who had already started washing with a smirk.

"Hey hey, I'm sleepy, my sister is sleepy."

Seeing the embarrassment on Jiarenqiao's face, Young Master Liu pointed to the water glass beside him.

"The salt water has been prepared for you, it's getting late, hurry up and wash up."

"Yeah, thank you Da Guoguo, my sister will wash up with you now."

Ren Qingrui thanked her with a smile, and quickly reached out to pick up the washing things that Young Master Liu had prepared for herself.

"Sister Ya."

"Hey, sister Rui'er, what's the matter?"

"Sister Ya, sit down first, Meier and Da Guoguo can wash up in a while."

"Okay, sister knows."

Qi Ya smiled and nodded to Ren Qingrui, walked gracefully to Ren Qingrui's dressing table and sat on the round stool with a dignified manner.

Ren Qingrui glanced sideways at her sweetheart who was washing up, and with a remorseful expression, she raised her hand and tapped her forehead lightly a few times.

Oops, how could she become like this, how could she be so sleepy when she was so well-behaved?
Seeing my stupid appearance just now, Da Guoguo shouldn't think I'm a stupid girl, right?
Feeling very depressed, she sighed to herself, and then Ren Qingrui walked carefully to Young Master Liu's side, and silently began to wash up.

Young Master Liu spit out the clear salt water in his mouth into the spittoon, smiled lightly, grabbed a towel and put it on Ren Qingrui's fragrant shoulders.

"Girl, I have adjusted the temperature of the hot water for you just now, you can just wash your face later."

Ren Qingrui smiled at First Young Master Liu, and said with a urn of clear salt water in her mouth: "Yeah, my sister understands, thank you Da Guoguo."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and shook his head. After washing his face, he picked up the towel beside him, turned around and walked towards Qi Ya who was sitting in front of the dressing table.

"Sister Ya, help me change my husband's clothes."

"Hey, I already know."

Qi Ya immediately stood up, gently shook off the robe in her hand, and with a smile, she pulled First Young Master Liu to the front of the full-length mirror and stopped.

"Husband, raise your hands, and I will help you change your clothes."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, and directly spread his hands, allowing Qi Ya to help him change his clothes.

"Sister Ya."

Qi Ya heard the words, and said softly without turning her head: "Hey, husband, tell me."

"Sister Ya, Yiyi, Feifei, Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Yue'er, Lingyun and their brothers and sisters, they really didn't sleep all night just to keep the year old, did they?"

When Qi Ya heard her husband's question, she sighed helplessly on her pretty face.

"Oh, husband, you are right, Chengfeng, his brothers, sisters and others really didn't sleep all night."

"What? Did you really not sleep?"

"Isn't it because I didn't sleep? I went to see them after I woke up. Their brothers and sisters are still playing mahjong!"

Qi Ya spoke angrily, and gently adjusted the jade belt around Liu Mingzhi's waist.

After listening to the beautiful woman's answer, First Young Master Liu pursed his lips a few times, and shook his head with a slight smile on his brows.

"Hehehe, young people are young people, and energy is good."

Qi Ya took out a ring pendant from her full and proud chest, and carefully put it on Young Master Liu's goblin.

"Oh, what a great energy!
Husband, I dare to bet you that the brothers and sisters have to go back to their respective rooms to catch up on sleep before noon after breakfast.

This sleep, at least until [-] o'clock in the evening, before getting up before dinner. "

Hearing Qi Ya's rather helpless tone, Liu Mingzhi happily walked to Ren Qingrui's dressing table and sat down.

"Hehehe, anyway, apart from going to the palace to pay New Year's greetings to the queen mother and her elderly, there is nothing else to be busy about.

They want to go back to catch up on sleep, let them go to sleep. "

Qi Ya picked up the wooden comb on the dressing table, and while smoothing Young Master Liu's messy hair, said angrily, "

Husband, you should spoil their brothers and sisters well. "

"Sister Ya, how can my husband spoil them?
It's been a busy year, and it's hard to wait until the Spring Festival. Why don't the children have a happy New Year? "

"Hey! I don't mean that I don't want them to have a good rest. I just think that their brothers and sisters shouldn't be so black and white."

During Qi Ya's words, after putting on the hair crown for her husband, she casually put the wooden comb in her hand back into the distance.

"Husband, I've sorted it out."

Liu Mingzhi looked at himself in the vanity mirror, got up and stretched.

"Sister Ya, they've already stayed up all night, so what's the use of talking about it now?
No matter how much you complain now, can't it change the fact that they haven't slept all night? "

Hearing Liu Mingzhi's cheerful words, Qi Ya beat him on the shoulder with a coquettish expression.

"Husband, it's obvious that you first asked my concubine Chengfeng, Yue'er and the others if they stayed up all night, okay? Now it's me who is the concubine and I am complaining?"

Young Master Liu frowned, and shrugged his shoulders with a faint smile.

"Is there? I don't remember why it's my husband."

"Hehehe, you are here to pretend to be confused for this concubine."

Regarding her husband's rogue behavior, Qi Ya directly refuted with a smile.

Ren Qingrui looked at First Young Master Liu and Qi Ya who were bickering with each other, wiped the water on their cheeks, and walked towards Qi Ya with a smile.

"Da Guoguo, Sister Ya, I've finished washing my sister."

After Qi Ya gave Eldest Young Master Liu a supercilious look, she smiled and beckoned to Ren Qingrui.

"Good sister, sit down quickly, and my sister will help you dress up."

"Yeah, that girl is welcome, thank you sister Ya."

"Silly sister, what's wrong with me, please sit down quickly."

Ren Qingrui smiled and tapped her head a few times, and sat down on the stool in front of the dressing table in an elegant manner.

Qi Ya walked behind Ren Qingrui, picked up the wooden comb, and skillfully dressed her up.

Seeing this situation, Liu Mingzhi moved his body a few times lazily, and walked towards the main hall outside the screen at a leisurely pace.

"Sister Ya, you help girl Qingrui to dress up first, and I will go to the garden to prepare for my husband."

"Okay, the concubine knows."

"Girl, Brother Wei takes Liu Song to the storeroom to prepare. See you in the garden."

"My sister understands, Da Guoguo, it's still dark outside, don't forget to bring a lantern for lighting."

After Liu Mingzhi picked up the cloak from the chair and put it on, he waved at Ren Qingrui casually, picked up a lantern from behind the door and ignited it, then opened the door and walked out.

"Okay, Brother Wei understands, we'll see you later."

After gently closing the door, Young Master Liu walked out of the beautiful woman's boudoir with the bright red lantern flickering in his hand.

As soon as Young Master Liu walked out of the room, he was completely blown away by the wind and snow outside the room.

He looked up at the snow that was still falling in the sky, frowned slightly and tightened the cloak on his body, and walked towards the closed door tremblingly.

"Oh my god, as expected, this young master really did not stop snowing overnight."

As soon as Young Master Liu left the Xiyuan, he saw under the long corridor ahead, there were already many maids busy coming and going.

"Come on."

The maidservants in front heard Young Master Liu's yelling, and immediately turned around to meet Young Master Liu.

"Sisters and slaves see the young master, and wish the young master a happy new year."

"Hehehe, let's be free, let's all be free."

"Thank you sir."


"The servant is here."

"You go to Liu Song immediately and tell him that the young master is waiting for him in the backyard."

"Yes, this servant understands, do you have any other orders, young master?"

"No more, let's go."

"Yes, the servant girl will leave first."

"You sisters, go and do your own things together."

"Hey, the maidservants and sisters will leave first."

Young Master Liu watched the backs of the maidservants hurrying away, smiled lightly and lit a pot of dry smoke, then headed straight for the backyard of Liu Mansion.

After rushing all the way to the warehouse in the backyard, First Young Master Liu glanced at the locked warehouse door, squatted on the snow and waited silently.

It took about half a cup of tea.

Holding a lantern in his hand, Liu Song led Xiao Wu and his brothers into the backyard in a hurry.

Seeing First Young Master Liu who was squatting on the ground silently smoking a pipe, Liu Song hurriedly greeted him with a lantern.

"Young master, see the young master, and congratulate the young master for a happy New Year."

"I'll wait to see the young master, and congratulate the young master on a happy New Year."

Young Master Liu got up and shook the snow off his body, smiled and pointed to the door of the warehouse.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and move the fireworks to the garden."

"Yes, yes, the little one understands."

Liu Song responded, and quickly took out a bunch of keys from his cuff, and opened the big lock above the warehouse very smoothly.

"Brothers, hurry up and move the fireworks. Be careful of the open flames in the lanterns."

"We know, Brother Song, don't worry."

"Brothers, hurry up and get busy, don't delay the young master setting off the fireworks."

"I'm coming."

"Fifth brother, seven, you guys open the door of the warehouse a little wider so we can get in and out."

Seeing that the brothers were already busy, Liu Song took out a wine bag from under the cloak, and handed it to First Young Master Liu with a smile.

"Master, after getting up, I saw that the wind and snow outside hadn't stopped, so I specifically asked Sister Yu'er to warm you a pot of wine.

It's windy and snowy now, it's so cold, drink some wine to keep warm. "

Young Master Liu frowned, took a puff of tobacco lightly, and took the drink into his hand with a smile on his face.

"Xiao Song, it has to be you!"

"Hey hey, this is what little ones should do."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Xiaowu who had already started to carry the fireworks, Xiaoliu and the others raised their heads and drank a big mouthful of warm wine, reached out and patted Liu Song's arm, and walked towards the far corner first.

Seeing this, Liu Song hurriedly followed Young Master Liu.

"Little five brothers."

"Hey, Brother Song?"

"Just carry the fireworks to the garden, and I'll accompany the young master around."

"Okay, just leave these fireworks to the brothers, Brother Song, go ahead and get busy."

First Young Master Liu walked slowly to the corner and stopped, turned around and looked at Liu Song who was walking towards him, raised his wine bag and took a few sips.

"Master, do you have anything to tell me?"

Liu Mingzhi sipped the drink at the corner of his mouth, and gestured to Liu Song with the pipe in his hand.

"Xiao Song, do you want a pot?"

Liu Song immediately pulled out the pipe from his waist, and with a smile on his face, squeezed out a pinch of shredded tobacco from Young Master Liu's pipe.

"Master, I won't be polite to you when I'm young."

Liu Mingzhi waved his hand casually, and handed over his pipe.

"Come on."

"Okay, thank you, young master."

Seeing that Liu Song had ignited the shredded tobacco, Young Master Liu took a puff of tobacco silently, and became silent with his brows slightly condensed.

Liu Song saw his young master's brows were slightly condensed, he smoked his pipe and waited quietly.

After a long time, First Young Master Liu looked at Liu Song who was silently puffing out clouds, and sighed softly with complicated eyes.

"Oh, Liu Song."

Hearing this, Liu Song straightened his body immediately, and looked towards Liu Da with a slightly nervous expression.

"The little one is here, young master, tell me."

First Young Master Liu looked around for a look around, and said in a quiet tone: "Xiao Song, in the past few months, have the envoys of the Tsarist Russian Mission living in Honglu Temple become honest? "

Liu Song's face tightened, seeing Liu Mingzhi's hesitation, he shook his head gently.

"Back to young master, those envoys are still the same as before, making small moves.

Especially in the month or so near the end of the year, their petty actions in private became more and more frequent. "

First Young Master Liu frowned and remained silent for a while, opened his mouth and drank a few mouthfuls of wine, then exhaled into his slightly cold hands.

"Do you know what tricks they did in private?"

"Returning to the young master, I followed your instructions, in order to avoid alarming the enemy, I didn't let the brothers pay too much attention to their every move.

Therefore, the younger ones are not sure about what they said when they met those people in private.

But, don't worry, young master, the brothers have already drawn up a detailed list of those people they contacted in private.

As long as you want to know what kind of dealings they have with those people, young master, you can send brothers to bring those people over and interrogate them one by one at any time. "

Young Master Liu nodded silently, narrowed his eyes and took a sip of the wine.

"Well, you did a good job."

"Master, do you need to send people immediately to arrest all the people who have contacted the envoys of the Tsarist Russian mission and interrogate them one by one?"

Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly and was silent for a moment, then shook his head gently.

"Being not."

"Yes, little one understands."

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