Chapter 3204
Liu Mingzhi looked back at the people behind him, saw that they were all ready, so he smiled and walked to the steps and stopped.

After standing still, First Young Master Liu turned his head to look at Liu Xuan, Liu Mingjie, Jiu Niu who were standing on both sides, and coughed lightly with a light smile.


Liu Xuan, Jiu Niu, and Liu Mingjie immediately straightened their expressions.

"Baby Liu Mingzhi."

"Baby Liu Xuan."

"Baby Liu Mingjie."

"Baby Jiuniu."

As soon as the four brothers and sisters finished speaking, they directly saluted Liu Zhi'an, Mrs. Liu, Qi Run and his wife who were standing on the steps together.

"I'm waiting to wish the four elders a happy new year, good health and longevity."
After the four of Young Master Liu saluted, Qi Yun, the third princess, Wenren Yunshu and their sisters followed.

"Daughter-in-law Qi Yun."

"Daughter-in-law Li Yan."

"Daughter-in-law Qinglian."

"Daughter-in-law Wanyan politely."


"Little girl Ren Qingrui."

"My sisters, I wish the four elders a happy new year and good health."

Liu Yiyi, Liu Chengfeng, Liu Chengzhi, Xiaocuti... a large group of brothers and sisters glanced at each other, walked slowly to Qi Yun and the other group of sisters, and knelt down to Liu Zhian in unison go down.

"Granddaughter Liu Yiyi."

"Grandson Liu Chengfeng."

"Granddaughter Serena."

"Grandson Liu Chengzhi."

"Granddaughter-in-law Li Jingyao."

"Granddaughter Liu Yaoyao."
"Granddaughter Liu Luoyue."


"Grandson Liu Zhengwen."

"My brothers and sisters, congratulations to grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, happy new year, always smiling, happy life and good health."

"Grandpa and grandma, grandpa and grandma, we wish you New Year greetings.

With a smile on his face, Liu Zhi'an looked around at the large group of juniors standing in the courtyard who were paying New Year's greetings to the four of them, and quickly leaned over and held his hands.

"Well, well, the old man also wishes you a happy new year and good health.

Free, free, free now. "

"Children, let's all be free."

"Children, it's cold on the ground, get up quickly."

"Thank you father, mother, mother-in-law, mother-in-law."

"Thank you, father and mother, Uncle Qi, Aunt Qi."

"Grandson, grandson-in-law."


"Thank you, grandpa and grandma, grandpa and grandma."

Mrs. Liu nodded kindly, walked down the steps quickly, and helped Liu Yiyi, Liu Chengzhi, Xiao Kei, a large group of brothers and sisters who were kneeling on the ground, to their feet.

"Okay, okay, get up, get up quickly."

"Grandma, grandson can just get up by himself."

"Hehehe, Shuang'er, thank you grandma."

Qi Run cheerfully lit a pot of dry pipes, scanned the large group of juniors in the courtyard, walked slowly to Liu Zhian's side and stopped.

"Dear family, your family can be regarded as spreading branches and leaves."

Liu Zhian nodded with a smile on his face, then casually took out a large stack of red envelopes from his arms and shook them away.

"Family, where is this? Our second child and the rest of the family are still in Jinling.

In-laws, are you very envious of the old man? "
Qi Run breathed out a sigh of relief, turned around and nodded to Mrs. Qi.

Mrs. Qi felt her master's eyes, and immediately smiled and took out a large stack of red envelopes from her bosom and held them in her hand.

Seeing this, Qi Run chuckled and looked away, and also took out a large stack of red envelopes from his arms.

"Oh, to be honest, of course I'm very envious. If I say I'm not envious, it must be a lie."

Liu Zhi'an frowned, and patted Qi Run's arm cheerfully.

"Family, if you are envious, let Qi Liang of your family work harder and give birth to more grandsons and granddaughters for you and your mother-in-law as soon as possible.

If you and your in-laws still feel that you don’t have enough children, then let him take in another concubine by the way.

This kid is now the governor of the two prefectures and a second-rank official of the imperial court.

Anyway, with so much salary a year, it's not that I can't afford it. "

Qi Run was stunned for a moment, but when he realized it, he immediately shook his head helplessly.

"Oh, my in-laws, do you think that giving birth is a mother's sow's litter, one litter at a time?"

"Hey, then you can continue to envy."

Liu Zhi'an shrugged his shoulders casually, cheerfully threw a large stack of red envelopes in his hand and walked down the steps.

"Children, come, come, grandpa gave you red envelopes."

Liu Chengfeng, Liu Yaoyao, Xiao Kei and their brothers and sisters' eyes lit up, and they immediately surrounded Liu Zhi'an.

"Thank you grandpa."

A group of little guys didn't give in too much, scrambling to be the first to surround Liu Zhi'an.

"Grandpa, I want it too, I want it too."

"Okay, okay, don't worry, don't worry, everyone has it."

"Yeah, thank you grandpa."

Liu Zhi'an looked at the group of grandsons and granddaughters who were standing there waiting eagerly, and they took the lead to walk towards First Young Master Liu, Liu Xuan and their brothers and sisters.

Seeing this, Mrs. Liu also took out a red envelope from her bosom and went towards Young Master Liu, Jiuniu and the others walked over.

Liu Zhian stopped in his tracks, casually picked up a big red envelope, and happily handed it to Liu Da.

"Hey! Take it."

Young Master Liu frowned, looking at the big red envelope handed over by his old man with a surprised expression.

"Huh? My young master has it too?"

Liu Zhi'an said angrily: "If you don't want it, I will put it away."

Young Master Liu took the red envelope without hesitation, and sprinkled it into his cuff with a smile.

"If you want, old man, how dare I refuse to accept the red envelope you gave me."

"Hehehe, virtue."

Liu Zhi'an snorted a few times, and offered red envelopes to Liu Xuan, Jiu Niu, Qi Yun, and the three princesses one by one.

"Thank you dad."

"Thank you Daddy."

Mrs. Liu, Qi Run and his wife followed behind Liu Zhi'an, and also gave red envelopes to a group of juniors with smiles on their faces.

"Zhi'er, this is the lucky money given to you by your mother-in-law."

Young Master Liu looked at the red envelope delivered by Mrs. Qi, and pretended to evade it with a hesitant expression.

"Mother-in-law, my son-in-law is my age now, how about you, father-in-law, and the red envelopes of your two elders will be fine."

"Hey, what's wrong with your age? No matter how old you are, you will always be children in our eyes.

Come on, put it away. "

Young Master Liu smiled lightly and nodded, reaching out to take the red envelope.

"Okay, okay, the son-in-law will be disrespectful, thank you, father-in-law, thank you, mother-in-law."

After Liu Zhi'an distributed red envelopes to several children, as well as Qi Yun, the third princess, Wenren Yunshu and the other daughter-in-laws, and Ren Qingrui, the prospective daughter-in-law, they went straight to Liu Feifei, Liu Chengzhi and the others. The brothers and sisters walked over.

"Children, line up and come to grandpa to receive the red envelope."

"Grandpa, we've already lined up."

"Grandpa, hurry up and give out red envelopes."

"Okay, okay, grandpa will give you red envelopes now."

Qi Yun took two cloth bags from Yu'er's hand, walked lightly to her husband's side and stopped.


"Well, Yun'er?"

"Husband, a red envelope for the children."

Liu Mingzhi reached out and took the two cloth bags in Qi Yun's hand, looked at the beauty and asked with a smile, "Yun'er, how are the lucky money in these two cloth bags divided?"

"Husband, here is the big red envelope of 2 taels of silver that my concubine prepared for Yiyi, Yue'er, and Chenggan according to your instructions last night.

The red envelope here is for little guys like Yun Xin, Lianiang, and Cheng Rui. "

"Yun'er, how much lucky money did your sisters pack in the red envelopes for the little ones?"

Qi Yun glanced sideways at Liu Zhi'an, Mrs. Liu and his four elders receiving red envelopes, and said softly with a smile: "My husband, the concubine sisters had a careful discussion last night.

These children can't spend money on weekdays, so it's unnecessary to send them too much.

Therefore, after careful discussion, our sisters decided to give each of these little guys 100 taels of lucky money.

Husband, don't you feel a little lacking? "

Liu Mingzhi shook his head without hesitation when he heard the question behind the beauty.

"No, no, no, 100 taels of lucky money is just right.

Just as you sisters thought, Zhengwen, Coco, these little guys can't spend money on weekdays, and it's useless to give too much. "

"Yeah, husband, it's good that you are satisfied."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, turned his head and looked around.


"Hey, husband, say it."

"Didn't Jie'er bring the girl Zhiyao?"

Qi Yun turned her eyes to look at Chen Jie, and shook her head gently: "Husband, I'm really sorry, the sisters who were concubines were busy for most of the night last night, and didn't bother to ask sister Jie'er about it."

"It's okay, it's okay, I understand for my husband, just ask Jie'er for my husband."

"Hey, husband, you go over."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, and walked towards Chen Jie with two cloth bags containing red envelopes, and the two sisters He Shu walked over.

"Jie'er, Shu'er."

"Hey, my concubine sister has seen her husband."

"No gift, no gift."

"Thank you husband."


"Husband, what's wrong?"

Liu Mingzhi and Chen Jie stood side by side, frowning slightly, he raised his finger and pointed at the people in the courtyard to signal.

"Jie'er, today is the Spring Festival, a day for our family to reunite.

Why didn't my husband see Zhi Yao present?Did you leave her alone in the princess mansion to celebrate the new year? "

When Li Baiyu was still alive, he had four children.

They are Li Ye, two brothers Li Tao, two sisters Li Jingyao and Li Zhiyao.

Among the four brothers and sisters, Li Zhiyao is the youngest.

Her daughter Liu Luoyue, Liu Lingyun and their sisters are about the same age, not a few years apart.

On weekdays, the relationship between their cousins ​​is also the best.

So many years have passed, and now this child Li Ye lives in the East China Sea alone, living a leisurely life without competing with the world, living and working in peace and contentment.

Under his special permission, the child Li Tao has already entered the Palace of Ten Kings on duty.

Li Jingyao, according to the marriage contract Li Zheng, Li Baiyu and their father and son made with her, has married Liu Chengzhi as his wife and has become her daughter-in-law.

Only Li Zhiyao is the youngest girl, who is still in her boudoir and has not yet left the court.

Therefore, for Li Zhiyao, a little girl who is not only her niece, but also her half daughter.

On weekdays, I can be said to be very concerned.

Today, on this day when the whole family is happy and reunited, Liu Mingzhi is naturally very concerned when he does not see this little girl Li Zhiyao appearing.

When Chen Jie saw Young Master Liu frowning slightly, her heart was moved.

One must know that his daughter Li Zhiyao is the daughter of himself and his late husband Li Baiyu.

Liu Mingzhi cared so much for his daughter Li Zhiyao without any hesitation, how could he not be moved in his heart.


"Jie'er, tell me."

"Husband, it's not that I don't want to bring this girl Zhiyao to celebrate the festive season, but that this girl was left in the palace by the queen mother yesterday afternoon.

The old mother said that she wanted Zhiyao, the little granddaughter, to stay and spend more time with her. Naturally, I dare not disagree with her as a concubine!

Therefore, the concubine has no way to bring her to the house to celebrate the new year together. "

After listening to Chen Jie's explanation, Liu Mingzhi nodded with a clear expression.

"So that's the case, my husband knows."

"Husband, if you really want to see this girl Zhiyao, why don't I rush to the palace immediately and take this girl over from my mother's place."

Liu Mingzhi hurriedly waved his hands: "Don't, don't, if you act like this, the queen mother doesn't know what to think!

It's better to let the girl Zhiyao stay with the mother in the palace to celebrate the new year. After noon, you can send someone to bring her home.

There will be a reunion dinner in the evening, and at that time, Zhiyao will be able to accompany her husband, uncle, well. "
"Yeah, I know, thank you husband for your understanding."

As soon as Chen Jie finished speaking, she lightly pursed her red lips a few times.

"Husband, actually...actually..."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the complicated expression on Chen Jieqiao's face that hesitated to speak, and asked softly with his brows slightly condensed: "Jie'er, you don't have to hesitate like this, just say what you want."

Chen Jie turned her eyes to look at the heart of the palace, looked at Liu Mingzhi with complicated eyes and said softly: "Husband, in fact, in the heart of this girl Zhiyao, she has already regarded you as her father."

Liu Mingzhi was shocked, and after a moment of silence with a complex expression, he reached out and patted the back of the beauty's hand gently.


"Hey, husband?"

Liu Mingzhi gently held Chen Jie's jade hand, turned around and looked in the direction of the palace, and said solemnly: "Jie'er, whether you believe it or not, my husband will tell you.

In Wei Fu's heart, Wei Fu has already regarded only this girl as his own daughter.

No matter what girl Zhiyao thinks of her husband, she is willing to be her husband.

It doesn't matter if she calls me uncle or daddy.

As long as she yelled, my husband would admit it all. "

After listening to Liu Dashao's earnest words, Chen Jie's delicate body trembled suddenly, and she looked towards Liu Mingzhi with slightly red eyes.


Liu Mingzhi tightly squeezed Chen Jie's jade hand, and let out a light breath with a calm expression.

"Jie'er, don't worry.

In the future, when the girl Zhiyao comes out of the court to marry, as a husband, I will definitely let her go out in a good manner according to the highest standards in the court.

Yiyi, Feifei, Yaoyao, Yue'er, Lingyun, Yunxin... Zhiyao will also have the dowry that their sisters should have.

Yiyi, Feifei and the other sisters don't have the dowry, as long as the girl Zhiyao asks, she will have the same.

In a word, as long as Zhiyao speaks to me as my husband.

For my husband, I will agree to everything! "

(End of this chapter)

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