Chapter 3205
After listening to Liu Mingzhi's sincere words of assurance, Chen Jie's eyes, which were already a little sour, became more rosy now.

She blinked her wet eyes a few times vigorously, turned to look at Liu Mingzhi, and nodded her head vigorously a few times.

"Husband, I thank you, thank you for valuing Zhiyao so much."

Young Master Liu withdrew his gaze, turned around to look at the red-eyed beauty, raised his hand and patted the back of her hand a few times.

"Good Jie'er, the family doesn't talk about two different languages, between us husband and wife, there is no need to be so polite."

Feeling the pampering in her husband's gaze, Chen Jie wiped the corners of her eyes lightly with her fingers, then pointed at Zhenshou with a slight smile and said softly: "Mmm, I know I was wrong, my concubine It won't be like this anymore."

When Young Master Liu heard the beautiful woman's answer, he nodded cheerfully.
"Good Jie'er, that's right."

Seeing Liu Mingzhi's cheerful face, Chen Jie turned her head and looked around at the group of sisters standing around, she slightly raised her lotus feet, her beautiful eyes moved shyly to Young Master Liu's ear and whispered He muttered softly.

"Husband, when you go to rest at my concubine's place in a few days, this concubine will definitely serve you well.

No matter what you want me to do, I will agree to you without hesitation. "

Hearing the shy and timid words of the beautiful woman, Young Master Liu raised his brows, looked at the person in front of him with a smile, and nodded cheerfully.

"Well, that's what you said, and you won't regret it when the time comes."

Chen Jie put down her lotus feet and stood up straight with a smile on her eyes. She raised her eyes to look at First Young Master Liu, and rolled her eyes pretending to be coquettish.

"Silly husband, after all these years, when did I go back on everything that my concubine promised you?"

Young Master Liu raised his hand to pinch the beauty's jade cheeks, grinned and nodded as a gesture.

"Hehehe, really?"

"Stupid, don't worry, I will definitely do what I say."
Young Master Liu flicked his cloak, and the moment the cloak was raised, he quickly slapped Chen Jie's buttocks.

"Good Jie'er, with your words, I feel relieved as a husband."

Being attacked by Liu Mingzhi suddenly, Chen Jie's delicate body trembled immediately, and after quickly taking two steps aside, she glared at Young Master Liu with reproachful eyes and spat softly.

"Bah! You are not serious, the elders and children are standing by, you are not afraid of being seen."

Young Master Liu saw the beautiful woman's reproachful eyes, raised his eyebrows with a smile, raised his hand under his nose and took a deep breath.

"Hmm! It smells so good."

Hearing Eldest Young Master Liu's words, the beauty's heart trembled slightly, and after she glared at him with heat, she immediately walked towards Qi Ya gracefully, and the two Murong Shan sisters walked over.


When passing by Young Master Liu, Chen Jie angrily left two words to Young Master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Chen Jie who was walking towards Qi Ya and Murong Shan, and also set off to follow.

Chen Jie heard Liu Mingzhi's footsteps behind her, looked back at him, and immediately quickened her pace.

She was worried that First Young Master Liu would do some indecent behavior to herself in front of all the sisters.

If it's in private, let alone the little trick just now, even if it's a few times more indecent behavior than this little trick, I can accept it.

However, it is now in broad daylight, and not only the good sisters are present.

Even the four elders and a large group of children under their knees were all present.

In case they saw the intimacy between me and my husband, then I...

"This stinky guy, isn't he still thinking of repeating the old trick?"

Chen Jie murmured to herself, rolled her eyes at First Young Master Liu with reproach, then hurried to Qi Ya, and stopped beside Murong Shan and the two sisters.

Qi Ya saw Chen Jie's tender and slightly red face, glanced sideways at First Young Master Liu, and asked with a smile: "Sister Jie'er, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so rosy?"

Chen Jie heard Qi Ya's slightly teasing tone, raised her hand to caress her slightly warm jade cheeks, smiled and shook her head.

"It's nothing, I left too quickly."

"Oh~ so that's the case, my sister thought what did your husband do to you!"

Seeing Qi Ya's narrow eyes, Chen Jie quickly waved her hands.

"Oh, sister Ya'er, don't think about it, what can my husband do to my sister in public."

Seeing Chen Jie's evasive eyes, Qi Ya tapped Zhen's head with a sullen smile and said, "Mmm, that's good, that's good."

Chen Jie breathed a sigh of relief, turned slightly to look at First Young Master Liu, and gave him a supercilious look again.

Sensing the accusing eyes of the beauty, Young Master Liu shook his head with a smile, and slowly stopped in front of Qi Yun.


"The concubine is here, what's the matter?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qi Yun's puzzled expression, smiled lightly and raised the two cloth bags in his hand as a gesture.

"Yun'er, did you two sisters prepare a red envelope for Zhiyao?"

Qi Yun heard her husband's question, looked at the cloth bag in his hand, nodded without hesitation and said, "Husband, it's ready.

Husband, don't worry, among the children in our family, one counts as one, and all the concubines and sisters have prepared a new year's money. "

"Okay, okay, just get ready, your sisters are doing great."

When Qi Yun was about to say something, Liu Yaoyao, cutie, Liu Lingyun and the other three sisters led a group of little fellows and surrounded them directly.

"Father, mother."

"Hee hee hee, good daddy."

"Father, good mother."

"Daddy, red envelope, red envelope."

"Dad, grandparents and grandparents have already sent us red envelopes."

"Daddy, grandpa and grandma have already sent us red envelopes, now we are waiting for red envelopes from you and mothers."

Hearing the chattering of the children begging for red envelopes, Liu Mingzhi raised the two cloth bags in his hands with a smile, and shook them a few times in front of the excited eyes of the children.

"Father and all your mothers have been standing here for so long, and you don't say New Year's greetings.

What's the matter?Is this because you want lucky money without paying New Year's greetings? "

Liu Yiyi, Liu Feifei, Liu Chengzhi, Liu Zhengran... They, a large group of brothers and sisters, immediately reacted when they heard what the old man said.

"Happy New Year, definitely New Year's greetings."

"Father, mother, aunts, Aunt Qingrui, my son will wish you New Year greetings."

Qi Yun, the third princess, the queen and the other sisters all walked to Liu Mingzhi's side and stopped when they heard what the children said.

Seeing this, Liu Chengzhi, cutie, Liu Yunxin and their brothers and sisters straightened their clothes, and they knelt down to Young Master Liu, his wife and others, as well as Ren Qingrui, in order.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi quickly put his hands up.

"and many more."

Hearing the words suddenly shouted by the old man, Liu Chengfeng, Liu Yaoyao, their brothers and sisters paused, and looked at First Young Master Liu with puzzled expressions.


"Daddy? What's the matter?"

Seeing the puzzled expressions of the children and the two daughters-in-law, First Young Master Liu smiled lightly and shook his head.

"It's fine to kneel down, and you can do a big salute."

"Yes, my child obeys."

"Daddy, the child knows."

"Daddy, that kid will listen to you."

Liu Chengfeng, cutie, Liu Chenggan and their brothers and sisters all made a big gift to Young Master Liu, his wife and others.

"Brothers and sisters, baby, congratulations to father, mothers, and Aunt Qingrui, happy new year and good health."

Liu Mingzhi looked around at the group of sons and daughters who saluted him, and his eyes fell on the eldest daughter-in-law Serena intentionally or unintentionally.

Since ancient times, kings do not worship kings, and emperors do not worship emperors.

For Serena, the elder daughter-in-law, his father-in-law has already given her enough respect.

As for the future... what will happen in the future!
Then!Let's talk about it later!

Seeing her husband in a daze, Qi Yun stretched out her hand and gently tugged at his sleeve.


Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, gave Qi Yun a light smile, and waved his hands with a smile.

"Okay, okay, no courtesy, no courtesy."

Qi Yun, the empress, Wenren Yunshu and the other sisters waved their hands immediately.

"No courtesy, no courtesy."

"Boys, get up."

"Yiyi, Zhenghao, you all should be excused."

The last sentence was said by Ren Qingrui.

After all, she has not yet become a real husband and wife with Liu Mingzhi, so it is naturally inappropriate to call the children like many sisters.

Therefore, she can only directly call Xiaocuti, Liu Cheng, their brothers and sisters and others by their names.

"Thank you dad, thank you mother, thank you Aunt Qingrui."

Seeing that his sons and daughters had straightened up, Young Master Liu handed a cloth pouch to Qi Yun's hand with a light smile.

"Yun'er, your sisters help your husband give out red envelopes to the children."

"Hey, I see."

When Young Master Liu was about to ask his children to come to him to receive red envelopes, his eyes happened to see Ren Qingrui taking out a big red cloth bag from under the cloak.

Young Master Liu was slightly taken aback when he saw the cloth bag Ren Qingrui was holding in his hand.

"Qingrui, is this?"

Seeing her sweetheart's surprised expression, Ren Qingrui slightly raised her crescent eyebrows, and raised the big red cloth bag in her jade hand with a smile on her face and shook it a few times.

"The older sisters prepared it for the younger sister separately, and I asked the younger sister to give Yiyi, Chengzhi, Keke, Zhengwen a lucky money for them alone."

Hearing Ren Qingrui's answer, Liu Mingzhi immediately understood what was going on without thinking.

He looked at Ren Qingrui's somewhat smug eyes, and nodded cheerfully.

"Okay, okay, just discuss it with your sisters."

Immediately, Young Master Liu took out a large stack of red envelopes from the cloth pouch in his hand, and gestured to a group of grown-up children with a smile on his face.

"Come, come, get the red envelope."

"I'm coming."

"Yiyi, Feifei, this is a red envelope for you two sisters."

"Thank you dad."

"Chengfeng, Serena, Chengzhi, Jingyao, this is your lucky money for the four of you."

"Thank you dad."

"Yaoyao, Yue'er, Chengqian, Lingyun, Zhenghao... this belongs to you brothers and sisters."

"Thank you dad."

"Thank you Daddy."

"Thank you dad."

After the little cutie took the red envelope, she turned her body slightly and secretly tore open the red envelope in her hand.

When she saw that there were indeed two 1 taels of silver bills lying in the red envelope, her pretty face immediately became agitated.

As expected of my own stinky old man... Good father, he really keeps his promises.

The little cutie quickly put the red envelope into her arms, yelled with a smile on her face, and rushed towards First Young Master Liu with joy.

"Oh, good old man, you are too kind to Yue'er.

Yue'er has nothing to repay, oh, kiss! "

Seeing Xiao Ke talking, First Young Master Liu suddenly pouted his red lips and kissed him on the face, quickly raised his hand to touch Xiao Ke's forehead, and shook his head angrily.

"Smelly girl, you are such a big person, you don't feel ashamed at all, just stay and go."

Seeing her father's sulky look, Xiaocuti nodded with a smile, and retreated to her sister Liu Yiyi obediently.

"Yes, yes, father, you can say what you say, Yue'er is the most sensible."

It may be because the father gave 2 taels of lucky money, the cutie at this time can be said to be as obedient as possible.

Be as cute as you can be.

As soon as Liu Mingzhi handed out the big red envelopes one by one, Ren Qingrui smiled sweetly at Liu Yiyi, and the cuties waved to them.

"Yiyi, Feifei, Chengzhi, come to Auntie, Auntie will give you red envelopes."

"Hey, come, come."

"Aunt Qingrui, you are so kind."

"Aunt Qingrui, Yue'er loves you so much."

In the courtyard at this time, Liu Yaoyao, Little Cutie, their brothers and sisters were a large group, all of them had unconcealable smiles on their faces.

Perhaps, this is the reason why children like Chinese New Year very much.

When Ren Qingrui was handing out red envelopes one by one, a maid trotted to Qi Yun's side.

"Young Madam, the meal is ready."

"Okay, got it."

Qi Yun responded with a smile, and immediately walked towards First Young Master Liu.

"Husband, all the meals are ready, we can sit down now."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, turned his head to look at the few red envelopes left in Ren Qingrui's hand, turned around and walked towards the hall door.


"Yes, I know."

Qi Yun walked directly in front of Liu Zhian and his wife, and gave a blessing with a smile.

"Father, mother, the food is ready, you two elders please."

"Okay, okay, together."

Qi Yun nodded with a smile, and then walked in front of Qi Run and his wife.

"Father, mother, you two elders are invited too."

"Okay, okay, I know it for my father."

Mrs. Qi patted the back of Qi Yun's hand lightly, and looked around a large group of juniors around her benevolently for a gesture.

"Yun'er, don't worry about Weimother and your father, go and greet the children for dinner."

"Yeah, I got it, dad and mother, go in quickly."

"Okay, then we'll go in first."

Seeing that Qi Run and his wife had already walked towards the hall, Qi Yun turned around and looked at the rest of the people in the courtyard with a smile and waved.

"Sisters, children, it's getting late, it's time to have a reunion dinner."

"I'm coming."

"Mother, please go first."

"Okay, okay, follow up quickly."


Liu Mingzhi walked all the way to the main seat and stopped, opened the chair and waited with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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