Chapter 3206
"Old man, father-in-law, please take a seat."

Liu Zhi'an waved his hands casually, walked to his seat with a light smile and sat down.

"Today is a great day for the Spring Festival. Let's have a reunion as a family. What's so polite about it? You don't need to care about us."

Qi Run smiled lightly and echoed, "Zhier, sit together, just sit together."

Liu Mingzhi nodded cheerfully, didn't say anything more, and sat on the chair behind him with a smile.

Qi Yun saw that a group of sisters had already sat in their seats one after another, greeted the children behind them with a smile and walked towards the dining table next to them.

"Sit down, kids."

"My child understands, mother, you don't need to worry about us, please take your seat."

The smiling little guys who were playing and fighting heard Qi Yun's words, and immediately stopped their fighting. While responding to Qi Yun, they walked to their seats and sat down obediently.

"Yeah, mother, let's sit down now."

"Mother, we know."

"Mother, please go and sit down."

Qi Yun smiled slightly and nodded her head as a signal, then walked lightly to the position where Young Master Liu lowered her head and sat down.

"Husband, it's time to eat."

Hearing Qi Yun's words, Liu Mingzhi raised his head and looked around at the people in the hall. Seeing that everyone had already sat down, he cheerfully picked up his rice bowl and ate a mouthful of dumplings.

"Well, it tastes good, use your chopsticks."

Everyone in the hall saw that Young Master Liu had already moved their chopsticks, so they picked up their own bowls and chopsticks.

Seeing her husband eating seven or eight dumplings in a row, Qi Yun smiled and shook her head, and immediately poured a glass of wine that was already warm.

"Husband, eat slowly, eat slowly, don't choke."

Young Master Liu picked up the wine glass and drank the fine wine, then pointed to the dumpling soup beside him.

"Yun'er, the so-called original soup turns the original food into a bowl of dumpling soup for my husband."

"My concubine knows."

As soon as Qi Yun poured the dumpling soup and put it in front of First Young Master Liu, he ate five or six dumplings in a row.

"Husband, don't just eat dumplings, there are so many dishes on the table, you should try it too."

Qi Yun was talking, and immediately picked up the chopsticks to pick up some dishes for Liu Mingzhi.

"Eat vegetables, eat vegetables."

First Young Master Liu put down his job and nodded cheerfully.

"Okay, my husband knows.

Our family hasn't eaten dumplings for a long time, and my husband couldn't control it for a while. "

Qi Yun smiled and picked up the rice bowl, raised her head and gestured to the table next to her.

"Husband, there are still several bowls of dumplings on the table over there. Since you like to eat, husband, then eat more."

"My husband knows, Yun'er, you can eat quickly too.

For my husband, I have already eaten half a bowl, and you have just eaten a few. "

"Mmm, thank you, husband."

Liu Mingzhi took a sip of the dumpling soup, then turned his head to look at Liu Zhi'an and Qi Run who were also feasting.

"Old man, father-in-law, the taste of this dumpling is not bad today."

Liu Zhian put down the bowl and chopsticks, and after wiping his beard with his hand, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh, delicious, delicious!
All these years after leaving the capital, the old man misses the taste of this dumpling very much.

No way, who made us rarely eat dumplings in Jinling! "

Qi Run took a sip of his drink, and looked at First Young Master Liu who was sitting in the main seat with the same expression of regret.

"Zhi'er, to be honest, even the old man, like his in-laws, misses the taste of this dumpling very much.

After all, I lived in the capital for many years, and some habits have remained. "

Young Master Liu saw Liu Zhi'an and Qi Run's sighing expressions, and poured three glasses of wine with a pot while smiling.

"Old man, father-in-law, since you miss life in the capital, why not stay at home when you come to Beijing this time.

Anyway, there are so many houses in the family, and the residence of your four elders is not bad.

As for eating, the left and right are just a few more pairs of chopsticks. "

Hearing Young Master Liu's words, sisters Qi Ya, Qi Yun, Liu Xuan, and Liu Mingjie quickly stopped eating, and raised their eyes to Liu Zhi'an and Qi Run at the same time.

"Father, what my husband said is correct. It's not that you four elders are not used to the water and soil of the capital. Why don't you just stay in the capital?"

"Father, mother, Ya'er also agrees with Husband.

You four elders stay in the capital and live forever, so that your children can be filial to you. "

"Daddy, Uncle Qi, brother is right, why don't you continue to live in the capital.

When Xuan'er misses her father, you, mother, elder brother and sisters-in-law, she can save herself the trouble of traveling back and forth between the capital and Jinling. "

"Father, mother, Uncle Qi, Aunt Qi, and the child also mean the same thing."

Liu Zhi'an and Qi Run heard the words of persuasion from young master Liu, sister Qi Yun, and sister Liu Xuan. The two elder brothers looked at each other, smiled and shook their heads.

As for Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Qi, they just ate their food in silence and didn't say anything.

Seeing the reaction of the four of Liu Zhian and the others, Liu Mingzhi picked up the drink with a slight brow, and directly drank the warm wine completely.

The third princess, Murong Shan, Qing Lian and the other sisters heard Qi Yun's words and immediately reacted.

"Father, my daughter-in-law thinks the same way, you just listen to your husband and stay."

"Father, mother, the capital is so far away from Jinling, it's not easy to go back and forth."

"Daughter-in-law seconded."

"Father, mother, and Uncle Qi and Aunt Qi, you four elders should stay here."

Liu Zhi'an picked up the wine glass that Young Master Liu had poured for him, and drank the fine wine with melancholy eyes.

"You bastard, girl Yun, girl Yan'er, girl Ya...I appreciate your kindness, old man.

But, this homeland is hard to leave, homeland is hard to leave! "

Qi Run just sighed softly, picked up the wine and drank lightly.


With Qi Run's sigh, he obviously agreed with Liu Zhi'an's meaning.

Qi Yun, Qi Ya, the third princess, Xue Bizhu and the other sisters saw Liu Zhi'an's appearance like this, they looked at each other in dismay, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Liu Zhian's words that the homeland is hard to leave have already blocked what the sisters wanted to say.

After Liu Mingzhi picked up the jug and refilled three glasses of wine, he cheerfully picked up his rice bowl again.

"Yun'er, Sister Ya, Yan'er, since the old man and father-in-law don't want to stay, then let's not stay.

Let's not talk about this anymore, eat, eat. "

"Hey, sister concubine knows."

"Father, Uncle Qi, you can continue to eat."

"Father, mother, call your daughter-in-law if you need anything, and the daughter-in-law will send someone to prepare it for you immediately."

"Okay, okay, I see, let's eat quickly."

After eating a bowl of dumplings happily, Liu Mingzhi picked up his wine glass, smiled lightly and gestured to Qi Yun.

"Yun'er, bring me another bowl for my husband."

"Hey, I already know."

Qi Yun immediately stood up, took a bowl of dumplings from the table next to her, and placed it in front of Young Master Liu.

"Husband, here you are."

Liu Mingzhi took the job, raised his eyes and glanced at the third son Liu Chengqian on the dining table on the right, and finally set his eyes on Liu Zhian and his wife.

"Old man, mother.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"Zhier, what's wrong?"

"After the Chinese New Year, when do you two elders plan to leave Beijing?"

Hearing her son's question, Mrs. Liu did not rush to answer the question, but turned her attention to her master.

Liu Zhi'an frowns slightly in silence, and casually picks up his wine glass.

"The old man thinks it will be around the end of this month, or around the beginning of February.

What, do you have anything to do? "

After Liu Mingzhi ate two dumplings, he turned his head and pouted at Liu Chenggan who was on the table next to him.

"Chenggan is a big boy now, it's time for him to start a family.

According to what Master Ben, Yun'er, Yan'er and the other sisters meant, they planned to let Cheng Qian and Tong'er get married this year. "

Hearing this, Liu Zhi'an looked back at Liu Chengqian with a slightly excited expression, and then withdrew his gaze.

"You and girl Yun, girl Yan'er, when do you plan to get them married?"

Mrs. Liu also immediately put down her bowl and chopsticks, and looked at Young Master Liu with surprise.

"Son, tell Wei Niang quickly, when do you plan to let this kid Chenggan marry Tong'er girl from the Zhou family?"

Young Master Liu saw Liu Zhi'an, Mrs. Liu and his wife were both excited and pleasantly surprised, they picked up the wine glass with a light smile and took a sip.

"Oh, Zhi'er, you should tell Wei Niang quickly, can't you drink this wine later?"

Hearing Mrs. Liu's urging tone, Young Master Liu gave the third princess a cheerful look.

"Mother, before you came to the capital a few years ago, Yan'er, Sister Ya and the others had already gone to Qin Tianjian to calculate the auspicious date for the wedding.

According to Qin Tianjian's calculations, this year's first month and March each have an auspicious day suitable for marriage. "

Mrs. Liu nodded with a clear expression, and hurriedly asked: "Then what month did you and Yan'er, Yun'er and the sisters choose?"

"Tell me back to mother, we made a reservation for March."

"Ah? You selected March, so why didn't you decide on a good day for the first month?"

Liu Mingzhi sensed the disappointment in his mother's eyes, smiled lightly and signaled to Leap, who was still fluttering outside the hall door.

"Mother, it's not that the boy doesn't want to drink Yan'er, Lian'er and the other sisters choose the day of the first lunar month.

It's because we have no choice, baby, so we chose to set it in March. "

"Huh? Why?"

"Mother, do you think that with the early spring weather in Beijing, if we set the wedding date in the first month, would our guests be able to go to the capital in time?
It's fine if there are only guests from the south of the capital, but mother, don't forget, the guests that our family wants to entertain come from all over the world!
In the early spring of the first month, the snow in some state capitals north of the capital probably hasn't completely melted yet! "

After hearing the eldest son's helpless answer, Mrs. Qi looked up at the snowflakes still dancing in the courtyard outside the hall door, and immediately sighed with regret.

"Oh, it's my mother's fault, it's my mother's fault.

As soon as my mother heard you talk about the fact that this child could start a family and start a business, she was so excited that she even forgot the simplest common sense. "

Although Liu Zhi'an didn't say anything, it could be seen from his slightly disappointed eyes that he also felt a little regretful.

After Master Liu ate a few mouthfuls of dishes, he looked towards Liu Zhi'an with a slight brow.

"Old man, if you look at it according to your original plan, you won't be able to attend the wedding banquet between Cheng Qian and girl Tong'er.

You can't just return to Jinling and rush back to the capital right away, right? "

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, Mrs. Liu quickly looked at Liu Zhi'an.


Liu Zhi'an turned his eyes to look at Madam Liu, and lifted the jug and poured himself a few glasses of wine.

"Bastard, what day is the auspicious day in March?"

Young Master Liu paused while pouring the wine, and immediately looked at Qi Yun, the third princess, Qinglian and their sisters.

"Yun'er, Yan'er, did Qin Tianjian tell you which day is the auspicious day in March?"

"Husband Hui, the eighth day of March, the sixteenth day of March, and the eighteenth day of March are all auspicious days."

"That's right, there are three auspicious days in March that are suitable for big weddings."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, and looked at Liu Zhian and his wife with a slight smile.

"Old man, mother, have you heard that the latest auspicious day is March [-]th."
"March [-]th, the latest is March [-]th, which is pretty fast."

Mrs. Liu muttered to herself, and immediately reached out and pulled Liu Zhian's sleeve.

"Master, don't tell this concubine, we have to leave Beijing and rush back to Jinling before this day."

Hearing Mrs. Liu's question, Liu Zhi'an waved his hand casually.

"That's not the case. We can still wait for March [-]th."

"That's fine, that's fine.

Zhi'er, which one to choose, haven't you officially finalized it yet? "

"Mother, it's not up to our family to marry this kid and girl Tong.

On the specific date, Hai'er has to discuss with Baoyu and his wife.

Hai'er can't completely ignore the feelings of Baoyu and his wife just because he is the king of a country, and decide the lifelong affairs of both children alone, right? "

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Liu nodded her head without hesitation: "Yes, yes, Zhi'er, you are more considerate.

The important life-long affairs of the children of both parties naturally need to be discussed carefully. "
"Mother, don't worry, the boy will definitely settle with Baoyu and his wife as soon as possible to make a lifelong affair with girl Tong'er.

Let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart, about Cheng doing this kid's lifelong event.

Not only you two elders are anxious, but my son, my wife and others are also anxious here! "

"It's so good, Zhi'er, it's good that you know what to do."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a smile, and after eating the remaining dumplings in threes and fives, he casually picked up his wine glass and looked at Liu Chengfeng and Liu Chengzhi who were cheerfully smiling. , Liu Zhenghao and Liu Chengqian, the third son who drank together.

"Come on."

(End of this chapter)

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