My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3207 Be Prepared

Chapter 3207 Be Prepared
"Father? What's the matter?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded, took a sip of the wine, smiled lightly and waved at Liu Chengqian.

"Cheng Qian, why don't you come here?"

"Okay, here we come."

Liu Chengqian hastily put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, got up with a slightly puzzled expression, walked to Young Master Liu and stopped.

"Father, did you ask the child to come over for something?"

Liu Mingzhi casually took out the pipe from his waist, got up and walked towards the hall door.

Liu Chengqian looked at his father's back in a daze, so he had no choice but to set off and follow.

"Father, are you okay?"

Hearing the slightly nervous tone of the third son, Young Master Liu smiled and waved his hands, leaning sideways behind the door, cheerfully lit the shredded tobacco and took a mouthful forcefully.

"Huh—it's okay, don't be nervous."

Hearing his father's cheerful tone, Liu Chengqian breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Seeing this, Liu Zhi'an casually picked up a glass of wine, got up and walked towards the hall door.

"Grandpa? Are you ready?"

Liu Zhi'an waved his hands cheerfully: "I haven't eaten well yet, it's not because I've been sitting for a long time, get up and move your body."


Liu Mingzhi took a sip of wine, smiled lightly and looked at Liu Chengqian who still had doubts in his eyes.

"Come on."

"The child is here."

"In the past few days, how have you gotten along with girl Tong'er?"

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, Liu Zhi'an immediately shifted his gaze to Liu Chengqian, staring at his grandson's face with great interest.

Hearing his father's question, Liu Chengqian thought for a while, and probably guessed why his father called him.

Liu Chengqian stretched out his hand and scratched his head, and chuckled a little embarrassedly.

"Hey hey hey, it's pretty good, we get along very well."

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and exhaled a puff of smoke, and nodded with a faint smile: "It's fine, it's fine.

Then when you and Tong'er were alone, did the two of you talk about the important events in your life in private? "

As soon as Young Master Liu's words fell, Liu Zhi'an hurriedly echoed: "Yes, yes, Ganer, did you mention to girl Tong'er when the two of you will get married?"

Hearing Grandpa's hasty tone, Liu Chengqian became more and more embarrassed.

"Grandpa, you! This!"

Seeing Liu Chengqian's reaction, Liu Zhi'an frowned angrily, raised his hand and slapped him on the head.

"Oh, you brat, what are you talking about, why don't you hurry up?

As a manly man, a dignified man of seven feet, how could he be more shy than a little girl's family.

What are you embarrassed to say about such a lifelong event. "

Liu Chengqian reached out his hand and touched his head, then nodded hurriedly.

"Yes, yes, the child knows it's wrong."

"Then tell me quickly, have you mentioned to girl Tong'er about when you two got married?"

"Back to grandpa, I mentioned it."

Hearing the grandson's answer, Liu Zhi'an's eyes lit up instantly.

Liu Mingzhi paused while drinking, and looked at his third son curiously.

"Good grandson, tell grandpa quickly what girl Tong'er means."

"Grandpa, what Tong'er means is that it's up to the parents to decide.

When my father and mother, as well as Uncle Zhou and Aunt Zhou let us get married, she will marry me. "

Liu Zhi'an nodded with joy, raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, and looked at First Young Master Liu happily.

"Bastard, did you hear that, the two children are now in love with each other, and they have no problems.

As for the rest, it's up to you and girl Yun, girl Yan'er and you couple. "

Liu Mingzhi glanced at his son in front of him, lightly took a puff of tobacco, and then nodded cheerfully as a signal.

"Old man, this young master knows, I will discuss with Baoyu as soon as possible about the marriage between Chengqian and girl Tong'er."

Liu Zhi'an nodded cheerfully, turned the wine glass in his hand, turned and walked towards the dining table.

"You have to hold on tighter, if you delay the lifelong event of this old man's grandson, I will never end with you, old man."

First Young Master Liu rolled his eyes angrily when he heard the words Liu Zhian had left for him.

"Got it, got it, go and eat your meal quickly."

"Father, that kid?"

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the third son's questioning eyes, and shook his head casually.

"Okay, you can go back and continue eating."

"Yes, the child knows."

Liu Chengqian nodded, turned around, returned to his original position and sat down again.

"Brother, have you finished your business?"

Liu Mingzhi turned around and looked at his third younger brother Liu Mingjie, and nodded with a light smile: "I've finished talking, Mingjie, what do you have to do?"

"Brother, today is the Spring Festival, how can we brothers do it if we don't have a few drinks?
Come, come, brother Jiuniu, let's have a good drink. "

Young Master Liu nodded cheerfully, leaned over and knocked out the unburned shredded tobacco in the smoke pot, and walked towards the table of Liu Xuan, Jiu Niu, and Liu Mingjie with a faint smile.

"Okay, I'll have a few drinks with you guys."

Seeing this, Liu Yaoyao immediately got up with a smile and gave up her seat.

"Daddy, just sit on Yaoyao's chair, and Yaoyao sit next to her."

First Young Master Liu pinched Liu Yaoyao's cheeks with his fingers, and sat on the chair with a smile on his face.

"Hey, what a good daughter for my father."

As soon as Young Master Liu sat down, Liu Mingjie poured him a glass of wine with a pot.

"Come, come, big brother, little brother and brother Jiu Niu will offer you a toast first."

"Brother, Jiu Niu respects you."

"Drink together, drink together."

Liu Xuan put down her rice bowl and immediately raised her wine glass.

"Brother, there is also Xuan'er, and Xuan'er will accompany you for a few drinks."

"Hehehe, then drink together, drink together."


The brothers and sisters, who were already half full, immediately started pushing and changing glasses.

Cutie, Liu Lingyun, Liu Zhenghao and their brothers and sisters immediately put down their bowls and chopsticks and flocked to the side after they were full.

"Good dad, Yue'er is here to help you pour wine."

"Hehehe, brat, you are still a little bit filial."

"That's right, my girl, I'm your best daughter, of course I have to be filial to you."

"Uncle Jiu Niu, third uncle, and nephew are here to help you pour wine."

Liu Mingjie got up and sat on the chair beside him, and pushed Liu Zhenghao to sit on the chair.

"Stinky boy, why did you ask you to pour wine? Come, come, let's have a few drinks with the two uncles first."


"Ah what? You're an adult now, what's wrong with drinking some wine?"

"This! Well, the little nephew will be disrespectful."

"Aunt Xuan'er, Aunt Xuan'er, just concentrate on drinking with Daddy and the two uncles, and Lingyun will help you pour the wine."

"Okay, Lingyun is so obedient, so thank you for your hard work."

"Hee hee hee, it should be, it should be."

After Liu Mingjie poured wine for Liu Zhenghao, he smiled and looked at Liu Chengfeng and his three brothers.

"Ride the wind, inherit the will, and succeed."

Brothers Liu Chengfeng, Liu Chengzhi, and Liu Chenggan immediately put down their bowls and chopsticks, and looked up at their third uncle Liu Mingzhi.

"Uncle Third?"

"Third Uncle, what's the matter?"

"If the three of you brothers have eaten enough, you can also sit down and have a drink together."

Liu Chengzhi and his three brothers were about the same age as Liu Mingjie, and they grew up with their third uncle since they were young.

Naturally, there is no need to talk about the relationship between the four of them, uncle and nephew.

Hearing the third uncle's invitation, the three brothers looked at each other, immediately got up and walked towards Liu Mingjie.

"Come on, third uncle, you have already spoken, then the three of us brothers will accompany you for a few drinks."

"Third Uncle, my nephew is good at drinking now, you have to take it easy."

"Yunxin, Lianiang, Shuang'er, go sit with brother, brother will drink with third uncle."

"Understood, Shuang'er will get up now."

"Hey, big brother, second brother, third brother, please sit down."

"Third Brother, sit here with Lianiang."

The three little sisters immediately stood up with their rice bowls in their hands, and made room for the three brothers.

"Of course, why don't you come and have a drink?"

"Then have a drink."

As soon as Liu Chengzhi, Liu Chenggan and the others poured their drinks, they raised their glasses to Liu Xuan, and Jiu Niu and the others gestured.

"Uncle Jiuniu, Aunt Xuan'er, Third Uncle, and my little nephew, I would like to toast you first."

"Drink together, drink together."

"Chengfeng, you brats, you can't help your father pour us drinks."

"Aunt Xuan'er, how dare my nephew, let's drink together, drink together."

"That's very good, if you dare to pour us drinks, Auntie will not spare any of you."

"Don't dare, aunt, my nephew respects you."


With Liu Chengfeng, Liu Chenggan and their brothers joining.

In just a short moment, the main hall became noisy.

As time passed quietly, more and more people started drinking in the hall.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

First Young Master Liu, Liu Xuan and the others all turned rosy to a certain extent.

Qi Yun put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hand, looked up at the sky outside the hall, got up dignifiedly, and swayed towards her husband who was drinking with Jiu Niu and Liu Xuan.

"Husband, husband."

"Hi." Young Master Liu hiccupped softly, looked up at Qi Yun who was standing behind him with a rosy face, and asked, "Yun'er, what's wrong?"

"Husband, drink less wine, it's getting late.

My concubine estimates that in about half an hour or so, someone will come to our house to pay New Year's greetings.

If you are drunk, how will you meet others then? "

Liu Mingzhi shook his head with a light smile, raised his head and drank the wine in his hand in one gulp.

"Oh, it's still the same as in previous years, you sisters help Weifu deal with them together.

It's not that you don't know, Yun'er. Over the years, as a husband, I have heard enough of the same set of congratulatory words from civil and military officials. "

Seeing that Liu Mingzhi was about to carry the pot to pour wine again, Qi Yun shook her head helplessly, and quickly reached out to stop him.

"Husband, if it's just civil and military officials from the court who come to pay New Year's greetings at home, the concubines and sisters will naturally help you deal with it.

However, my husband, don't forget.

When girl Jingyao gave birth to her children, our aunt, Dahai, Dajiang, Dahe, their three cousins, and our Thirteenth Aunt had all returned to the capital.

Civil and military officials in the court, as well as dignitaries in the capital, famous families come to our house to pay New Year's greetings, you can find an excuse not to see them.

However, if our aunt and the thirteenth aunt come to visit, husband, you can't just ignore me, right? "

After listening to the beauty's reminder, Liu Mingzhi immediately put down the wine glass in his hand, and nodded with a clear expression.

"Yes, yes, thanks to your reminder, Yun'er, my husband almost forgot that my aunt and thirteenth aunt were still in the capital.

Stop drinking, stop drinking. "

Seeing Liu Mingzhi put down his wine glass, Qi Yun immediately tapped her head a few times with a smile on her face.

"It's almost there."

Liu Mingzhi got up and stretched his body, smiled and looked at Liu Xuan, Liu Mingjie and the others.

"Jiuniu, Xuan'er, Mingjie, I have business to do as brothers, so I won't continue to drink with you."

Liu Xuan, Liu Mingjie and the others also heard what Qi Yun told First Young Master Liu just now.

Therefore, they naturally agreed.

"Brother, Xuan'er understands, if you have business to do, just do it first."
"Yes, yes, brother, you don't need to worry about us, just go to work first."

"Xuan'er, you guys should control a little bit, don't wait for Auntie and Aunt Thirteen to arrive, but you are so drunk that you can't even stand upright."

"Hey, little brother understands."

"Brother, don't worry, Xuan'er will definitely not drink too much."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, and set off directly towards the hall door.


"Hey, husband?"

"Yun'er, have you finished eating?"

"Back to husband, I have already eaten."

"It's fine if you're full, and accompany Wei Husband back to change into formal clothes."

"Yes, I know."

Qi Yun responded softly, and immediately chased after her husband.

"Mother, it's almost time. Someone will visit the door later to pay New Year's greetings. Baby, I'll go back to my room to change into formal clothes."

"Okay, okay, my mother knows, you go back to your room first."

"Father, mother, the daughter-in-law is going back with her husband first."

"go Go."

Liu Zhi'an watched Young Master Liu, Qi Yun and his wife go all the way away, frowned and fell silent for a moment, then hurriedly looked at Mrs. Liu who was sitting aside.


"Master, what's wrong?"

"Husband, do you think Zhou Baoyu will bring his family to our house today to pay New Year's greetings?"

Hearing Liu Zhian's question, Mrs. Liu's eyes lit up instantly, and her expression became pleasantly surprised.

However, immediately after she seemed to think of something, Liu Mei frowned slightly and shook her head.

"Master, I don't know, after all, Zhi'er didn't tell us whether Zhou Baoyu and his wife are still staying in the capital."

As soon as Mrs. Liu finished speaking, she looked directly at the third princess.

"Yan'er, do you know?"

"Mother, as far as I know, girl Tong'er and her family are all living in the capital now?
As for whether they will come to our house to pay New Year's greetings today, the daughter-in-law is hard to say. "

Mrs. Liu nodded with a smile, and immediately turned to look at Liu Zhian.

"Master, did you hear that?"

Liu Zhi'an nodded slightly, put down the teacup in his hand, and reached out to grope inside the cuff.

In the blink of an eye, Liu Zhi'an took out a large stack of bank notes from his cuff.

"Master, what are you?"

Liu Zhi'an took out a 5000 tael bank note from a stack of bank notes, and happily handed it to Madam Liu.

"Madam, find a red envelope and wrap it up, and wait for girl Tong'er to come to the door."

"Master, what if they don't come to pay New Year's greetings?"

"Be prepared!"

"Okay, I know."

(End of this chapter)

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