My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3221 The Liu family has a girl to leave the cabinet

Chapter 3221 The Liu family has a girl to leave the cabinet


Young Master Liu turned his head to look at the Queen, and asked, "Well, but what?"

"However, it's not a big deal for my daughter's family to leave the cabinet a few years later.

Don't forget, didn't my old lady marry you after she was in her 20s?
And it's not just the old lady alone. Sister Ya, Sister Shan, Little Fairy, Sister Yun Shu...they are also the same. "

"Hehehe, to put it bluntly, it's not the same, okay?

The situation between our husband and wife was different from that between Yiyi and Xie Yun. "

"Well, since you can figure it out, I won't say anything more, old lady."

Liu Mingzhi exhaled a puff of dry smoke sideways, and raised his eyes to look at Xiyuan's position.

He looked at Xiyuan calmly and remained silent for a long time, then turned to look at the queen thoughtfully, Huyan Yunyao and their sisters.

"Wanyan, Yaoer, Bizhu."

"Hey, husband."

"Husband, what's the matter?"

"Yiyi, Feifei, Chengfeng, the three of them are triplets.

Now, the boy Chengfeng and Serena have already married, and the girl Yiyi is about to leave the cabinet to marry the boy Xie Yun as his wife.

Only girl Feifei hasn't moved at all.

All of you sisters are helping your husband, and this girl really hasn't found the person she likes now.

Or do you already have someone you like, but because your daughter's family is relatively shy, you are too embarrassed to tell us parents? "

When the queen sisters heard her husband's question, they frowned slightly and looked at each other a few times before shaking their heads at Liu Mingzhi.

"Husband, this kind of thing is really hard to say."

Huyan Yunyao pursed her red lips, and said softly: "Husband, in my concubine's impression, Feifei is either on duty in the Palace of Ten Kings, or she stays in the room to read and embroider.

In addition, Yiyi, Yaoyao, Yu'er, Lingyun and the other sisters took a walk in the garden, released paper kites, and chatted about some anecdotes.

Even if she went for a walk in the street, or went for a walk outside the city, and released paper kites, she still followed Yiyi, Chengqian, Yue'er and the others.

In this way, she shouldn't have any favorite person, right?

Of course, this is just my concubine's personal guess.

Whether Feifei has someone she likes or not, I can't guarantee it. "

"Husband, if you think about it carefully, over the years, Feifei really hasn't had much contact with young talents of her age alone.

Maybe it's because our Feifei's vision is too high, and there is no one who can make her fall in love with her yet. "

After listening to the different thoughts of the beauties, Young Master Liu nodded with a clear expression.

He raised the wine bag and took a sip of the wine, then let out a silent breath.

"My husband is the same as your sisters, and I have never seen Feifei get along with her peers outside.

Then hasn't she talked with you mothers in private about the important events in her life? "

The beauties shook their heads unanimously without even thinking about it.

"Well, in my concubine's memory, I don't seem to have mentioned it."

"Husband, as a concubine, I have never heard Feifei mention the important things in her life."

Xue Bizhu pondered for a while with her beautiful eyes, and immediately said with a light smile: "Husband, I think that if Feifei really has this idea, the first person to tell her should be Sister Lian'er.

It's better to wait until Sister Lian'er arrives and ask her. "

Hearing Xue Bizhu's suggestion, Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and shook his head directly.

"Don't ask, don't ask.
If Feifei had really told Lian Er about her lifelong event, Lian Er would definitely tell her husband as soon as possible. "

"That, all right."

"Without conscience, regarding this girl's life-long event, my mother suggests that you better ask Feifei herself."

"Yes, yes, yes, the concubine is seconding, anyway, our sisters can't tell why, so you can just ask Feifei herself.

If she has someone she likes, after asking her, everything will be clear. "

Young Master Liu turned around and glanced at the queen sisters, and let out a wry smile.

"Huh, do you sisters think that your husband has never thought about asking her directly?

It's just that Feifei is a big girl after all, isn't my husband worried that it might be inappropriate for me to ask?

It is more convenient for you sisters and mothers to ask about this relatively private topic about my daughter's family than for me, a father. "

"Oh, my husband, you are wrong.

It's a matter of course for Dad to care about the lifelong affairs of his children, what's inappropriate? "

"That's right, a father doesn't like to care about his children's life-long affairs, so why should he wait for those outsiders who have nothing to do with him to care about them!"

"Husband, our sisters are also people who came here when we were young, so naturally we know what's going on with our daughter's family best."

Liu Mingzhi took a puff of dry tobacco vigorously, leaned over and knocked out the unburned shredded tobacco in the pot, then got up, looked at the beauties and nodded with a smile.

"Come on, let's find a suitable opportunity for my husband, so I'll go and ask Feifei what's going on now."

The Empress reached out and took the wine bag in Young Master Liu's hand, and after taking a few sips of fine wine with her mouth slightly opened, she looked at him and asked with a smile: "Without conscience, if Feifei tells you that she already has What about the person you like?"

Huyan Yunyao's pretty eyes lit up, and she asked curiously, "Yes, husband, if Feifei has someone she likes, what are you going to do?"

"Is there even a need to ask? Of course, we should first send someone to privately understand how this person's virtue is.

Although I don't have any opinions about my husband, at least this person must be a man who is worthy of our good daughter.

My husband doesn't want Feifei to marry a bastard. "

"Yeah, father, what you said is so right, my concubine seconded me."

"Husband, what if Feifei doesn't have someone she likes?"

Liu Mingzhi's body trembled slightly, he got up and stared in the direction of Xiyuan, he was silent for a long time, and sighed softly.

"Well, Feifei is not too young, if she doesn't find someone she likes, it's time for us to find some good young talents for her to get in touch with.

It doesn't matter if she leaves the cabinet and gets married two years later, even if she leaves the cabinet and gets married ten years later, she can afford to be a husband.

The point is, at least find a candidate for her to leave the cabinet first! "

"Yes, yes, my concubine seconded me.

There is no problem in leaving the cabinet in the later years, at least there is someone you like to get along with first. "

Xue Bizhu stood up suddenly, pointed out of the corridor with smiling eyes.

"Husband, look quickly, Sister Yun, Sister Yan'er and the others are here."

"Oh, and Yiyi, Feifei, Yaoyaoyue'er and the girls also came along."

While speaking, Qi Yun, the third princess, Qing Lian and the other sisters walked in hand in hand with Liu Yiyi, Liu Feifei, and the little cute sisters who were following beside them.

"The concubine's sister has seen her husband."

"Excuse me, let's all be free."

"Thank you husband."

"Haier and sisters pay a visit to daddy and some mothers."

"Okay, okay, you are all free."

"Hey, please forgive me."

"Thank you daddy, thank you mother."

Young Master Liu rolled up the dry pipe and put it on his waist, and looked at his eldest daughter Liu Yiyi with a faint smile.


"Hey, Yiyi is here."

"Good boy, do you know why Dad asked you to come here?"

Hearing her father's question, Liu Feifei's already ruddy cheeks suddenly became a little rosier again.

She raised her eyes and peeked at the direction of the living room, nodded to Young Master Liu, and replied in a voice like a mosquito: "Well, go back... Back to Daddy, Yiyi knows."

Seeing the appearance of his little padded jacket, First Young Master Liu's heart suddenly became uncomfortable.

Alas, women's colleges don't get in, women's colleges don't get in.

First Young Master Liu sighed secretly in his heart, and after taking a few breaths silently, he raised his hand and patted the fragrant shoulder of the little padded jacket with a light smile.

"It's good to know, it's good to know.

Now that you already know it, Dad, I won't repeat it again. "

Liu Yiyi's pretty face turned anxious, and she hastily said in a soft voice: "Daddy, you must never say that, how can you be so long-winded.

Even if you say it a thousand times or ten thousand times, your daughter is willing to listen. "

Hearing the little padded jacket's considerate words, First Young Master Liu immediately nodded cheerfully.

"A good daughter, you are worthy of being a father's good daughter.

It's almost time, it's time for my father to go to the living room to meet our distinguished guests. You can go to the living room first and have a cup of tea and rest. "

Liu Feifei tapped Zhenshou's pretty face and saluted Young Master Liu with a rosy face.

"Yes, my daughter knows."

"Feifei, Yaoyao, Yue'er."

"My daughter is here."

"Hey, Daddy?"

"Father, what are your orders?"

"The three of you sisters also accompany your eldest sister, and go to the hall to rest together."

The little cutie was stunned at first, but after realizing it, she hurriedly stretched out her hand to grab Young Master Liu's big hand and acted like a spoiled child.

"Oh, Dad, how boring it is to stay in the back hall. Yue'er also wants to sit in the front hall with you."
Young Master Liu shook his head directly and said, "No, go to the back hall with your three sisters."

The little cutie pursed her red lips straight away, and continued to coquettishly say: "Mm~mm~ Good daddy, don't want Yue'er.

Yue'er hasn't seen what it's like to propose a marriage, so let me go and see it. "

Young Master Liu raised his other hand without hesitation, raised his brows lightly, and gestured to the cute buttocks under the cloak like this.

"Smelly girl, there is a trick that my father has practiced for 20 years, Iron Sand Palm, do you want to use your ass to see its power?"

The little cutie looked up at the big palm held high above her head by her father, shrank her neck suddenly, and hurriedly let go of the hands that were holding Young Master Liu's wrist and hid behind Liu Yiyi.

"Forget it...forget it, this girl is not so lucky."

First Young Master Liu let go of his arm, and snorted a few times angrily.

"Hehehe, brat, you still have some self-knowledge."

"Father, mother, aunts, Aunt Qingrui, we sisters will go to the back hall first."

"Okay, let's go."

"Okay, okay, go over quickly."

"If you want to eat snacks, just ask the maids to bring them to you."

"Yeah, my daughter knows."

Watching a few beautiful figures in padded jackets detour away, First Young Master Liu turned around and watched the beauties beckoning, and walked straight towards the living room.

"Ladies, girl Qingrui, let's go too."

"Hey, come, come."

"Come here, come here."

"Sisters, let's take a quick look at each other's makeup, and what's wrong with the clothes on our bodies."

"Oh, sister Shan, your steps are crooked, let me straighten it up for you."

"Sister Lingyi, the bun on your left side is loose, come here quickly, and I'll help you untie it again."

After Qi Yun, the third princess, Wenren Yunshu and the other sisters arranged their makeup and clothes, they hurriedly chased after Young Master Liu.

"Cough cough."

First Young Master Liu walked outside the hall door and coughed lightly, then walked into the living room with a faint smile.

Qi Yun, the empress and their sisters followed closely behind, all of them walked in with faint smiles and elegant manners.

As soon as Liu Song saw Young Master Liu and his wife entering the hall door, he hastily greeted them.

Xie Yun, who was sitting on the chair, stood up abruptly, and rushed to meet him.

"Little Liu Song sees the young master, and sees the young wives."

"Well, no gift."


"Thank you, young master, thank you young ladies."

"Chen Xie Yun, please refer to Your Majesty, please refer to the empress, and please refer to all the ladies.

Long live your majesty, long live your majesty, and your empress a thousand years ago. "

"Don't be too polite, get up."

"Excuse me, please excuse me."

"Son, get up quickly."

"Thank you Your Majesty, thank you Empress, thank you all."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Xie Yun indifferently, walked directly to the main seat and sat down.

Qi Yun, the third princess, Yun Xiaoxi and the other beauties also walked to the front of the chairs on both sides and sat down.

"Xie Yun."

"The minister is here."

"You kid, my uncle has told you several times, when there are no outsiders in private, just call us, my wife and others, uncle or aunt.

Tell me, why doesn't your kid have a long memory? "

Xie Yun straightened his expression, and quickly saluted with a smile.

"Yes, yes, my nephew knows it's wrong, my nephew knows it's wrong."

"Well, that's about the same, let's take a seat."

"Hey, thank you uncle."
When Liu Song saw that First Young Master Liu and the others had already sat down, he immediately waved to the maids standing beside them.

"Hurry up, pour tea for the young master, young wives, and distinguished guests."


After a group of maidservants responded, they hurried over with the teapots in their hands and poured a cup of tea for First Young Master Liu, Qi Yun, Third Princess, and Xie Yun.

Xie Yun took the tea poured by the maid, smiled lightly and nodded as a gesture.

"It's time to work, it's time to work."

"Don't dare, it's a servant's job."

Liu Mingzhi picked up the tea and took a sip, then looked at Xie Yun with a light smile.

"Xie Yun."

"My nephew is here."

"Are your parents okay?"

"Go back to uncle, the two elders are in good health, thank you uncle for caring."

"That's fine, that's fine."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, took a few sips of tea, and put the teacup on the table casually.

"Xie Yun, I don't know why you came to the door today?"

Although he already knew why Xie Yundeng came to the door, Young Master Liu still pretended to be confused and asked about it.

After all, there are some things, when you should pretend to be confused, you still have to pretend to be confused.

(End of this chapter)

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