My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3222 The Liu family has a girl to leave the cabinet

Chapter 3222 The Liu family has a girl to leave the cabinet ([-])
Xie Yun immediately put down his teacup and stood up, looking at First Young Master Liu with a hesitant expression.

"Back... back to uncle, little nephew... little nephew..."

Xie Yun stammered for a long time, but did not say what he came for.

It can be seen how nervous he is at this moment.

Seeing Xie Yun's tense expression and out of tune response, Liu Mingzhi shook his head helplessly.

"What? Uncle, do I look scary? You're so scared that you can't even finish a sentence."

Xie Yun's body tensed suddenly, and he shook his head generously as he watched First Young Master Liu.

"No no."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, looked at Song Yun with a peaceful expression and smiled lightly: "It's fine if you don't, seeing your reaction like this, uncle thought there was something wrong with him today.

So, you came to the door today, what is the matter? "

"Excuse me, uncle, my nephew must know everything and say everything."

"Yeah, that's what it was.

"Going back to uncle, my nephew still needs to be busy with some chores at home, so my nephew will stop bothering my uncle."

Xie Yun let out a sigh of relief when he saw First Young Master Liu drinking tea.

Does our Dalong have a rule of going to the door alone to propose marriage without a matchmaker or dowry gift? "

He still understands the rules of serving tea to see off guests.

"Back to uncle, there is no such rule."

"Xie Yun, the aunts will understand what you said earlier!"

"Don't dare, my nephew bid farewell."

Hearing First Young Master Liu ask him why he came again, he immediately clasped his hands tightly and took a deep breath.

So, what does this have to do with your father asking you to propose marriage alone? "

"Uncle, aunts, it is like this.

After the Spring Festival, just three days ago, the Wu family went to our house to give the bride price to my nephew's younger sister.

On the contrary, if you agree to my nephew's request, then my nephew will immediately choose an auspicious day after returning home, and bring the matchmaker to the appointment.

Who stipulates that if the elder brother does not start a family and start a business, and the elder sister does not leave the cabinet to marry, the younger brothers and sisters below cannot start a family and start a business, and cannot leave the cabinet to marry?
Is there such a provision in the series of decrees issued by the imperial court?Is there such a rule in my dragon law? "

In August last year, my father had already arranged a marriage for my nephew's younger sister, Xie Yuanyuan, and Wu Qingyang, the second son of our Xiangzhou Wu family.

"Thank you Yun."

"Hehehe, as expected."

Specifically, it should be set on a good day and auspicious day in that month. The Wu family's meaning is to see my father's meaning. "

"Propose marriage?"

What does it mean to come to formally propose marriage, but not really propose marriage? "

"My nephew is here."

Young Master Liu squinted his eyes and remained silent for a moment, then walked towards the main seat with the pipe in his hand.

"What month is the auspicious day requested by the Wu family?"

"Uncle, nephew understands, nephew understands.

"The concubine is here."

"Xie Yun, the truth of what you said confuses my uncle and me.

Back then, when I went to Qi Yun's home to propose a marriage for the first time, my reaction and behavior at that time was not necessarily better than that kid Xie Yun.

Xie Yun looked at Liu Mingzhi's peaceful expression, and the tension in his heart gradually eased.

Qinglian glanced vaguely at the direction of the back hall, and thoughtfully tapped Zhenshou a few times.

"Uncle, uncle, you should know the situation in my nephew's house very well."

"Hey, that's right."

"Husband Hui, the eighth day of March, the sixteenth day of March, and the eighteenth day of March are all auspicious days."

"Thank you Yun."

"Yes, my nephew will definitely remember it in my heart."

Liu Mingzhi blinked lightly, turned to look at Xie Yun with slightly condensed brows.

"Boy, I hope you can remember your promise today."

"Well, since you have other things to do, uncle, I won't waste your time."

"Uncle has a small question here, can you explain something to Uncle?"

Could it be that if the elder brother never gets married and starts a family all his life, will the brothers below also never get married for the rest of his life?
Could it be that the elder sister will never leave the pavilion to marry for the rest of her life, and the younger sisters below will also stay in the boudoir and never marry for the rest of their lives?
Rules are dead, people are alive.

"Back to uncle, there is a reason why my nephew came to propose marriage alone."

"Go slowly and see you later."

Xie Yun nodded and replied directly: "Uncle, it is precisely because of this that my father is in a hurry."

"Huh...Xie Yun."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slowly, then turned to look at Xie Yun.

He took a deep breath, and saluted First Young Master Liu with a sincere expression.


"Uncle, there are five brothers and sisters in our family, my nephew's eldest brother has been married for many years, and my nephew's eldest sister has been married for two years.

"The little one is here."

"Since there is no such rule, then you are."

Seeing her husband's appearance like this, the third princess lightly pursed her cherry lips a few times, but said nothing.

"Hehehe, uncle won't see you off."

Xie Yun nodded respectfully, and then gave a big gift to Qi Yun, Qinglian, Huyan Yunyao and the other sisters.


"Okay, okay, go back and get busy if you have something to do."

"Huh? What? What did you say you came here for?"

After Liu Song punched First Young Master Liu, he smiled lightly and gestured to Xie Yun.

"Hey, it doesn't have to be so formal, uncle just wants to ask you.

"Go back to uncle, go back to uncle, my nephew came to the door today to formally propose marriage to you."

After all, the self back then also came from this step.

Now there is only my little nephew left in my little nephew's family, and the three of us, my little sister and younger brother, didn't get married.

So, my father ordered my nephew to come to my uncle's house and ask my uncle what you mean.

"You are old, but you are indeed not too young."

As soon as First Young Master Liu finished speaking, Qinglian immediately said, "Xie Yun, what you said is somewhat inconsistent!"

"Uh! No."

Qi Yun, Qinglian, the third princess, Huang Lingyi and all the sisters were also slightly taken aback, and looked towards Xie Yun with doubts in their eyes.

"Tell me, what's going on with your father and what it means."

"Yan'er, when are the good and auspicious days in March?"

"Yes, little one understands."


My father can only respond to the Wu family's request after he knows what you mean, uncle. "

"Xie Yun, this probably wasn't what you meant."

Seeing Qinglian's puzzled expression, Liu Mingzhi lowered his head cheerfully and spat out the melon seed husk in his mouth.

"How did your sisters discuss the wedding date between this boy Chenggan and girl Tong'er?"

"Thank you, young master, this way please."

Liu Mingzhi slowly exhaled a puff of smoke: "I have to say, your father is really a brain.

After listening to Xie Yun's answer, First Young Master Liu nodded with a clear expression.

People, after all, have to grow up slowly.

"Uncle, my nephew's visit to the house today is a formal marriage proposal, but it's not really a marriage proposal."

After listening to Xie Yun's explanation, only Qi Yun, Qinglian, Yun Qingshi and the other sisters suddenly realized and nodded.

"Aunts, my nephew is leaving."

"Well, go slow and don't send it."

"How old is your little sister?"

"Back to Uncle, March, April, May and even August, it's all there.

Can a living person be suffocated by urine? "

Seeing Xie Yun's reaction, Young Master Liu just picked up the teacup with a light smile and took a sip of the tea, without any dissatisfaction in his heart.

"Uncle, it's like this..."

Hearing First Young Master Liu's words, Xie Yun was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded excitedly.

"Husband, do you see?"

Xie Yun tidied up his clothes, smiled lightly and bowed to Young Master Liu, his wife and others.

After Xie Yun gradually calmed down his nervous state of mind, he immediately saluted First Young Master Liu with a respectful expression.


"Oh, I've been working on it for a long time, and this is the idea of ​​cooperating with you."

Xie Yun looked at the puzzled expressions of Young Master Liu, his wife and others, and stood up again.

Xie Yun bowed and saluted, and said with a respectful expression: "Uncle, I hope you will forgive me. My father didn't want to do this either. He had no choice but to order my nephew to do this."

"Yes, thank you uncle."

Obviously, all the beauties don't quite understand what Xie Yun's words mean.

"The concubine is here."

"Husband, this child Xie Yun has already explained clearly, it's time for you to express your opinion."

Qinglian directly put down the teacup in her hand, looked at Liu Mingzhi and asked curiously: "Husband, how do you know that this matter is not Xie Yun's idea?"

"You and Yiyi will get married in March.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at all the beauties calmly, then turned his eyes to Xie Yun with a light smile.

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, raised his hand and knocked out the ashes in the copper basin under the table.

"Back to uncle, that's exactly it."

Xie Yun's body trembled, and he hurriedly saluted First Young Master Liu.

"Boy, Yiyi is my uncle's favorite jewel. If you wrong her in the future, my uncle will never forgive you!"

"Nonsense, uncle and your father are brothers who have been born and died together for many years, so I naturally understand what's going on in your family, uncle.

First Young Master Liu raised his hand as a gesture, pointed to the chair beside him with a chuckle and said, "Stop standing, sit down and talk."

"Oh, Yan'er."

"Uncle Lawson is here."

Xie Yun looked at First Young Master Liu who was standing in front of the hall door and was swallowing clouds and fog, and scratched his head with a silly smile.

"No, no, uncle Shengming, uncle Shengming."

"Thank you uncle, my nephew will take my leave."

"Husband, what do you think?"

It's just that, nephew, I don't know if you will agree to my marriage with Yiyi...Princess Yiyi, so I came to the door alone, and I want to ask you first.

"Uncle, aunts."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and nodded, then took a melon seed from the palm of his hand and sent it to his mouth.

Young Master Liu nodded with a light smile, cheerfully picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip of the slightly cold tea.

Young Master Liu picked up the tea and rinsed his mouth, got up and walked to the hall door, and deftly lit a pot of dry tobacco.

And once the girl Yiyi knows about this, do you think Yiyi will not tell us? "

Uncle, please rest assured, my nephew can guarantee that if I wrong Princess Yiyi in the future, I will let my uncle dispose of me without any complaints. "

However, there is an orderly seniority, my nephew, the second elder brother, has not yet married, and my younger sister is going out of the cabinet to get married first, which is somewhat against the rules.

"I see."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, sat on the chair and looked towards the third princess and looked at the third princess beside him.

"My nephew is here."

"What the hell, just tell the truth."

"Yes, my nephew understands, thank you uncle, thank you uncle."

After the figures of Liu Song and Xie Yun were gone, Liu Mingzhi turned around and looked at Qi Yun, the three princesses, their sisters and others, and sighed with melancholy.

"Eighth day, sixteenth day, eighteenth day."

"Hey hey, back to everyone... Aunts, nephews, nephews are too nervous."

"Son, the aunts won't see you off, and they often come to our house as guests when they find time."

In that case, it can be regarded as a real marriage proposal. "

"My nephew is here."

After Xie Yun sat down again, he looked nervously at First Young Master Liu again.

Xie Yun turned around and looked at Qi Yun, Qinglian and the other sisters scratched their heads and laughed a few times.

First Young Master Liu paused for a moment while eating melon seeds, and instinctively frowned.

Liu Mingzhi gently stroked the tea cover in his hand, and looked around Xie Yun's side a few times with doubts on his face.

The little nephew came to pay homage to the mansion today, and indeed he came to formally propose marriage to you.

"Returning to uncle, my nephew is here to formally propose marriage to you."

"Ah? This! This!"

"Husband, what's wrong?"

"Farewell, my nephew."

Liu Mingzhi gently rolled up the pipe, and cheerfully placed it on the table next to him.

Xie Yun nodded vigorously, and said respectfully: "Uncle Shengming, this is indeed not my nephew's intention, but my father's suggestion."

"Oh? I don't know why."

Xie Yun was silent for a moment, then shook his head gently.

"Well, what happened?"

If uncle, aunts and aunts disagree with my nephew's request, I will not continue to mention it.

Liu Mingzhi frowned, put down the teacup in his hand and stood up.

You don't have to worry about the specific date, as Uncle will discuss it carefully with your father Fei Ge. "

Young Master Liu softly repeated the three early morning days answered by the third princess, and pondered thoughtfully while holding the pipe in his hand.

"Go back to uncle, my little sister is twenty-nine years old this year."

"Lian'er, if this kid wants it himself, do you think he will tell Yiyi in advance that he wants to come to our house to propose marriage?

Seeing that Xie Yun finally revealed his reason for coming, First Young Master Liu frowned, swallowed the tea in his mouth, and looked at him with a smile.

Qi Yun, Qi Ya, Ling Wei'er, Yun Xiaoxi and the other sisters also came to their senses one after another, and nodded with understanding.

"I will send Xie Yun off for the young master."

Qi Yun, Qinglian, the third princess and their sisters nodded slightly, and looked at Young Master Liu who was sitting in the main seat in unison.

Qi Yun patted the crumbs of the melon seeds in her hand, and walked towards First Young Master Liu with light steps.

"Husband, how about the eighth day of March?"

"The eighth day of March, the first auspicious day?"

"Well, exactly."

(End of this chapter)

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