My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3223 The Liu family has a girl to leave the cabinet

Chapter 3223 The Liu family has a girl to leave the pavilion ([-])
"The eighth day of March, the eighth day of March."

Liu Mingzhi rested his chin with his hands, and repeated the date twice softly.

Seeing this, Qi Yun, the third princess, Qinglian sisters and others all walked towards Young Master Liu.

"Husband, what are you thinking?"

"Husband, are you dissatisfied with this day?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the puzzled expressions of the ladies, smiled lightly and shook his head.

"No, no, I just have some other ideas for my husband."

"Another idea? What idea?"

"Husband, can you tell our sisters what you think?"

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and rubbed his hands together, then turned his head and pouted towards the back hall.

"As a husband, I was wondering if it is possible to let Yiyi get out of the cabinet to get married first, and then let this kid Chenggan and girl Tong'er get married.

In February, there are no good days and auspicious days.

And if these 10 taels of silver are used in the construction of people's livelihood and government, do you sisters know how many things can be solved? "

While speaking, Liu Mingzhi looked back at the curtain leading to the back hall.

Liu Mingzhi breathed a sigh of relief, raised the wine bag and sent it to his mouth.

Hearing the words, the three princesses nodded vigorously a few times without hesitation: "Hey, husband, you can decide which day it will be, and the concubine is all up to you."

Liu Yiyi, the little cutie sisters responded sweetly, and opened the door curtain and walked into the front hall with lotus steps.

"Hey, my concubine is here."

Liu Mingzhi tightened his cloak, raised his hand and patted his good daughter's shoulder again.

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyes and glanced at the four little padded jackets, casually put down the teacup in his hand, grabbed a handful of melon seeds from the saucer on the table, and walked towards the hall door with high strides.

"Ladies and children, my back hurts from sitting all the time, let's go outside and take a look around in the courtyard."

"I know, here it is."

If we set Chengqian and Tong'er girl to get married on the auspicious day of the eighth day of March.

"Haier and sister see Daddy, Daddy Wanan."

Yun'er, that's not tens of thousands of taels, nor a few hundred thousand taels, but more than one million taels of silver!

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and nodded: "Okay, okay, then it's settled."

"Yes, the servant knows."

The elder sister got married on March [-]th, and the younger brother got married on March [-]th.

Liu Mingzhi let out a sigh of relief, and nodded cheerfully.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the group of ladies around him, smiled and nodded.

In another trance, I watched day by day that my good daughter, who had grown up, was about to marry someone as his wife.

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently and said, "Yes, it's March [-]th."

"Thank you Daddy."

"Be polite, give the wine bag to your husband."

"Hey, Yun'er, Yan'er, Lian'er, I can tell you sisters with certainty that the imperial treasury is full and there is no shortage of money.

"Hey, here we come."

Time is really fast.

"Husband, I understand what you mean."

After Liu Mingzhi walked out of the courtyard outside the living room, he lightly knocked a melon seed, smiled and looked at the beauties behind him, as well as the four little padded jackets.

"Husband, my concubine seconded the proposal. The difference between the two auspicious days is only one day. It is indeed a bit too hasty."

"The last auspicious day in March, March [-]th."

As soon as Liu Zhian came to Young Master Liu's side in a hurry, he turned his head and looked around.

"My dear daughter, you have heard everything that father said to all your mothers just now.

"Ladies, whether it's a princess leaving the court to marry someone, or a prince marrying a concubine, it's a big expense.

"No, no, Yiyi won't think so."

"Yun'er, as long as you understand, as long as you understand!"

"Husband, we sisters would like to hear your husband's opinion."

Qi Yun narrowed her eyes slightly, and after thinking about it carefully, she looked at Liu Mingzhi and said softly, "Husband, I vaguely remember that you told me that it was more than 200 million taels of silver."

When First Young Master Liu was about to say something, Liu Zhi'an's voice suddenly came from not far away.

"Good boy, good boy, if you can understand daddy's painstaking efforts, daddy will be relieved."

When Young Master Liu saw his daughter's reaction, his heart suddenly became sour.

Liu Mingzhi looked at a group of ladies and shook his head gently, walked to the table, picked up a cup of tea and moistened his throat.

"Ladies, do you sisters still remember how much money was spent in the court when Cheng Zhi married girl Jingyao?

Then do you know how much money the Ministry of Rites initially budgeted for? "

March [-]th and March [-]th, the two auspicious days, are only separated by one day.

"Yan'er, then the wedding date between this boy Chenggan and girl Tong'er is set on March [-]th."

Qinglian was slightly taken aback when she heard her husband's answer.

"No, my husband plans to set Yiyi's departure from the cabinet on the auspicious day of March [-]."

After Qi Yun walked out of the living room, she immediately waved to her personal maid, Yu'er.

Upon hearing this, the queen immediately untied the wine bag from her waist and handed it over.

"That's right, that's right, my concubine thinks the same as Sister Lian'er."

When Liu Yiyi heard her father's words, her pretty face was instantly blushed.

Yun'er, you should remember this point most clearly, right? "

Qi Yun, the third princess, Huyan Yunyao and the other sisters looked at each other, watching Young Master Liu lightly tap his head a few times.

"The child is here."

"This, then, okay, husband, you can tell."

Then our family, Yiyike, will have to wait until Chenggan and the two of them get married before they can get married again. "

As soon as Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he turned to look at the queen, and pointed to the wine pouch on Queen Liu's waist.

"Huh? March [-]th?"

"Yes, I understand."

"Yeah, let's listen to Daddy."

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and patted Liu Yiyi's shoulder, then turned to look at the third princess.

"During these days, you sisters have discussed carefully and prepared the bride price for Tong'er as soon as possible.

After listening to Young Master Liu's explanation, Qi Yun had vaguely guessed what her husband was thinking.

"To put it bluntly, wine bag."

"Yiyi, Feifei, Yaoyao, Yue'er, come out first."


"Women, don't be in a hurry to object, can you listen to all your husband's thoughts first?"

"Silly girl, the wedding date between you and Xie Yun has finally been set, so please be happy this time."


Qi Yun turned her head and glanced at the four daughters behind her, and Liu Mei was silent for a moment, looking at Liu Mingzhi silently tapping Zhenshou a few times with distressed eyes.

The expenses when the second child married Jingyao girl are there. Can we reduce the expenses when the other sons and daughters leave the cabinet to marry?


She glanced at Young Master Liu shyly, and lowered her head with a flushed face: "Daddy, you can do whatever you say, Yiyi will listen to you."

"Good girl, the wedding date between you and Xie Yun is set on March [-]th."

That is to say, it can't be exactly the same as Cheng Zhi's specification when he got married, at least it can't be too different, right? "

Liu Mingzhi put the remaining melon seeds in Qi Ya's hands, raised his head and drank a few mouthfuls of wine, then turned to look at Liu Yiyi.

As soon as Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, Qi Yun, the third princess, Qinglian and the other sisters fell silent.

"Hey, my concubine remembers it very clearly, and spent more than 100 million taels of silver."

Although I have already made all the psychological preparations, when I saw my daughter's attitude, I still couldn't help but feel the pain in my heart.
Unknowingly, the good girl has grown from a little girl to a slim big girl.

"Yeah, I'm listening to you."



Liu Mingzhi spat out the melon seed husk at the corner of his mouth, and nodded cheerfully.

"Come on, my concubine is all ears."

Young Master Liu took the wine bag from the empress, uncorked it, took a sip of the wine, and sighed with a melancholy expression.

After hearing her husband's idea, all the beauties raised their objections with one voice.

"Where is the person? Where is Xie Yun, the kid?"


Young Master Liu sat on the chair, stroking the tea cover in his hand, and looked at all the beauties in the hall, crossing his legs with satisfaction.

At this moment, they were able to understand the thoughts in Young Master Liu's heart best.


Especially the queen, Huyan Yunyao and sisters.

Only those who have been in that position can truly understand the difficulties of being in that position.

"Hey, Daddy."

Qi Yun's pretty face was slightly taken aback, and she nodded silently after realizing it.

"The concubine is here."

"Understood, come on."

"Hey, sister concubine knows."

Son, you shouldn't blame Daddy for being stingy. "

"That's right, Chengzhi and girl Jingyao spent a total of more than 100 million taels of money on their wedding and wedding.

I saw Liu Zhi'an, Mrs. Liu and his wife hurried towards him and the others.

In this way, wouldn't the time be too hasty? "

When Liu Yiyi heard her father's words, her eyes were both shy and sad, she grabbed Young Master Liu's big hand and said coquettishly: "Daddy."

However, with just one day's effort, the state treasury can save several 10 taels of silver in expenses!

The empress looked at First Young Master Liu with a sigh of relief, she didn't say anything, but silently took the wine bag into her hand.

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, and looked at his eldest daughter Liu Yiyi with complicated eyes.


One of them was the Queen of the Kingdom of Jin back then, and the other was the former Turkic Khan.

Liu Mingzhi turned directly to look at Qinglian, smiled lightly at her and shook his head.

"Husband, I feel that..."

Listening to her husband's affirmative words, Qinglian's expression became entangled involuntarily.

The palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are full of meat, as a husband I can't favor one more than another!

"That's right, in one day, many things are simply too busy!"

Seeing the appearance of his old man, Young Master Liu smiled helplessly.

Immediately, Liu Mingzhi slowed down intentionally or unintentionally, and looked at the four little padded jackets who followed with a light smile.

"Yun'er, your memory is very good, it's more than 200 million taels of silver."

"Hehehe, good, good, free of charge."

"That's right, that's exactly what being a husband means."

As soon as Qinglian's words fell, Qi Yun, the third princess, Qi Ya and a group of sisters all spoke in agreement.

Young Master Liu was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked towards the source of the voice.

Can the things used for entertaining guests, such as red silk, red cloth, etc., be reused once?
If it is arranged a second time, it will be a big expense. "

Qinglian heard her husband's words, and hurriedly asked: "Husband, since you plan to let Yiyi get out of the court to get married before she becomes married, why don't you let Yiyi get married?"
Which day do you want Yiyi to leave the cabinet on, the eighth day of March? "

Qi Yun pointed to the back hall, looked at Liu Mingzhi and asked softly: "Husband, do you mean that you want Yiyi and Chengqian, their siblings, to get married and start a family on the auspicious day in March?" Marry a wife?"

"Yun'er, Yan'er, sister Ya, you sisters should know, Yiyi, Feifei, Chengzhi, Yue'er, Yunxin...their brothers and sisters are all our sons and daughters.

"Husband, March [-]th and March [-]th, there is only a difference of one day between these two auspicious dates.

Qi Yun and her sisters, as well as Ren Qingrui, Liu Yiyi, and the little cute sisters responded one after another, and immediately chased after Young Master Liu.

"Bastard, where is he? Where is Xie Yun?"

Many of the things Yiyi used when she left the pavilion to get married can be used again when the boy Cheng Qian marries the girl Tong'er.

After you sisters have prepared the betrothal gift, my husband will immediately send someone to Baoyu's home to propose a marriage, and carefully discuss the wedding date with Tong'er girl and the others. "

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, Liu Yiyi, Liu Feifei, Liu Yaoyao, and the little cute sisters responded from behind the door curtain.

"Yu'er, don't forget to take someone to clean up the tea in the living room."

"Husband, even if one is set on the eighth day of March, the other on March [-]th, or the two auspicious days of March [-]th, it's better than the difference of only one day."

However, even if the imperial court is no longer short of silver, when we should save, we still have to save.

Ladies, it is only the wealth of my Dalong treasury, that is not real wealth, only when the wealth is hidden in the people, and all the people in the world are rich, that is real wealth.

After drinking the remaining wine in the wine bag in one gulp, First Young Master Liu wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth with his fingers, and handed the wine bag to the empress with a faint smile.

Hearing her father's question, Liu Yiyi shook her head a few times without hesitation.

Qi Yun nodded slightly, and asked again in a soft tone: "Husband, then what day do you think Cheng Qian and Tong'er girl should get married?"

"Old man, don't look for it anymore, this kid Xie Yun has already left."

Young Master Liu frowned, and looked at Young Master Liu suddenly.

"What, this kid has already left?"
"Yeah, it's been almost half an hour since I left."
Liu Zhi'an frowned, turned his eyes to look at Liu Yiyi, looked at Young Master Liu again and asked, "Is Yiyi's lifelong event settled?"

"Well, the young master's side has been settled, and I'm waiting to send someone to inform the Xie family."

(End of this chapter)

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