My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3224 Walking on Thin Ice

Chapter 3224 Walking on Thin Ice
"Which day is the auspicious day for the zodiac?"

Liu Mingzhi replied directly: "Old man, the date is March [-] this year."

"March [-]?"

"Yes, March sixteenth."

Hearing the eldest son's affirmative answer, Liu Zhi'an turned to look at the blushing granddaughter Liu Yiyi, and nodded with a sigh.

"March [-]th, March [-]th, it's only two or three months. How come it's so early?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at his old man's weeping expression, stretched out his right hand, patted Liu Yiyi's shoulder a few times with a wry smile.

"Old man, Yiyi is 21 years old this year, it's time to get married."

Liu Zhian stretched out his hand to caress the beard on his chin, turned to look at Liu Yiyi and sighed softly.

"Oh, what you mean, the old man knows, the old man knows, but the old man just doesn't want Yiyi to leave the cabinet so early... Forget it, forget it.


Liu Zhi'an put the banknotes in his arms back into his bosom, and looked towards Mrs. Liu with a light smile.

Immediately, Madam Liu turned around and looked at Liu Zhian: "Master, I think Zhier's idea is very good, what do you think?"

If the old man doesn't pay, you still set these two auspicious days.

First Young Master Liu glanced at the bank note in Liu Zhi'an's hand for the last time, then turned his head to look elsewhere.

Young Master Liu's face froze, and he nodded with a smirk.

Liu Yiyi, the little cute sisters heard the words, and immediately gave a blessing with smiles.

"Mother, the situation is like this, the reason why my husband wants to be like this..."

"Liu Yuan, let's go."

Liu Zhi'an turned his head to look at First Young Master Liu, and walked towards the gate of the mansion first.

When First Young Master Liu saw the thick stack of bank notes in Liu Zhian's hand, his eyes lit up.

"Okay, okay, let's go together, let's go together."

After Liu Zhi'an said so, Qinglian had no choice but to take the silver ticket.

Liu Yiyi listened to his grandfather Liu Zhian's emotional tone, and grabbed Liu Zhian's withered hands with a sad expression.

"Mother, my husband has a reason for doing this."

"Here, what do you mean, master?"

"You bastard, the old man has a lot of money, if you don't want to give it up, the old man will give it.

"So that's the case, I understand for my mother."

"Mother, I won't chat with you guys anymore, I'm going to go out for a walk to relax."


Now that you and your wife have already settled down, what else can I say, old man. "

Mrs. Liu walked slowly to Liu Zhian's side, reached out and snatched Liu Yiyi's hands from Liu Zhian's.

Liu Zhi'an shook his head angrily, bent down and took out a hammer from Yulou, and made a few gestures in front of Young Master Liu's eyes.

"Master, Young Master, the ice has been broken, and the hook can be hooked."

Seeing Young Master Liu's reaction, Liu Zhi'an shook his head angrily, counted out a stack of bank notes from his hands, and handed them to Qinglian cheerfully.

Liu Zhian put down the wine glass, skillfully threw the hook into the river.

In the strange eyes of Young Master Liu, Qi Yun and the other sisters, Liu Zhi'an directly took out a thick stack of bank notes from his arms.

"Hey, Yun'er."

"Hey, my concubine is here."

Liu Mingzhi drank the fine wine in the glass in one gulp, lifted the pot to serve Liu Zhi'an and himself a glass of wine, and sighed softly with vicissitudes of eyes.

Qinglian's pretty face froze for a moment, and she waved her hands quickly.

"Uh! Uh! Uh!"

"Oh, good boy, good boy."

"Yeah, thank you grandpa."

Liu Zhi'an lightly exhaled the smoke, raised his head and glared at First Young Master Liu.

"Hey, the old slave knows."

Qi Yun looked at Mrs. Liu with a smile, and softly repeated what Young Master Liu said just now.

Liu Zhi'an turned around and handed the dry pipe in his hand to Mrs. Liu, looked at Young Master Liu and sneered a few times.

"Okay, have a glass of wine to warm up."

"Thank you, Grandpa, Yiyi."

As soon as Mrs. Liu's words fell, Liu Zhi'an immediately reacted, and immediately turned to look at First Young Master Liu.

"Sisters who are concubines send off their husbands respectfully."

"Grandma, you really blamed Daddy wrongly.

Yiyi is already at such an age, even if he is reluctant to go out with Yiyi, there is nothing he can do! "

Qi Yun watched her husband's back gradually go away, and looked at Mrs. Liu with a faint smile.

"In this way, wouldn't there be a difference of one day between the days when Yiyi became a beautiful woman and the days when she married Cheng Qian and Tong'er girl?"

Madam Liu turned to look at Liu Zhian, and said softly: "Master, you go back first, I will accompany my daughters-in-law, and Yiyi, Yaoyao and their sisters chatting for a while."

Liu Mingzhi waved it with a faint smile, and hurried out of the courtyard with the dry pipe in his hand.

If you still make the plan according to the original plan, then what's the difference between the old man's money coming out and not going out?

"Okay, my mother understands that the rest period is coming to an end, you should go and relax while you are still free."

"Yiyi, Feifei, Yaoyao, Yue'er."


"Boy, it's windy outside, drink some wine to warm up."

"Go back to Mother, the wedding between Cheng Qian and Tong'er girl has not been postponed."

They are the eighth day of March, the sixteenth day of March, and the eighteenth day of March.

Seeing the bamboo float floating steadily on the water, Liu Zhi'an picked up his wine glass again, and turned to look at First Young Master Liu.

"Hehehe, yes, yes."

"Yes, Yiyi knows."

"Grandpa, Yiyi is not being polite to you, but sincerely thanking you."

Liu Zhi'an's body shook, and he took out a hand and gently patted Liu Yiyi's jade hands.

When First Young Master Liu heard what the little padded jacket said, his heart suddenly soured.

Liu Mingzhi touched the tip of his nose, turned around and gave Qi Yun a wink.

Liu Mingzhi said cheerfully, "Hehehe, that's right, it's March [-]th."

Now, the marriage between Yiyi girl and Xie's boy is set on March [-]th.

"Well, what happened?"

"Good boy, good boy."

"Mother, you are right, it is true."

"Grandpa, go slowly."

"Old man, the ice layer on the water should not have melted at this time, right?"

Mrs. Liu looked at First Young Master Liu kindly, smiled and nodded.

"What? March eighteenth?"

In fact, Dad didn't want Yiyi to leave the court so early to get married at all.

It's just that I was too busy before and didn't have the opportunity to enjoy this leisure and elegance. "

Qi Yun noticed the look in her husband's eyes, and immediately walked to Mrs. Liu's side with a smile and stopped.

"Girl Lian'er, these banknotes are not for you, they are for you to prepare a dowry for this girl Yiyi."

"Master, young master, please."

"You guys have a good chat with grandma."

However, as the saying goes, boys should marry when they go to college, and girls should get married when they go to college.

Liu Zhi'an looked back at First Young Master Liu who was walking towards him, and pointed to the fishing rod and basket at his feet.

"It should be, it should be."

After Liu Zhian hung the bait on the fishhook, he lifted the pot and poured two glasses of wine.

"Alright, the old man will go back first."

Young Master Liu's mind tensed up, and he hastily withdrew his hands to avoid the cigarette rod knocked by Liu Zhi'an.

"Staying at home is boring, go fishing outside the city."

"Thank you, father, but the daughter-in-law will be disrespectful there."

"Go fishing outside the city?"

Young Master Liu looked at Liu Zhi'an's back, walked up to Mrs. Liu and stopped.

First Young Master Liu said it's not good, but he didn't show any hesitation in his actions, he reached out to take the bank note in Liu Zhi'an's hand.

"Okay, what's good, where is it."

Young Master Liu nodded cheerfully, and immediately set off to catch up.

The old man paid out the money, and you also set March [-]th and March [-]th, the two auspicious days.

"Isn't it okay to break a hole with a hammer?"

"Good granddaughter, grandpa is fine, grandpa is fine, Yiyi has grown up, it's time to get married."

Little cutie, sister Liu Yaoyao immediately looked at the father.

Liu Zhi'an turned his head and glanced at Mrs. Liu next to him, watching Liu Yiyi smile and take a mouthful of dry smoke.

"Yiyi, Feifei, Yaoyao, Yue'er, grandpa go back first."

Liu Yuan carried the hammer and returned to Liu Zhi'an, next to Master Liu and Young Master Liu, happily sat down on the small bamboo chair beside him.

As Liu Zhian spoke, he reached out and began to feel in his arms.

"Zhi'er, isn't this a bit too hasty?"

Seeing Young Master Liu's outstretched hands, Liu Zhi'an turned slightly to hide, raised the pipe in his hand, and hit Young Master Liu on the back of his hand.

"Okay, then you can go."

"Mom, that's probably the case."

Immediately, Madam Liu seemed to have thought of something, and quickly raised her toe and kicked Liu Zhian's calf.

"Hey, Daddy."


Liu Yiyi turned her head to look at First Young Master Liu, smiled lightly and blinked her eyes a few times.

After listening to Qi Yun's explanation, Mrs. Liu glanced sideways at First Young Master Liu, and nodded with a clear expression.


"March [-]."

In a word, no matter what, the old man's grandson and granddaughter cannot be wronged. "

It seems that in the blink of an eye, you have grown from a little girl to a slim girl.

Young Master Liu and his party of three came to the riverside in the east of the city, talking and laughing.

When Young Master Liu heard his mother's question, he smiled lightly and shook his head.

"Oh, old man, how comfortable these days are!"

"In that case, let's go together."

Liu Zhi'an lightly took a puff of dry smoke, and looked at Young Master Liu and rolled his eyes angrily.

"Since everything has been discussed, let's go back first."

"Old man, Uncle Yuan, who are you?"

"Hey, I know it myself."

"There is a reason, what reason?"

"Hehehe, hehehe, old man, I don't have any problem with paying some money, the key is how to decide the marriage between Yiyi girl and Chenggan boy?


"Bastard, what the hell are you trying to do?"

After Liu Yuan placed a few small bamboo chairs and placed drinks on the low table, he picked up the hammer in the bamboo basket and walked towards the frozen river.

"That's right, the old man did say so."

That being the case, old man, why should I do so much?What you said yourself is not the truth? "

"Silly girl, time is such a thing, it really flies.

Young Master Liu spread out his hands and said directly: "Since that's the case, why are you still hitting my hand with a cigarette stick?"

"Father, my daughter-in-law can't take it."

"Just like you, I'm bored at home and plan to go around the street."

"Eh! Old man, didn't you say that you came to pay the money?"

"Yun'er, Yan'er, the sun is good today, you can accompany your mother to the garden."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, then turned to look at Qi Yun, their sisters and the others.

Young Master Liu bent down to pick up a fishing rod on the ground, held it in his hand and shook it lightly a few times.

Mrs. Liu glanced lightly at her eldest son, held Liu Yiyi's jade hand tightly, and nodded sadly.

"Hehehe, why are you so polite with grandpa?"

"Bastard, are you looking down on the old man? Or are you looking down on yourself?
Isn't it just a few 10 taels of silver?What is there to save? "

"Come on, you're always in love."

"Silly girl, on the day you get married, grandpa and grandma will prepare a generous dowry for you."

"Oh, your father is a bastard, you are really willing."

"Okay, then my husband is going out."

Liu Zhi'an was stunned for a moment, and looked at his wife suspiciously.

Liu Yuan smiled and nodded, and directly lifted the food box on the table.

Hearing Liu Zhi'an's playful tone, First Young Master Liu looked embarrassed, and touched his nose resentfully.

"Mother, let's go sit in the garden."

"Old man, my young master's wandering in the street is also a wandering, how about I go fishing outside the city with you?"

"Girl Lian'er, you will keep the 10 taels of cash."

"Hey, thank you grandpa, thank you grandma."

As soon as Young Master Liu came to the gate of the mansion, he saw Liu Zhi'an and Liu Yuan were packing a fish basket, talking and laughing.

Liu Zhian nodded slightly, picked up the fishing rod with one hand, and picked up the other two fishing rods with the other.

Liu Zhi'an casually threw the hammer back into the fish basket, looked at First Young Master Liu and asked, "What are you doing here, kid?"

Mrs. Liu held Liu Yiyi's jade hand, and walked a few steps forward with lotus steps, looked at Young Master Liu with kind eyes and asked softly: "Zhi'er, I remember that your husband and wife told her that the three There are a total of three auspicious days in the month.

Young Master Liu nodded cheerfully, put the fishing rod on his lap, and happily picked up a glass of wine.

"Well, we got it."

Then the marriage between this child Chengqian and girl Tong'er will be postponed later? "

Liu Zhi'an nodded cheerfully, turned around and walked out of the courtyard with the dry pipe in his hand.

"What are you talking about, my young master, I have always had a very leisurely and elegant heart, okay?

He hastily blinked his sore eye sockets a few times, pretended to glance at Liu Yiyi casually, and immediately pulled out the pipe from his waist, and lighted a pot of tobacco with trembling arms.

"As for it, is there that much pressure?"

"Old man, you still live comfortably."

"Old man, this is not good."

Liu Yiyi looked at the bank note in her mother's hand, and quickly saluted Liu Zhi'an.

Grandma is not ready yet, your father is going to let you get married. "

Hearing Madam's question, Liu Zhi'an took two steps back lightly, and angrily lit a pot of dry tobacco.

"Grandpa, I...I..."

Young Master Liu held the fishing rod in one hand, silently drank a glass of wine, and pouted at the writing in front of him with a slight frown.

Mrs. Liu frowned subconsciously when she heard the eldest son's affirmative words.

"Ah? There is no postponement, so which auspicious day do you plan to set for the wedding of this boy Chenggan and girl Tong'er?"

"Does it seem to you that fishing and drinking are pleasant days like this?"

After half a day.

After Liu Zhi'an drank a glass of wine carefully and slowly, he glanced at First Young Master Liu indifferently.

"Hehe, do you still have such a leisurely and elegant heart?"

"Hehehe, you should continue talking. The old man wants to see what you can come up with."

"Oh, you are the old man's daughter-in-law, and Yiyi is the old man's granddaughter. What kind of politeness do you have with the old man? If you let me keep it, you can keep it."


Mrs. Liu waved her hand casually: "Understood, let's go back."


Liu Zhi'an glanced sideways at the water surface, and a look of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Huh? What?"

"Hehehe, it's like walking on thin ice!"

(End of this chapter)

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