My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3230 It's not easy anymore

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Zhi'an in a daze and was silent for a long time, then nodded silently.

"Master Ben, Master Ben seems to have understood."

Liu Zhi'an smiled lightly and refilled a glass of wine for First Young Master Liu, and after placing the jug on the low table, he stretched his body a few times with a satisfied expression.

"It's good to understand, it's good to understand.

In this way, the pressure in your kid's heart should be relieved. "

"Peace and prosperity, peace and prosperity."

Young Master Liu muttered these four words twice in a low voice, picked up his wine glass with trembling arms, and drank the wine in the glass with a little excitement in his eyes.

"Old man."

Liu Zhi'an turned his head and spit out a mouthful of melon seed shells, and glanced indifferently at First Young Master Liu, who was slightly excited.

"Why, do you have any other questions, kid?"

First Young Master Liu took a deep breath of alcohol, raised his hands and vigorously rubbed his hot cheeks a few times after drinking the wine.

It doesn't matter how you got the throne, whether it was a rebellion, or killing the king to seize the throne.

It is my skill and luck that this young master can catch such a big fish.

"You bastard, you have to hurry up, don't let the big guy get away."

Liu Zhi'an shook his head with a light smile, opened his mouth and lightly took a mouthful of dry smoke.

Hearing Liu Yuan's answer, First Young Master Liu looked overjoyed, looked down at the big carp that was still shaking in the fish basket, and looked towards Liu Zhi'an with a hahaha laugh.

"You bastard, slow down your mother, don't get off the hook."

Liu Zhi'an didn't seem to have heard Young Master Liu's words, he tucked the crumbs of the melon seeds at the corner of his mouth with his fingers, still staring at the floating on the water.

"Old man, look at the splash of water, the fish you caught is not very good!

"Oh, bastard, how can there be so many perfect things in this world?

Maybe when I'm your age, old man.

The surface of the water, which was already rippling with layers of ripples, was splashed with bursts of water at this time.

"Hahaha, after biting my hook, Master Ben, it will not be so easy to run away."

"Hahahaha, old man, what's the matter, let me just tell you, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

"Where are you going?"

"Quick, quick, let me see how this big thing is doing."

Then, you can rest easy.

Listening to Liu Zhian's plain words, First Young Master Liu looked at the sparkling water with deep eyes and was silent for a moment, then smiled and nodded as a gesture.

After listening to Liu Zhi'an's words, Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and remained silent for a long time, let out a breath of steam slowly, and twisted the emerald wrench on his thumb with his knuckles.

Liu Zhi'an nervously grabbed the net in his hand, and quickly turned his head to look at Young Master Liu who was holding the fishing rod tightly.

The old man's fishing rod caught a big fish, of course the old man was nervous. "

Old man, I would like to offer you a toast. "

Hearing his old man's extremely open-minded words, Liu Mingzhi pondered for a while, and nodded cheerfully.

As soon as Liu Zhian finished speaking, he quickly turned his head and gave First Young Master Liu a fierce look, and then looked towards the splashing river.

All the past, all the old past events, can be seen slowly. "

"I'm coming."

"Uncle Yuan, how about the weight?"

"Quick, quick, ready to copy the net, ready to copy the net."

Young Master Liu's face froze, and the corners of his eyes involuntarily twitched a few times.

With other people's fishing rods, my young master and I can also catch big fish. "

Hearing the excited and unconfident tone of the eldest son, how could Liu Zhi'an fail to understand what was going on in Young Master Liu's mind.

"Master, your fishing rod has taken the bait again."

People of the present, live well in the present, and it is not easy to do well in the present.

Otherwise, don't say that you caught such a big fish, you can't say whether you can see a fish scale. "

Young Master Liu's expression tightened, he hastily put down the jug and wine glass in his hand, grabbed his own fishing rod, and looked cheerfully at the distant water surface.

"Tch, old man, just make excuses.

He shook his head lightly, picked up the jug on the low table, sipped carefully and poured himself a drink.

"Yeah, for the future, just let it take its course.

Hearing Young Master Liu's embarrassing tone, Liu Zhi'an's expression became more and more unhappy.

In this way, the old man's evaluation of you will inevitably be biased due to selfishness.

Now that you see it, the hot tofu made by this young master should be okay, right? "

In an instant.

Why do I have to wait until my age to understand it?
Regardless of deeds, no matter the heart, no one is perfect when it comes to the heart!

After about two cups of tea, the water in the river gradually became smaller.

Therefore, whether it is true or false, what the old man said does not count.

Young Master Liu stood up abruptly, his hands tightly grasping the fishing rod in his hand.

Old man, to be honest, I gradually thought about the matter of Qingshi after my young master hit a wall several times with Mr. Xia Gongming.

"Hehehe, I can't help it, my young master has such a personality.

He looked at Eldest Young Master Liu's complicated eyes mixed with anticipation and nervousness, smiled lightly and shook his head, peeled a melon seed with his hands, casually threw it into his mouth and chewed it a few times.

"Hey, old man, you have to figure it out, this big fish was caught by me, my young master.

"You bastard, don't worry, hold on, be sure to hold on, the splash is already a little smaller."

Liu Zhi'an completely ignored the pair of valuable boots under his feet, and rushed directly to the wet river, scooping up the big fish into the net with an excited expression.

Don't make it an afterthought, you can't even share a bowl of fish soup. "

"Hey, let me go. According to what you said, after I catch this big fish, my young master, it will belong to you."

"That's wrong, some things, the sooner you figure it out, the sooner you'll be happy.

Just as Young Master Liu was drinking wine glass by glass, Liu Yuan who was beside him suddenly stood up, pointed at the water surface and yelled softly.

"Got it, got it, this young master is in control!"

What is right and wrong, true or false, what is there to care about?

The character of a fisherman, at this moment, can be said to be vividly displayed on the two of them.

Sure enough, the float on his fishing rod had already submerged in the water.

Liu Zhi'an waved his hands without turning his head, followed the movement of Young Master Liu's swinging fishing rod with a nervous expression, and started running back and forth non-stop.

Master Ben, why are you so nervous about the fish I caught? "
"Damn it, you bastard, don't forget that I lent you this fishing rod.

"Young master, try your best to open up your mind as soon as possible.

Old man, you have to lean back quickly to block my young master's sight. "

in the blink of an eye.

"Hey hey, if you want to give this old man a hard time, old man, of course I have no objection."


The reputation of your kid, Emperor Taiping, in the history books will not be too bad. "


Seeing Liu Zhi'an's reaction, First Young Master Liu was startled for a moment, and then sighed helplessly after realizing it.

After half a day.

With the full cooperation of the master and the servant, a huge carp fell steadily into the fish basket.

Young Master Liu took off the melon seed shell with his fingers, laughed and nodded.

The old man is still the same as before, no matter what happens.

Liu Zhi'an frowned, touched his nose resentfully, and immediately cast his eyes on the float on the water without thinking.

"I'll go...fuck your lord's wife's leg, you can easily grab it."

"Master, master, hurry up, there is a fish hooked."

Seeing his old man's reaction of deliberately pretending to be deaf and dumb, Young Master Liu naturally understood Liu Zhi'an's thoughts.

"Master, it's a big carp."

"Okay, my young master knows. When I'm not too busy, I'll send someone to find out."

Liu Zhi'an took a quick glance at his float, quickly picked up the net at his feet, and ran towards the river nimbly.

Although Liu Zhi'an and Young Master Liu were bickering non-stop, their eyes never left the big fish in the water that was struggling and splashing water one after another.


Hearing Liu Zhian's unhappy tone, First Young Master Liu looked at the big carp in the fish basket with a smile, and immediately walked towards the fishing rod he threw on the ground.

"Master, big guy, it's big guy, hurry up, don't let big guy get away."

Hearing Young Master Liu's unceremonious words, Liu Zhi'an quickly moved to the side, not intending to argue with Young Master Liu at all.

"My young master is not blind, I have already seen it.

"Come on, His Majesty the Emperor, I would like to offer you a toast."

Left and right, it's just a handful of loess.

Under the excited eyes of Young Master Liu, Liu Zhi'an, and Liu Yuan, a big fish was dragged by Young Master Liu to the river.

First Young Master Liu stared at the big fish that was still struggling in the water, and nodded vigorously without looking at Liu Zhian.

Young Master Liu looked excitedly at the splashing water, and cheerfully controlled the fishing rod to wander.

Liu Zhi'an frowned, pretending to be unhappy, and shook his head with a light smile.

Seeing Young Master Liu laughing out loud, Liu Zhi'an looked at the big carp weighing tens of catties in the fish basket with a look of embarrassment, and a look of jealousy flashed across his eyes.

"Hehehe, what are you talking about, it's not because of the old man's fishing rod that you can catch such a big fish.

"Go to hell, it's still early, why are you in a hurry!"

"You bastard, slow down the fuck, slow down.

Young Master Liu immediately responded to Liu Zhi'an, looking at the big fish in the water that had lost much strength, he lifted the fishing rod in his hands vigorously with both hands.

Death is like a lamp going out, everything is nothingness.

"Hey, the old slave knows."

"You bastard, since it's a year of peace, it will be judged by the people of the world as a time of peace and prosperity.

After finishing the glass of wine, Liu Zhi'an raised his hand and wiped the wine from his beard with a light smile.

Immediately, Liu Zhi'an flicked his sleeves casually, took a look at his float, then turned around and walked towards his small bamboo chair.

In fact, the main pressure in my heart, my young master, is still on the matter of the future successor. "

"It's useless for you to tell the old man about these things.

"Come on, old man, you should continue to call me a bastard, or a bastard, I feel more at ease with this young master.

Seeing this situation, Young Master Liu threw down the fishing rod in his hand, swung his sore wrist, and hurried towards Liu Zhi'an, and Liu Yuan, master and servant, trotted over.

"You can't see with your eyes, didn't you see that the young master moved to the left?"

"Old brother, fish basket, fish basket."

But please, be ashamed of your heart. "

The things of the predecessors will be commented by later generations.

Seeing the relaxed smile on the eldest son's face, Liu Zhi'an cheerfully raised his wine glass and gestured to First Young Master Liu.

What is right and what is wrong, true or false, what is there to care about.

Hearing his old man's joking tone, First Young Master Liu raised his brows, and with a helpless expression, he picked up his wine glass and saluted him back.

"Old man, is what you said true?
The so-called peace and prosperity, you can't say it deliberately to make young master happy in order to relieve the pressure in young master's heart, right? "

Shouting the four words His Majesty the Emperor from your mouth, my young master, I heard it harshly, and felt uncomfortable all over my body. "

"Oh, I knew this young master, the old man will definitely react like this."

The sun was setting.

As long as the people's will is what they want, everyone in the world will praise it.

Young Master Liu turned his head to look at the splashes on the water surface, and after confirming that the fish he had hooked was not a big fish, he continued to hang the bait on the hook.

You have to keep working hard, otherwise, let alone let your good grandsons, good granddaughters, brothers and sisters eat a whole fish feast.

"Got it, got it, I'm not that stupid, young master, you just have to be ready to fish."

Left and right, it's just a handful of loess. "

"Okay, okay, get ready to copy the net."

Liu Yuan picked up the fish basket in front of him, weighed it cheerfully a few times, and handed the fish basket in front of First Young Master Liu happily.

Liu Yuan smiled lightly and glanced at the two fathers, then cheerfully waited beside him with the fish basket in his hand.

When you kid is free, send someone directly to the folks to find out the news, don't you know? "

Just as Liu Zhi'an was about to turn around and sit on his small bamboo chair, Liu Yuan yelled softly.

Whether it is true or false, and what are the details.

"Do first and respect."

Look at the water splash, this fish needs at least twenty catties to start, if it runs away, I will never end with you. "

The next thing will just go with the flow.

Don't worry, don't worry, you must control your strength.

It’s fine for you kid to see it for yourself, and it’s fine for you to see it for yourself. "

"Young master, this big thing starts at thirty catties, which is only a little bit more."

To put it bluntly, and to put it in a more general way, everything is just a name before and after life.

"A dog sits on a sedan chair and doesn't know how to praise it."

"Bastard, it's almost time, it's time to lift the pole."

The displeasure on Liu Zhian's face was instantly wiped away, and he quickly grabbed his fishing rod.

"Alright, I'll just wait and read that young master."

The surface of the water where the float was located before is now rippling with ripples circle after circle.

"This old man is your kid's own father, when evaluating the merits of you, the king of a country, there will be a little bit of selfishness.

Young Master Liu looked at the figure of Liu Zhi'an angrily walking away with a fishing rod in his hand, and looked cheerfully at Liu Yuan who was packing up the fishing rod.

"Uncle Yuan, have you cleaned up?"

"Okay, okay, you can go."

Young Master Liu nodded with a light smile, and immediately chased after Liu Zhian.

"Old man, why worry, wait for my young master!"

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