The sun and the moon fly like a shuttle, time flies.

As if in a blink of an eye, it was already a few days later.

In the inner courtyard of Liu Mansion, outside Huyan Yunyao's boudoir in Xiyuan.

The sky outside the window was still hazy, and several big roosters in the backyard had already started crowing again and again.

Amidst the loud and clear cock crowing, Hu Yanyun, who was sleeping soundly, slowly opened his sleepy eyes, and habitually stretched out his hand to push the husband who was still asleep beside him.

"Husband, the rooster has crowed three times, it's time to get up and go to court."

Young Master Liu whimpered and turned over, murmuring a few times with his lips.

"Huh? Yao'er, what?"

Huyan Yunyao listened to her husband's voice that sounded like she was dreaming, silently stretched out half of her jade arm from the warm bed, and stretched her waist in a charming and lazy manner.

Afterwards, she sat up lazily from the warm blanket, and stretched out her hand to grab the brocade quilt that wrapped her body, covering her graceful jade body with bumps and ridges.

The concubine wants to tell you something else, so you should give the concubine a chance. "

"Yao'er, you have never been pregnant again, it has nothing to do with your stomach or not.

After a long time.

Huyan Yunyao looked up at her husband, and sighed with a low expression.

Looking at the beautiful woman's reproachful eyes, First Young Master Liu smiled resentfully.

"Okay, I admit it for my husband, so it's possible."

As soon as the concubine talked about the Great Court Meeting, you suddenly sat up, leaned forward in a hurry and looked out of the window of the room.

Except for concubines, the rest of the sisters did not get pregnant again over the years. "

According to common sense, the concubine should have been pregnant again long ago.

As soon as Huyan Yunyao fell down, the jade hand placed on the lower abdomen lightly stroked a few times, watching Young Master Liu's eyes become more and more guilty, and he blamed himself more and more.

"Husband, this reason is very important, okay?
The concubine wants to give birth to a few more babies for you, but the stomach has not lived up to expectations. Of course, the concubine is not happy in her heart. "

Your sisters Yun, Sister Lian'er, Sister Ya, Sister Shan'er, Sister Qingshi... Are all their sisters also pregnant again? "

However, the concubine's belly was always disappointing, and she was always unable to conceive a second child.

When Huyan Yunyao heard her husband's question, she immediately sat up straight and watched Liu Mingzhi vigorously nod her head a few times in a serious manner.

The concubine is your wife, therefore, giving birth to children for you and continuing the incense of our Liu family is the most important thing Yaoer should do, okay? "

Seeing her husband's reaction, Huyan Yunyao stretched out her hand to hold First Young Master Liu's big hand, and narrowed her blurred eyes with a smile.

"Since your husband has admitted it, then you can tell my concubine that you have something to hide from my concubine."

Liu Mingzhi lowered his head and kissed the beautiful woman's white and tender forehead, and gently combed her somewhat messy black hair.

"Husband, it's almost time to get up, you need time to wash up."

Huyan Junyao's pretty face froze for a moment, her beautiful eyes were complicated and silent for a moment, watching Young Master Liu subconsciously tap Zhenshou a few times.

"Good Yao'er, didn't you say it for your husband? It's not yet five watch, why are you in a hurry."

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, he grabbed the brocade quilt and rushed towards the beautiful woman.

The clouds cleared and the rain rested, and the boudoir returned to calm.

"Stinky husband, I was a little uncertain before, but when I saw your reaction, I became sure.

You forgot, the rest period ended yesterday, and today is the first court meeting of this year! "

"Yao'er, come here."

"Smelly... smelly husband, you know how to bully my concubine."

However, this concubine vaguely feels that the problem you have concealed, my husband, has something to do with the fact that I have never been pregnant again.

"Oh, Yao'er, are you still going to listen?"

However, the more Liu Mingzhi said this, the more abnormal Huyan Yunyao felt in her heart.

After a long time, Huyan Yunyao shook her head at Young Master Liu in confusion.

"Husband, isn't your question nonsense?

"Great court meeting."

Seeing that her husband finally reacted, Huyan Yunyao smiled and nodded her head a few times.

Seeing the serious expression on the beauty's face, Liu Mingzhi was awkwardly silent for a moment, then pinched the beauty's nose with his fingers and twisted it gently a few times.

However, after so many years, the concubine's stomach has not moved at all.

First Young Master Liu quickly took a few deep breaths, immediately let go of the hands holding the beauty's waist and rubbed her face vigorously a few times, then leaned forward and looked out of the room.

Let's say it's your husband's problem, every time our husband and wife are happy, you always toss your concubine to death.

In addition, you interrupted your husband's lucid dream again today, so of course I must punish you properly. "

Seeing that the beauty was about to put on his underwear, Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, grabbed the beauty's wrist and pulled her back into the warm bed.

"No, it's all right."

"Husband, tell me."

"Really? But I see your face, why is it so wrong?"

Hearing her husband's words, Huyan Yunyao immediately murmured with a thoughtful expression on her face.

Huyan Yunyao slapped off her husband's big hand pinching her cheek, and rolled her eyes in reproach.

"Yao'er, what time is it?"

"Ah! Good Yaoer, it's not really an important matter, why don't we talk about it."


"Yao'er, just say what you want to say, there is no need to hesitate."

Then, she said softly and softly: "Silly husband, of course it's the first court meeting this year.

"Husband, we have been together for so many years, and my concubine gave birth to a child for you.

Young Master Liu grunted and shook his head, stretched out his hands and naturally embraced the beautiful woman's white and delicate waist.

Huyan Yunyao gently pulled the brocade quilt on her body, the lingering charm on her delicate face was still there, and she snuggled into Young Master Liu's embrace with her charming eyes.

In an instant, the beauty's boudoir became brighter.

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and glanced at the dark sky outside the window, raised his hands and stretched his body.

"Husband, you have something to hide from my concubine."

Huyan Junyao's pretty face froze for a moment, she quickly supported her delicate body with her elbows, and leaned over to look at Liu Mingzhi.

"Oh, good Yao'er, you are really worried about dying for your husband.

"Good Yaoer, you really want to"

"Stinky husband, there is nothing wrong with you.

Liu Mingzhi's expression turned awkward, and he shook his head with erratic eyes.

"Oh, my husband, you are really confused about my concubine's body. What do you mean is your problem, not your physical problem?"

"No, it's normal for my husband to be so normal, so there's nothing wrong with it."

"Stinky husband, what are you doing?"

That concubine can't figure it out, why can't I get pregnant with our second baby?
The concubine thinks about it, but there is only one reason why the concubine's stomach is not up to date. "

The concubine can say with certainty that you must have something to hide from the concubine. "

"Well, not yet."

Hearing the beauty's answer, Young Master Liu turned over and leaned on the pillow behind him, and heaved a sigh of relief.


"However, it's almost time, husband, you should get up and take a shower."

"Yes, is there?"

Seeing the bewildered and unclear expression of the beautiful woman, Young Master Liu sat up cross-legged, holding the beautiful woman's slender hands helplessly.

"Hehehe, blame me, blame me, because my husband's reaction was too encouraging."

"Good Yaoer, do you really want to have more children for your husband?"

"The concubine only needs to be more diligent to help you wash up later, so as not to delay your husband to go to court."

Huyan Junyao's pretty face blushed, and she gently twisted her fingers on Young Master Liu's arm a few times.

Seeing the beauty's serious expression, Young Master Liu was silent for a moment with a gloomy expression, then nodded with a wry smile.

After Liu Mingzhi reached out his hand to wipe the filth from the corners of his eyes, he pinched the beautiful woman's jade cheeks with a helpless expression and gently twisted them a few times.

Concubine's belly, isn't concubine's belly very disappointing?

"Yao'er, what... what's wrong?"

"Husband, the rooster has crowed three times, it's time for you to get up and go to the palace."

"Stinky husband, can this be blamed on my concubine?

"Good Yaoer, what's the matter?"

When Huyan Yunyao heard Liu Mingzhi's sigh, a hint of doubt appeared in her beautiful eyes.

Every time our husband and wife have sex in bed, the concubine will go all out and serve you as best she can.

When Young Master Liu heard the beautiful woman's words, the corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching a few times.

First Young Master Liu's face froze, and he met the beauty with erratic eyes.

The main reason is still on her husband's side. "

I thought you had encountered some difficulties, cooperating with Yaoer, it was because of this reason that you suddenly became so depressed. "

Huyan Yunyao smiled lightly and shook her head, leaning her waist to pick up the underwear scattered on the bed.

Huyan Yunyao's heart suddenly tightened, and she hurriedly asked: "Husband, are you alright?"

"Old husband and wife, I don't dislike my husband."

"Good Yao'er, didn't you realize that it's not just you who haven't been pregnant again these years.

"Well, it seems, it seems to be like this.

"Huh, so the fifth watch has not passed yet?"

Seeing her husband's caring gaze, Huyan Junyao leaned sideways and nestled on Liu Mingzhi's shoulder like a kitten, looking at him with guilt.

"Hmm... Husband, I haven't washed my body yet, and my mouth smells."

No, isn't this normal? "

"Oh, husband."

Huyan Junyao sat cross-legged in front of First Young Master Liu, pulling up the brocade quilt to cover her naked jade body.

"Hey hey, good Yao'er, what do you want to do as a husband?
Good Yaoer, you didn't serve your husband well last night.

"What? Husband, what did you say?"


"Yes, this year's first court meeting."

After Huyan Yunyao finished talking about her thoughts seriously, she saw Young Master Liu's embarrassed expression, and then realized that something was wrong with her husband's expression.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, and sighed softly: "Oh, Yao'er, my husband said that you have been unable to get pregnant again, and it has nothing to do with whether your stomach is competitive or not.

Huyan Yunyao looked at her husband with a lazy expression and raised her slender hands to comb her hair scattered around her ears with a smile.

"Well, the Great Court Meeting."

Huyan Yunyao put the Huozie back in the distance, leaned her waist slightly, turned around and moved towards Liu Mingzhi.

"Oh, husband, don't worry, it's not five watch yet."

"Husband, if it's just about other things, I'm naturally not so curious.

Seeing her husband's movements, Huyan Yunyao immediately pulled the brocade quilt on her body, and snuggled into Young Master Liu's arms again.

"Good Yaoer, my husband, I just told you that it's my problem, but I didn't say it's because of my health?"

Huyan Yunyao pursed her cherry lips a few times, and raised her hand to caress her belly with a complicated expression.

Huyan Yunyao turned sideways slightly, stretched out her hand to pick up Young Master Liu's palm and placed it on her jade-skinned lower abdomen, her pretty eyes were both charming and she sighed with some regret.

Since there is no problem with my concubine's body, you, my husband, are also in good health, without any problems.

Huyan Junyao leaned back slightly, and raised her hand to tidy up the hair on the back for First Young Master Liu.

"That's right, it's indeed because of being a husband."

"Husband, I'm sorry, it's all my fault for my unsatisfactory stomach. If my concubine's stomach is more up to date, I would have already given birth to your second, third, or even fourth child."

"Husband, look into my concubine's eyes."

"Little fairy, you can't make it clearer. I thought it was dawn already."

The loud crowing of chickens in the backyard gradually subsided.

She looked at her husband who was still sleeping soundly, smiled and shook her head, reached out and pinched Liu Mingzhi's nose and shook it gently.

Huyan Yunyao gently shook her head a few times, wiped the filth from the corners of her eyes with her fingers, leaned over and lit the candle beside the bed with a torch.

"Good Yaoer, you are a good lady for your husband, if your husband doesn't bully you, can you still bully outsiders?"

However, however, the concubine didn't know what was going on.

Huyanyun Yao's eyebrows condensed, and she looked at Liu Mingzhi with puzzled eyes.

It is about such important issues as concubine wanting to conceive, giving birth to a baby for your husband, and spreading branches and leaves for our Liu family.

"Grand court meeting?"

"It's not five watch yet, don't worry, don't worry."

Huyan Yunyao got out of bed again, and after pursing her cherry lips, she looked at Liu Mingzhi with a blushing delicate face.

Moreover, the concubine had consulted the doctor for pulse more than once in private, and the doctor clearly told the concubine that there was nothing wrong with the concubine's body.

Huyan Junyao's pretty face was full of incomprehension as she watched First Young Master Liu remain silent for a long time, then directly lifted the corner of the quilt and got into the warm cup.

When Liu Mingzhi saw the beautiful woman's innocent and puzzled expression, he immediately shook his head dumbfounded.

"What, is it because of you, husband?"

The fundamental reason why you didn't get pregnant again is mainly because of your husband. "

Huyan Yunyao cast an angry look at First Young Master Liu, picked up her underwear and put it on her body.

When Young Master Liu heard Jiaren's sigh, his face suddenly became tense.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the expression on Huyan Yunyao's pretty face full of self-blame, and was silent for a moment with a strange expression, and hugged the beauty directly into his arms, dumbfounded.

Although I don't know what my husband is thinking, but I can be sure of one thing, that is, my husband must have something to hide from me.

If you say I can't give birth to a concubine, the concubine has already given birth to a child for you.

Of course the concubine has to listen, to hear what your husband is hiding. "

Young Master Liu seemed to have reacted, opened his eyes suddenly, sat up from the warm blanket, and stared at the beautiful woman in front of him in astonishment.

Seeing the guilty and hesitant expression in the beauty's eyes, Liu Mingzhi quickly held Huyan Yunyao's jade hand.

"Yao'er, stop making trouble, morning court? What morning court?"

Seeing the beauty's serious expression, First Young Master Liu let out a long and helpless sigh, and gestured to her with open arms.

I have been sharing the bed with my husband for so many years, and I am very clear about his personality.

Huyan Yunyao leaned her waist to look at the sky outside the window, then shook her head at First Young Master Liu.

As soon as Huyan Junyao finished speaking, she lifted the brocade quilt and glanced at a certain place in the bed with strange eyes.

"Husband, is it because you are too old.

So, that's why we sisters can't get pregnant again? "

Young Master Liu's face froze, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

"Little fairy, what are you thinking?"

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