My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3243 Being Targeted

Chapter 3243 Being Targeted
Qi Yun, the three princesses, Qi Ya and the other sisters are all ice-snow-smart, pure-hearted women.

As soon as he saw the eyes of the husband who glanced at Xie Bingyan intentionally or unintentionally, he had already grasped the husband's mind in an instant.

Qi Yun, the empress and the sisters nodded their heads imperceptibly, stroking the tea cover in Yu's hand with smiling eyes, and looking up at Xie Bingyan sitting opposite from time to time.

Young Master Liu saw that the ladies had already understood his thoughts, so he sipped the tea with a light smile.



"Come, come, move the chair forward, we brothers catch up with each other."

"Yes, the end will be ordered."

Xie Qingtong responded with a solemn expression, and immediately pulled a chair, walked to Young Master Liu and sat down.

Looking at Xie Bingyan's delicate and charming appearance, Qi Yun, the third princess and the others felt more and more delighted.

This girl, no matter her background or appearance, is definitely the best choice for a daughter-in-law.

Immediately, Qi Yun, her sisters and others became worried again.

But, I just don't know if Xie Bingyan is betrothed to a good family now.

It would be great if she is still in her boudoir now.

On the contrary, if she has already betrothed to someone now, it would be a bit regrettable.

However, how should it be appropriate to ask Xie Bingyan whether this girl has already betrothed her?

If you ask directly, the intention is a bit obvious, and it seems too presumptuous.

On the contrary, if you ask in a more tactful way, you are afraid that the girl will not understand what you mean because she is too young.

Or, after the girl understood, she didn't know how to answer her question because of her daughter's shyness.

Alas, this is difficult.

Qi Yun murmured to herself, and glanced sideways at her husband who was sipping tea by himself, a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes.

My husband, my husband, you have really created a problem for my concubine!

It's good for you, you know how to bury your head in drinking tea, and you don't know how to help the concubine to change the topic.

As long as you change the subject, the concubine will naturally know how to speak.

How could it be like now, without any clues in my heart.

Qi Yun secretly blamed Young Master Liu for a while, and began to think in a hurry.

Suddenly, Qi Yun's eyes lit up, and she had a faint idea in her heart.

Qi Yuntan took a sip of the tea with her mouth slightly open, and turned to look at Yu'er, the maid standing beside her.


"The servant is here."

"Although the tea is good, if you only drink tea, you will always feel a little tasteless in your mouth. You should go and prepare some snacks such as candied nuts and bring them over."

"Yes, the slaves retire."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute."


Qi Yun put down the teacup in her hand, smiled and looked at Mrs. Xie Meng Li who was sitting diagonally opposite.


When Meng Li heard this, she quickly turned her head and looked at Qi Yun.

"Empress, my concubine is here."

"Oh, sister-in-law, you're out of touch now.

Sister, I have told you many times, except when you are in the palace, you can directly call me brother and sister, or sister Yun'er in private.

The two of us, sisters, will be in-laws in the future.

When you called empress, you made the relationship between our sisters strange.

I won't be happy if you call my sister that again. "

Meng Li listened to Qi Yun's words that seemed to be a joke, and hurriedly tapped Zhenshou a few times.

"Hey, that concubine... No, no, that sister-in-law is being rude."

"That's right."

As soon as Qi Yun's words fell, the three princesses immediately echoed with a chuckle: "Mrs. Sister-in-law, not only sister Yun'er, but also you and our sisters.

Between us sisters, we will become each other's mother-in-law in the future, so you can't meet with us sisters anymore. "

"Hey, sister-in-law knows, sister-in-law knows."
"Sister-in-law, my sister is about to ask the maid to prepare some snacks. I wonder if you have any favorite snacks, Mrs. Sister-in-law?

If there is, my sister will ask the maids to prepare more. "

Meng Li shook her head quickly, and replied with a light smile: "Sister Yun'er, sister-in-law can do whatever she wants, I don't usually pick my mouth."

"Hehehe, okay, okay, then my sister will let the servant girl prepare some snacks at will."

"Alright, alright, sister-in-law, let me do as I please."

Qi Yun nodded her head lightly a few times, and then shifted her gaze to Xie Bingyan.

"Girl, your name is Xie Bingyan, right?"

Xie Bingyan quickly stood up and saluted Qi Yunfu.

"Return to the empress's words, that's right."

Qi Yun frowned, and looked at Xie Bingyan who was saluting herself with a pretty face pretending to be angry.

"Ice geese."

"The little girl is here, the little girl is here."

"I ask you, what did your mother call me?"

Xie Bingyan saw Qi Yun's pretended anger expression, her pretty face panicked immediately, and she quickly replied: "Eh! Eh! Eh! Go back to Empress Empress, mother, she calls your sister."

"Well, since your mother called her sister Bengong, Bengong called your mother sister-in-law.

So, what should you call me, girl? "

"Aunt... No, no, it's my aunt."

Qi Yun relaxed, looked at Xie Bingyan and nodded with smiling eyes, a smile appeared on her pretty face again.

"Hey, that's right, you have to call me aunt."

In the blink of an eye, Qi Yun's self-proclaimed name has changed from me to me.

Xie Bingyan looked at Qi Yun nervously, and subconsciously turned her head to look at her mother.

Meng Li looked at her daughter's nervous expression, smiled and nodded.

Xie Bingyan's mind relaxed, and after silently letting out a long breath, she immediately bowed to Qi Yunfu.

"My daughter obeys, Auntie."

"Hey, shout again."


"Hey, that's right, stop standing and take your seat."

"Yeah, thank you, Auntie."

"Ice geese."

"Hey, auntie?"

Qi Yun looked at Xie Bingyan with a smile, and said softly: "From now on, auntie can just call you Bingyan, or Bingyan girl?"

Xie Bingyan heard the words, and nodded without hesitation: "Yeah, as long as Auntie is happy, you can call Bingyan whatever you want."

"Bingyan, tell your aunt what kind of snacks you like to eat when you are at home.

After you told your aunt, she immediately asked someone to prepare it for you. "

Seeing that Qi Yun is so approachable, Xie Bingyan is no longer nervous at the beginning.

After hearing Qi Yun's question, she subconsciously smiled and replied: "Auntie, Yan'er likes to eat a lot.

Like candied fruit, walnuts, almonds, peach kernels, osmanthus..."

However, just halfway through Xie Bingyan's words, Xie Qingtong, who was chatting and laughing with Young Master Liu, suddenly turned around and stared at her.

"Smelly girl, you are really welcome, do you really think that the handsome family is your own?"

Xie Bingyan's words stopped abruptly, and her pretty face suddenly became tense.

"Father, I, I, Yan'er knew I was wrong."

First Young Master Liu put the teacup in his hand on the table, and stared at Xie Qingtong with a slight frown.

"Xie Qingtong."


"Xie Qingtong, did you fucking take what I said as a deaf ear?

It's not even a cup of tea, but you completely forgot what I said just now? "

Xie Qingtong's face froze, and she instinctively picked up her crutch.

"Marshal, the last general dare not."

Seeing this, Young Master Liu took the lead in reaching out to hold Xie Qingtong's arms.

"Sit, sit."

"Yes, thank you, Commander."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Xie Qingtong's teacup which had bottomed out, and lifted the pot to refill him with a cup of tea.

"We brothers talk about our past, and let them tell their own affairs about women's affairs. What are you messing around with?"

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, Qi Yun immediately turned around and looked towards Xie Qingtong.

"Thank you bro."

"Empress... brother and sister, brother and sister."

"Brother Xie, what you handsomely said is correct, between you men, just talk about the things between you men.

Don't meddle in the affairs of women like younger siblings and sister-in-law. "

"Master, brother and sister, the little girl is really rude."

Young Master Liu silently refilled a cup of tea for himself, and frowned when he saw Xie Qingtong.


Xie Qingtong's face turned bitter, and he nodded hurriedly.

"That's right, handsome, brothers and sisters, you can do whatever you want, can't it be okay if you don't get involved in the end?"

"Well, that's about the same."

Immediately, Young Master Liu looked at Xie Bingyan with a smile on his face.

"Bingyan girl."

"The little girl is here."

"Girl, you continue to chat with your aunts, and you can talk about whatever topics you want to talk about.

If you want to eat something, just tell your aunts directly, you don't have to stick to anything, let alone your old dad's reaction.

If he dares to scold you, Uncle, I will hang him on the big tree in the yard immediately, and use a horsewhip to explain the truth to him. "

Xie Bingyan was slightly taken aback when she heard Young Master Liu's words.


"What? Girl Bingyan, don't you believe what your uncle said?

How about uncle, let me hang your old man on a big tree right away, and explain the truth to him properly? "

Xie Bingyan shook her head when she heard the words: "No, no, Yan'er believes, Yan'er believes."

"Hehehe, let's have a good chat with your aunts."

"Hey, Yan'er knows."

Young Master Liu gave Qi Yun a subtle wink, leaned on the chair, and continued chatting with Xie Qingtong.

Meng Li secretly glanced at First Young Master Liu, lowered her head and took a sip of tea, feeling a bad premonition vaguely rising in her heart.

It seems that something is not quite right.

Qi Yun looked at Xie Bingyan again, and said softly with smiling eyes: "Bingyan, you continue to tell your aunt, which snacks do you prefer?"

Xie Bingyan had just been scolded by her father, so naturally she didn't dare to be the same as before, and said whatever she wanted.

"Hehehe, Auntie, Yan'er is not picky about food just like mother.

Just look at the preparations, whatever snacks you prepare, Yan'er will eat whatever snacks. "

When Qi Yun heard Xie Bingyan's answer, it was naturally inconvenient to continue asking.

Otherwise, the intention would be too obvious.



"The candied fruit that girl Bingyan just mentioned, walnuts, almonds, and peach kernels, prepare more. For other snacks, prepare the same."

"Yes, miss, wait a moment, the servant will return as soon as he goes."

Meng Li looked at the back of Yu'er walking away quickly, and looked at Qi Yun with a smile.

"Brother and sister, I really bothered you."

"Hehehe, sister-in-law, you are being polite.

Little girl, it's perfectly normal to be greedy.

The same is true of the daughters of our sisters.

On weekdays, when you ask them to eat, each of them has a smaller appetite than the other, but when you ask them to eat snacks, each of them becomes more greedy.

All the same, all the same.

Besides, our sisters are all from their age.

When we were young, we might not be much better than them. "

Hearing Qi Yun's words, Meng Li took it for granted and tapped her head a few times.

"Brothers and sisters, you are right. When we were young, we were not necessarily better than girls like them."

Qi Yun smiled sweetly and nodded, then looked at Xie Bingyan again.

"Ice goose."

"Hey, aunt?"

"Bingyan, according to Auntie, your age should be about the same as those girls in our family.

You sisters are about the same age, you are the same age, and it is easiest to get along with each other.

After the sisters came back, the aunt introduced you to each other.

Bingyan, what do you think? "

Xie Bingyan's eyes lit up, and he nodded excitedly.

"Auntie, that would be wonderful.

Yan'er has lived with her mother in her hometown since she was a child, and rarely comes to the capital.

Therefore, Yan'er doesn't have any little sisters who are familiar with each other in the capital.

Aunt, you don't know how boring it is for Yan'er to stay in the second brother's house during the few days since he came to the capital with his father and mother.

When going out to wander in the street, there is also no one to accompany her.

After wandering around for a long time, no one talked with me, which was also very boring.

It's all right now, with my aunt, you can introduce good sisters to Yan'er, and I can finally stop being so boring. "

Seeing Xie Bingyan's depressed expression, Qi Yun smiled and nodded her head.

"Okay, okay, when the sisters come back, Auntie, I will immediately introduce you guys to each other.

Then, my aunt asked the sisters to take you shopping, to relax outside the city, and to release paper kites.

Let Bingyan, you can not only appreciate the infinite scenery of our capital, but also release the depression of these days.

Bingyan, do you think it's okay? "

Xie Bingyan looked happy, and nodded hurriedly.

"Yeah, thank you, aunt, thank you, aunt."

Silly girl, what's wrong with my aunt.

By the way, girl Bingyan. "

"Auntie, what's the matter?"

"Girl, tell your aunt how old you are this year.

After the sisters come back, my aunt will let you separate out sisters and sisters according to your age.

Otherwise, when the time comes, elder sister will be called younger sister, and younger sister will be called older sister, then it will be interesting. "

"That's right, it's still Auntie who is thoughtful, Auntie, Yan'er just passed this year."

"It's already, it's been twenty-nine years."

"Well, exactly."

Qi Yun glanced at First Young Master Liu, and nodded with a smile.

"Twenty-nine years, good, good, it's time for young age!"

As a woman, Meng Li has a delicate mind.

At this moment, she finally realized that something was wrong.

She glanced sideways at her daughter, then glanced at Qi Yun who was smiling, her heart skipped a beat.

That's bad, my silly daughter is being targeted!
(End of this chapter)

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