My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3244 1 Entering the Palace Gate

Chapter 3244

Qi Yun saw Meng Li's pensive expression change clearly.

However, she pretended not to see it, and still looked at Xie Bingyan who was sitting diagonally across from her with a smile on her face.

For some things, it would be nice if both of them understood what was going on.

If it is directly pointed out, it is not suitable for each other.

"Miss, here comes the snack."

Qi Yun saw Yu'er came in with a tray in her hand and brought a few little maids, and waved her hands with a smile.

"Let's put it all on."

"Hey, Yu'er knows."

Yu'er turned her head and nodded to the little sisters at the side, and walked straight to First Young Master Liu with the tray in her hand, and stopped beside Xie Qingtong and the others.

"Hey, the little girl is here, auntie?"

Meng Li chewed the walnuts in her mouth lightly, looked at Qi Yun, Qinglian and her sisters, and looked at the innocent little daughter eating nuts, her heart became more and more bitter.

It is a history of blood and tears written by young and beautiful women with their own life experiences.

However, she has heard about the things in the deep palace compound to some extent.

Young Master Liu smacked his lips a few times, and exhaled lightly.

Qi Yun smiled lightly and took a sip of tea, glanced sideways at her husband whose brows had been raised slightly, and let out a light breath with the corners of her lips slightly raised.

A few days ago, a young talented man with good moral character and a very good family background suddenly expressed his love for her.

"Your father has already explained why he came here, don't you plan to say something?"

I'm really sorry, Yan'er doesn't have anyone she likes yet.

"At the end, I will offer you a toast."

Yu'er was about to turn around when Young Master Liu suddenly waved her hand.

"Yeah, thank you auntie, you can eat too, auntie."

Once you enter the palace gate, it is as deep as the sea, this sentence is not just a common saying.

Young Master Liu looked at the wine bag in Xie Qingtong's hand, and waved directly at Yu'er.

"Good brother, let's drink together."

"Uncle, nephew is here."

"Hey, good girl, let's eat together."

"Ah? This! This, so what?"

"Hehehe, what Auntie wants to say is just a trivial matter, Bingyan, you don't have to be so serious, let's chat while eating."

After Qi Yuntan opened her mouth slightly and took a small bite of the pastry, she looked at Xie Bingyan and said softly: "Bingyan, Auntie has something to discuss with you."

When she saw Xie Qingtong drinking with First Young Master Liu non-stop, she was already a little helpless, but now she became even more helpless.

One day, if she marries into the royal family, relying on her pure character, in a place full of intrigues like the deep palace compound, she might be... maybe...

"Ice goose."

Mrs. Liu reached out to take the pastry from Liu Zhian, and nodded with a smile.

After hearing Qi Yun's words, Xie Bingyan's expression was slightly startled, and after realizing it, her pretty face was instantly stained with a blush.

Yu'er nodded slightly, turned around and walked towards Qi Yun and her sisters.

Forget it, forget it, whatever you love.

"Yeah, Yan'er understands, thank you auntie."

Xie Bingyan tapped Zhenshou vigorously a few times, and replied with a coquettish smile: "It's delicious, very delicious, there are several kinds of snacks, and this is the first time Yan'er has eaten them.


Xie Qingtong nodded vigorously, pulled out the cork, and cheerfully filled a glass of wine for Young Master Liu and himself.

"Bingyan, are the snacks at aunt's house delicious?"

"Auntie, I'm really sorry, Yan'er really can't help you."

"Bingyan, it's like this, my aunt has a daughter named Liu Yaoyao.

"Speak, handsome, listen."

"Back to Commander-in-Chief, the last general brought his wife and children to visit the mansion today, because he hired His Highness the Eldest Princess for the dog's son."

She has never seen what the deep palace compound looks like with her own eyes, let alone experienced life in the deep palace compound.

Liu Mingzhi exhaled softly, put down the teacup in his hand, picked up an empty teacup and put it in front of Xie Qingtong.

Young Master Liu let out a mouthful of alcohol slowly, sideways put the drinking cup in his hand aside, lifted the pot and poured two glasses of wine,

Xie Qingtong looked at the few dishes of snacks in the tray, shook his head with a smile, and took off a wine bag from his waist.

Qi Yun nodded with a smile on her face, picked up a walnut and gestured to Xie Bingyan.

"Ah? This! This! Auntie, I...I..."

"Sir, walnuts."

What's on your daughter's mind, Bingyan, you should be able to understand.

"Auntie, I... I...

For this situation, she couldn't help feeling a little bit of resistance in her heart.


"Oh, thank you Yun."

"Okay, thank you Ma'am."

Qi Yun pinched a peach kernel with her fingers, and gestured to Xie Bingyan with smiling eyes.

"Ice goose."

"Marshal, the general doesn't need it anymore. Compared with these snacks, the general prefers to drink some wine."

Xie Qingtong immediately sat up straight, looked at Young Master Liu and nodded without hesitation.

Qi Yun'e raised her eyebrows slightly, and pinched a piece of pastry with a smile: "Hehehe, you like Bingyan, so you can eat more.

The two brothers raised their wine glasses and clinked each other's wine glasses, then raised their heads and drank the wine in the glasses in one gulp.

Mrs. Liu squeezed lightly with her fingers, and a walnut was directly shattered, then she smiled and handed the nut in front of Liu Zhian.

Meng Li glanced sideways at her little daughter Xie Bingyan, who was eating all kinds of snacks with a smile, and ate the candied fruit in her hand with complicated eyes.

Don't refuse, she is worried that the young talent will continue to pester her endlessly.

"Xie Yun."

Meng Li glanced sideways at Xie Bingyan, who was eating all kinds of nuts with a smile, lightly chewing the candied fruit in her mouth, a subtle bitterness quickly flashed in the depths of her beautiful eyes.

When my aunt is free, I'll just ask someone else. "

The other drinks are not strong enough, and they will not be enough to drink in the end. "

"Well, ma'am?"

"Okay, I know."

"Okay, tell me, auntie."


"Back to Commander, I hope the Commander will forgive me if I want to waste my tongue again."

"Qingtong, would you like some snacks for the Teeth Ceremony?"

Xie Bingyan looked at Qi Yun with a blushing face, and fiddled with the nuts between her fingers a little at a loss.

"The reason for your presence today has already been conveyed to me by the servant, do you need to repeat it again?"


Liu Zhian frowned slightly, nodded and lowered his eyebrows, eating the nuts in his hand with a smile on his lips.

As soon as Xie Bingyan said this, Qi Yun's eyes flashed with joy.

"The end is here."

She just simply didn't want her daughter to enter the deep palace compound one day.

If it weren't for Aunt, you had someone prepare it for Yan'er, I would never know that there are such delicious things in this world. "

"Commander, the general's legs are ill and he can't stand the cold, so the general always has a bag of spirits on his body to warm up."

"Ma'am, eat cakes, eat cakes, let's just watch."

Qi Yun took out a handkerchief from her cuff and wiped the corners of her mouth, took a sip of tea from her teacup, and looked at Xie Bingyan, who was kneading almonds with her white teeth, with a smile on her face.

Young Master Liu lowered his head and took a sip of the tea, leaned on the chair with Erlang's legs crossed, raised his eyes to look at Xie Qingtong, and then turned his gaze to Xie Yun.

We are old, and the matters between our children and grandchildren should be handled by themselves. "

"Yes, my nephew understands, thank you all aunts."

In the recent days, you want elder sister Yaoyao not to mention how depressed she is because of this matter. "

"I don't need it, I will share it with the old lady, young ladies, and a few distinguished guests."

"Hey, auntie."

"Grandpa, have a snack."

If so, Auntie hopes that you can solve your elder sister Yaoyao in private according to your own situation.

"Yes, the servant understands."

Xie Qingtong immediately refilled two glasses of wine, looked at Young Master Liu with a smile and replied: "Hey, that's right, it's the cow and horse that our brothers used to drink.

"Since you don't have someone you like yet, forget it.

"Yeah, you eat too, Auntie."

Qi Yun smiled and nodded sweetly, turned her head to look at the good sisters sitting beside her, and put the peach kernels into her mouth with slightly raised lips.

Some things, it's really inconvenient for my aunt, a mother, to talk to her in detail.

Now, Meng Li is very sure in her heart that Qi Yun, Qi Ya, the queen, Qinglian and the others are all interested in her youngest daughter.

Smelly girl, stinky girl, let me tell you what to do if you let me be your mother!

"Yu'er, wait."

Meng Li complained secretly in her heart, then glanced sideways at her son Xie Yun.

However, between you little sisters, there is no problem in bringing up these topics in a joking way. "

Others don't know what kind of personality my little daughter has, but isn't my mother not clear?

"Pour the wine, let's have a few drinks together, brothers."

After all, you sisters are peers, and it is easiest to deal with peers.

The sweet and sour candied fruit is usually delicious, but now it tastes a bit unpleasant.

Old thing, drink, drink, drink, you know how to drink, don't you see that your precious daughter is about to be abducted by someone?

Mrs. Liu leaned on the table with one arm, picked up her teacup with a light smile, leaned slightly sideways towards Liu Zhian

Madam Liu pretended to glance at Xie Bingyan inadvertently, and whispered softly, "Master, which of our grandchildren do you think Bingyan is more suitable for?"


After Yu'er divided the snacks in the tray, she led a group of little sisters to the corner of the hall and sat on the small stool behind her.

If you don’t have enough food, tell your aunt, and your aunt will send someone to prepare some for you. "

"Hey, tell me, auntie."

"Ma'am, no one can say for sure about fate.

So, so, regarding this matter, Yan'er really can't help you, and neither can sister Yaoyao. "

There was a hint of helplessness in Meng Lishen's eyes, and Tankou let out a silent breath.

Xie Bingyan quickly put down the nuts in her hand, looked at Qi Yun and nodded solemnly: "Okay, tell me, Auntie, Yan'er is all ears."

Seeing Xie Bingyan's pretty face flushed and incoherent appearance, Qi Yun picked up her teacup with a smile.

"Of course, if it's Bingyan and you don't have someone you like right now, and you don't have any experience in this area, then forget it.

"Go back to uncle, nephew, nephew is here to give Princess Yiyi a betrothal gift."

Young Master Liu turned his head to look at Xie Qingtong, and pointed to the tray in Yu'er's hand.

The third princess, Qi Ya and the others felt Qi Yun's eyes, and while they were thinking about something, they smiled and ate all kinds of nuts in their hands.

"Huh, is the horse falling?"

Xie Yun stood up suddenly, and hurriedly put the nuts in his hand on the table.

Did you know that half of your foot has already stepped into the abyss?
Meng Li silently ate the nuts in her hand, looking at Xie Qingtong from time to time.

"In this weather, you have to drink cattle and horses to enjoy yourself. Keep drinking."

However, your elder sister, Yaoyao, has been obsessed with medical skills since she was a child, and currently has no plans to leave the court and marry.

Okay, okay, I finally figured out the current situation of this girl.

"Xie Yun, you too, don't be polite."

Silly girl, silly girl, you really don't know how to be polite at all.

"Marshal, I will toast you at the end."

Xie Bingyan immediately looked up at Qi Yun, raised her hand and casually wiped the nut residue from the corners of her lips a few times.

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, and sighed softly.

The three princesses, Qi Ya, Qinglian, Huyan Yunyao, Wenren Yunshu... The smiles on the faces of their sisters and others became more and more intense at this moment.

At the moment, his son Xie Yun is just like her younger sister Xie Bingyan, happily eating the snacks on the plate bit by bit.

Yaoyao is a few years older than you. According to her age, you should still call her sister Yaoyao.

The tone of the refusal must have been serious, but he was worried that he would hurt the heart of that young talent.

"Madam, please."

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyes to look at Yu'er, chuckled the tea leaves at the corner of his mouth and shook his head.

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, lightly smiling and stroking the tea cover in his hand.

"Hehehe, so Auntie just wanted to ask you, Bingyan, do you have someone you like now?

About your elder sister Yaoyao, Auntie should ask others when she has a chance. "

"My nephew is here."

"Together, together."

But, your elder sister Yaoyao has a kind heart and a gentle personality, but for a while, she doesn't know how to reject that gentleman.

"Girl, when you come to aunt's house, it's the same as being in your own home. You can eat whatever you want. Don't be polite."

Of course, Meng Li had such an idea, not because she was dissatisfied with Young Master Liu, Qi Yun, the third princess, the empress, Yun Qingshi and the others.

"Hehehe, it's okay, it's okay, eat nuts, eat nuts."

Seeing this, her heart became even more bitter.

During Liu Zhian's words, he picked up a piece of pastry and handed it to Mrs. Liu.

"Ice geese."

"How about the betrothal gift your family gave to Yiyi, uncle, I won't ask you any more.

Uncle, I only want to ask you a question, and you must answer uncle truthfully. "

Xie Yun's expression tightened, and he quickly saluted.

"Excuse me, uncle, my nephew must know everything and say everything."

(End of this chapter)

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