Chapter 3245 Accepted

Young Master Liu caressed the tea cover in his hand, staring at Xie Yun silently for a moment.

"Can you keep the previous promise and treat Yiyi forever?"

Hearing First Young Master Liu's question, Xie Yun nodded without hesitation, and said firmly, "Go back to Uncle, yes!"

The word able, Xie Yun said sonorously, resoundingly.

Liu Mingzhi stared calmly at the solemn Xie Yun, was silent for a while, lowered his head, took a sip of tea, and nodded with a faint smile.

"Okay, sit down."

"Yes, thank you uncle."


"The end is here."

"Is there any wine left?"

Xie Qingtong gently shook the wine bag in his hand, and nodded to Young Master Liu.

"Back to the commander, can I pour a few more glasses."

"Pour wine."


After Xie Qingtong raised his hand and poured two glasses of wine, he cheerfully waved his hand as a signal.

"Master, please."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, put down the teacup in his hand, and picked up the wine on the table casually.

"Good brother, cheers."

"Marshal, it's respect for the last general."

After Young Master Liu picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp, he frowned slightly and turned the wine glass in his hand for a long time, then sighed with a melancholy expression.

"Oh, Qingtong!"


"Your family's dowry, I accept it."

Xie Qingtong's body shook, his eyes widened in surprise, and his face instantly became agitated.

"Master, really?"

Seeing Xie Qingtong's excited reaction, Young Master Liu put the cup on the table casually.

"What? Does this guy seem to be joking?"

Xie Qingtong looked at First Young Master Liu with a smile on his face, and quickly explained: "No, no, the last general is just too excited, subconsciously he can't believe the good news."

"Are you sure now?"

Xie Qingtong stretched out her hand and scratched her head, then nodded with a silly smile.

"It's confirmed, it's confirmed, thank you Commander-in-Chief at the end, thank you Commander-in-Chief for completeness."

As soon as Xie Qingtong finished speaking, she turned around and looked at his wife Meng Li.


"Hey, my concubine is here, master?"

Xie Qingtong quickly put down the wine glass in his hand, and waved to Meng Li.

"What are you still doing? Gift list, gift list."

"Good good."

Meng Li hurriedly nodded Zhenshou a few times, took out a gift list from her cuff and handed it to Xie Qingtong.

"My lord, the gift list."

Xie Qingtong put the wine bag on the table, and after receiving the gift list from Meng Li, he happily handed it to First Young Master Liu with the gift list in both hands.

"Marshal, this is the gift list for the bridegroom to be given to His Royal Highness, Marshal, please take a look at it."

Liu Mingzhi took the gift list from Xie Qingtong, flipped through the content on it, and nodded with a smile.

"Qingtong, you have a heart."

"It should be, it should be."


"The concubine is here."

Liu Mingzhi took out the pipe from his waist, got up and walked to Qi Yun, her sisters and others.

"Yun'er, you sisters should take a look too."

Qi Yun got up and took the gift list from her husband, and put the gift list on the table beside her with a smile.

"Husband, don't be in a hurry, our sisters are waiting for the girl Yiyi to come back from the palace, and watch with her."

"Alright, alright."

Young Master Liu walked to the door of the hall, took out a fire pocket and lit a pot of dry tobacco.


"The end is here."

"Sister-in-law, you two, have you chosen an auspicious date for marriage?"

"Returning to Commander, the last general and his wife have already discussed it, the auspicious day for the Eldest Princess to leave the cabinet is entirely up to the Commander and you ladies and gentlemen to decide.

Commander, when will you let the eldest princess out of the cabinet, and when the last general and his wife will let Xie Yun prepare to welcome the bride. "

Liu Mingzhi exhaled a puff of smoke towards the hall door, turned his head to look at Xie Qingtong, Meng Li and his wife.

"March [-]."



"March [-] is an auspicious day for marriage.

Yiyi and Xie Yun's lifelong event is set on March [-]th. "

Hearing Young Master Liu's words, Xie Qingtong, Meng Li and his wife looked at each other, and their expressions became excited.

Xie Yun also looked happy, and his eyes couldn't help showing a touch of excitement.

Xie Qingtong immediately picked up his crutches, and walked towards First Young Master Liu with a happy face.

"Marshal, March [-]th?"

"Why, it's too early. If you think it's too early, then I will extend it for a while later."

Xie Qingtong's expression tightened, and he shook his head hastily.

"Marshal, don't, don't, don't! The end is not too early, it's not too early, the end is wishing it could be earlier."

"That's about the same. More than a month's work should be enough for your family to prepare for marrying this girl Yiyi, right?"

"It's enough, it's enough. After the general returns, he will immediately start all matters related to marrying His Royal Highness the princess."

Liu Mingzhi took a puff of dry smoke lightly, then turned his head to look at Qi Yun.


"The concubine is here."

"Immediately prepare the banquet, I want to have a few drinks with Qingtong for my husband."

"Hey, I'm going to prepare now."

Qi Yun said to prepare the banquet immediately, but she didn't really leave.

She knew very well in her heart that her husband was just saying polite words.

After all, on the day of the appointment, there is no reason for the woman to hold a banquet.

Sure enough, as soon as Qi Yun got up together, Xie Qingtong quickly looked towards him.

"Empress... Brothers and sisters, please go slowly."

Qi Yun paused, and looked at Xie Qingtong with a puzzled expression.

"Thank you, brother, what's the matter?"

"Brothers and sisters, let me have a few words with the commander-in-chief first."

"Okay, please."


"Speak, handsome, listen."

"Marshal, if it's the last general, he doesn't want to stay and drink with you.

Instead, the general thinks that the life events of Quan Zi and His Royal Highness the Princess are more important.

Therefore, the general intends to take his wife back first, and make preparations for marrying His Royal Highness as soon as possible.

I will deal with the matter almost, and come to drink with you again.

Besides, the last general came to give the princess a betrothal gift, so there is no reason for the commander-in-chief to hold a banquet for you, it should be the last general who throws a banquet.

Three days, three days later, Mo will have a big banquet with the Penglai restaurant run by the two empresses.

At that time, I hope that the commander-in-chief and all the empresses, His Royal Highness, and Princess Highness will come to you. "

Liu Mingzhi pretended to frown slightly and remained silent for a moment, then nodded with a light smile.

"Okay, then do as you say.

Three days later, we will meet again at Penglai Restaurant. "

Xie Qingtong nodded with a faint smile, turned around and looked at his wife Meng Li.

"Ma'am, it's my husband's wine bag."

Meng Li smiled and nodded, immediately got up and picked up the wine bag on the table, turned around and walked towards Xie Qingtong.

When Xie Yun and Xie Bingyan saw this, they immediately got up and followed.

"Sir, wine bag."

Xie Qingtong took the wine bag and hung it on his waist, and bowed respectfully to First Young Master Liu, Qi Yun, Qinglian, the Queen, the three princesses and their sisters.

"Marshal, then the general will take his wife and children and leave first. We will meet again in three days."

Seeing this, Meng Li's mother and son saluted as well.

"Your Majesty, ladies and gentlemen, my concubines will retire."

"Uncle, aunts, my nephew will leave first."

"Uncle, aunts, my daughter will leave first."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, leaned over and knocked out the embers in the smoke pot under his feet.

"Let's go, I'm going to see you off."

"Don't dare, please stop, Marshal."

Liu Mingzhi shook his head helplessly, put the pipe away from his waist, and reached out to support Xie Qingtong's arm.

"What's the matter? I can't even send you off as handsome."

"Ah! Then the general would be more obedient than respectful."

"Hehehe, let's go."

"Master, wait a minute."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Xie Qingtong turned slightly, looked at Liu Zhi'an respectfully, and Mrs. Liu and his wife made a big gift.

"My uncle, my aunt, my nephew, my wife and children will take my leave first, and I will come to visit you two elders when my nephew is free some other day."

Liu Zhi'an casually put down the teacup in his hand, smiled lightly and walked towards Xie Qingtong.

"Qingtong, the old man won't see you off."

"Don't dare, uncle, aunt, please stay."

"Walk slowly."

Xie Qingtong nodded, and clenched the crutches in his hands.

"My nephew will leave."

"Marshal, let's go, I'll see you off if I'm sorry."

"Damn it, why are you being polite to Ben Shuai?"

"Hehehe, etiquette cannot be discarded, etiquette cannot be discarded."

"Yun'er, Lian'er, Yan'er, Sister Ya, Wanyan, Qingshi..."

"The concubine's sister is here."

Young Master Liu looked at Qi Yun, the three princesses and their sisters, and they glanced intentionally or unintentionally at Xie Bingyan who was standing beside Xie Yun.

"Yun'er, you sisters, accompany Wei Husband to give Qingtong a present."

"Hey, sister concubine knows."

Sister Qi Yun and the others sensed her husband's gesture, and they all got up with smiles and walked towards Meng Li. Sister Xie Bingyan walked over.

"Sister-in-law, girl Bingyan, let's go together."

"Hey, let's go together."

Young Master Liu supported Xie Qingtong's arm, and walked towards the outside of the living room at a leisurely pace.



"Three days later, when you hold a banquet at the Penglai restaurant run by the sisters Bizhu and Lingyi, don't just invite me and our family, go perfunctory.

But don't forget to invite King Wu Yi, Lord Hou and the others. "

"Okay, the general will know.

After returning with his wife, General Mo immediately wrote a letter to them, inviting them to drink at Penglai Restaurant in three days. "


"Master, is there anything else?"

Young Master Liu smiled lightly and nodded, pointed to the east of the city and said, "I'm handsome, let me remind you that this girl Baoyu is also in the capital, don't forget to write a letter to him too. "

Xie Qingtong looked happy, and subconsciously looked towards the east of the city: "What, General Zhou is also in the capital now?"

"That's right, otherwise, why did the commander-in-chief tell you about this guy?"

"Marshal, when did General Zhou come back to the capital?"

"After the transfer last year, he came back around October, and there is still a long time to wait until the next transfer."

If you forget him, he will inevitably nag you severely in the future.

So, don't forget him.

Otherwise, if he wants to vent his anger on you at that time, I will not be able to help you much. "

Xie Qingtong said cheerfully: "Yes, the general knows. After the general returns, let someone tell General Zhou's mansion to invite you."

"Hehehe, it's good that you know, I won't talk about that handsome man anymore."

"Thank you, Marshal, for your reminder."

"Come on, it's useless to thank you, it's justified to treat me to a few more drinks in the future."

"Yes, yes, the general understands, and the general will definitely invite you to drink more often in the future."

Young Master Liu and Xie Qingtong were chatting and laughing, and the group gradually arrived outside Liu's mansion.

"Marshal, ladies and gentlemen, please stop."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the several carriages outside the gate of Liu Mansion, smiled and nodded.

"Qingtong, Mrs. Sister-in-law, then our husband and wife will not be far away."

"Stay, stay."

First Young Master Liu smiled lightly and nodded, then turned to look at Xie Yun, brother and sister Xie Bingyan.

"Xie Yun, Bingyan."

"My nephew is here."

"The little girl is here."

"When you are free, you often come to sit at home. The door of uncle's house is always open for you two brothers and sisters."

"Yes, nephew understands."

"Yeah, the fairy understands, thank you uncle."

Qi Yun took a look at her husband, stretched out her slender hands to hold Xie Bingyan's white and tender hands, looked at her with a smile and said softly: "Bingyan, today is really unfortunate, my aunt can't introduce you to your sisters and sisters." up.

But don't worry, Bingyan, when the sisters return home from the palace, aunt will tell them about you right away.

Then, when the sisters are not busy, the aunt directly asks them to go to your second brother's house to find you.

At that time, you little sisters must get to know each other well. "

Xie Bingyan's eyes lit up, and she tapped her head a few times with a smile.

"Okay, okay, Auntie, tell the older sisters that Yan'er is waiting for them at home at any time."

"Okay, okay, auntie knows, auntie must bring your thoughts to the sisters.

Bingyan, if this is the case, then the aunt will not be far away. "

Xie Bingyan nodded immediately: "Okay, aunts, please wait."

Qi Yun nodded slightly, turned to look at Xie Qingtong and his wife, and said with a light smile: "Brother Xie, Madam, I will not send you off."

The three princesses, Qi Ya, the queen and their sisters all nodded their heads as a gesture.

"Sorry for delivery."

"Don't dare, dare not. Please stay."

Xie Qingtong took a deep breath and saluted Young Master Liu.

"Marshal, let's see you later."

"See you later, don't send it off."

Xie Qingtong smiled lightly and nodded, leaning on a cane and walking towards the carriage first.

"Madam, Yun'er, Yan'er, let's go."

"Hey, here we come."

"Father, walk slowly, Yan'er is here to support you."

Young Master Liu watched the carriages gradually go away, then turned to look at Qi Yun.


"The concubine is here, my husband?"

"Yun'er, go to the kitchen right now and prepare some food and wine according to your husband's previous instructions."

"Husband, are you hungry?"

"Silly Yun'er, I want to pay homage to Tao Ying, a silly woman, for my husband."

"Okay, okay, I know."

(End of this chapter)

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