"Husband, what about the girl Bingyan?"

As soon as Qi Yun's words came out, Qi Ya, Qing Lian, the empress and their sisters all flocked to Young Master Liu with curiosity on their faces.

"Yes, yes, what are you going to do with this girl Bingyan?"

"Husband, husband, among the children below, who do you think is more suitable for the girl Bingyan?"


Liu Mingzhi looked at the curious expressions of the ladies, turned his head and glanced at the carriage that was about to disappear at the corner of the street, happily folded his hands, turned and walked towards the gate of the house.

"Ladies, it's useless to be anxious about some things, no matter how anxious you are, you need to proceed step by step."

"Husband, of course I know this. I mainly want to know which kid in our family do you think Bingyan is more suitable for."

"Sister Shan, my husband really doesn't know how to answer you about this matter.

After all, fate is so mysterious, who can say for sure?

The most critical problem now is to find a way to let Yiyi, Feifei, Yaoyao, Yue'er, Lingyun and the sisters get to know each other with Bingyan girl.

After the little sisters get acquainted with each other, we will make the next step.

As for who is more suitable with whom, it all depends on the fate between them.

When the time comes, this girl Bingyan will see each other with some brat in our family, so let's match up whoever she is. "

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, he seemed to think of something again, looked at all the beauties with a strange expression and shook his head with a light smile.

"Hehehe, hehehe, even, we have to prepare for the worst in advance.

Maybe, girl Bingyan doesn't like those brats in our family at all!

People look down on our kid, so we can't force it, right? "

Qi Yun, the third princess, Wenren Yunshu and the sisters all nodded their heads a few times after listening to their husband's answer.

"Okay, so be it."

"Since you have thought about everything, my husband, the concubine sisters will not say anything more. What do you say, the concubine sisters will just listen to you."

"Husband, what you said earlier is quite reasonable.

But what do you mean by those words behind you?

What happened to those brats from the concubine's sister's family?How good their brothers are! "

First Young Master Liu turned his head to look at the coquettish Wenren Yunshu, and nodded cheerfully.

"Yes, yes, Shu'er, you are right, those brats in our family are the best, okay?"

"Oh, hum, insincere, perfunctory."

Qi Yun pursed her cherry lips, looked at her husband and asked softly: "Husband, when will it be appropriate for the concubine sisters to let Yiyi, Feifei, Yaoyao, Yue'er and the others meet this girl Bingyan?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly, and lightly turned the emerald wrench on his thumb, thinking for a while.

"This matter should be done sooner rather than later, as soon as possible.

How to proceed, you sisters can discuss it with each other. "

"Hey, I understand now."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Yuan who was sitting on the small stool warming up the fire, he tightened his cloak casually, and happily sat on the small stool opposite Liu Yuan.

"Uncle Yuan."


Young Master Liu stretched out his hand to pick up the flagon and poured himself a glass of wine, then pointed to the chessboard beside him.

"Uncle Yuan, how about a game of chess?"


Young Master Liu picked up the wine glass and took a sip, then looked up at Qi Yun, the three princesses, their sisters and others.

"Yun'er, my husband is waiting for you here, hurry up and prepare the food and drink."

"Hey, I'm going here."

The three princesses, Qi Ya, Qing Lian and the other sisters gave a blessing with smiles.

"Husband, you can play chess with Uncle Yuan, and the sisters who are concubines will go back first."

"Okay, okay, you sisters go back and do your work first."

"Hey, my concubine sister is resigning."

"Young master, should we go first or guess first?"

"Hehehe, guess first."

Liu Yuan nodded slightly, reached out and grabbed a handful of chess pieces as a gesture.

"Master, single? Or double?"


Young Master Liu put the chess pieces in his hand on the board, counted the number carefully, and waved to Young Master Liu cheerfully.

"Shuang, please, young master."

"Come on, then the young master will not be polite."

Young Master Liu nodded slightly, picked up a chess piece with a light smile, thought for a while, and landed on the chessboard.

After half a day.

Qi Yun carried a food box in one hand and a bundle in the other, and walked slowly back to the gate of the mansion.

At this moment, the chess game between Young Master Liu and Liu Yuan, master and servant, is reaching its most tense moment.

When Qi Yun saw her husband, Liu Yuan and Liu Yuan were concentrating on placing chess pieces on the chessboard with a thoughtful look on their faces, and their steps became lighter in an instant.

She walked cautiously behind First Young Master Liu and stopped, looking down at the chessboard with curious expressions.

Liu Mingzhi looked up at the beautiful woman behind him, nodded with a smile, and casually dropped a chess piece on the board.

Liu Yuan cheerfully dropped the chess piece in his hand on the chessboard, raised his hand and punched Young Master Liu.

"Master, the old slave has accepted, accepted."

First Young Master Liu looked at the chess pieces that Liu Yuan had dropped, and after putting down the chess pieces in his hand with a helpless expression, he lifted a pot to refill him with a glass of wine.

"Uncle Yuan, you are good at chess."

"Hehehe, it's not that the old slave is superb at chess, but that you are not paying attention, young master."

"If you lose, you lose, and it has nothing to do with whether you put your heart into it or not.

Come, come, drink, drink. "

"Eldest young master, the old slave should be the first to do it first."

"Hehehe, drink together, drink together."

After finishing his glass of wine, First Young Master Liu put his hand on the low table, got up and beat his lower back a few times.

"Uncle Yuan, I still have some things to do here, so I won't continue playing chess with you."

"Okay, okay, young master, please go ahead, please go ahead."

Liu Mingzhi tightened the cloak on his body, and reached out to take the cloak and the burden from Qi Yunyu's hand.


"Hey, husband?"

"What's in this bag?"

"Incense, paper money, and some cherry blossom petals that my concubine specially kept last year."

Liu Mingzhi looked down at the baggage in his hand, and nodded silently.

"Yun'er, you have a heart."

"Husband, don't say that, these are what concubines should do."

Young Master Liu nodded with a light smile, turned around and walked towards the gate of the mansion.

"Okay, then Yun'er, you can go back first, I went out for my husband."

Qi Yun pursed her red lips, and immediately raised her skirt and chased after First Young Master Liu.


Young Master Liu paused, and looked back at the beautiful woman who was chasing after him.

"Yun'er, what's wrong?"

Qi Yun stopped in her tracks, looked up at Young Master Liu and said softly, "Husband, why don't my concubine sisters accompany you to the imperial mausoleum.

You go to pay homage to Sister Tao Ying alone, and the concubine is worried that you will fall in love with the scene, and I feel uncomfortable.

Besides, for so many years, you, my husband, have been rushing to the imperial mausoleum alone to pay homage to Sister Tao Ying.

We sisters should also accompany you, husband, to pay homage to her. "

After listening to Qi Yun's words, Young Master Liu was silent for a moment thoughtfully, then nodded with a light smile.

"Alright, then you sisters can go with Wei Fu."

"Yeah, husband, please wait a moment, this concubine is going to inform the sisters to prepare a sacrifice for sister Tao Ying."

"Yun'er, wait a minute."

Qi Yun paused, and looked at Liu Mingzhi with a puzzled expression.

"Husband, what's the matter? Is there anything else?"

"Yun'er, the sisters Bizhu and Lingyi have already gone to the restaurant, and it will take some time until the sisters return home."

"Huh? So, so?"

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and patted the beauty's fragrant shoulder lightly, then raised his head and pointed towards the direction outside the city.

"So, I won't wait for you sisters. I plan to rush to the imperial tomb first. Let's meet at the entrance of the imperial tomb."

Qi Yun's pretty face was startled for a moment, but after realizing it, she nodded her head a few times.

"This! Well, the concubine knows it.

Husband, you should leave first. After the concubine sent someone to call back sister Bizhu and Lingyi, we sisters rushed to meet you at the entrance of the imperial mausoleum. "

Liu Mingzhi observed the situation on the street left and right, looked at Qi Yun with guilt in his eyes and was silent for a while, then nodded and kissed the beauty on the forehead.

"Miss, I really wronged you."

Qi Yun shook her head with a smile, looked at Young Master Liu and said softly: "Silly, I am your wife, and I should do anything for you.

From now on, you are not allowed to say these outlandish words to the concubine again, do you understand? "

"Hey, I know it for my husband, I know it for my husband."

"Husband, this concubine will go back and inform all the sisters to prepare, and you should leave quickly, we will meet at the imperial mausoleum."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a faint smile, waved to Qi Yun, and walked forward slowly.

"Okay, okay, then I'll be one step ahead for my husband."

"It's windy today, fasten your cloak."

"Got it, got it, you go back and inform Yan'er, Lian'er and the sisters."

After Qi Yun watched her husband walk hundreds of steps away, she turned around and walked quickly towards the mansion.

Xing'an Square, Changshun Street.
Liu Mingzhi looked at the mansion in front of him, hesitated for a moment, walked to the door of the mansion with steady and strong steps and knocked on it.

"Who is it?"

"Is Tao Huan here?"

The door of the mansion opened in response, and a middle-aged man in his 40s came out from the door, and looked at Young Master Liu suspiciously.

"My master is here, I don't know if you are... hiss... you are...

Are you...Mr. Liu? "

Seeing the suddenly tense expression of the person in front of him, Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile.

"You know Master Ben."

"Returning to Mr., when Mrs. was still alive, I was lucky enough to see Mr.'s face."

"Hehehe, so that's the case, you go and tell Huan'er that an old friend has come to visit."

"Yes, yes, sir, please wait a moment, and I will inform sister Huan'er right away."

"Alright, go ahead."

It's about the time of a cup of tea.

A beautiful woman full of charm trotted all the way to the gate of the mansion.

Charming Lady is Tao Ying's personal maid, Huan'er.

Huan'er looked at Young Master Liu's familiar face, and hurriedly bowed and blessed her.

"Slave servant Huaner, please refer to Young Master Liu."

"Excuse me."

"Thank you, Young Master Liu."

First Young Master Liu casually observed the extremely familiar layout inside the gate of the mansion, and let out a soft breath.

"Huan'er, is it convenient for my young master to go to the mansion first?"

Huan'er nodded hurriedly, and waved to First Young Master Liu with her delicate body sideways.

"It's convenient, it's convenient, Mr. Liu, please come in."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, and walked into the inner courtyard unhurriedly under the guidance of Huan'er.

"Huan'er, how have you been all these years?"

Huan'er's eyes turned red, and she blinked her sore eyes a few times vigorously.

"The servant has entrusted Mr. Liu and Miss with great blessings, everything is fine, everything is fine.

Mr. Liu, this way, this way, this servant will lead you to Miss's boudoir. "

Young Master Liu followed Huan'er all the way to the courtyard where Tao Ying lived.

Huan'er took out a key and directly opened the brass lock on the door.

"Master Liu, please."

As soon as Young Master Liu entered the boudoir where Tao Ying lived in those years, he couldn't help being stunned.

The layout of the room was actually the same as it was many years ago, without any changes.

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, and looked at Huan'er with a sad expression.


"The servant is here."

"Did you not stay in this main house?"

"Returning to Young Master Liu, although the young lady gave this mansion to the servant, in the heart of the servant, only the young lady can live here.

The room is still there, and so is Miss.

Therefore, over the years, the servants have never allowed anyone to approach this house except when they came to help the lady clean the room.

The servant girl didn't want to, and didn't want her only thought to be gone. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, put down the food box and baggage in his hand, untied the wine bag from his waist, and walked towards the bed behind the screen at a leisurely pace.

"Huan'er, step back first, I want to be alone for a while."

Huan'er nodded quickly, and saluted Young Master Liu.

"Young Master Liu, the servant is waiting outside the door, if you have any orders, just tell the servant."

"okay, I get it."

Liu Mingzhi pulled out the cork, raised his head and drank a few mouthfuls of wine, then walked towards the bed not far away with his legs as heavy as weight.

First Young Master Liu lifted a corner of the silk quilt, and lay directly on the bed.

He quietly looked at the extremely familiar layout around the bed, and smiled at Qi Ali with a silly expression.

I don't know when it started, two lines of tears involuntarily fell from the corners of Young Master Liu's eyes.

"Tao Ying, you silly woman, I will never forgive you as a husband."

After half a day.

The figure of Young Master Liu carrying the food box and baggage appeared again outside the gate with the plaque of Li's residence.

"Servant, send off Mr. Liu respectfully."


"The servant is here."

"Don't forget what Tao Ying left you back then, live well, understand?"

"Yeah, servant girl understands, servant girl understands."

Liu Mingzhi looked back at the mansion behind him, his eyes were deep and silent for a long time, and he waved his hand casually.


"Servant send off Mr. Liu respectfully."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a gloomy expression, and gradually blended into the crowd on the street with a desolate figure.

Time is like a white horse passing by, passing away quietly.

When the sun was rising, the figure of First Young Master Liu finally appeared at the entrance of the imperial mausoleum.

But at this time, Qi Yun, Qi Ya, the third princess, Qinglian... all the sisters had already been waiting outside the imperial tomb for a long time.

Qi Yun, the third princess, Huyan Yunyao, their sisters and the others saw the late husband, and hurriedly raised their skirts to welcome him.

"Husband, why did you rush over here at this time?"

"Yes, yes, husband, why are you here so late?"

"Husband, you left at least half an hour earlier than our sisters, why did you arrive only now?"

"Husband, did you encounter something on the road?"


Young Master Liu looked at the worried expressions on the pretty faces of the beauties in front of him, and waved his hands happily.

"Hehehe, my husband went to Tao Ying's original residence halfway, which made you sisters worry."

"So that's the case, the sisters who are concubines can rest assured."

"Oh, my husband, my concubine sisters thought that something happened to you on the way."

"That's right, the concubine sisters are almost worried to death."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be my husband, and I made you worry."

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