Chapter 3247
"Husband, as long as you are fine."

"Yes, yes, as long as your husband doesn't encounter anything, it's fine. The concubine sisters are also worried about your safety."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the concerned eyes of all the beauties, and shook his head cheerfully.

"Hehehe, as my husband, I am a big man, what can happen to me?"

"Husband, it's getting late, it's time for us to pay homage to Sister Tao Ying."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, looked at the imperial mausoleum in front of him, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay, you sisters come with your husband."

"Husband, wait a minute."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Husband, the offerings prepared by the concubine sisters for Sister Tao Ying are still on the carriage."

"Okay, okay, then you go and get it."

Qi Yun, Qinglian, the third princess, Ling Weier and their sisters immediately walked towards several carriages more than ten steps away.

It took about a dozen breaths.

Qi Yun, Wenren Yunshu and their sisters trotted to Young Master Liu's side each carrying a burden.

"Husband, let's go."

Young Master Liu nodded with a faint smile, and while walking towards the imperial mausoleum, he looked at Qi Ya curiously, calling out the burdens in the hands of Yun Yunyao and the others.

"Yun'er, Sister Ya, Yao'er, you sisters have big bags and small bags, what's in them?"

Qi Ya immediately quickened her pace, smiled and raised the baggage in her hand as a gesture.

"Husband, the sacrifices brought by our sisters are different, and they are all our sisters' wishes."

Huyan Yunyao echoed and said softly: "Yes, husband, our sisters have never dealt with Sister Tao Ying before, so we don't know what she likes.

So, our sisters each prepared some things we like and brought them here. "

Qinglian raised her lotus root arm and pointed at the surrounding snow that had not yet melted, and said with a helpless expression: "Husband, I remember that you told our sisters before that Sister Tao Ying liked cherry blossoms the most.

However, at this time of year, the cherry blossom trees are not yet in full bloom. Even if we sisters want to bring some cherry blossoms, there is nothing we can do. "

Huang Lingyi carried the burden in her hand on her fragrant shoulders, and looked at Young Master Liu helplessly with her pretty face.

"Husband, there is more, there is more."

Upon hearing this, First Young Master Liu looked at Huang Lingyi with a puzzled expression.

"Lingyi, what else?"

"Husband, at the beginning our sisters were still discussing, even if there are no cherry blossoms in full bloom, it would be better to go and pick some cherry blossom branches that are about to sprout for Sister Tao Ying.

It's just that the time is too short, and our sisters have no time to find the cherry tree. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a smile, stretched out his hand to pinch the tip of Huang Lingyi's nose and shook it lightly a few times, and then looked around at the beauties following him.

"Women, you sisters really have a heart.

If Tao Ying had a spirit in heaven, she would be very happy to know that your sisters treated her like this. "

"Husband, don't say that, Sister Tao Ying is your wife, so naturally she is our good sister.

Those of us living sisters, when we come to worship our good sisters, we must be careful. "

"That's right, that's right, although many of us sisters have never met Sister Tao Ying, since she has become your husband's pillow, she is our good sister.

Even if the concubine sisters have never seen her.

However, because of you, my husband, we sisters love Wu and Wu, so we will naturally treat her sincerely. "

Young Master Liu looked at Qi Yun, the sincere eyes of the three princesses and the other sisters, and the eye sockets involuntarily became sour.

"Ladies, for the sake of your husband, I really wronged you sisters."

"Oh my husband, what are you talking about?"

"That's right, that's right, our sisters are willing to do this."

Seeing her husband blinking his eyes non-stop, Qi Ya reacted in an instant.

She pursed her cherry lips a few times, and quickly took out her handkerchief from her cuff.

Immediately, when she took it from Young Master Liu's hand with a sweet smile, she stuffed her handkerchief into his hand with the other.

"Husband, I'm going to borrow a sentence that you often say to our sisters."

First Young Master Liu looked slightly startled, and suppressed his throat and coughed, "Hmm, Sister Ya, what sentence is it?"

"Hehehe, you've already been an old couple who have shared the same bed for decades, so is there any need to say such outrageous words?

Husband, do you understand what it means to be a concubine? "

Seeing Qi Ya's pretty eyes full of tenderness, Young Master Liu looked down at the embroidered handkerchief in his hand, and nodded hurriedly.

"Hey, I made a mistake for my husband, and I knew it was wrong for my husband."

Qi Ya smiled sweetly, and rolled her eyes pretending to be angry.

"Silly man, seeing your dusty appearance, you must be in a hurry when you are on your way, right?
I don't even know if there is dirt on my face, so hurry up and wipe it off with a handkerchief. "

Hearing Qi Ya's words, Young Master Liu nodded cheerfully: "Hehehe, I know now, I will wipe it clean."

First Young Master Liu turned his head slightly, picked up the handkerchief and quickly wiped the corners of his eyes a few times, then looked at Qi Ya again.

"Sister Ya, have you cleaned up your husband?"

Qi Ya tapped Zhen's head a few times with a smile, and said softly, "Well, it's clean."

Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath, smiled and handed the handkerchief to Qi Ya.
However, just as Young Master Liu handed over the handkerchief and was about to say something, there were suddenly chaotic footsteps around.

I saw a group of about 50 people guarding the mausoleum up and down, holding cold-lighted weapons in their hands, and quickly surrounded Young Master Liu, Qi Yun, the third princess, and the empress.

"Who are you waiting for, to trespass into the imperial mausoleum?"

First Young Master Liu put the handkerchief in his arms casually, turned around with a smile and looked at the general of the Mausoleum Guard Army.

"Ding He, are you fucking blind? Ben Shuai recognized your voice right away, but you didn't fucking recognize who Ben Shuai is?"

The general of the Mausoleum Protecting Army tightened his expression, quickly put away his saber and put it into its sheath, walked quickly to Young Master Liu and made a big salute.

"Chen Dinghe sees His Majesty, and ladies, long live my emperor, long live my empress, thousand years old."

"I will see Your Majesty, and my empresses, long live my emperor, long live my empress, and my empress."

"Well, wait for the courtesy."

Qi Yun, the third princess and all the other sisters put their hands up together.

"All officers and men are exempt from courtesy."

"Thank you Your Majesty, thank you ladies and gentlemen."

After Ding He got up, he looked at Young Master Liu and scratched his head with a smile.

"Marshal, you will be wronged at the end.

Just now you have been talking sideways to all the empresses, the general really can't see your face clearly.

Please forgive me, Marshal, please forgive me, Marshal. "

Seeing Ding He's nervous expression, Liu Mingzhi waved his hands cheerfully.

"Hehehe, you bastard, you don't want to play this game with me, you are so loyal to your duty, what's your crime?"

"Yes, thank you for your understanding, Marshal."

"Ding He, it's so cold, you and the soldiers shouldn't have any problems with food and clothing, right?"

"Back to the Marshal, there is no problem at all. The Ministry of Households will send people to deliver all the items on a regular basis, and there has never been any delay."

"That's good, that's good, thank you for waiting."

"Don't dare, it's our luck to be able to work for the commander-in-chief."

"Okay, you guys continue to patrol around."

"As ordered, the general will retire first."

"We retire."

After Qi Yun watched the group of mausoleum guards go away, she walked lightly to Young Master Liu's side with lotus steps.


"Hey, Yun'er?"

"Husband, the tomb guards have appeared, are we officially entering the imperial tomb?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qi Yun's curious expression, smiled lightly and nodded.

"Yeah, it's the real imperial mausoleum here."

Young Master Liu tightened the cloak on his body, and continued to walk forward.

"Ladies, let's go, let's talk as we go."

"Hey, sister concubine knows."

"I'm coming."

"Oh my husband, please walk slowly, wait for our sisters."

After observing the scenery on both sides of the road around for a while, the empress, with her eyebrows slightly concentrated, chased after First Young Master Liu.


"Hmm, politely?"

"Without conscience, is this the place where our husband and wife will sleep forever after waiting for others?"

First Young Master Liu turned his head to look at the Queen, and nodded with a wry smile.

"Hehehe, to put it bluntly, although your question is a bit unlucky, I still want to tell you as a husband.

You are right, this is the place where we, my wife and others will sleep forever. "

The queen nodded her head a few times, then turned her head again to look at the surrounding environment.

"No conscience, my old lady just took a rough look at the surrounding mountains and rivers.

Madam, I made a rough estimate based on these mountains and rivers. The size of your imperial mausoleum starts at least tens of miles away!

The amount of labor required for such a large imperial mausoleum is extraordinary! "

After hearing what the queen said, Ling Wei'er turned her head to look at the entrance of the imperial tomb behind her, and immediately reached out and pulled Young Master Liu's sleeve.

"Brother Zhi, sister Wanyan is right, the specifications of this imperial tomb are indeed extraordinary.

Wei Er thought about it roughly, we walked for about three or four roads just now.

After walking for about three miles, we actually entered the imperial tomb. Why does Wei'er feel that the scale of this imperial tomb is much larger than that of his father and his old man? "

Seeing the astonishment on the pretty faces of the queen and Ling Weier, Liu Mingzhi also looked back at the way they came from behind.

"Be polite, Wei'er, to be honest, I'm really not too clear about this matter as a husband.

Regarding all matters concerning the construction of the imperial mausoleum for Weifu, Weifu has already been handed over to the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Industry, and the Qin Tianjian to supervise and handle all the matters.

Over the years, unless it was the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Industry, and the Qintian Supervisory Department who took the initiative to write to my husband to build the imperial mausoleum, my husband, I have never paid attention to this matter at all. "

The queen withdrew her gaze from observing the surrounding environment, turned her head to look at First Young Master Liu and let out a soft sigh.

"Huh, heartless, your heart is really big enough.

Based on my old lady's knowledge, if I guessed correctly, the specifications of this imperial mausoleum were completely built according to the specifications of the founding king. "

Young Master Liu raised his brows, and immediately looked at the Queen curiously.

"Oh? To put it bluntly, you actually know this?"

The queen rolled her eyes at First Young Master Liu, and shook her head pretending to be annoyed.

"You don't have a conscience, don't forget, I was also a gentleman back then, okay?
Back then, as soon as I inherited the throne and proclaimed myself emperor, those ministers had already started to build the imperial mausoleum for me.

To put it bluntly, I have listened to them a lot, even if I don't understand this aspect, I still have some understanding. "

Hearing what the queen said, Young Master Liu suddenly realized and nodded.

"So that's how it is, my husband understands."
Qi Yun, Qi Ya, the third princess, Xue Bizhu, Wenren Yunshu and their sisters immediately surrounded the queen.

"Sister Wanyan, hurry up and explain to the sisters."

"That's right, that's right, please tell my sister about the general situation of this imperial tomb."

Young Master Liu also turned his head to look at the queen, his eyes couldn't help showing a hint of curiosity.

Over the years, he has been working as a fortune teller outside Penglai Restaurant.

Therefore, I don't dare to say how much I know about Feng Shui, but I still know a little bit.

Therefore, I am also curious about what kind of opinion the queen will have.

Seeing the curious eyes of the sisters around her, the queen turned her head to look at First Young Master Liu, raised her jade hand and pointed to the front left.

"Without conscience, if my mother's predictions are correct, it should be the location of the main mausoleum."

First Young Master Liu turned his head to look at the direction of the queen's finger, and nodded with a strange expression.

"Wanyan, you are right, where is indeed the location of the main mausoleum, so you really understand Fengshui?"

The queen looked at Young Master Liu's astonished expression, and tapped Zhenshou a few times arrogantly.

"It must be, I am very powerful, okay?"

Young Master Liu raised his brows, and nodded subconsciously: "Wanyan, you continue."

"That's all, that's all."


Qi Yun, the third princess, Qi Ya, Qing Lian, their sisters and others were also stunned.


"What, gone?"

"Sister Wanyan, is this gone?"

"Sister Wanyan?"

The queen looked at the unsurprised expressions of First Young Master Liu and the other sisters, and scratched her white and tender forehead with a sneer.

"Hehehe, heartless, sisters, please.

Back then, I was just the king of a country, not a fortune teller, okay?

What I learned is the way of governing the country, how much Feng Shui do you expect me to know? "

Young Master Liu's face froze, the corners of his eyes twitched a few times, and he shook his head angrily.

"Hi, to put it bluntly, I was looking forward to it in vain for my husband."

The Empress frowned, raised her jade hand to grab the soft flesh around Young Master Liu's waist, and twisted it slightly.

"Unconscionable, what do you mean by that?"

Although the Queen didn't use any force, First Young Master Liu pretended to be shocked, and couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air.

"Hiss - no, no, I have no other intentions as a husband!"

The empress rolled her eyes coquettishly, let go of the fingers pinching the soft hand on Young Master Liu's waist, and quickly rubbed his waist for him.

"Unconscionable, did it hurt you?"

(End of this chapter)

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