My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3249 The Last Move

"It might be three years, it might be five years, it might be longer.

As a husband, I also want to register as soon as possible the position of crown prince and crown prince. After passing on the throne, I will take Yun'er, Yan'er, sister Ya and the others to hide in the mountains and forests.

Accompanying their sisters to live the happy days that are not gods, but better than gods.

I've been thinking about this idea for many years.

It's a pity that the word "world" is too heavy.

As far as the current situation is concerned, none of the sons and daughters under our knees are capable of shouldering this burden. "

Liu Mingzhi raised his glass and drank the wine in one gulp. After refilling a glass of wine, he looked at Broken Dragon Stone in front of him and laughed cheerfully.

"Hehehe, Tao Ying, in fact, as a husband, I know very well that the children below us are already very good.

Compared with many peers of the same age, their brothers and sisters do not know how many times better.

do you know?I can now tell you with great pride.

Looking at the whole world, Yiyi, Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Yaoyao, Yue'er... Among their brothers and sisters who are similar in age, there are no ones who can be better than their brothers and sisters.

Some words, definitely not too much.

On this point, I am quite confident as a husband.

Don't think that my husband always scolds their brothers and sisters for being useless.

But, Tao Ying, do you know?
As a husband, I feel proud of them from the bottom of my heart, proud of them.

However, there are some things that I cannot say as a husband! "

As soon as Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he picked up a handful of paper money and sprinkled it in the brazier.

"Tao Ying, it is too harsh to become a qualified successor.

As a husband, if I don't have strict requirements on their brothers and sisters, I am afraid that their brothers and sisters will not be able to carry the burden of the world in the future!
I hope, Yiyi, Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Yue'er, Chenggan...their brothers and sisters won't blame me as a father, right? "

As Young Master Liu spoke, he deftly filled a pot of shredded tobacco, poked his head forward to ignite the shredded tobacco on the paper money in the brazier, and took a puff of it lightly.

"Tao Ying, I've kept these words in my heart for a long time, and I don't know who to tell them to.

Yun'er, Yan'er, Sister Ya, to put it bluntly, Lian'er and the other sisters can't say that they are husbands, and neither can Yiyi, Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Yue'er, Chengqian, their brothers and sisters.

As a husband, I can only take the time to talk to you when I come to worship you.

However, there is a sentence that I have to tell you clearly.

If you are still in this world, just like Yun'er and the sisters, you will continue to be your husband.

Those words just now, my husband may not say the same to you.

Hehehe, if you know what Wei Husband is thinking, don't be angry, you silly woman! "

Liu Mingzhi silently took a puff of dry tobacco, picked up the jug on the low table, poured himself a drink with a gloomy expression.

"Don't talk about it, don't talk about it, let's drink."

After half a day.

First Young Master Liu finished drinking the wine in the jug, and drank three jars of good wine brought by Qi Yun and his sisters in a row, then opened his mouth and burped lightly a few times.

"Hic! Hiccup! Huh—"

"Tao Ying, you silly woman, it's almost time, and you should go back as your husband.

When the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, I will come to see you again for my husband.

At that time, as a husband, I will definitely bring the most beautiful cherry blossoms to see you.

These dishes are all the wishes of your good sisters, please hurry up and taste them.

Otherwise, after Weifu puts it away, you won't be able to eat it even if you want. "

Young Master Liu was talking, and after putting the jug back into the food box, he picked up some dishes one by one with chopsticks and slowly placed them on the altar table.

"Let's eat, eat, if you have anything you want to eat, just tell Weifu in your dream.

When my husband comes to see you next time, I will definitely bring it to you. "

While Young Master Liu was talking to himself, he packed up the food boxes beside him, got up and started to pack up the burdens of Qi Yun, the three princesses, their sisters and others around him.




Young Master Liu yelled three times in a row, and Qi Yun's response finally came from outside the accompanying mausoleum.

"Hey, husband, here we come, here we come."

Qi Yun came trotting all the way, saw her husband was packing the burden on the ground, and immediately leaned on her willow waist and began to help.

"Husband, have you finished talking with Sister Tao Ying?"

Young Master Liu nodded with a light smile, and handed over the bundle in his hand.

"Yes, otherwise?"

"Sister Concubine thought that you would spend a long time talking with Sister Tao Ying."

Qi Yun took the burden from First Young Master Liu, got up and pushed it aside.

"Husband, you can just smoke dry cigarettes on the sidelines, and I will take care of the remaining burdens."

Young Master Liu shook his head helplessly, and bent down again to pack the baggage at his feet.

"Oh, Yun'er, am I so delicate as a husband?"

Qi Yun raised her eyes and rolled her eyes at First Young Master Liu, and said softly, "Husband, it's not a matter of being delicate or not, I want you to rest a little longer, can't I?

how?The concubine loves you so much, don't you appreciate it? "

Young Master Liu looked at the beautiful woman's reproachful expression, and stepped aside with a wry smile.

"Okay, okay, thank you for your husband, thank you for your husband."

After Qi Yun packed seven or eight bags in a row, she lightly pursed her cherry lips a few times, and looked up at Liu Mingzhi with a hesitant expression on her face.


"Hey, Yun'er, what's wrong?"

"Husband, just now my concubine sisters went to the main tomb and took a general look at the situation of the main tomb."

"Huh? What happened to the main mausoleum?"

Qi Yun stood up and looked at First Young Master Liu, and said softly, "It's okay, but all the sisters who are concubines feel... that the distance between the coffins is too far."

Young Master Liu was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what the beautiful woman meant by these words.

"Ah? What, what do you mean?
Yun'er, why don't I quite understand what you said as a husband? "

Seeing her husband's surprised expression, Qi Yun pulled the baggage in her hand vigorously.

"Oh, that's right, the sisters who are concubines don't want to be too far away from you."

When Young Master Liu heard Qi Yun's answer, he instantly understood.

"Yun'er, you mean you sisters don't want the distance between the coffins to be too far from each other, right?"

Qi Yun looked at her husband's suddenly enlightened expression, and nodded her head a few times.

"Yeah, that's what concubine sisters mean."

Hearing the beauty's affirmative tone, Young Master Liu raised his brows slightly and smiled lightly.

"Hehehe, Yun'er, as far as my husband knows about this kind of thing, there should be a custom order, right?"

Hearing what her husband said, Qi Yun immediately looked at First Young Master Liu angrily.

"Husband, what are you talking about, customization?"

"Yes, there are custom orders in the imperial court."

Qi Yun frowned suddenly, and snorted angrily.

"Hmph, customization, customization, you stinky husband, touch your chest and tell me, have you followed the so-called court customization in the past few decades?

Back then, when you were still a courtier, smelly husband, according to the court's regulations, officials had to go to the palace on time to attend the court.

However, how did you act back then?
In addition to the big court meetings, those small court meetings on weekdays, which month do you not have three days of fishing and two days of drying the net?

Husband, tell the concubine, have you followed the order? "

Hearing Qi Yun's questioning, First Young Master Liu's face turned awkward, and he smiled resentfully.

"Uh! Uh! Uh! Hehehe, no."

"Furthermore, after you proclaim yourself the emperor, husband, you, the current emperor, your concubine, the empress, and all the sisters, the noble concubines.

According to the custom of the imperial court, we, my wife and others must live in the palace.

Husband, have you followed the so-called customization again? "

Young Master Liu scratched his brow with his fingers, smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Hey hey, no."

"Hey, so you still know?

In the past, you never paid attention to the so-called customization.

oh!After a hundred years of concubine sisters, you want to be closer to you, and you start to pay attention to the so-called customization? "

As Qi Yun spoke, with an angry expression, she grabbed the soft flesh around Young Master Liu's waist and twisted it vigorously a few times.

"Hiss, Yun'er, lightly, lightly."

Seeing her husband grinning, Qi Yun subconsciously lightened the strength on her fingertips, and asked lightly with her silver teeth: "Smelly guy, why does this concubine think that you are afraid of our sisters and continue to pester you?" ?”

Young Master Liu hurriedly turned his head to look at Qi Yun who was showing anger, holding the beautiful woman's wrists with both hands, and said with a smile on his face: "Yun'er, I was wronged for my husband, I was really wronged for my husband!"

"Wrong? Where are you wronged?"

Young Master Liu immediately lowered his head and kissed Qi Yun's forehead lightly, and explained with a wry smile: "Good lady, did you forget?
When we were on the way just now, my husband had already told your sisters that I had already handed over all matters concerning the construction of the imperial mausoleum to the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Industry, and the Qintian Supervisory Department for coordination. dealt with.

Therefore, the construction of the main mausoleum of the mausoleum was all supervised by them.

I have absolutely nothing to do with my husband! "

After listening to her husband's explanation, Qi Yun's pretty face froze slightly, and instinctively let go of the slender jade fingers that were twisting the soft flesh around Young Master Liu's waist.

"Uh! Uh! It seems, it seems to be like this."

Young Master Liu quickly pushed aside Qi Yun's white and tender hands, hissed and rubbed the soft flesh on his waist, and rolled his eyes angrily at the beautiful woman.

"Hiss, hoo hoo, Yun'er, what does it mean to look like this? It's obviously like this, okay?"

Seeing her husband's sulky look, Qi Yun quickly reached out and rubbed Young Master Liu's waist.

"Husband, my concubine is wrong, my concubine is wrong.

It's all because the concubine's body is not good, and it's the concubine's fault that you are wrong.


"But what?"

While rubbing her waist for Young Master Liu, Qi Yun said in a delicate and soft voice: "However, concubine sisters are not very satisfied with the distance between the coffins!
You know, after a hundred years of marriage between common people, couples can still be buried together in the same coffin. "

Hearing the words behind the beauty, Young Master Liu felt soft, and smiled lightly and hooked Qi Yun's pretty Qiong's nose with his fingers.

"Hehehe, well done, my husband is afraid of your sisters.

After we go back, my husband will send an order to the Ministry of Industry to modify the layout of the main mausoleum. "

The words of Young Master Liu were full of pampering.

Qi Yun's pretty eyes lit up, and she immediately tiptoed her lotus feet and pecked Young Master Liu's lips.

"Good husband, how to change?"

Seeing the joyful look on the beautiful woman's pretty face, Young Master Liu pursed his lips and remained silent for a moment.


"Well, husband?"

"How about this, after we go back, Sister Ya, Yan'er, politely say that you sisters have a good discussion and discuss a way that you sisters think is best.

After you sisters discuss the results, come and tell your husband.

At that time, if you sisters want to change it, I will immediately send an order to the government office of the Ministry of Industry for my husband to make changes according to your sisters' wishes.

Good lady, is this the head office? "
Hearing this, Qi Yun held Young Master Liu's hands behind her back, and nodded her head a few times with a smile on her delicate face.

"Yeah, thank you husband, thank you husband, I know that you are the best, husband."

"Come on, you have been abusive to your husband just now."

Qi Yun smiled sweetly, and directly hugged First Young Master Liu's hands in her arms: "Hehehe, I'm wrong, I'm wrong.

Good husband, when you go to rest at my concubine's place, this concubine will serve you well.

When the time comes, husband, what do you want me to do, I will agree to it all.

Good husband, is this all right? "

Young Master Liu looked happy, and there was a look of excitement in his eyes.

"Yun'er, it's a deal."

"Oh, silly husband, as long as I promised you something, when did I not do it?"

"Hehehe, yes yes yes, it's my husband's mistake."

Young Master Liu nodded with a smile, leaned over to knock out the embers in the smoke pot, and bent over to pack up the burden on the ground.

"It's getting late, if you don't pack your bags, pack your bags."

"Oh, didn't the concubine tell you just now, Husband, you just rest, and the concubine will clean up."

"Yun'er, let's clean up faster together."


About a cup of tea time.

Qi Yun held more than a dozen packages in both hands, and looked at the Broken Dragon Stone in front of him with complicated eyes.

"Sister Tao Ying, my sister and husband are free, and I will come to see you again.

You have a spirit in the sky, you must bless your husband!

Husband, let's go. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, and walked towards the companion mausoleum while turning his head three times a step at a time.

After Young Master Liu walked out of the accompanying tomb without haste, he turned his head to look at the entrance behind him with deep eyes, and let out a long, silent breath.

"Tao Ying, silly woman, wait a little longer.

This big game of chess where the world is a chess game will come to an end in a short time for me to play for my husband.

After I finish playing the last move for my husband, I can often come to accompany you. "

Young Master Liu sighed secretly in his heart, and walked straight towards the third princess, the queen, their sisters and others.

"Yun'er, let's go."

"Hey, here we come."

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