Outside the imperial mausoleum.

After Qi Yun, the three princesses, the empress, Xue Bizhu and their sisters left the imperial tomb together, they all turned their heads and looked in the direction of the main tomb of the imperial tomb behind them.

All the beauties quietly looked in the direction of the main mausoleum, and each of them fell silent with a little emotion on their faces.

"Yun'er, Yan'er, Wanyan... What are you sisters looking at? It's time to go."

Hearing her husband's yelling, all the beauties came back to their senses in an instant, and hurriedly turned around and chased after Liu Mingzhi.

"Hey, come, come."

"Husband, this is over."

"Husband, wait for my concubine sisters."

Liu Mingzhi put the food box and baggage in his hand into the compartment, and turned his head to look at the beauties who were walking towards him.

"Hehehe, what are you sisters looking at?"

Qi Ya put the baggage in Yu's hand into the carriage, turned her head to see her husband's puzzled eyes, smiled and shook her head a few times.

"Husband, our sisters didn't look at anything, but just walked out of the imperial tomb, and I felt somewhat sighed."

Qinglian pursed her red lips a few times, and softly echoed: "Yeah, Sister Ya is right.

Husband, this is the first time for my concubines and sisters to come to the place where we will rest forever.

For a while, I always felt a little weird in my heart, which was quite unpleasant. "

"Husband, concubine sisters second."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at all the beauties in front of him, all of whom were somewhat sighing, looked up at the direction of the main mausoleum of the emperor, and let out a cheerful breath.

"Hehehe, ladies, for the rest of your life, the grass and trees are in autumn.

Some things are unavoidable after all.

Let's take a look at it and think about it a little bit. "

The third princess stretched out her lotus arms and grabbed Young Master Liu's sleeve, and said softly with a smile: "Oh, my husband, these concubines and sisters you mentioned understand it in their hearts.

Our sisters were just feeling a little bit emotional, and didn't think about other things. "

"Yes, yes, our sisters are just feeling emotional.

Husband, don't worry, concubine sisters are not as delicate as you think. "

Young Master Liu nodded with a smile, raised his finger and pointed to the carriages around him.

"Hehehe, that's good, that's good, let's go, let's go back."

"Hey, I see."

Qi Yun stretched out her hand to lift the curtain of the car, and said sideways: "Husband, you should get in the car first."

Young Master Liu smiled lightly and waved his hands, walked up to Yu'er, reached out and took the whip in her hand.

"Hey, uncle, what are you?"

Liu Mingzhi flicked the whip in his hand casually, turned his head to look at Qi Yun, Qi Ya, the third princess and their sisters.

"Yun'er, you sisters get in the car and drive for your husband."

The beauties knew her husband's character well, nodded with a sweet smile, stepped on a stool and sat in the carriage.

"Yu'er, you should get in the car too."

"Ah? Uncle, isn't this bad?"

"Yu'er, uncle, I drank a lot of wine just now.

Staying in the carriage is boring, so my uncle decided to blow a cool breeze outside to sober up.

Hurry up, uncle, I will drive. "

Young Master Liu said so, what else could Yu'er say, so he had to salute Young Master Liu.

"Yes, slaves obey."

When Yu'er got into the carriage, Young Master Liu picked up the stool at his feet and put it on the carriage, and jumped directly onto the carriage.

"Yun'er, Yan'er, are you all seated?"

"Yeah, we're already seated."

Young Master Liu nodded with a faint smile, then turned to look at Xiao Wu, Xiao Liu, Xiao Jiu and their brothers.

"Xiao Wu, you brothers, pay attention to the road when driving, don't be too bumpy."

"Yes, I'll wait to understand."

Liu Mingzhi pulled the long rein in his hand, and lightly waved the whip in his hand.


"Huchi, Xilulu."

The two good horses sneezed rhythmically, and the carriage started to move slowly.

Seeing this, Xiaowu and Xiaoliu brothers also pulled the reins in their hands one after another.


Qi Yun raised her slender hand, tidied up the car curtain and hung it on the hook next to it.


"Hey, Yun'er, what's wrong?"

"How long will it take to build this imperial mausoleum before it can be completely completed?"

Hearing the beauty's question, Young Master Liu turned sideways to glance at the imperial mausoleum behind him, smiled lightly and shook his head.

"Yun'er, to be honest, as a husband, I don't know how many years it will take to complete the construction.

Seven years have passed since my husband ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor.

In the past seven years, the construction of the imperial mausoleum has been suspended several times.

Until now, only a few companion mausoleums have just been built.

As for the situation at the main mausoleum, you sisters have also gone to see it, but now it's just that some basic things have just been built.

Therefore, when the imperial mausoleum will be completely completed, as a husband, I really don't know how to answer you.

After all, even I myself don't know when it will be finished. "

Qi Yun nodded lightly, and asked softly, "Husband, why did the work stop for a while? Why didn't the Ministry of Industry continue to build?"

Young Master Liu raised his eyebrows, looked back at the beautiful woman behind him, and shook his head cheerfully.

"Hehehe, of course it's because the treasury is short of money.

In the seven years since my husband proclaimed himself emperor, more than 20 new decrees have been issued for my husband.

Our Dalong court, the former Jin Kingdom governed by Wanyan, and the Turkic court governed by Yaoer.

The war between the Three Kingdoms continued for a hundred years.

Especially in the more than 20 years before the unification of the world, which year did the three countries not fight?
Dalong, the Kingdom of Jin, and the Three Kingdoms of Turkic, among them, often used hundreds of thousands of cavalry and hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses.

The wars continued and the people were displaced.

People's livelihood is in decline, and the national treasury is naturally empty.

After my husband and I have unified the world, on the surface it is said that we have unified the world, but in fact we have taken over a mess.

A new dynasty has just been established, and a thousand wastes are waiting to be rejuvenated.

Rectify the people's livelihood and government officials, and open up business in the world.

Digging canals, Daxing imperial examination.

Later, they successively sent troops to Tianzhu, Dashi... and other major and minor matters.

None of these things cost money.

Not only does it cost money, but it costs money like running water.

However, there are only so many taxes in the national treasury for a year, which is not enough at all.

As a husband, I have no choice but to order the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Industry to temporarily suspend the construction of the imperial mausoleum.

With the first time, there is a second time.

As a result, it stopped again and again, and stopped again and again, and it became the current situation. "

Qi Yun saw her husband's relaxed and carefree appearance, her beautiful eyes were full of distress.

"Husband, after so many years, why don't you know to tell our sisters about this situation?"

Young Master Liu put the whip across his legs, and said with a light smile, "Hehehe, silly Yuner, why should I tell you this kind of thing for my husband?
As a husband, I just told you sisters, what can you sisters do to help? "

Qi Yun'e frowned slightly, and said angrily: "Husband, why can't our sisters help you?

At the very least, at the very least, we sisters can cut our annual salary in half! "

Young Master Liu looked back at Qi Yun, then turned to look at the third princess.


"The concubine is here, my husband?"

"Good Yan'er, give me the wine jar in your bag for my husband."

The third princess hastily tapped Zhenshou a few times: "My concubine knows it."

Immediately, the third princess untied her bag, picked up the wine jar inside and handed it over.

"Husband, drink."

First Young Master Liu took over the wine jar, and took a few sips of fine wine cheerfully.

"Silly Yun'er, you, Yan'er, Lian'er, Sister Ya, Wan Yan...

For all of you sisters, the annual salary is only tens of thousands of taels of silver.

However, the construction of the imperial mausoleum often costs 10 taels of silver, starting with millions of taels of silver.

These tens of thousands of taels of silver from your sisters are of no use at all.

A drop in the bucket, just a drop in the bucket.

But what?This is just one of the reasons. "

Qi Yun's charming face was slightly startled, she looked at Liu Mingzhi and asked curiously: "Husband, besides this reason, is there any other reason?"

"There must be."

"Well, what's the reason?"

Young Master Liu drank a few sips of wine, then looked back at Qi Yun, the third princess, Qi Ya and the others.

Then, he stretched out his hand to hold Qi Yun's bright wrist and put it on his lap.

"Another reason is that my husband doesn't want to wrong you sisters."

Qi Yun, the third princess, Qing Lian and the other sisters were taken aback, and quickly looked at Young Master Liu.


"Husband, you."


Young Master Liu let go of Qi Yun's wrist with a smile, picked up the whip on his leg and waved it lightly.

"Okay, okay, don't look at your husband like that.

In my husband's heart, the matter of building the imperial tomb is of course very important.

However, I can see that you sisters are happy and happy to accompany you as your husband.

For the husband, the matter of building the imperial mausoleum is not so important. "



"Girls, say something unpleasant for your husband.

The world is so big, where is the loess that does not bury people?

It would be great if the imperial mausoleum can be completed within the lifetime of our husband and wife.

If we can't finish the project sooner, the worst thing we can do is to go back to our hometown in the south of the Yangtze River and find a place with good geomantic omen.

On this point, as a husband, I think very clearly. "

Listening to her husband's calm words, Qi Yun smiled wryly and nodded.

"Stinky husband, what you think is quite simple."

"Hahaha, hahaha, otherwise, what else can I do as a husband!

When you are alive, you should be content and happy. "

"That's right, my husband, you can see that you should be content and happy in life."

Young Master Liu happily raised his head and drank a few mouthfuls of fine wine, then turned sideways and handed the wine jar to Qi Yun.


Qi Yun then took the wine jar in his hand and said curiously, "Husband, but what?"

"During the Great Court Assembly this morning, the Ministry of Industry had already written to Weifu the paperwork to resume construction of the imperial mausoleum.

My husband has also agreed with the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry to start this matter.

When the ice and snow in Gyeonggi have almost melted, the construction of the imperial mausoleum will start again.

What the imperial mausoleum will look like at that time depends on the situation of the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry. "

Qi Yun nodded Zhenshou lightly a few times, and looked at the third princess curiously.

"Sister Yan'er."

"Hey, sister Yun?"

Qi Yun lifted the wine jar in her hand, and took a few sips of fine wine with her cherry lips slightly parted.

"Sister Yan'er, there is something I want to ask you."

"Huh? Sister Yun, what's the matter?"

"Good sister, sister, I just want to ask you, do you know how long it took to build the tomb of the old man?"

Hearing her sister Qi Yun's inquiry, the third princess couldn't help being stunned for a moment.


Seeing the reaction of the three princesses, Qi Yun said softly, "Sister Yan'er, if you don't know, then forget it, just treat it like a sister. I didn't ask."

"Sister, wait a moment, sister, let me make a rough estimate."

"Good good."

After the third princess broke her slender jade fingers and murmured softly, she raised her eyes and looked at Qi Yun.

"Sister Yun, as far as my sister knows, it took about 28 years for my father's tomb to be built."

When Qi Yun heard the return of the third princess, her eyebrows frowned immediately, and she couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Huh? What? Around 28...28 years?"

The third princess looked at Qi Yun's astonished expression, smiled wryly and nodded.

"Well, yes, about 28 years or so.

If it is calculated accurately, it may be 29 years from the year when the father inherited the throne, or it may not be 30 years. "

Qi Yun nodded silently, smiled wryly and took a few sips of fine wine again.

"Hehehe, my sister seldom paid attention to these things before.

If you don't pay attention to this, you don't know. If you pay attention, you will be shocked!

Around 28 years, about 30 years.

this!this!This must be too long, right? "

Young Master Liu looked at Qi Yun's amazed expression, and then looked back at the three princesses in the carriage.

Yan'er, you remember right, the imperial tomb of the father has indeed been built for about 30 years.

To be precise, it should be nearly 31 years. "

The third princess frowned slightly, and asked curiously, "Husband, how can you be so clear?"

Qi Yun, Qi Ya, Qing Lian and the other sisters also looked at Young Master Liu in surprise.

"That's right, husband, how did you know so clearly?"

"Yes, yes, husband, sister Yan'er is the biological daughter of the emperor.

Even Sister Yan'er just made a rough estimate, husband, how do you know so clearly? "

Seeing the surprised expressions on the pretty faces of several beauties, Young Master Liu shook his head angrily.

"Ladies, have you forgotten what official position I used to be my husband?
Back then, when Father Huang was still in power, I was the left servant of the household department for several years as my husband at that time, okay?

As my husband, I am the left servant, and all the expenses of the household department must be reviewed for my husband.

I know these situations, it's nothing more than normal, okay?
It would be really strange if I didn't know these 7 situations. "

After listening to First Young Master Liu's explanation, Qi Yun, the third princess and their sisters nodded in sudden realization.

Qi Yun raised her jade hand and patted her white and tender forehead, and said with a bit of embarrassment on her pretty face: "Husband, it's been more than ten years in a blink of an eye, and I actually forgot that you were the left servant of the household department back then.

Oops, old, old, really old. "

Sister Yun, don't say that. My sister, like you, has already forgotten all about this past. "

"Oh, all the same, all the same.

If her husband hadn't mentioned it, Lian'er would not have remembered it. "

Seeing the annoyed expressions of the beauties, First Young Master Liu waved the horsewhip in his hand with a smile.

"Okay, okay, it's just some past events that have already passed, so what if you don't remember them!"

"Yeah, that's true, I already know."

"Husband, won't our imperial tomb be built for about 30 years?"

Young Master Liu pondered thoughtfully, smiled lightly and shook his head.

"It's hard to say, it depends on whether the national treasury is full.

If the national treasury is abundant, it may take about seven or eight years to complete the construction, and it may be completely completed in about eleven or twelve years.

On the contrary, let alone 30 years, it is not impossible to build it for 40 years. "

Qinglian opened the curtain and threw the melon seed husk out of the carriage.

"Husband, how is the state of the treasury now?"

Young Master Liu put away the fire bag, lightly smashed a puff of dry smoke, looked back at Qinglian and nodded with a smile.

"Lian'er, don't worry, the current state treasury is very rich, very rich."

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