My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3251 2 Full of Beauty

Chapter 3251 The Best of Both Worlds
When the sun goes down slightly.

Several carriages stopped slowly outside the gate of Liu Mansion.

Liu Mingzhi jumped out of the carriage directly, picked up the stool and put it on the ground, then lifted the cloth on the carriage.

"Women, you're home, come down quickly."

"Hey, sister concubine knows."

Qi Yun responded sweetly, and slowly walked out of the carriage with the baggage in her hand.

Young Master Liu put the whip in his hand on top of the carriage, twisted his body lazily, and walked towards the carriages behind at a leisurely pace.

At this moment, the empress, Murong Shan, Wenren Yun Shu, Yun Xiaoxi and their sisters are getting off the carriage.

When all the beauties saw her husband approaching, the sisters and others went forward with their bundles.



Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, and glanced down at the lotus feet under the skirts of all the beauties.

"Ladies, after sitting in the carriage for so long, are your legs and feet not sore?"

Huang Lingyi smiled and shook her head, walked up to Young Master Liu and jumped a few times.

"Husband, this is not going on a long journey, it's only a short journey, it's okay."

"Husband, concubines are like sisters, so you can rest assured."

Young Master Liu frowned, and twisted his neck cheerfully.

"It's okay, it's okay.

As a husband, I was also thinking about any of you sisters who have been doing this for too long and feel that your legs and feet are sore and numb. When you return to the room, I will help you knead your ankles to relax your muscles and activate blood circulation.

Since you are fine, you don't have to work hard for your husband. "

Hearing her husband's words, Huang Lingyi's eyes lit up immediately, and regardless of the pedestrians coming and going on the street, her delicate body softened suddenly, and she threw herself directly into Young Master Liu's arms.

When Young Master Liu saw Huang Lingyi's actions, he was afraid that the beauty would miss her, so he hurriedly stretched out his hands.

Huang Lingyi grabbed First Young Master Liu's big and generous hand, looked up at him delicately and said, "Oh, my husband, I don't know what happened, my calf suddenly felt sore.

Perhaps, the concubine's reaction was too slow.

Good husband, hurry up and get up and go back and rub your ankles. "

Young Master Liu saw the sly look in the beauty's pretty eyes, and grabbed Huang Lingyizhu's round earlobe with his fingers and gently twisted it a few times.

"Lingyi, it's really fun to see you jumping up and down just now!"

"Oh, that's not the concubine's slow reaction, I just felt it!"

First Young Master Liu let go of the beauty's hand, and shook his head angrily.

"Little fairy, don't make fun of your husband here."

When Huang Lingyi heard her husband's words, she wrinkled her nose resentfully, and let out a soft snort with slightly parted cherry lips.

"Hmph! Virtue, if you don't want to rub it, you don't want to rub it. I don't care about my old lady!"

Liu Mingzhi laughed lightly a few times, raised his hand and patted the beauty's shoulders, turned around and walked towards the gate of the mansion.

"Hahaha, hahaha, little fairy, do you think it's appropriate to say this outside the gate?

Go home, talk when you get home, talk when you get home. "

Huang Lingyi's eyes lit up, she shook the burden in her hand, and chased after First Young Master Liu with a smile.

"Hehehe, here we come, here we come."

"Sister Shan, Xiaoxi, ladies, let's go back."

"Hey, here we come."

As soon as Young Master Liu, his wife and others walked into the gate of the mansion, Liu Yuan cheerfully got up and saluted.

"Young master, young ladies, you are back, this old servant is polite."

"Well, I'm back."

Qi Yun, the third princess and all the other sisters smiled and nodded.

"Uncle Yuan."

"Uncle Yuan, hasn't Liu Song come back yet?"

"Back to Master, not yet.

Master, do you have anything to do with him?If something happened, the old slave immediately sent someone to call him back. "

First Young Master Liu smiled lightly and waved his hands: "No, no, I just asked casually."

"Yes, the old slave understands."

"Come on, Uncle Yuan, you can continue to rest, we will go back to the inner courtyard first."

"Please, young master, please, young ladies."

Young Master Liu nodded slightly, compared his hands casually, and hurried towards the inner courtyard cheerfully.

After the couple arrived at the inner courtyard talking and laughing, First Young Master Liu turned his head and looked at Qi Yun.


"Hey, husband?"

"When my husband chatted with Tao Ying in the Imperial Tomb, he was already full of food and drink there.

So, when it's dinner time, you sisters don't have to wait for husbands. "

Hearing this, Qi Yun raised her jade neck to look at the sun in the sky, and asked softly with crescent eyebrows slightly: "Husband, I have a look at the sky, there is still a long time between now and dinner time." .

You don't go to dinner, can your body handle it? "

"Good rhyme, no problem, just put your heart in your stomach."

"Okay then, I know."

"Okay, there's nothing else to do, you sisters go back and do your own things first."

When all the beauties heard the words, they all gave a blessing with smiles on their faces.

"Yes, the concubine sisters will leave first."

Young Master Liu nodded slightly, seeing that Huang Lingyi was about to leave with Xue Bizhu, he grabbed Xue Bizhu's bright wrist.



All the beauties gave a lot of food, and each of them looked back at First Young Master Liu and Huang Lingyi with narrow eyes.

Young Master Liu took Huang Lingyi's bright wrist and said with a smile: "Hehehe, didn't you just tell my husband that your calf suddenly became numb?
Weifu will go back with you now, rub your feet for you, and help you move your muscles and bones by the way. "

Huang Lingyi felt the narrow and playful eyes of the sisters, and heard her husband's words full of deep meaning, her heart trembled slightly, and her beautiful and delicate face was instantly stained with a blush.

She secretly glanced at the sisters, and gently struggled with her own jade arm.

"Oh, stinky husband, what are you talking about?"

Young Master Liu raised his brows slightly, and pulled Huang Lingyi slightly, heading straight for Xiyuan.

"Lingyi, it's not important what you say for my husband, but what I do for my husband."

Huang Lingyi looked back, Qi Yun, the third princess, the queen and their sisters, their pretty faces turned red, and slapped First Young Master Liu on the arm.

"Stinky husband, you...why are you making such a loud voice? Can't you just whisper it to my concubine?

It's all over now, sister Yun, sister Yan'er, sister Wanyan... they all heard it.

At night, they still don't know how to laugh at me!

Stinky guy, bad husband, it's all your fault, you just..."

Amidst Huang Lingyi's coquettish, angry complaints,
Soon, the couple arrived outside the courtyard where Huang Lingyi lived.

Young Master Liu led Huang Lingyi through the arch, let go of her bright wrist, and hugged her by the waist.

"Oh, bad guy, put down my concubine quickly."

First Young Master Liu looked down at the beauty's rosy cheeks like a mist, smiled and hugged her and walked straight to the boudoir in front of her.

"Good lady, you were the one who told my husband first outside the gate of the house, but your calf suddenly became sore and numb.

I feel sorry for you as a husband, that's why I came back with you and planned to rub your calf for you, why is it that you are now a husband? "

Hearing Young Master Liu's teasing tone, Huang Lingyi's pretty face froze.

"you you you!"

Huang Ling followed you for a long time, but she didn't say anything, so she could only hum softly in the end.

"Hmph! Bad husband."

Seeing the beautiful woman's coquettish expression, Liu Mingzhi raised his foot to close the door, and kicked the door bolt with his toe.

Afterwards, he laughed and hugged the beautiful woman and walked directly to the mandarin duck bed behind the screen.

"Hahaha, little goblin, you say that I am a bad person for my husband, how can I spare you for my husband?"

Young Master Liu leaned over and put Huang Lingyi on the bed, lifted the hem of his clothes and squatted on the ground, with a smile, he picked up the beauty's lotus feet and put them on his knees.


Seeing her husband who was taking off her shoes and socks, Huang Lingyi subconsciously grasped the brocade quilt beside her with both hands, and the blush spread directly on her delicate face.

in an instant.

Huang Lingyi's jade neck also quickly turned rosy.


Young Master Liu got up and sat on the bed, picked up the beautiful woman's jade-like feet and put them on his legs, then looked at her softly.

"Good Lingyi."

Huang Lingyi felt her husband's gentle gaze, and her pretty eyes gradually became blurred.

She lightly pursed her cherry lips a few times, and gave a humming sound like a mosquito.

"Well, my husband."

Seeing the beauty's reaction, Young Master Liu smiled and gently kneaded her white and delicate ankle.

"Good lady, do you have a sore calf? Or a sore ankle."

Hearing this, Huang Lingyi's pretty face was slightly taken aback, and her blurred eyes became slightly sober.

"Huh? Small...legs? Feet...ankles?"

"Hehehe, that's right, didn't you tell Weifu yourself that your calf is a little numb?
In this way, the husband of course has to ask Lingyi whether you have calf pain or ankle pain. "

Huang Lingyi looked at Young Master Liu's cheerful expression, and his face suddenly became embarrassed.

"Me! Me! You... hum... all hurt, all hurt."

"Bad husband, rotten wood, big wood, I am really going to be mad at you."

Huang Lingyi muttered softly to herself, rolled her eyes at First Young Master Liu resentfully, and lay sideways on the pillow behind her.

Seeing the beauty's angry eyes, Young Master Liu took off his shoes and socks with a smile, and sat cross-legged on the bed while holding the beauty's lotus feet.

"Come on, good lady, then I will help you knead your ankle first."

Huang Lingyi glared at First Young Master Liu with the eyes of a resentful woman in a boudoir, and let out a coquettish snort angrily.

"Hmph, whatever you want."

"Hahaha, come on, it's up to you to be a husband."

First Young Master Liu laughed out loud in response to the beauty, and nimbly kneaded the beauty's flawless white ankle with both hands.

Gradually, gradually.

Young Master Liu's fingers followed the beauty's ankles, and gradually wandered to the beauty's round and slender jade legs.

Huang Lingyi was lying on his side on the brocade quilt, staring at First Young Master Liu with resentful eyes, and without warning, he opened his mouth slightly and moaned softly.

"Hmm, hmm, stinky... Smelly husband, you rubbed it, this is the thigh."

Seeing the beauty's coquettish look, Young Master Liu immediately rushed towards her.

"Hahaha, good lady, just now you said what you said, let me do whatever I want as a husband.

Lingyi, you let me be your husband, how can I live up to your wishes. "

"Okay, you are deliberately teasing me.

Bad husband, you just know how to bully me, I ignore you...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…"

Young Master Liu didn't wait for the beauty's words to finish, and directly lowered his head to kiss her delicate and charming lips.

"Hey, bad husband, I've been drinking and I haven't rinsed my mouth yet!"

"Good lady, sweet."

"Oh, good husband, love me..."

Spring is here, and it is naturally full of spring.

In early spring, the trees sprout and the flowers are in bud.

The beauty in the boudoir is under the thick spring.

Naturally, it is also in bud.


The sun is setting and night is falling.

That night!

In the inner courtyard of Liu Mansion, the lights have already been lit.

At this moment, all the large and small courtyards in the inner courtyard of the Liu Mansion were brightly lit.

The same is true in the courtyard outside the study in the inner courtyard.

in the library.

Young Master Liu was standing next to the huge sand table next to the bookshelf, wandering back and forth with his brows slightly condensed.

At this moment, he is holding a dry tobacco pipe with rising smoke in one hand, and a crackling candle in the other hand.

From time to time, he stopped and turned his head to look at the terrain on the sand table and pondered for a while.


Young Master Liu suddenly sighed softly, put the candle on the edge of the sand table, picked up a small black flag and inserted it on the sand table.

He stared quietly at the small black flag he had planted on the sand table, shook his head instinctively, and sighed again.

"Oh, no, no, no!
If you use troops in this way, you can certainly make a quick decision, end the war in the shortest time, and achieve your desired goal.

However, the price to be paid cannot be ignored.

At that time, don't say it's just that I don't want to see such a big loss.

Lord Xia, Lord Hou, Wei Fu, Tong Fu, Lao Jiang, Uncle...these old fellows all had to jump up and remonstrate with death. "

Young Master Liu murmured to himself, opened his mouth and lightly took a puff of dry smoke, leaned forward and pulled out the little black flag he had planted on the sand table again.

Casually placed the little black chess piece on the sand table, Young Master Liu picked up the candle beside him, walked to the desk with a sigh and sat down.

"The best of both worlds, the best of both worlds, how can we find a way to get the best of both worlds?"

Young Master Liu directly put the candle on the desk, leaned over and knocked out the ashes from his waist in the sophistry brazier.

Immediately, he got up and put the pipe on the desk.

Silently closed his eyes, he closed his eyes and meditated.

It took about two cups of tea.

Just as Young Master Liu closed his eyes and meditated.


Outside the study, there was a sudden knock on the door.

First Young Master Liu opened his eyes, and turned his head to look at the beautiful figure standing outside the door.

"Who is it?"

"Daddy, it's me."

Liu Mingzhi frowned, immediately raised his hand and rubbed his cheeks vigorously a few times, and looked towards Qianying outside the door with a smile on his face.

"Hehehe, is it Yiyi?"

"Yeah, Daddy, it's a child."

"My dear girl, come in."

(End of this chapter)

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