"Daddy, the child is gone."

"Pay attention to your step."

"I know, I know."

Liu Yiyi, who was walking under the arch, suddenly paused, and turned her head to look at her father full of worry.


Young Master Liu was about to leave to go back to his study, when he heard his daughter calling him, he turned around and looked at Liu Yiyi.

"Hey, dear girl, what's the matter? Do you have anything else to do?"

Liu Yiyi lightly touched the bamboo pole carrying the lantern with her fingertips, and let out a light smile.

"Daddy, don't be too tired, you must take a good rest when it's time to rest.

In Yiyi's heart, no matter what kind of things in this world, nothing is more important than your body, daddy.

So, no matter what kind of problems you encounter, Dad, you must pay attention to your body.

Otherwise, Yiyi will feel distressed. "

Hearing Liu Yiyi's caring words, Young Master Liu's heart instantly understood.

He knew that the good daughter must have seen the tired look on his face just now.

Young Master Liu put his hands behind his back casually, and nodded cheerfully as a signal.

"Okay, Dad knows, I will pay attention to my body."

After hearing her father's answer, Liu Yiyi didn't say anything more.

She nodded to First Young Master Liu with a sweet smile, picked up the lantern in her hand, and walked straight towards the palace gate.

Liu Mingzhi watched his good daughter's back gradually fade away under the bright moonlight, and walked into the study with a somewhat lonely figure.

When he picked up the candle on the desk, he was about to walk towards the sand table not far away.

As if thinking of something, he put the candle in his hand back to its original place.

Immediately, he immediately walked to the front of the lamp stand, and after taking down a lantern from the lamp stand, he leaned over and blew out a few candles on the desk.

First Young Master Liu walked out of the study room, quickly locked the door, and quickly chased after Liu Yiyi in the direction he left.


Liu Mingzhi saw Liu Yiyi holding the lantern in his hand and walking towards the garden at a leisurely pace.


Hearing her father's voice behind her, Liu Yiyi was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously turned her head to look behind her.

Seeing Young Master Liu rushing towards her, Liu Yiyi couldn't help showing a hint of surprise in her pretty eyes.

"Daddy, are you done so soon?"

"Silly girl, do you think you are a god for your father? You are not busy at all for your father, okay?"

"Ah? Then daddy, who is this?"

Young Master Liu looked at the puzzled expression of his good daughter, and pointed in the direction of the garden.

"Daughter, as a father, I suddenly thought of a very important matter, and I need to discuss it with your Aunt Yun."

When Liu Yiyi heard the words, she suddenly realized and tapped her head a few times.

"So that's the case, Yiyi just said, Daddy, how could you finish your work so quickly!"

Young Master Liu laughed loudly and patted the back of Liu Yiyi's hand, and took the lead in walking forward.

"Hahaha, good girl, let's go together."

"Hey, here we come."

Liu Yiyi responded tenderly, and immediately raised her lotus feet to follow.


"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Go to Aunt Yun, what's important?

Of course, if it's not convenient to say it, then forget it. "

Young Master Liu frowned, and said cheerfully: "Hahaha, my dear girl, there is nothing inconvenient to say, it's about your second brother Cheng Zhina's side concubine."

Liu Yiyi's eyes lit up, and she looked at First Young Master Liu curiously.

"Daddy, is it sister Ningning?"

"Yiyi, have you seen Cai Ningning?"

"Go back to Daddy, Yiyi has already met Ningning, and has seen her several times.

In fact, it's not just Yiyi herself, Brother Chengfeng, Sister Feifei, Sister Yaoyao, Sister Yue'er, we brothers and sisters, have all met her. "

"Oh? You brothers and sisters have all met Ningning in private."

"Yeah, I've seen them all."

Young Master Liu gently pinched the emerald wrench on his thumb, and nodded thoughtfully.

"Are you with Chengzhi and girl Jingyao?"

Liu Yiyi smiled, and replied without hesitation: "Yes, of course I met with Chengzhi and Jingyao siblings.

After all, among us brothers and sisters, we were not particularly familiar with Sister Ningning before. "

"Not very familiar? Does that mean you knew each other before?"

Liu Yiyi nodded slightly, and explained with a smile: "Daddy, among young people, there are more or less similar interests.

In the past, due to some reasons, our siblings and sister Ning Ning had met on several occasions.

However, they haven't had a close relationship. "

"Hehehe, I understand for my father."


"Yiyi, tell your father what do you think of Cai Ningning?"

Liu Yiyi smiled and pondered for a while, then said softly: "Let Yiyi tell you, sister Ningning is a very good girl.

In terms of appearance, she is pretty and colorful, in terms of virtue, she is knowledgeable and reasonable.

She is a good girl with both virtue and honor, talent and appearance. "

"Hahaha, it seems that Yiyi, you have a high opinion of Cai Ningning."

"Daddy, the reason why Yiyi thinks so highly of sister Ningning is because she really deserves what I think of her."

Listening to the serious tone of his good daughter, Liu Mingzhi smiled and nodded.

"Listen to what you said, Yiyi, as a father, I am satisfied with Cai Ningning, the future daughter-in-law."

"Father, don't tell me you, mother, and all the aunts haven't seen Sister Ningning until now?"

"For my father and your mothers, we have already met her in private, but we haven't really dealt with her."

"So that's the way it is, all right, Daddy."

"Hey, Yiyi, tell me."

"Yiyi thinks, when you are free, Daddy, you should let brother Chengzhi and sister Ningning come to our house as soon as possible.

After all, they have now reached the point where they are talking about marriage.

Daddy, it's time for you to meet Sister Ningning for real. "

After listening to his daughter's suggestion, Liu Mingzhi laughed and patted her on the shoulder.

"Hahaha, dear daughter, as a father, I have exactly the intention.

For my father, I am going to the garden to find your Aunt Yun, just to discuss this matter with her. "

Upon hearing this, Liu Yiyi immediately smiled lightly and nodded her head a few times.

"Yeah, that's really great. If Brother Chengzhi knew what Daddy thinks about you, he would be so happy that he wouldn't be able to find Bei."

"Hahaha, silly girl, it's not as exaggerated as you said."

"Hey, daddy, what Yiyi said is not an exaggeration at all.

You don't know how good the relationship between brother Chengzhi and sister Ningning is now.

Yiyi reckoned that Chengzhi could not wait to marry his younger sister Ningning. "


"Of course it's true, Dad, don't forget, now we brothers and sisters are on duty together in the Hall of Ten Kings.

When we get along day and night, we can all see what brother Chengzhi is thinking, Feifei, Chengfeng, Yaoyao, Yueer, Chengqian. "

"Does girl Jingyao know? She shouldn't be jealous, right?"

Liu Yiyi raised her eyebrows slightly, and shook her head helplessly.

"Good father, of course Jingyao's siblings won't be jealous.

You have to know that sister Ningning is one of Jingyao's siblings, one of the side concubines personally selected for Chengzhi.

Brother and sister Jingyao, she is now wishing that brother Chengzhi can marry sister Ningning into the family sooner!

In this way, how could she be jealous! "

First Young Master Liu was taken aback, but after realizing it, he nodded with a smile.

"Hehehe, that's right, that's right, that's why I worry too much about my father."

Liu Yiyi looked around at the maidservants coming and going in the garden, and moved to Young Master Liu's side with a strange expression.

"Daddy, there's something you probably don't know?"

Seeing the mysterious appearance of the good daughter, Young Master Liu's eyes instantly became curious.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"Daddy, on the eighth day of the new year, sister Yaoyao, sister Yue'er, and I went to the east of the city to buy rouge and powder with the younger sister Jingyao.

When we were walking and chatting on the long street, do you know what Jingyao's brother and sister talked about with our sisters? "

Seeing Liu Yiyi's smiling face, First Young Master Liu became more curious.

"What... what topic?"

"Good father, sister Jingyao told us that besides sister Ningning, she has already begun to choose a second concubine for Chengzhi."

Hearing Liu Yiyi's answer, Young Master Liu suddenly frowned.

"What? Are you sure?"

This time, First Young Master Liu was really surprised.

Liu Yiyi looked at her father's surprised expression, and nodded her head a few times vigorously with smiling eyes.

"Daddy, of course Yiyi is sure, this is what Jingyao sister and sister told us sisters personally
Not only me, sister Feifei, sister Yaoyao, sister Yueer, and sister Lingyun, we all heard it.

Daddy, if you don't believe Yiyi, then you can ask Sister Feifei and Sister Yue'er how many of them are there. "

First Young Master Liu quickly waved his hand and said with a faint smile: "Silly girl, you are Daddy's good daughter, how could Daddy not believe you.

Dad, I'm just a little surprised. "

"Father, to be honest, not only you are surprised, but our sisters are also surprised.

When we heard Jingyao's younger siblings say this, the expressions on the faces of us sisters were even more surprising than your father's expression now! "

"Hehehe, why are you sisters surprised?"

"Good dad, do you need to talk about it?

We sisters were surprised, of course we were surprised by Jingyao's brothers and sisters.

The daughter also knows that, according to women's morality, when the main wife reaches a certain age, she should take the initiative to take care of concubines for her husband.

The daughter was not surprised by this.

It's just that Jingyao's younger brother and sister are just in their early 20s, at the time when a young woman is in her prime.

She is still several years away from the age of taking the initiative to take a concubine for her husband.

But...but she...she..."

Liu Yiyi faltered and hesitated for a long time, but in the end she didn't say anything.

"Daddy, you should know what Yiyi wants to say, right?"

Seeing the exclamation on Liu Yiyi's pretty face, Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and nodded.

"Well, I understand for my father."

"Hmm, since you understand, Daddy, then Yiyi won't say anything more."

Liu Mingzhi turned his head slightly to look in the direction of the East Palace in the imperial palace, his eyes flickering non-stop, and he muttered to himself.

After a long time.

Young Master Liu looked away silently, took off the wine bag from his waist, and took a sip of the wine with a light smile.

"Although Jingyao is still young, according to her heart.

She now has the qualifications to be the mother of the world. "

Liu Yiyi was watching the beautiful scenery around the garden under the bright moonlight with a smile on her face.

For a while, he didn't hear clearly what First Young Master Liu said just now.

"Ah? Daddy, what are you talking about?"

Young Master Liu looked at Liu Yiyi's puzzled expression, and laughed a few times at the top of his throat.

"Hahaha, silly girl, Daddy said that although your Jingyao siblings are still young, they are in their prime.

However, she already has the qualifications to be a mother in the world. "

This time, Liu Yiyi heard clearly.

He heard clearly what Young Master Liu said just now.

The smile on Liu Yiyi's pretty face froze slightly, and she couldn't help sliding her jade neck a few times.


At this moment, she didn't have any regrets in her heart.

Regretting why I was curious about what my father said, regretting why I had to ask more questions.

The qualifications of the mother of the world, the qualification of the mother of the world.

Dad, he said that Jingyao's siblings are now qualified to be the mother of the world.

Doesn't that mean that brother Chengzhi...


As if realizing something, Liu Yiyi couldn't help swallowing a few times again.

Can this kind of topic be meddled by myself?

First Young Master Liu raised his brows with a smile after seeing the change in the expression on the pretty face of his good daughter Liu Yiyi.


"Ah? Ah! Daddy?"

"My dear girl, are you alright?"

Liu Yiyi was taken aback, and shook her head with a smile on her face.

"Daddy, Yiyi is fine, Yiyi is fine."

As soon as Liu Yiyi finished speaking, Yan Ran chuckled and quickly stretched out her hand to hold her father's arm.

"Good father, the moonlight is so beautiful today, let's hurry up and find grandparents, grandparents, mother and aunts.

Such a beautiful moonlight, if you can't enjoy it with your family.

That!What a pity!

Good father, do you think this makes sense? "

Seeing that Liu Yiyi deliberately changed the topic, Young Master Liu nodded with a light smile.

"Smelly girl, you can play tricks on my father's behalf."

Liu Yiyi grinned and wrinkled the tip of her nose a few times, and gently shook Liu Dashao's arm.

"Oh, good daddy, I beg you, Yiyi.

Don't make things difficult for Yiyi, okay? "

Young Master Liu narrowed his eyes slightly, and flicked Liu Yiyi's white and tender forehead with his fingers.

"Okay, okay, as a father, I can see that, cooperating with you, a stinky girl, you actually understand everything.

It's just that you are deliberately pretending to be confused with Dad and me.

I deliberately avoided talking about it. "

Liu Yiyi's pretty face froze slightly, her eyes erratically turned to the brightly lit gazebo in front of her left.

"Good dad, what do you mean by that? Why can't Yiyi understand?"

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