My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3254 The idea of ​​double happiness

Chapter 3254 The idea of ​​double happiness

Young Master Liu saw his good daughter Liu Yiyi pretending to be puzzled, and pretended to be annoyed and snorted a few times.

"Hahaha, stinky girl, you, just pretend to be my father."

Seeing her father, she immediately saw what she was thinking, Liu Yiyi had a pretty face, and she took Young Master Liu's arm and shook it a few times with a resentful expression.

While shaking her father's forehead, Liu Yiyi said coquettishly, "Oh, good father, I don't, I don't."

First Young Master Liu raised his hand and grabbed Liu Yiyizhu's round and jade-run earlobe and twisted it, then raised his hand and pointed to the brightly lit gazebo in front of him on the left.

"Okay, okay, if you don't have it, don't you have it, can't Daddy stop asking you any more?"

When Liu Yiyi heard the words, her brows were instantly beaming with joy, and her eyes turned into crescent moons.

"Yeah, thank you daddy, thank you daddy."

Looking at the smile on the pretty face of the good girl that became extremely relaxed in the blink of an eye, Liu Mingzhi sighed silently in his heart.


I have to say that the topic related to the succession of the throne is indeed a taboo!

Whenever I mentioned this topic, everyone was afraid to avoid it.

Just as Young Master Liu was secretly feeling emotional in his heart, Liu Yiyi suddenly raised his hand in surprise and pointed towards the gazebo in front left.

"Daddy, Daddy, as you said, grandparents and grandparents came to the garden to enjoy the moon.

Look quickly, grandparents, grandparents, mothers and aunts, they are all in the front Chunhuating.

Let's go quickly. "

Young Master Liu followed the trend and looked at the people talking and laughing in the gazebo, and nodded cheerfully as a signal.

"Okay, let's go."

"Daddy, please go first."

"Silly girl, don't do this trick, let's go together."

Qi Yun saw Young Master Liu, Liu Yiyi and their father and daughter coming hand in hand, and hurriedly stood up, walking towards the outside of the pavilion with lotus steps.

"Husband, Yiyi."

Seeing Qi Yun approaching, Liu Yiyi immediately let go of her father's arms, and gave Qi Yunfu a salute with a smile.

"Yiyi pays homage to mother."

"Hey, excuse me."

"Thank you, mother."

"Husband, are you done with your business?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head lightly, said with a light smile, "Hehehe, it's almost there, it's almost there."

"It's almost done, husband, you can finally have a good rest.

Husband, let's stop standing outside and go sit in the gazebo first. "

"Okay, let's go."

"Yiyi, let's go."

Liu Yiyi immediately staggered half of her body, and waved her hands with smiling eyes.

"Father, mother, please go first."

Qi Yun smiled lightly and held Liu Yiyi's wrist, and said softly, "Smelly girl, let's go together."

As soon as First Young Master Liu walked into the gazebo, the three princesses, Qinglian, the empress, Gumo Rongrong... all the sisters stood up with smiles on their faces, and they all gave a blessing at the same time.

"Husband, concubine sisters are polite."

"Okay, okay, sit down."

"Thank you husband."

The third princess, Qi Yun and their sisters thanked each other with a smile, and sat down on the stone bench one after another.

As soon as all the beauties settled down, Liu Feifei, Liu Chengfeng, Liu Chengzhi, Xiao Kei and their brothers and sisters stood up again.

"See you baby..."

As soon as Liu Chengfeng, Liu Yaoyao, their brothers and sisters opened their mouths, Young Master Liu waved their hands casually.

"Okay, okay, you don't need to be polite at home.

Sit down, sit down. "

"Yes, thank you Dad."

Young Master Liu picked up a nut with his fingers, and squeezed it gently with his fingertips.

With a soft snap, the nuts burst open, revealing the nuts inside.

"Old man, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, in our own home, I don't pay attention to that set of etiquette."

Liu Zhian and Qi Run waved their hands in unison.

"It's okay, it's okay, you can do whatever you want at home."

"Hahaha, it's okay, it's okay."

Mrs. Liu leaned over and lifted a wine jar under the stone table, and put the wine jar in front of Young Master Liu with kind eyes.

"Zhi'er, since you're not busy, let's sit down and enjoy the moon and drink."

"Okay, the child understands."

Young Master Liu casually threw the nuts into his mouth, and turned his head to look at his second son Liu Chengzhi, daughter-in-law Li Jingyao and their young couple.

"Chengzhi, Jingyao."

"The child is here."

"My daughter-in-law is here."
"On the way to the garden, my father was talking to your eldest sister that he wanted to send someone to the East Palace to inform you to come back home.

Who would have thought that your young couple will be at home today.

That's good too, save the father and send someone to go again. "

Hearing his father's words, Liu Chengzhi stood up quickly.

"Father, is there anything you want to do with your baby and your wife?"

As soon as Liu Chengzhi finished speaking, Li Jingyao looked at Liu Mingzhi with the same puzzled expression.


Liu Mingzhi carried the pot and filled himself a glass of wine, then looked back at Qi Yun, Liu Yiyi, mother and daughter who were behind him.

"Yun'er, Yiyi, you two, stop standing and sit down."

Qi Yun smiled and nodded as a gesture, and sat on the stone bench next to Young Master Liu, holding up her skirt.

"Hey, I already know."

Liu Yiyi walked to the side of the cutie, and sat down gracefully.

"Okay, thank you Daddy."

Young Master Liu drank a glass of wine slowly and carefully, turning the wine glass between his fingers nimbly, and looked at Liu Chengzhi with a faint smile.


"Father, the baby is here."

"Son, I'm asking you as a father, what do you think about your marriage with Cai Ningning?"

Hearing his father's question, Liu Chengzhi's body shook suddenly, and his expression suddenly became embarrassed.

"Eh! Eh! This... this... baby..."

Seeing Liu Chengzhi's incoherent speech and hesitant to speak, First Young Master Liu shook his head angrily, raised his brows slightly and lifted the jug to refill himself a glass of wine.

"Asshole, what is this, what is this?

An imposing seven-foot man, as a manly man, can't even say a word? "

Seeing his father frowned, Liu Chengzhi panicked and shook his head hastily.

"Father, the child will speak, the child will speak."

Li Jingyao glanced at her husband with a worried look, stood up gracefully, picked up the boiled peanuts in front of her, and put them in front of Young Master Liu with a smile.


Young Master Liu looked relieved, and looked at Li Jingyao with a smile.

"Jingyao girl, tell me."

"Father, don't bother drinking. These are boiled peanuts made by grandma herself. You should also taste how it tastes."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, and after drinking the wine in the glass with a smile, he picked up a few peanuts from the tray with his fingers.

"Hehehe, my father knows, girl Jingyao, you have a heart."

"It should be, it's what the daughter-in-law should be."

Seeing this situation, Li Jingyao immediately lifted her wine pot, filled a glass of wine for Young Master Liu with a smile on her eyes.

First Young Master Liu chewed the peanuts in his mouth lightly, then raised his eyes to look at his second son Liu Chengzhi again.


"About the marriage between you and Cai Ningning, have you thought about what to do?"

Hearing that his father asked this question again, Liu Chengzhi let out a sigh of relief, and nodded vigorously at First Young Master Liu.

"Talk back to Dad, the boy has already thought it through."

Young Master Liu raised his brows, smiled lightly and picked up his wine glass.

"Oh? I don't know what you think?"

"Going back to my father, Hai'er and Ningning have been in love for a long time.

Therefore, Hai'er hopes to marry Ningning earlier. "

Hearing Liu Chengzhi's words, the expressions of everyone in the gazebo changed.

Liu Zhi'an glanced sideways at Mrs. Liu, smiled lightly, peeled off a peanut and threw it into his mouth.

As for Qi Run, Mrs. Qi and his wife, needless to say the smiles on their faces.

It can be said to be as happy as you want, as happy as you are.

Qi Yun, Qinglian, the third princess, Yun Xiaoxi and the other sisters looked at each other, each with clear and visible joy in their beautiful eyes.

As for Liu Yiyi, Liu Feifei, Liu Chengfeng, Xiao Kei, the expressions of their brothers and sisters were much calmer.

As if they didn't hear Liu Chengzhi's words, they were still talking and laughing softly, knocking on a melon seed from time to time.

Liu Mingzhi threw the peanut shells in his hand on the stone table, and finished drinking the fine wine in the glass with a light smile.

"Are you sure?"

"Talk back to Dad, my son is sure."

Qi Yun didn't wait for Young Master Liu to put down the wine glass, and immediately lifted the jug to refill him with a glass of wine.


First Young Master Liu nodded slightly, then turned to look at his second daughter-in-law Li Jingyao.

"Jingyao girl."

"Father, my daughter-in-law is here."

"Girl, what do you think about the marriage between Cheng Zhi and Cai Ningning?"

Hearing this, Li Jingyao glanced sideways at her husband, and saluted with a smile on her face.

"Go back to my father, if the husband says what to do, then we will do whatever, the daughter-in-law will obey the husband.

As long as there is no problem with the husband, the daughter-in-law will fully support him. "

Seeing Li Jingyao's sincere expression, First Young Master Liu raised the wine in his glass with a smile and drank it down in one gulp.



"Son, regarding the marriage between this boy Chengzhi and girl Ningning, I really wronged you.

After the girl Ning Ning has passed the door, if this bastard Cheng Zhi dares to treat one more favorably than another, he will treat you badly in terms of feelings.

You don't have to be angry with him, just rush home and sue my father.

As a father, I want him to hang him on the book, beat his skin to pieces with a whip, and vent his anger on you. "

Li Jingyao raised her black eyebrows, gave Liu Chengzhi a smug look with a smile, and nodded her head a few times vigorously.

"Yeah, Jingyao got it, thank you daddy."

Young Master Liu nodded cheerfully, and after drinking the wine in the glass in one go, he gestured to Li Jingyao with the glass.

"Girl Jingyao, pour wine for dad."

Li Jingyan nodded with a chuckle, and immediately brought the pot to refill a glass of wine for First Young Master Liu.

"Hey, Dad, you drink."

"Okay, girl, don't stand still, take your seat quickly."

"Yeah, thank you dad."

Qi Yun turned sideways slightly, and handed the freshly peeled melon seeds in Yu's hand to Young Master Liu.

"Husband, don't just drink, eat something."

"Okay, thank you Yuner."

Liu Chengzhi ate the melon seeds that Qi Yun had peeled for himself with a smile, and raised his glass to take a sip of wine from time to time.



"Stinky boy, what my father said just now was not only for Jingyao girl, but also for you.

We are all very satisfied with your marriage with girl Ningning, as your father, your mother, and your aunts, and we also support you very much.

However, if you treat girl Jingyao badly because of Ningning.

At that time, don't let the training staff in our family's ancestral hall deny people. "

Liu Chengzhi was shocked, and nodded hurriedly.

"Yes, yes, father, mother, and aunts, you can rest assured.

The boy hereby assures you that I will never treat my wife badly.

At the same time, the child swears to God in front of grandparents, grandparents, and you elders.

The emperor is above, and the thick soil is the proof.

If I, Liu Chengzhi, feel sorry for my lady in the future, let me fight five times a day..."

Before Liu Chengzhi's oath was finished, Li Jingyao stood up abruptly, and raised her jade hand to cover his mouth.


Li Jingyao glared at Liu Chengzhi coquettishly: "Be virtuous, don't talk nonsense."

Liu Chengzhi stretched out his hand to grab Li Jingyao's wrist, and nodded hurriedly.

"No no no."

When everyone in the pavilion saw the young couple's deep affection, they looked away in unison.

"Master, speaking of this sweet-scented osmanthus cake, it must be the best one made by our daughter-in-law Yinger.

Come here, don't drink alcohol all the time, and taste the taste of this sweet-scented osmanthus cake. "

"Sister Shan, Qingshi, this sauced beef should be made by the two of you, right?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"The heat is just right, but the taste is a bit weaker.

Be sure to add more spices next time you make it.

Our family does not lack all kinds of spices, you don't need to save anything, understand? "

"Yeah, I remember it, I will pay attention next time."

"Husband, I already know."

Young Master Liu smiled and nodded a few times, then looked sideways at Ren Qingrui.

"Miss Qingrui."

"Hey, Da Guoguo, what happened?"

"Qingrui, the apricot blossom dew you brought from Shu for Brother Wei, Brother Wei has almost finished his drink.

In about two or three months, the apricot blossoms will bloom.

When the time comes, let your sisters Yun, Yan'er, Lian'er, and Ya take you around the capital to see where the apricot blossoms bloom the best.

Then, you gather some apricot blossoms together and come back, and brew some apricot blossom dew for Brother Wei as soon as possible. "

Ren Qingrui pretended to glance casually at Liu Chengzhi, and Li Jingyao and Li Jingyao lightly nodded their heads a few times with a smile on their brows.

"Yeah, my sister understands."
The little cutie was smiling and eating the nuts in her hand, suddenly her face turned bitter, and she quickly vomited out of the gazebo with her slender waist.

"Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah.

Brother, Yue'er knows that you and sister-in-law have a good relationship.

But, you can't just forget your sister after you marry a woman, can you?

Look at the nuts you gave me, half of them are bad, it's hard for me. "

Liu Chengzhi and Li Jingyao heard the completely different words of the people around them, and then reacted belatedly.

Li Jingyao's pretty face flushed red, she quickly let go of Liu Chengzhi's wrist, and sat down on the stone bench again and again with eyes dodging.

Young Master Liu drank a glass of wine with a light smile, turned his eyes to Qi Yun, and looked at the three princesses and sisters.

"Yun'er, Yan'er."

"The concubine is here."

"Hey, husband?"

"Yun'er, Yan'er, as a husband, I have an idea of ​​double happiness."

(End of this chapter)

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