My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3255 Specifications

"Huh? The idea of ​​double happiness?"

"Husband, double happiness?"
Liu Mingzhi gently turned the wine glass between his fingers, looked at Qi Yun, the three princesses and sisters smiled and nodded.

"Yes, double happiness."

Qi Yun frowned slightly and thought about it for a while, and seemed to understand something vaguely.

Immediately, she subconsciously turned her head and glanced at Liu Chengzhi, Liu Chenggan and his brothers.

"Husband, don't you want Cheng Zhi and Cheng Qian to be together..."

Although Qi Yun didn't say the following words, the meaning she wanted to express was already self-evident.

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and took a sip of his drink, and looked at Qi Yun with a slightly raised corner of his mouth.

"Yes, the idea of ​​being a husband is just as you guessed, Yun'er."

Hearing the conversation between her husband and Qi Yun, the third princess immediately understood what Young Master Liu meant by double happiness.

Not only the third princess, but other people around also understood.

The third princess looked at the bottomed wine glass in Liu Mingzhi's hand, and immediately lifted the jug to fill a glass of wine for him.

"Husband, do you want to?"

First Young Master Liu shifted his gaze to the third princess and nodded with a smile.

"Yun'er, Yan'er, what do you sisters think?"

Qi Yun frowned slightly, and turned to look at the third princess.

The third princess put down the flagon in her hand, and also looked at Qi Yun with a slight frown.

"younger sister?"

"elder sister?"

"Sister Yan'er, tell me first."

"Sister Yun, you are a sister, you should tell me first."

Qi Yun nodded with a wry smile, and looked sideways at Liu Mingzhi.


"Well, Yun'er, tell me."
"Husband, as a concubine...a concubine..."

"Oh, just say what you want to say."

Qi Yun raised her jade hand and scratched her white and tender jade neck, and glanced at Liu Chengzhi and Liu Chenggan with complicated expressions.

"Husband, I don't have any objections.

However, what about the imperial court's customization? "

The third princess waited until Qi Yun finished speaking, and quickly echoed: "Husband, my concubine is the same as sister Yun, and I also have no objections.

It’s all about customization…”

"That is to say, the two of you sisters don't have any opinions?"

"Well, anyway, the concubine has no objection."

"The concubine is seconding."

Liu Mingzhi raised his wine glass and took a sip of the fine wine, then turned his head and looked around at the beauties sitting on both sides.

"Sister Ya, Sister Shan, Wanyan, Shu'er, Qingshi... what do you sisters think?"

Qi Ya raised her eyes to look at Liu Chengzhi, the two brothers Liu Chengqian wiped off the melon seed husks on the corners of their lips with their fingers.

"Husband, Sister Yun'er and Sister Yan'er don't have any opinions, so naturally I don't have any opinions.

However, the concubine also wants to ask, what should I do about the court's customization?

You know, the child Cheng Qian married Tong'er girl into the door, but the prince married the prince's concubine into the door.

And Chengzhi's marriage to Ningning girl is the prince's concubine.

According to the imperial court's customization and specifications.

In the big wedding of the prince, there is the standard for marrying the main concubine, and there is the standard for marrying the side concubine.

Husband, if you want Chengzhi and Chenggan to hold their wedding on the same day, which one should you choose?

Is it all according to the standard of marrying a concubine?The big wedding is still held according to the standard of marrying a side concubine.

If you choose the first option, the marriage will be carried out according to the standard of the concubine.

Then, girl Ningning's specifications are exceeded.

On the contrary, if you choose the second option, what should Tong'er girl do?
Oh, to marry the prince and concubine, the marriage must be held according to the specifications of the side concubine.

Husband, do you think girl Tong'er will be happy when she finds out?
Anyway, if it is a concubine, the concubine will definitely be unhappy. "

As soon as Qi Ya's voice fell, Huyan Yunyao immediately agreed with her in a charming voice.

"Husband, if I were a concubine, I wouldn't be happy either.

Even though the concubine will not say anything on the surface, but the concubine will definitely feel uncomfortable in her heart. "

"Husband, my concubine seconded me."

"It's the same with concubines."

"Brother Zhi, this is really inappropriate.

Double happiness is of course a great thing, but it also comes from the score situation. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a smile, squeezed a nut and threw it into his mouth.

"Women, that is to say, you sisters don't have any opinions at all other than worrying that this move is not in line with the custom, right?"

"Of course!"

"Oh, yes."

"Hmm, that's right."

After Liu Mingzhi drank the wine in one gulp, he cheerfully put the wine glass on the stone table.

"Hahaha, hahaha, okay, okay!

As long as you sisters don't have any opinions, it will be much easier to handle. "

"Husband, what about customization?"

"Hahaha, a trivial matter, a trivial matter.

As long as you sisters have no objections, the so-called court order is nothing to my husband. "

"Okay, I understand."

"Old man, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, do you have any opinions?"

Liu Zhian smiled lightly and rubbed his hands, the old god looked up at the bright moon in the night sky.

"Opinion? What opinion?
Old, I have no opinion.

Your own son's lifelong event, you, the father, can just settle it yourself. "



"The old man is the same as your father. You don't have any opinions. You can just figure it out."

Young Master Liu frowned, and shook his head helplessly.

"Come on, my son-in-law understands."

Qi Run picked up the wine glass with a smile, turned around and gestured to Liu Zhi'an.

"Dear family, have a drink."

"Okay, cheers."

Liu Mingzhi reached out and grabbed a handful of nuts, got up, walked to the bench in the gazebo and sat down.

"Come on."

"Hey, the baby is here."

Young Master Liu raised one foot and put it on the bench, leaning sideways on the guardrail with a lazy expression.

"Son, did you hear the conversation between the father, your mother, and your aunts just now?"

Hearing this, Liu Chengqian nodded without hesitation and replied, "Go back to my father's words, my child has heard it."

Young Master Liu glanced sideways at his third son, Liu Chengqian, squeezed open an apricot kernel slightly with his fingertips, took out the nuts inside, and slowly put it into his mouth.

"So, do you understand what you want to do for your father?"

"Baby understands, Daddy, you are asking Hai'er to hold a wedding with Second Brother together."

"Hahaha, good boy, smart."

Liu Chengqian gently patted the nut crumbs in the palm of his hand, and said helplessly, "Father, I'm not a fool.

You and mother, and all the aunts, the topics between you are so obvious.

Baby, if I can't hear what's going on again, then it's really strange. "

"Chengqian, about the matter that my father wants you two brothers to hold a big wedding together.

Whether it is the opinion of your mothers and sisters, or the custom of the court, it is just a trivial matter.

From my father's point of view, there is another thing that is more troublesome.

Boy, do you know what I'm talking about? "

Liu Chenggan raised his glass and took a sip of the fine wine with a faint smile. He first turned his head to look at his second brother sitting next to him, and then nodded to Young Master Liu as a gesture.

"Father, the boy understands, you want to ask the boy if he is willing, right?"

Seeing that Liu Chengqian had guessed what he was thinking, Liu Mingzhi ate a nut with a sigh, then nodded with a wry smile.

"That's right, whether our family can have double happiness, the most important point is whether you are willing or not."

Liu Chengqian wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth with his fingers, and looked at Liu Chengzhi cheerfully.

"Second brother, if younger brother is willing, would you be willing?"

Liu Chengzhi frowned, and nodded without hesitation.

"Hehehe, third brother, if you are willing, I naturally have no objections as a brother.

To put it bluntly, I have to borrow your blessing for my brother! "

Liu Chengqian laughed loudly and lifted the wine jug on the stone table, filled a glass of wine for himself, then raised his glass sideways to signal Liu Chengzhi.

"Hahaha, second brother, cheers."

"Good brother, cheers."

"Brother, don't you want to join in for a drink?"

Liu Chengfeng was taken aback for a moment, and after realizing it, he raised his wine glass angrily to signal.

"Really, it's fine for you two brothers to just drink yours. Why do you have to involve me as a brother?"

"Hehehe, you are the eldest brother among our brothers, how can we drink without you."

"Fuck...uh, cough, cough, cheers, cheers."

"Drink together."

After finishing his glass of wine, Liu Chengqian let out a long sigh of alcohol, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a smile on his face.

"Father, Hai'er, eldest brother, and second brother, the three of us grew up together since we were young. I won't say much about the brotherhood of the three of us, Hai'er.

It is my honor to be able to have a big wedding with my second brother. "

When First Young Master Liu saw the scene of brotherly harmony between Liu Chengfeng, Liu Chengzhi, and Liu Chenggan, the gratification in his eyes flashed away.

So many years have passed.

My three oldest sons, the three of them have never fought for that position, and there has never been any gap between brothers against each other in private.

This should be the happiest thing in my life.

Young Master Liu casually pinched open an apricot core, and waved to the cutie with a smile.


"Hey, Dad?"

"Girl, pour me a cup of tea for my father."


Cutie quickly poured a cup of warm tea, got up and walked to Young Master Liu and stopped.

"Daddy, tea."


Liu Mingzhi casually took the teacup from the cutie's hand, smiled lightly and took a sip of the tea.

"Come on."

"The child is here."

"Are you sure about your brothers getting married together?"

"Talk back to Dad, my son is sure."

"Chenggan, I will ask you again for my father, are you sure?

Don't just because you are a father..."

Liu Chengqian didn't wait for First Young Master Liu to finish speaking, so he interrupted it.


"Huh? You said."

"My boy is sure, very sure, this is my sincere words.

But... but..."

Liu Chengqian looked at First Young Master Liu with a somewhat tangled expression, and stopped talking for a long time.

Liu Mingzhi scratched his ears with his fingers, he didn't need to think deeply, he knew what the third son wanted to say.

He drank the tea in his hand in one gulp, and handed the cup to the little cutie.

"Yue'er, the cup."


The little cutie took the cup immediately, and asked with a faint smile, "Father, do you still drink?"

"Don't drink anymore."


Liu Mingzhi got up and stretched his waist, looked up at the bright moon in the night sky with a calm expression.

"Your future father-in-law's side, just leave it to your father."

"Yes, there is nothing wrong with that child."

"Yun'er, Yan'er, Lian'er, Sister Ya, Sister Shan, Qingshi..."

"Hey, my concubine sister is here."

"Have you heard what Cheng Qian said just now?"

Qi Yun, the third princess, Murong Shan and the other sisters responded in unison: "Go back to husband, I heard you all."

"Then, regarding Cheng Zhi, it's decided that Cheng and the two brothers will hold a wedding together."

All the beauties looked at each other, all smiling, and tacitly tapped their heads a few times.

"Okay, I know."

"Husband, my concubine sister understands."

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze, turned around and looked at the ladies.

"Yun'er, Yan'er, Wanyan, Yao'er, I've worked hard for you these few days.

You sisters have a good discussion and finalize the marriage of Chengzhi and Cai Ningning as soon as possible.

Try to discuss with the Cai family what should be done within ten days.

As for the dowry to the Cai family, you sisters have full authority to decide.

If you encounter something that is difficult to make up your mind, come to discuss with your husband. "

"Yeah, I know."

"Husband, we sisters will discuss this matter after we go back."

Qi Yun put down the teacup in her hand, got up, walked to Young Master Liu, and stopped.

"Husband, what about the dowry standard for Ningning?"

"You sisters watch and discuss it, it's fine if it's not too bad."

"Okay, my concubine understands."


Liu Chengzhi immediately put down his wine glass, got up and looked at his father.

"The baby is here, Dad?"

"In the past few days, I'm not very busy as a father. Take some time to take Ningning girl home for a while."

"Yes, the child knows.

Hai'er will go to Ning Ning tomorrow and ask her when it is convenient. "

"Okay, that's it, you continue to drink with your third uncle, eldest brother, third brother, and fourth brother."


First Young Master Liu stretched his arms, walked to the stone table, and casually grabbed a handful of melon seeds.

"Yun'er, Yan'er."

"Hey, husband?"

"You guys continue to watch the moon, I'm going back to the study for my husband."

Qi Yundai frowned slightly, and there was a hint of worry in her pretty eyes.

"Husband, can't you rest a little longer?"

"Yun'er, my husband just went to the study to think about some things.

Don't worry, you won't be tired! "

Qi Yun looked straight into Young Master Liu's eyes, and asked doubtfully, "Really?"

"Of course it's true. Why did you lie to me for your husband?"

"Okay, then you go back first!"

"Old man, mother, father-in-law, father-in-law, I will go back first."

"Well, let's go."

"Okay, let's go back first."


"Big brother?"

"Come with me, brother."

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