My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3256 Do You Believe It?

Chapter 3256 Do You Believe It?
"Hey, here we come."

Liu Xuan responded softly, and immediately got up and chased outside the pavilion.

Seeing this, Mrs. Liu quickly stood up and waved to Liu Xuan.

"Xuan'er, wait a moment."

Hearing her mother calling her, Liu Xuan immediately stopped and looked back with doubts in her eyes.

"Mother, what's the matter?"

Mrs. Liu smiled lightly and shook her head, turned around and took down the lantern beside her, and walked towards Liu Xuan with light steps.

"Silly girl, it's only been half a month of spring, and there are still snow and ice in some places in the garden that haven't completely melted.

Especially on the path in the garden, where there is water, it has frozen into thin ice.

You carry a lantern for light and save yourself from slipping and falling. "

Liu Xuan looked at the lantern Mrs. Liu handed over, shook her head helplessly, and directly raised her slender jade arms to point to the bright moon in the sky.

"Oh, mother, the moonlight is so beautiful now, I can see the recording clearly without a lantern.

Moreover, the snow and thin ice will be reflective under the moonlight.

There is no problem with my eyes, so I will naturally avoid it after seeing it. "

"Stinky girl, there are always places in the garden where the moonlight cannot be found, just in case!"

Liu Xuan waved her hand directly, looked back at First Young Master Liu who had walked dozens of steps away, and immediately ran after him.

"No more, no more, I can see clearly."

Seeing her daughter disagreeing with each other, she trotted away, and Mrs. Liu handed over the lantern in her hand as a signal.

"Hey, hey, you girl..."

Liu Xuan pretended not to hear Mrs. Liu's reproachful words behind her, and holding her skirt with both hands, she trotted all the way to Eldest Young Master Liu's side.

"Big brother."


Liu Xuan slowed down, walked side by side with First Young Master Liu at a leisurely pace, and looked at him suspiciously.

"Brother, what do you want my little sister to come with you?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at his younger sister Liu Xuan's puzzled expression, smiled and handed over the melon seeds in his hand.

"Come on?"

Liu Xuan tapped her head a few times with a smile, stretched out her slender hands unceremoniously, and took away half of the melon seeds.


After Liu Xuan opened her mouth slightly and knocked a few melon seeds, she looked at Eldest Young Master Liu and asked again: "Brother, you asked my little sister to come here, you don't just want to treat me to some melon seeds, do you?"

Young Master Liu turned his head and spat out the melon seed shells in his mouth, and nodded with a faint smile.

"Of course, I have one more small thing to tell you, brother."

Liu Xuan took a melon seed from the palm of your hand and sent it between the white teeth, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a smile.

"Small matter? Then I don't know what trivial matter you want to tell my little sister, big brother?"

Liu Mingzhi looked towards the eastern night sky with a smile, and from the corner of his eyes, he glanced at his younger sister Liu Xuan intentionally or unintentionally.


"Hey, big brother?"

"In the past few days, your sister-in-law Chen Jie is planning to go to the East China Sea to visit an old friend she hasn't seen for a long time."

When he said these words, Young Master Liu seemed to be admiring the stars in the night sky, but he was actually observing the changes in Liu Xuan's expression from the corner of his eyes.

It's a pity that Young Master Liu was disappointed.

When he said this, Liu Xuan still smiled and knocked on the melon seeds with her white teeth, the expression on her pretty face remained unchanged at all.

Liu Xuan pointed at you to pinch off the melon seed husk at the corner of her lips, she smiled and turned to look at First Young Master Liu.

"Brother, so what?

Chen Jie's sister-in-law is going to Donghai to visit an old friend she hasn't seen for a long time, what does this matter have to do with Xuan'er and me? "

Liu Mingzhi put away his eyes from observing the stars in the sky, and looked at Liu Xuan with a smile.

"In the past few days, there is no telling when your sister-in-law will leave for the East China Sea."

"Yeah, Xuan'er knows, so what?"

"So, don't you plan to accompany your sister-in-law, Chen Jie, to the East China Sea for a walk, to relax?"

Liu Xuan directly gave Eldest Young Master Liu an angry look, and smashed the melon seed husk that she had just spat out on his face.

"Brother, are you joking with Xuan'er?
You said it yourself, Chen Jie's sister-in-law went to the East China Sea this time to visit an old friend she hadn't seen for a long time.

Chen Jie's sister-in-law's old friend, I don't know her younger sister.

In this way, my little sister, what are I going to do with my sister-in-law and her in the East China Sea?
My dear brother, do you think I am idle, little sister? "

Seeing little sister Liu Xuan's white eyes and sullen expression, Young Master Liu nodded with a light smile, and wiped off the melon seed shell that happened to be hanging on his eyebrows.

"Oh, Xuan'er, brother, didn't I see that you have been bored at home all this time, am I afraid that you will be too boring?

So, as a brother, I just wanted to let you go out for a while, to relax?
But, since you can't leave Xuan'er, then forget it.

Just act as if your brother didn't mention this matter to you. "

Liu Xuan gently peeled a melon seed with her fingertips, and looked at Young Master Liu and rolled her eyes angrily again.

"Open your mouth."

"Huh? What?"

"Little sister told you to open your mouth!"

"Ah! Good good good good."

First Young Master Liu nodded lightly, looked at his younger sister Liu Xuan suspiciously, and opened his lips slightly.

Liu Xuan directly raised her slender lotus root arms, squeezed the melon seeds between her fingers and smashed them into Young Master Liu's mouth.

"Good brother, eat melon seeds."

"Huh? Xuan'er, what is this?"

Liu Xuan patted the crumbs in her hand a few times, and took off the wine bag on Liu's waist with a smile on her eyes.

"Brother, what does the melon seeds we eat taste like?"

"Five flavors."

Liu Xuan pulled out the wine cork in her hand, and glanced sideways at First Young Master Liu.

"Brother, shouldn't there be sugar in the five-flavored melon seeds?"

Seeing the serious expression of little sister Liu Xuan, Young Master Liu couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, silly Xuan'er, aren't you talking nonsense? Have you ever seen spiced melon seeds put in sugar?"

Liu Xuan nodded her head lightly a few times, and took a sip of the wine with her cherry lips slightly parted.

"Oh—that is to say, five-flavored melon seeds are salty?"

"Nonsense, can it be sweet if it's not salty?"

Liu Xuan's footsteps stopped, her exquisite eyes widened, and she stared at First Young Master Liu with a half-smile.

"Since it's salty, you can just eat your five-flavored salty melon seeds.

Why bother to eat radish salty and worry about it? "

Hearing little sister Liu Xuan's words full of reproach, First Young Master Liu's face froze for a moment, and then he reacted immediately.

At this moment, he finally understood.

Co-author, little girl, she made such a big circle just now, she was turning a corner to 'accuse' herself of meddling in her own business!


"Brother smelly, what are you doing?"

"What do you mean by those words just now? Brother, why can't I understand?"

Liu Xuan's eyebrows were slightly condensed, and she wiped the wine from the corners of her lips a few times while grabbing the tasseled cuffs, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Oh? Don't you understand?"

"Yes, I don't understand."


First Young Master Liu nodded vigorously, then laughed and said: "Of course it's true, don't you understand me as a brother?

We have been brothers and sisters for decades, when did I ever lie to you? "

Hearing First Young Master Liu's answer, Liu Xuan sneered a few times with a strange expression.

"Hehehe, big brother, Xuan'er, I really don't know how you have the nerve to say this.

Hehe, hehehehe, when did you lie to me?

Good brother, my good brother!

Over the past few decades, have you lied to me less often? "

As soon as Liu Xuan's words came out, Young Master Liu's heart suddenly rose.

He looked at Liu Xuan's sulky expression, and began to recall in a hurry.

Have it?Have you lied to me?

Over the years, have you ever cheated on your little sister?
Have it?Have it?
hiss!If so, why don't I have the slightest impression at all?

First Young Master Liu thought and thought, but he really couldn't remember when and where he had cheated on his younger sister.



"Little sister, we have to speak with conscience. When did I ever lie to you, brother?"

"Hehehe, are you sure?"

"Of course it is."

Liu Xuan took a sip of wine with her mouth slightly open, and nodded with a smile.

"In the 26th year of Xuande, Xuan'er and I were still young at that time, and I didn't know what the world was.

Brother, you coaxed and deceived me and took 5000 taels of lucky money from me, saying that you would buy a lot of good things for Xuan'er.

The results of it?The results of it?
5000 taels of silver, 5000 taels of silver, you can buy me two bunches of candied haws for me.

Then you told me how precious and rare candied haws are.

How hard and how hard you worked to buy me two bunches of candied haws for this girl.

At that time, my girl and I were still young, so I really believed it.

My good brother, is there such a thing? "

Hearing Liu Xuan's reminder, Young Master Liu's face froze, and some old events that had passed for more than 20 years suddenly appeared before his eyes.

Young Master Liu's eyes kept flashing the images of that year, and his face became more and more embarrassed.

"Eh! Eh..."

"In the 27th year of Xuande, good brother, you coaxed me into accepting my lucky money of 5000 taels of silver.

Fortunately, brother smelly, you still have a little conscience. In addition to two bunches of candied haws, you also bought me a few pieces of jewelry that year.

In the 28th year of Xuande, my parents have allowed Xuan'er and me to go out and wander the streets by myself.

Until my girl, I used a piece of broken silver and bought back a whole two..."

First Young Master Liu saw the little girl gritted her teeth and looked resentful in her eyes, before she could finish the rest, he immediately stuffed the melon seeds that had just been peeled into her mouth.

"Xuan'er, good little girl, eat melon seeds, eat melon seeds."

Liu Xuan bit the melon seeds between her teeth hard, and looked at Young Master Liu and let out a soft snort.

"Hmph! Good brother, you should let my little sister continue."

First Young Master Liu changed the lantern to his left hand, and smiled bitterly.

"Hey hey hey, oh my little sister!

The past is like smoke, let the past be in the past. "

"Hey, big brother, you said it so lightly."

First Young Master Liu frowned, and looked at Liu Xuan with an apologetic smile.

"Good little girl, I made a mistake for my brother, I made a mistake for my brother, and I knew I was wrong."

Seeing her elder brother's apologetic smile, Liu Xuan pursed her cherry lips and grinned a few times, then raised her slender jade arms and handed over the wine bag.

"Pfft, do you want to drink?"

Young Master Liu nodded cheerfully, first put the few dozen melon seeds left in her heart into Liu Xuan's left hand, and then took the wine pouch in her left hand.

"Hahaha, then I'll drink with you for my brother."

After receiving the wine bag, First Young Master Liu raised his head and drank several mouthfuls of wine.

"Hahaha, good wine, good wine.

Singing to the moon, how much life is.

Singing to the moon, what a life! "
Liu Xuan looked at Eldest Young Master Liu holding the wine bag, looking up at the moon, expressing emotion in a loud voice, a trace of worry could not help but appear in her pretty eyes.

"Big brother."

"Hey, Xuan'er, tell me."

"Let's go back to the topic we were talking about earlier?"

First Young Master Liu was stunned for a moment, and looked at Liu Xuan suspiciously.


Liu Xuan raised her jade arm and took the wine bag in Young Master Liu's hand, raised her jade neck slightly, and raised the wine bag in her hand with her mouth slightly open.

Under the reflection of the bright moonlight, the clear wine flows directly down.

After drinking about half of the wine bag in one go, Liu Xuan put down the wine bag in her hand.


Brother, what you said is not wrong at all, good wine, really good wine!

Xuan'er only discovered today that the wine I usually drink is actually so mellow and delicious. "
Between Liu Xuan's words, she smiled and handed the wine bag in front of First Young Master Liu again.

"Brother, please."

After Young Master Liu took the wine bag, he raised the wine bag and poured a few mouthfuls of fine wine into his throat.

"Big brother."

"Huh? Xuan'er."

"Is this wine good?"


"However, my little sister doesn't like drinking it."


"Brother, you just asked me if I would like to go with Chen Jie's sister-in-law and go to the East China Sea to relax.

You should remember this question, right? "

"Of course I remember."

Seeing that First Young Master Liu was about to drink, Liu Xuan snatched the wine bag from his hand and sent it to her cherry lips.

After taking several sips of wine in a row, Liu Xuan lightly pursed the corners of her lips a few times, and raised her eyes to look at the night sky directly in front of her.

"Take a turn?"


"Let's relax?"


Liu Xuan raised the wine bag again, and took a few sips of fine wine into her throat.

"My good brother, such a reason.

Do you believe it yourself? "

As soon as Liu Xuan finished speaking, she looked directly at First Young Master Liu.

"Brother, do you believe in such a reason?"

"Xuan'er, I..."

"Brother, do you believe in such a reason?"

Seeing the little girl asking him the same question three times in a row, Young Master Liu stretched his body, subconsciously clenched his palm, and looked at him with a complicated expression.

"Little sister."

Liu Xuan took a deep breath and stopped immediately.

Seeing this, Young Master Liu had no choice but to stop.

After Liu Xuan drank a few more sips of wine, she reached out and handed over the wine bag.

"Big brother."


"Don't you just want to ask Xuan'er if you want to meet that person?"

(End of this chapter)

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