Chapter 3257 Is it you?

"Brother, if you have any questions, just ask no, why do you have to do this?"

"Little sister, listen to brother Wei's explanation."

"Big brother!"

"Xuan'er, tell me."

Liu Xuan held the wine bag in her hand and gestured again.

"Brother, please."

Young Master Liu looked at Liu Xuan complicatedly, took the wine bag from her and sighed softly.

"Oh, drink for brother, drink for brother."

"Brother, when Xuan'er was young, you loved Xuan'er the most.

Back then, whenever you were free, big brother, you would play around with Xuan'er.

After Xuan'er is tired from playing, you will tell stories to Xuan'er to make me happy.

Although the stories you told Xuan'er back then, big brother, are so absurd and interesting when you think about it now, there is no logic at all.

But every time Xuan'er recalls the stories you told me, big brother, she is still very happy, very happy.

And the reason why the younger sister feels happy is not how interesting the stories you told me back then, big brother.

It's because those stories contain the best memories between us brothers and sisters when we were young.

The deceased is like a husband who does not want to leave day or night.

Time flies so fast.

In the blink of an eye, more than 20 years have passed.

More than 20 years, more than 20 years.

Brother, you are already this age, and Xuan'er, the little girl I was back then, is almost 30 years old now.

It's been more than 20 years, and obviously it's still been that long.

However, when the little girl recalled the scene of that year, she still vividly remembered it.

I just don’t know, brother, do you still remember? "

First Young Master Liu drank the wine silently, and nodded with a sigh.

"Remember, little sister, you remember it all, how can you not remember it as a brother.

Hahahahaha, you at that time were purely a silly girl. "

Liu Xuan nodded slightly as a gesture, and a slightly bitter smile rose from the corner of her lips.

"Hehehe, it turns out that you, brother, are the same as little sister, and you also remember those things that have passed for a long time!

very nice!very nice!
However, I don't know when to start.

The two of us, brother and sister, seem to have become a little estranged, and we are no longer as close as we used to be.

Even when speaking, one has to be careful and go around in circles.

Sometimes when there is nothing to do, the little girl can't help but go back and guess.

Between us brothers and sisters, why have we reached this point today.

Is it your elder brother that you have changed?Or Xuaner, have I changed?
It's a pity that I have been thinking about this question for many years, but I didn't come to a result in the end.

Maybe it's you, the big brother, that has changed, or maybe it's me, the little sister.

It's also possible that both of us have changed. "

Liu Mingzhi let out a sigh of relief, raised his head and patted Liu Xuan's fragrant shoulder.

"Little sister, have you ever thought that neither of us, brother and sister, has changed?"

Liu Xuan suddenly turned her head to look at First Young Master Liu: "Hasn't it changed?"

"Yes, it hasn't changed."

"Heh heh, maybe.

Sometimes, little sister, I really can't figure it out.

Like, right now.

Little sister, I really can't figure it out, is there anything between us brothers and sisters that we can't talk about directly?

Brother, if you want to ask little sister something, just ask directly.

If I knew my little sister, I would naturally know everything without saying anything.

On the contrary, it was replaced by the younger sister who asked you what you asked.

I think, big brother, you will definitely know everything about little sister, and you can talk endlessly. "

As Liu Xuan was talking, she raised her jade hand and took the wine bag in Young Master Liu's hand, opened her red lips and took a big gulp of the wine.

Seeing this situation, Young Master Liu hastily stretched out his hand and tugged at her sleeve.

"Xuan'er, drink slowly, don't choke."
Liu Xuan nodded her head a few times, wiped the wine from the corners of her lips with her fingers, and looked at the bright moon in the night sky with melancholy eyes.

"Hey, you used to love little sister the most, big brother.

But, how did it become like this now?

Brother, tell me, why did you become like this when you were doing well? "

During Liu Xuan's words, two lines of tears slipped quietly from her pretty eyes.

As for the two lines of clear tears, she couldn't explain why she shed them.

It seems, it seems that there is no sign, and it flows down inexplicably.

Seeing this, Young Master Liu patted Liu Xuan's fragrant shoulder with a melancholy expression, sighed and stuffed the wine pouch into her hand.

"Oh, little sister."

"Hey, big brother?"

Liu Mingzhi let out a long breath, and walked forward slowly against the moonlight and the gentle breeze.

Liu Xuan took a deep breath, wiped the tears on her cheeks with her sleeves, and followed slowly.

Liu Mingzhi glanced back at his little sister Liu Xuan who was following up, placed a pot of shredded tobacco on a familiar place, and took a few puffs of light smoke vigorously.



"My dear sister, there are some words that I have kept in my heart for many years.

I don't know who to tell, let alone how to tell others. "

Liu Xuan silently tapped Zhen's head a few times, and said softly: "Brother, if the younger sister's guess is correct, your concern should be related to sister Qingrui... sister-in-law Qingrui.

Right? "

First Young Master Liu smiled and shook his head when he heard his younger sister Liu Xuan suddenly change her address.

"Silly girl, Brother Wei and girl Qingrui haven't really married yet.

You are a few years older than her, so it is reasonable to call her Sister Qingrui. "

Liu Xuan frowned, and quickly waved her hands: "Don't, don't, it's more appropriate for me to call her sister-in-law Qingrui.

Brother, you have to know that habits are more difficult to change.

In case one day, she really becomes my sister-in-law.

It would be embarrassing if I used to call her sister again. "

"Hahaha, whatever you want.

As long as you and girl Qingrui get along well, you can call her whatever you want. "

"Yeah, little sister understands."

Liu Mingzhi took a puff of tobacco lightly, and let out a long breath with his brows slightly wrinkled.

"Little sister, this is the end of the matter, how about we brothers and sisters open up and have a good chat?"

Seeing Young Master Liu's solemn expression, Liu Xuan frowned slightly and nodded her head a few times.

"About 'Ren Qingrui'?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded without hesitation.

"Of course!"

"Okay, let's talk, I don't know how you want to talk, brother?"

"Little sister, I have been sitting in that position for more than seven years.

However, even though more than seven years have passed.

What happened to Ren Qingrui back then is still a thorn in my heart.

This thorn has bothered my brother and me for seven years. "

Liu Xuan took a sip of wine with her mouth slightly open, and silently turned her head to look at First Young Master Liu.

"Brother, are you worried that sister-in-law Qingrui will become like the Ren Qingrui back then..."

Before Liu Xuan finished speaking, First Young Master Liu interrupted her directly.


Liu Xuan's face was slightly startled, and her crescent eyebrows were involuntarily frowned.

"Huh? Brother?"

Young Master Liu took a puff of tobacco, and slowly narrowed his eyes.

"Little sister, I know exactly what girl Qingrui looks like now, brother.

What will she look like in the future, big brother, I will naturally wait and see.

Now, I just want to know one thing.

That is, who was the so-called demon queen Ren Qingrui who accompanied Li Ye back then?

What is her real identity?
I am not interested in anything but this one thing. "

Liu Xuan nodded lightly, smiled lightly, raised the wine bag and sent it to her mouth.

"So, the topic is back to the original question."
Young Master Liu nodded with a smile, and said with a noncommittal chuckle, "Hahaha, you can say it that way."

Liu Xuan shrugged her fragrant shoulders a few times, smiled slightly and nodded to Young Master Liu.

"Hehehe, come on, then you can continue to ask, brother."

Seeing the calm look on the younger sister's face, First Young Master Liu's heart tightened, and his expression suddenly became hesitant.

He looked at Liu Xuan's slightly raised lips and smiling face, and his heart twitched a few times involuntarily.

"Little sister, I... for brother... Big brother, I..."

Young Master Liu looked at Liu Xuan hesitantly, and besides a look of hesitation, there was also a bit of tangled look on his face.

That sentence was clearly on the tip of my tongue, and I should have blurted out the question.

At this moment, he couldn't say anything.

Seeing her elder brother's complicated expression, hesitating to speak, Liu Xuan gently shook the wine bag in her hand, smiled sweetly and handed the wine bag in front of First Young Master Liu.

"Brother, have a drink.

After the wine has entered the throat, many things can be said. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a sigh, and raised his hand to receive the wine bag in his hand.


"By the way, there aren't many drinks left. Big brother, you have to drink less and save some for my little sister."

"Hahaha, stinky girl, after we leave the garden, elder brother will ask someone to refill your drink immediately.

In our family's wine cellar, my eldest brother, I can't keep good old wine.

At that time, Xuan'er, you can drink whatever wine you want.

Even if you emptied my big brother's wine cellar, it's fine. "

Liu Xuan frowned, smiled and nodded,

"That's about the same, then you can drink."

A few gulps of fine wine entered his throat, and the tangled look on Young Master Liu's face gradually calmed down.

First Young Master Liu took a deep breath of alcohol and turned to look at Liu Xuan.


"Hey, big brother?"

"Xuan'er, is that person you?"

Liu Xuan looked at First Young Master Liu calmly, smiled and shook her head.

"Brother, no!"

Hearing the answer given by the younger sister, Young Master Liu was shocked, and his pupils constricted suddenly.

"'t it?"

"Yes, no!"

First Young Master Liu looked at Liu Xuan's calm eyes and calm expression, took a puff of tobacco lightly, his eyes were both excited and surprised.


Liu Xuan raised her hand and fanned the lingering smoke from elder brother, looked at Young Master Liu solemnly, and nodded with a light smile.

"Yeah, really."

Seeing the serious expression on the little girl's face, First Young Master Liu let out a long and forceful breath, and an uncontrollable smile appeared on his face.

More than seven years, more than seven years.

The thorn in my heart, the burden that weighs on my heart.

Now, he is finally relieved.

Thinking of this, Young Master Liu couldn't help laughing a few times, and ecstatically raised the wine bag and sent it to his mouth.

"Hahaha, hahaha, good! good!"

The pressure that had been accumulated in Young Master Liu's heart for a long time was finally completely released at this moment.

"It's great, it's great."

"Big brother."

Young Master Liu forcibly controlled the smile on his face, and looked at Liu Xuan with a smile.

"Hey, little sister, tell me."

"Brother, are you so happy?"

Young Master Liu frowned, and nodded vigorously.

"Yeah, I'm happy, of course I'm happy for my brother.

Xuan'er, you are still young, there are some things you don't understand. "

As Young Master Liu talked, he drank the rest of the wine in the wine bag in one breath.

Then, he grabbed Liu Xuan's bright wrist and walked quickly towards the exit of the garden.

"Xuan'er, let's go, let's go quickly, after my brother leaves the garden, I will have someone refill your drink right away.

No, no, no, we, brother and sister, go to the wine cellar in the backyard together.

What kind of wine do you want to drink, brother, I will prepare it with you personally. "

Seeing her elder brother's ecstatic reaction, Liu Xuan shook her head gently.

"Big brother."

"Hey hey, Xuan'er, tell me, Xuan'er, tell me, brother, listen!"

"Brother, maybe little sister really doesn't understand your thoughts, what you are thinking about.

However, your reaction was a little too intense, right? "

Upon hearing this, First Young Master Liu laughed heartily and looked back at Liu Xuan.

"Hahaha, hahaha, Xuan'er, good little girl, I'm so happy for my brother.

I'm so happy for my brother, you know? "

Liu Xuan's pretty face froze, and she nodded with a strange expression.

"Ah! Well, big brother, as long as you are happy."

"It must be, of course I am happy for my brother.

Let's brothers and sisters go to the wine cellar and take out more than a dozen jars of fine wine at once.

Then, let's go back to the gazebo to find the old man, mother, and your sister-in-laws.

For my brother, I don't go to the study to think about other things anymore.

Our family must get drunk tonight. "

Hearing Young Master Liu's excited words, Liu Xuan's pretty face froze for a moment, and the corners of her eyes couldn't help but twitched a few times.

"Brother, can't you?"

"Hey, brat, why didn't it happen?
Brother, I am happy today, we must get drunk before we rest. "

Liu Xuan shook her head lightly, smiled wryly and nodded.

"Okay, little sister still says the same thing, as long as you are happy, big brother."

First Young Master Liu knocked out the ashes in the smoke pot directly under his feet, and dragged Liu Xuan to walk out of the garden.

"Xuan'er, hurry up, let's go quickly."

"Brother smelly, you are pulling my wrist right now, little girl, I want to slow down, am I slow?"

As time passed, Young Master Liu's excited mood gradually calmed down.

However, when the brother and sister were about to walk out of the garden, First Young Master Liu suddenly stopped.

"Hey, brother, why don't you go?"

The smile on Young Master Liu's face suddenly disappeared, and he took a deep breath with a slight frown.

"Big brother?"

Liu Mingzhi turned his head to look at Liu Xuan, his expression suddenly became tense.

"Little sister."

"Hey, big brother?"

"Little sister, since that person is not you, is it her?"

(End of this chapter)

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