Chapter 3261 Beloveds
"Brother, there is really no need to do this."

Young Master Liu patted the back of Liu Xuan's hand with his backhand, his expression became serious.

"Little sister, the question just now, I am not asking you as a brother.

Instead, I am asking you as the Great Dragon Emperor, the king of a country.

Little sister, this matter is very important to me, the king of a country.

You have to know that whether the new decree of the imperial court is adopted or not is related to the stability of the imperial court. "

Seeing her elder brother's solemn expression, Liu Xuan asked doubtfully, "Really?"

"Hahaha, little sister, do you think my brother would lie to you about this kind of thing?"

Liu Xuan pursed her cherry lips and pondered for a moment, watching her eldest brother silently nod Zhen's head a few times.

"Okay, little sister understands."

"Go ahead."

"Among the people my little sister knows, after knowing that my little sister is a son and daughter of the Jianghu, the one who reacted the most is a person surnamed Lin."

"Where are you from?"

Liu Xuan smiled wryly and let go of one jade hand, pointing sideways to the direction behind her.

"The Land of Qilu."

After hearing the four words from the younger sister, Young Master Liu frowned slightly, narrowed his eyes slightly and sneered a few times.

"Hehehe, hehehe, Qilu Dadi?"

Liu Xuan looked at First Young Master Liu nervously, and replied with a muffled nasal voice while pointing at Zhenshou.


"The land of Qilu, the hometown of saints, no wonder!

So what kind of identity is this person surnamed Lin? Is he a child of an aristocratic family or an ordinary scholar. "

"I am a child of an aristocratic family, but also a scholar, both."

"Hey, someone who comes from a famous family and holds a book of sages in his hands, his background is indeed noble.

With such an identity, it's no wonder that he looks down on people in the world who are regarded as reckless. "

Liu Xuan let go of the jade hand holding Young Master Liu's arm, smiled and untied the wine bag around her waist, and gently unplugged the wine bag.

Suddenly, a strong aroma of wine emanated from the wine bag.

Under Young Master Liu's surprised gaze, Liu Xuan raised her jade neck slightly, opened her sandalwood mouth and drank a few sips of fine wine.

"Xuan'er, the aroma of this wine is made from peach blossoms, right?"

Liu Xuan smiled sweetly, raised her lotus arms and handed over the wine bag.

"That's right, it's sister-in-law Ya's own handmade peach blossom wine. My little sister filled it in the wine cellar just now. The empty jar has already been placed outside the door of the wine cellar."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, stretched out his hand to receive the wine bag, and took a few sips of wine with a light smile.

"Except for this one surnamed Lin, what about the other young talents?"

"Brother, are you asking their surnames? Or where are they from?"

Young Master Liu raised the wine bag silently, and took a sip of the fine wine with a light smile.

"What are their names, Xuan'er, you don't need to say.

Brother, I'm not interested in these, let me tell you where they are from. "

Liu Xuan raised her jade arm and gently drew a big circle in mid-air.

"From all over the world, there are capitals in every state, like Xuzhou, Anzhou, Ningzhou, Shaozhou, Liangzhou..."

"What about their own situation?"

"Some are children of aristocratic families, children of famous families, and some are ordinary scholars.

There are also those with the same surname as Lin, or both. "

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and pondered for a long time, then nodded with a light smile.

"Okay, brother, I know."

Liu Xuan smiled, and stretched out her jade hand to hold First Young Master Liu's arm again.

"Brother, let the past be the past.

Just like what we said just now, they look down on the little girl because they themselves don't have that blessing.

What is there to care about these unlucky people?

To be honest, little sister, I have already put those past events behind me.

If you hadn't mentioned it suddenly, big brother, Xuan'er, I would have almost forgotten about these things. "

"Little sister, Lantern, drink some wine for brother."

Seeing the lantern handed by her eldest brother, Liu Xuan immediately took it over.

"Hey, give it to me."

Holding the wine sac in his hand, First Young Master Liu drank half of the wine in a row, then burped lightly.

"Ah! Little sister."

"Hey, brother, tell me."

"Little sister, things are not as simple as you think."

Liu Xuan's black eyebrows were condensed, and there was a hint of doubt in her pretty eyes.

"Huh? Brother, what do you mean by that?"

Young Master Liu frowned tightly, and lightly sipped the drink from the corner of his mouth a few times.

"Little sister, what our brothers and sisters said just now is not just about you alone.

It is also a matter of brotherhood and the court. "

Liu Xuan shook her head with a puzzled face: "This... little girl is confused."

Young Master Liu smiled lightly, raised his head and pouted towards the west.

"In recent years, Uncle Zhang Kuang, Uncle Nangong Ye and the others have led two armies on the left and right to march thousands of miles to the west.

Later, there was Duan Dingbang, who led an army of [-] to march westward again.

After the three-way armies went out for expeditions one after another, for my brother, I naturally focused most of my thoughts on the military affairs of the Western Expedition.

Therefore, it is about the people's livelihood and the administration of officials in the world.

Except for some extremely important events, most of the affairs are entrusted to the Hall of Ten Kings, the officials of all sizes in the cabinet, and the civil and military officials in the court. "

"Brother, do these things you said have anything to do with what we just talked about?"

First Young Master Liu looked at Liu Xuan's puzzled expression, and nodded solemnly as a signal.

"Of course there is a relationship, and there is a very big relationship."

Liu Xuan reached out and took the wine in Young Master Liu's hand, and took a few sips of the fine wine with her mouth slightly opened.

"Little sister is confused, please enlighten me."

"Little sister, ever since I took that position for my brother, I have always paid great attention to people's livelihood and government affairs.

The people's livelihood is governed by officials, and the people's livelihood is governed by officials.

If you want to pay attention to the people's livelihood and the administration of officials, the first thing is to use officials.

The foundation of the people lies in the land, and the foundation of officials lies in the imperial examination.

Therefore, over the years, as a brother, I have always attached great importance to the imperial examination, so as to select good talents. "

"Brother, isn't this good?"

First Young Master Liu directly took the wine bag in Liu Xuan's hand, and drank a few mouthfuls of wine with a gloomy gaze.

"Yeah, sure it's fine.

But doing this for my brother, invisibly improved the status of the scholar.

The status of a scholar can be high, but it cannot be too high.

Once the status of a scholar is too high, for the imperial court... no, for the elder brother, the advantages and disadvantages become indistinguishable. "

Hearing her elder brother's meaningful words, Liu Xuan instinctively frowned.

"Brother, what are the pros and cons?"

"It is beneficial for the imperial court to have talents available and people's livelihood to be stable."


"Rotten Confucianism is rampant, and the court has no real talents to use, which is a big disadvantage."

Liu Xuan'e frowned slightly and pondered for a while, then tapped her head a few times with half understanding.

"Brother, little sister seems to understand, but there are some places that I don't understand."

First Young Master Liu lifted the wine bag in his hand, drank the rest of the drink in one go, squinted his eyes and breathed out forcefully.

"Little sister, let me tell you that.

For my brother, I attach great importance to the imperial examinations and raise the status of scholars, so that one day they will help the court, help my brother, the king of a country, to govern one country, and to shepherd the people of the world.

Therefore, being a brother raised the status of a scholar so much. "

Liu Xuan nodded when she heard the words.

"Brother, little sister seems to understand a little bit more."

"Little sister, according to the situation you just mentioned, what are the scholars in the world like now?"

"Uh, this..."

"These scholars, all of them have not yet been named on the gold list, they have their eyes above the top, they think of themselves as noble, they are pretentious, and they look down on people in the world.

What if they were able to enter high school in the future and be on the list?

Let them govern one side, and one can imagine how they will treat the people under their rule.

After such a person comes to power, I can't sleep well as a brother. "

"Brother, what you said is too serious. After all, not all scholars look like the people my little sister met."

"Xuan'er, how can you not know the truth you said?

However, do you know that there is a saying called "upper and lower effects"?

Let these self-important and pretentious people enter the temple.

The real talents will have to be led astray by them one day.

Even, it was forced by them to become crooked. "


Liu Mingzhi casually stuffed the empty wine bag into Liu Xuan's hand, the fierce look in the depths of his eyes flashed away.

"Little sister, when such a situation happened, I am naturally not afraid as a brother.

I have lived most of my life for my brother, and I have blood on my hands.

Your eldest brother and I commanded thousands of troops and horses on the battlefield, and in those years when we charged into battle, we killed almost [-] people, if not [-].

Big Brother's hands were already covered in blood, so it wouldn't hurt to get a little more.

Brother, during my reign, these people had better not fall into my hands.

Otherwise, my brother doesn't care about the extra lives between the long swords in his hands.

But, little sister, brother, I am not an immortal god after all!
If such unhealthy trends are not curbed in time.

One day, it will be a disaster for future generations. "

After listening to the big brother's words, Liu Xuan'e frowned for a long time, and the expression on her pretty face gradually became serious.

"Big brother."

"Huh? Xuan'er."

Liu Xuan let go of the palm holding Young Master Liu's arm, and a cold and stern aura suddenly exuded from her body.

"Brother, your identity is there, and many things are inconvenient to deal with.

Some things, when it is inconvenient for you to do it, let the younger sister solve it for you.

Just because my younger sister doesn't like killing people doesn't mean that my younger sister won't kill people. "

Liu Xuan's tone was very calm, yet full of arrogance.

At this time, she was no longer the daughter of the Liu family.

Instead, he became the leader of the martial arts alliance who is above the rivers and lakes and can shock the martial arts.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Xuan who seemed to be a different person for a moment, and patted her shoulder with a smile.

"Silly girl, I don't need you to bother me for the time being.

Brother, I'm just putting my mind on the big event of the Western Expedition right now, and I don't have time for it yet.

Wait until a certain day, after the Western Expedition has come to an end.

Find an opportunity for the Brotherhood to have a good time with those so-called famous families and those pretentious scholars. "

"Brother, little sister is no longer the little girl she was back then. I can help you."

First Young Master Liu pondered for a while with a strange expression, then nodded cheerfully.

"Okay, brother, when I need your help in the future, I will definitely come to you."

"Hmm, don't forget."

"Hehehe, don't worry, brother will never forget.

When Brother Wei finishes his work one day, Brother Wei will send someone to notify you to come back.

At that time, we brothers and sisters will unite together.

Properly explain a truth to those children of aristocratic families who are pretentious, and those rotten scholars who think of themselves as noble.

The way of an emperor, the way of a saint.

Between the two, which one is the real truth. "

Liu Xuan listened to Young Master Liu's seemingly plain but slightly sinister words, and nodded her head a few times.

"Yeah, my little sister is always on call."

"Big brother."

"Hey, Xuan'er."

Liu Xuan pinned the wine bag to her waist, smiled and looked at First Young Master Liu.

"Brother, I don't understand the general trend of the world and the way of the emperor you mentioned, little sister.

Little sister only knows that you are my good brother and I am your little sister. "

"Hahaha, silly girl!"

"Hahaha, maybe.

In our father's words, there is no closer relative in the world than the same blood.

Even if one day, due to some reasons, the swordsmen meet each other, it is still a family relationship that breaks the bones and connects the tendons.

Brother, we are almost at the gazebo. "

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyes and glanced at the brightly lit gazebo in front of him, a trace of complexity appeared in his eyes.

"That's right, the old man is right, there is no closer relative in the world than the same blood.

It's just that this principle is not suitable for the royal family. "

Hearing First Young Master Liu's exclamation, Liu Xuan's delicate body trembled slightly.

"Brother, you are worried about the children below."

Young Master Liu frowned, and fell silent with a complex expression.

After a long time.

Young Master Liu shook his head with a wry smile, raised his head and pouted in the direction of the pavilion.

"Forget it, forget it, as a brother, even if I have the ability to reach the sky, I can only educate my own children, as well as the grandsons and granddaughters below.

As for the future, children and grandchildren have their own blessings.

What happens at that time depends on God's will.

Little sister, let's go. "

"Hey, big brother please."

"Silly girl, let's go together."

"Hee hee hee, my little sister is just being polite to you."

"Little sister."

"Hey, big brother?"

"Little sister, you are 28 years old today.

Now, even the two brothers Chengfeng and Chengzhi have married and established a family, married wives and had children.

The two brothers are your eldest nephew, your second nephew.

Let's talk about your eldest niece and third nephew, Yiyi and Chenggan, their siblings.

In about a month or two, one of their siblings will leave the court to marry, and the other will marry a wife.

Therefore, regarding your lifelong event, you really can't delay any longer. "

Liu Xuan looked bitter, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a pretty face.

"Brother, the little girls you mentioned are naturally clear.

But, little girl, I still can't meet a suitable person, what do you want me to do?

I can't just find someone and marry me, can I? "

(End of this chapter)

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