"Nonsense, of course you can't just find someone and marry.

Your lifelong event is related to the rest of your life, so naturally you can't treat it like a joke.

No matter how anxious we are to get married, we still have to choose a real husband. "

Liu Xuan turned her eyes to look at First Young Master Liu, and shrugged her shoulders helplessly.

"Look, brother, you said the same thing.

Today, little sister, I can neither meet the right person I like, nor can I just find someone and marry.

So, little girl, what can I do? "

Young Master Liu looked at the little girl's helpless expression, thought for a while, and said with a light smile: "Little sister, I have a suggestion for you."

"Oh? What advice?"

"Little sister, why don't you do it this way, after Yiyi and Chenggan finish their lifelong affairs, don't be in a hurry to venture into the rivers and lakes.

Instead, they will continue to stay at our house for about half a year.

In the past six months, brother, I will try to introduce you to some good young talents, and you should get along with each other first.

If you meet someone who feels okay, let's move on to the latter.

Xuan'er, what do you think? "

Liu Xuan glanced sideways at First Young Master Liu, then shook her head with a strange expression.

"Brother, little sister doesn't think so."

Young Master Liu's face was slightly startled, and he subconsciously asked, "Ah? Why?"

"Brother, little sister, I am already twenty and eight years old this year."

"so what?"

"Brother, you have to know that now you are the king of a country.

In your capacity, the young talents you know are either noble sons of high-ranking officials or noble families, or children of famous families.

The worst ones are those young and backward officials above the temple.

If my sister's expectations are good, the young talents you want to introduce to my sister should be selected among these people, right? "

Young Master Liu raised his brows, and nodded with a smile.

"That's right, brother, that's exactly what I planned.

Xuan'er, you have to know that besides being the eldest daughter of the Liu family, you are also the brother's younger sister.

According to the rules of the imperial court, you are now the eldest princess of the court.

Therefore, brother, I naturally want to introduce you to some young talents who either come from good backgrounds or have good morals. "

Seeing her elder brother's serious expression, Liu Xuan smiled wryly and shook her head.

"Brother, your idea is indeed very good, but there is a very critical question, have you thought about it?"

First Young Master Liu was taken aback: "Oh? What's the problem?"

"Brother, you yourself said just now that the lover you want to choose for my little sister must either have a good background or have good morals.

But, brother, have you thought about one thing?
How many young talents like this are about 28 years old, and they have not yet married, established a family, married a wife and had children?
Not to mention people around 28 years old, even people around 25 years old.

How many of them have not yet married, married and had children? "
During Liu Xuan's words, her pretty face shook her head a few times in a strange way.

"For a young talent like this, it is estimated that even his concubines have taken several houses."

Hearing what Liu Xuan said later, First Young Master Liu's face froze, and his expression instantly became a little embarrassed.

"Uh, this... this..."

Indeed, a young talent like what I just said.

It cannot be said that there is absolutely no one who has not yet married at the age of 28 or so.

Even if there are, they are probably rare.

First Young Master Liu touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment, and smiled bitterly.

"Hehehe, little sister, it seems... probably like this."

Liu Xuan smiled, looked narrowly at First Young Master Liu with a light smile and teased, "So, brother, do you want my younger sister to marry someone else as a concubine?"

Hearing the younger sister's teasing tone, Young Master Liu hurriedly waved his hands.

"No, no, brother definitely didn't mean that."

Liu Xuan turned her head to look at First Young Master Liu, and gently spread out a pair of jade hands.

"That's it."

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly in silence for a moment, and let out a long breath with a somewhat tangled expression.

"It seems that if you want to solve Xuan'er's lifelong event, you really have to work hard."

"Brother, regarding the lifelong events of my little sister, let's take a step at a time.

If I really can't find the right person I like, at worst, I will never marry this girl for the rest of my life. "

Upon hearing this, First Young Master Liu glared at Liu Xuan angrily.

"Silly girl, don't talk nonsense, as the saying goes, boys should get married when they go to college, and girls should get married when they go to college.

It's a big girl, how can I get married without leaving the pavilion?

You can't be alone, lonely forever, can you? "

Liu Xuan suddenly turned her head to look at First Young Master Liu, smiled and nodded her head a few times.

"Brother, it's not impossible to do this, the big deal is that you will support me for the rest of your life.

Anyway, big brother, you have a big family and a big business now, and it’s not too bad. My little sister eats with one mouth, at most it’s just a matter of adding an extra pair of chopsticks. "

Seeing Liu Xuan's calm expression, Young Master Liu shook his head angrily.

"Smelly girl, you just know nonsense, is this a matter of adding an extra pair of chopsticks?"

"Isn't it?"

"Of course not."

"No, it's not, then brother, what do you think should be done?"

Young Master Liu put his hands on his back casually, looked up at Qi Yun, the three princesses, the queen and the other sisters who were sitting in the gazebo talking and laughing in front of them, and sighed with embarrassment.

"Well, when I'm free someday, I'll ask your sister-in-laws in private.

See if there are any young talents who are more suitable for you among the friends that their sisters know. "

Liu Xuan subconsciously looked at the sisters-in-law sitting in the gazebo in front of her, and nodded her head with a strange expression.

"That's fine, I'll just wait for the good news, little girl."

Young Master Liu withdrew his gaze and scratched his brow with a tangled expression.

"Around 28, around 28."

Young Master Liu muttered to himself helplessly, and his expression became more and more entangled.

"Similar age, good background, good morals, where can I find such a person?

Difficult, really difficult! "

Liu Xuan frowned, and cast a coquettish look at Young Master Liu.

"Big brother."

"Hey, little sister, tell me."

"Brother, it's time for you to talk to yourself, can you lower your voice?

I'm standing by your side right now, little girl. I can clearly hear what you said just now.

Your tone of voice makes me feel like I really can't get married anymore, little girl. "

Hearing his younger sister's questioning words in a coquettish tone, First Young Master Liu's expression suddenly turned awkward.

"Uh, little sister, I didn't mean to be a brother.

Brother, I am really entangled now, among the people I know well, I really can’t think of anyone who still... still..."

As Young Master Liu was talking, he suddenly looked towards Liu Xuan.

"Little sister."

"Huh? Brother?"

Young Master Liu rolled his eyes a few times, and clasped the emerald ring on his thumb with a smile.

"Xuan'er, among the people I know, your elder brother, there is indeed such a person, not only is your age similar to yours, but also has not yet married.

The most important thing is that this guy has a good family background and good morals.

In terms of character, there is nothing to say. "

When Liu Xuan heard this, her pretty face couldn't help but froze for a moment.

"Ah? Who is it?"

First Young Master Liu narrowed his eyes slightly, and pouted at the figure on the empress' forehead with a smile.

"You politely say sister-in-law's younger brother, Wanyan Feixiong."

Liu Xuan's pretty face was stunned, and she subconsciously exclaimed.

"What, Wanyan Feixiong?"

"Yes, it's the kid Fei Xiong."

Liu Xuan came back to her senses, and directly raised her jade hand and placed it on Young Master Liu's forehead.

"Brother, your forehead is not hot either!"

First Young Master Liu immediately turned his body sideways, and patted Liu Xuanou's arm away.

"Silly girl, Brother Wei is very sober now, I'm serious."

"Brother, are you serious?

Me, that Flying Bear guy, the two of us? "


Liu Xuan looked at First Young Master Liu with a strange expression, and said helplessly, "My dear brother, are you sure you're not messing around with the couples?
My little girl, Feixiong and I, how could the two of us be compatible? "

"Little sister, why is it inappropriate?"

"Why is it suitable?"

"Little sister, you know what happened when Fei Xiong first came to our house.

Even if the two of you were not childhood sweethearts who grew up together, there is not much difference between you two.

Even if I don't say anything about this kid's disposition, you, Xuan'er, know it.

Now, one of you is not married, and the other is not..."
Liu Xuan didn't wait for First Young Master Liu to finish speaking, and immediately raised her jade hand to cover his mouth.


"Brother, stop."

"No no no."

Liu Xuan let out a sigh of relief, and directly took off the jade hand covering Young Master Liu's mouth.

"Brother, do you know? You're really messing around now.

My dear brother, I am your younger sister, Fei Xiong is your younger brother-in-law.

Let's not talk about Xiaomei and Feixiong, the question of whether we are suitable or not.

Little sister will ask you a question, if the two of us are really destined.

In the future, little sister, what should I call you?

Should I keep calling you big brother?Or should I call you brother-in-law?

Plus Wanyan's sister-in-law, what should I call her?

Don't you think the relationship is too messy? "

"Oh, Xuan'er, for my brother..."


"Okay, okay, you say."

"Brother, we are really not suitable."

"That's right, you're just talking nonsense because you drank too much for me, right?"

"It's almost there."

Liu Xuan smiled sweetly and took First Young Master Liu's arm again, and pointed her lips in the direction of the pavilion.

"Brother, let's go over quickly, all the sister-in-laws are watching us."

"Okay, let's go."

Qi Yun looked at the brother and sister who were walking towards the gazebo talking and laughing, got up and greeted them with smiling eyes.

"I have met my husband in person."

"No gift, no gift."

"Thank you husband."


"Sister-in-law, my little sister is being polite."

"Okay, good, no courtesy, no courtesy."

"Thank you sister-in-law."

Qi Yun casually took the lantern in Liu Xuan's hand, looked at Liu Xuan with a smile on her face, and then turned her eyes to look at First Young Master Liu.



Qi Yun turned her head and glanced at the little maids standing in the gazebo, then smiled and took Young Master Liu's right hand.

"Husband, I have to say, our little sister is more honorable."

Liu Da raised his brows, hooked the beauty's nose with his finger while smiling.

"Hehehe, good lady, are you praising your husband? Or are you praising your husband?"

Qi Yun raised her eyes to look at First Young Master Liu, and rolled her eyes pretending to be coquettish.

"Virtue, how dare I be a concubine."

Young Master Liu tugged Qi Yun's sleeve lightly, nodded slightly and leaned towards her round and jade earlobe.

"Good rhyme, there are some things, let's talk about them when we go back."

Qi Yun's black eyebrows were condensed, and she raised her lotus feet in a subtle way and stepped on Young Master Liu's instep.

"Smelly husband, do you really think that I am a concubine who is acting weird?
Concubine, I want to remind you that the joke I just said was said by our old man in front of our sisters after Xiang'er and the other sisters brought the drinks. "

Hearing Qi Yun's reminder, Young Master Liu frowned, and patted the beauty's buttocks in a subtle way.

"Good rhyme, thank you for your hard work."

Qi Yun's delicate body trembled, and she immediately pushed Young Master Liu's waist with her elbow.

"Be virtuous, be more serious."

Young Master Liu raised his hand again and patted Qi Yun's buttocks, and walked towards the gazebo first with a smile.

"Good lady, let's go."

Qi Yun rolled her eyes coquettishly, and pulled Liu Xuan's sleeve with a smile.

"Little sister, let's go back and sit down."

"Hmm, please, sister-in-law."

Young Master Liu walked into the gazebo with a smile on his face, and pointed sideways to his little sister Liu Xuan who was walking towards the gazebo with Qi Yun behind him.

"Hehehe, old man, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law.

There is no way, little sister has been pestering me, I can't do it if I don't come. "

Liu Zhi'an gently turned the wine glass in his hand, laughed and turned to look at Madam Liu who was sitting beside him.

"Hahaha, ma'am, how are you doing? My guess is right, old man.

The old man knew that this bastard would definitely push the matter to Xuan'er.

Please, madam. "

Mrs. Liu raised her eyes and glared at First Young Master Liu, then directly picked up her wine glass.

"Stinky boy, you are really worthless."

"Huh? Mother?"

Young Master Liu looked at Mrs. Liu in a daze, not knowing what happened?
Madam Liu ignored Young Master Liu's stunned expression, turned her waist slightly, and gestured to Madam Qi beside her with a slight smile.

"Mother-in-law, we lost, let's drink together."

Madam Qi smiled lightly and shook her head, raised the wine glass and clinked it with Madam Liu.

"Oh, drink together, drink together."

"Mother, mother-in-law, you?"

First Young Master Liu looked at Liu Zhi'an who had a smug expression on his face, and then at his mother and mother-in-law who were toasting to drink.

Vaguely, he seemed to understand something.

"Mother, mother-in-law, it's not my fault."

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