My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3266 Please enter the urn

Chapter 3266 Please enter the urn
"Big fruit."

After lying in the bed, the beauty murmured softly.

Listening to the beautiful lady's soft words, Liu Mingzhi turned over gently, stretched out his hand and pushed the pillow next to him and placed it under the beautiful lady's jet-black hair.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

The bright moonlight outside the window created a hazy atmosphere in the study.

Ren Qingrui raised her eyes and glanced at First Young Master Liu, she snuggled into the arms of her sweetheart with a hot face.

Immediately, the beauty said in a voice like a mosquito, "Da Guoguo, my sister is cold."

As soon as the beautiful woman said this, the meaning she wanted to express was already self-evident.

Young Master Liu glanced down at the beautiful woman nestled in his arms, smiled lightly and pulled the brocade quilt on his body, then held the beautiful woman's white and tender hands.

Sensing the movements of her sweetheart, Ren Qingrui's delicate body trembled slightly, and she immediately closed her bright eyes, revealing an appearance of letting you pick and choose.

"Rui'er, how much warmer is your hand than my brother's?

As a brother, I am not cold, how can you be cold? "

Hearing the incomprehensible words of her sweetheart, Ren Qingrui instantly opened her bright eyes that had just been closed, and glared at Young Master Liu resentfully.

"Da Guoguo, you."

At this moment, she really couldn't figure out what was going on in her sweetheart's heart.

What he said just now has been so obvious, doesn't he understand what his words mean?

Involuntarily, Ren Qingrui even had some doubts about her appearance.

Could it be that you are not beautiful enough?
Although all the candles in the room had been extinguished, Liu Mingzhi could still feel the deep resentment in the beauty's beautiful eyes through the hazy moonlight outside the window.

Liu Mingzhi sighed softly from the bottom of his heart with a complex expression, nodded and kissed the beautiful woman's forehead lightly.

"Girl, it's getting late, let's..."

Before Young Master Liu finished speaking, Ren Qingrui directly propped up her pair of jade arms that bullied Shuang Saixue, leaned over and rushed towards him.

"No no no!"

Ren Qingrui bit Young Master Liu's lips lightly with her white teeth, looked at her sweetheart with soft eyes and murmured.

"Da Guoguo, you want to marry my sister."

"Rui'er, no!"

Young Master Liu only said the beauty's name, but was speechless again.

Quietly, the clothes on the beauty's body were taken off one by one.

Unknowingly, it has become invisible.

The moonlight outside the window was bright, and the atmosphere in the room was hazy.

The beautiful woman nestled tightly in the arms of her sweetheart, and she showed her all her skills with all her charms, intending to invite you into the urn.

However, Young Master Liu was still as incomprehensible as ever.

After a long time, the lips parted.

Ren Qingrui stared resentfully at her sweetheart below her who was obviously blushing but still didn't do anything to her, her teeth like broken jade creaked.

"Liu Mingzhi."

"Rui'er, it's not that I don't want it anymore..."

"Smelly bastard, you shut up."


"Bad guy, do you know? There is one thing, you really guessed wrong."

First Young Master Liu was taken aback, and subconsciously asked, "Ah? What's the matter?"

Ren Qingrui bent her slender fingers, touched Young Master Liu's face and slid them slowly.

"Smelly guy, what you said just now is indeed correct, my girl, I have indeed dealt with Yue'er, Lingyun, and Yunxin and the others during this period of time.

However, the reason why I, my girl, became what I am now has nothing to do with Yueer, Lingyun and the others.

Stinky guy, my girl, the reason why I have become what I am now is because sister Wanyan taught me. "

Young Master Liu sat up suddenly, and looked at the beautiful woman in his arms in astonishment.

"Girl, what do you mean?"

"Da Guoguo, do you really think that my sister and I are still the little girl who didn't understand anything?
My sister has taught me many things.

Even if you don't want my body, sister, I can still serve you.

Stinky guy, I'm sure I'll eat you today. "

While Ren Qingrui spoke, she raised the brocade quilt on her graceful body, pursed her red lips and shrank directly into the quilt.

"No, Rui'er, what did she say to you?"


In an instant, the spring in the study was chilly.

Everything is without words.


The next day.

See you in the East.

Young Master Liu and Ren Qingrui came to the main hall of the inner courtyard hand in hand, talking and laughing.

At this time, Liu Zhian and his wife, and Qi Run and his wife.

There are also Qi Yun, the third princess, the empress, Wenren Yunshu and their sisters.

And Liu Yiyi, Liu Chengfeng, Xiaocuti, Liu Chenggan and their brothers and sisters.

All of them have come to the living room, talking and laughing, eating breakfast.

Liu Mingzhi walked into the hall, and looked around cheerfully at the large group of family members in front of him.

"Hehehe, it's quite early to wake up."

Qi Yun immediately put down the porridge bowl in her hand, stood up and saluted Young Master Liu.

"Husband, I'm just waiting for you and sister Rui'er, please take your seats."

Liu Mingzhi patted Ren Qingrui's arm lightly, and happily walked towards the main seat.

"Okay, come and come."

Ren Qingrui followed Young Master Liu, looked at Qi Yun with a smile and nodded as a gesture.

"Thank you, sister Yun."

Qi Yun looked at her husband who walked to the main seat and sat down, and turned her eyes to Ren Qingrui with a happy smile.

When she saw Ren Qingrui's black hair that was still untied, the smile on her pretty face froze slightly.

Seeing the change in Qi Yun's expression, Ren Qingrui glanced resentfully at her sweetheart who was sitting on the stool and had already picked up a steamed bun to feast on, and gently shook her head a few times at her good sister Qi Yun.

Seeing Ren Qingrui shaking her head, Qi Yun glanced at her husband with a complicated expression.

"Sister Qingrui."

"Hey, sister Yun."

"Sister, please take a seat and have breakfast..."

"Yeah, thank you, sister Yun."

Qi Yun sat down again, picked up her porridge bowl casually, and looked at her husband sitting next to her with strange eyes.

Now, she really doesn't know what her husband is thinking.

If it wasn't for three days ago, the husband forced Yun Shu's sister to rest in his room, and then tossed the two of them together until they were dying.

She really doubted whether there was something wrong with her husband's body.

Qi Yun looked at First Young Master Liu with weird eyes, and then at Ren Qingrui's face, which was ashamed of the moon, beautiful and heavenly, and she was on par with her good sister Wanyan Wanyan.

The feeling in my heart can be said to be as weird as it is.

Ask yourself, Qi Yun doesn't want to admit it, but she has to admit it.

His appearance was a little inferior to that of the empress and Ren Qingrui.

In this regard, she is still self-aware.

However, in the face of sister Qingrui, who is so beautiful and beautiful.

Husband, but he just...

Qi Yun chewed slowly and drank the eight-treasure porridge in the bowl, secretly glanced at her husband who was eating breakfast, and frowned slightly.

There is no problem with my husband's body, I can be sure of this.

After all, I experienced it personally a few days ago.

There is no problem with Sister Qingrui's appearance either, this is also beyond doubt.

In this way, then why the two of them have been unable to cultivate for a long time?
Young Master Liu swallowed the bun, smiled lightly and turned to look at Qi Yun.


Qi Yun immediately put down the spoon in her hand, and looked sideways at Liu Mingzhi.

"Hey, husband?"

"About the matter over at the Cai family, has your sisters' discussion reached a result?"

"Back to my husband, the concubine sisters had already discussed it last night.

Our sisters plan to send someone to Cai's house in three days to discuss the lifelong events of the child Chengzhi and the girl Ningning. "

"Three days later?"

"Yeah, that's right, three days later.

Husband, what do you think? "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, then blew around his hand.

"Three days, let's say three days, as a husband, I still say what I said before.

This matter should be done sooner rather than later. "

"Hey, I understand.

Three days later, the concubine sent someone to Cai's house to discuss the matter. "

"That's very good. You sisters have full authority to supervise the specific matters."

"Okay, I know."

As soon as Qi Yun's words fell, Liu Song hurried into the hall.

"Little Liu Song, see the young master."

Young Master Liu put down the spoon in his hand, smiled and waved his hand.

"Excuse me."

"Thank you sir."

"What's matter?"

"Back to the young master, Mrs. Chen Jie and Miss Lianiang are waiting outside the gate of the house."

"Understood, you go back immediately and tell their wives to wait for a while, and I will be there soon."

"Yes, the little one retire."

Liu Song bowed and saluted, then walked quickly towards the outside of the hall.


"Huh? Yun'er?"

"Husband, elder sister Jie'er came to see you early in the morning, she must have something important to do.

You should let elder sister Jie'er bring Lianiang to come in directly, how can you let them wait outside the door? "

Young Master Liu smiled lightly, quickly finished the porridge in his hand, and casually put the porridge bowl on the table.


"Hey, my concubine is here."

"Eat slowly, I'm going to see Jie'er and Lianiang first for my husband."

When Qi Yun heard her husband's words, she instantly realized something.

"Okay, the concubine knows it, husband, you go there first."

Young Master Liu nodded slightly, got up and walked straight out of the hall door.

It took about half a cup of tea.

Liu Mingzhi's figure appeared outside the gate of the mansion.

Liu Song saw First Young Master Liu walking out of the mansion, and immediately greeted him and bowed.


"Well, go about your business."

"Yes, the little one knows."

First Young Master Liu rubbed his hands, smiled lightly and walked towards the carriage parked in the corner outside the mansion gate.

Lao Gao looked at Liu Mingzhi who was approaching him, and saluted respectfully.

"Your Majesty, the old slave is being polite."

"Excuse me."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Young Master Liu shook the cloak on his body, stepped on the stool in front of him and got into the carriage.

Liu Lianiang held a half-eaten steamed stuffed bun in her tender little hand, looked at the old man who got into the carriage, her face beamed with joy, and she rushed towards him.


Seeing this, Young Master Liu subconsciously stretched out his hands, happily hugging the little padded jacket and sitting in his arms.

"Oh, dear girl."


Liu Mingzhi patted the little padded jacket's little hand lightly, and looked at Chen Jie helplessly.

"Jie'er, even if you are in a hurry to go to the East China Sea, you should at least have breakfast before leaving, right?"

With a slight smile, Chen Jie took First Young Master Liu's hands, turned her head and pointed her red lips at the food box beside her.

"Husband, the concubine has already prepared everything that should be prepared.

Eating at home is no different than eating on the go. "

Young Master Liu nodded with a wry smile, and flicked the little girl's forehead with his fingers.



"Good girl, go down and accompany your Grandpa Gao to do activities, and Daddy will have a conversation with your mother."

Liu Lianiang nodded without hesitation, opened her small mouth and took a big bite of the steamed stuffed bun, then walked directly to the outside of the carriage.

"Okay, I get it now."

"Grandpa Gao, follow me."

"Okay, little lady, please slow down."

After Liu Lianiang jumped out of the carriage, Chen Jie moved a few times lightly, leaning on her waist and snuggling into Young Master Liu's arms.


"Well, Jieer?"

Chen Jie looked up at First Young Master Liu, and opened the food box beside her with a smile.

"My lord, have you had breakfast yet?

The concubine has prepared a lot of food, if you haven't eaten breakfast yet, you can eat some here. "

Young Master Liu waved his hands lightly, and naturally embraced the beauty's slender waist.

"No, no, you two can just keep it and eat on the way."

"Husband, I have prepared a lot of food."

"Hehehe, Jie'er, just now when Liu Song rushed to the main hall to inform my husband, I had already eaten two buns for my husband."

"OK then."


"Huh? Husband, but what?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman in his arms with a smile, and the big hands around the beautiful woman's plump waist gradually became dishonest.

"Good Jie'er, although I have already eaten two buns for my husband, I'm still not full yet."

Chen Jie immediately thumped First Young Master Liu's arm, pretending not to understand his words, intending to reach out and pick up the food box at the side.

"Husband, my concubine has prepared a lot of steamed buns in the food box, all of which have just been baked.

Just wait a moment, I'll take a few out for you right now.

Young Master Liu directly grabbed the beautiful woman's wrist, and hugged her into his arms.

"Good Jie'er, my husband doesn't want to eat steamed buns anymore, my husband wants to eat steamed buns now."

As soon as the words fell, Young Master Liu hugged the beauty and fell directly towards the pillow in the carriage.

"Bad husband, this is in the carriage, Lianiang is still outside... um... um..."


Lao Gao heard the rustling movement in the carriage, coughed softly, and hurriedly took Liu Lianniang's little hand and walked towards the gate of Liu's mansion.

"Miss, you'll choke if you only eat steamed buns. This old slave will take you home to drink some tea."

"Grandpa Gao, I didn't choke."

"Hehehe, I might choke in a while, let's drink tea first, so be prepared."

"Hey, grandpa Gao, look at our carriage moving around.

Didn't you fasten the rein fast so the horse won't run away later. "

"No, no."


(End of this chapter)

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