My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3267 This Life Is Enough

Chapter 3267 This Life Is Enough
The sun is rising.

In the corner outside the gate of Liu Mansion, in the carriage.

Chen Jie's eyes were charming, and after tidying up her messy clothes, she picked up a handkerchief that smelled of heather and threw it on Young Master Liu.

"Smelly guy, you don't know the occasion at all, you just know you're messing around, I really hate you to death."

Young Master Liu looked at the beautiful woman's pretty face with spring on her brows and the lingering charm, and cheerfully picked up the handkerchief and put it in his cuff.

Immediately, he smiled and moved forward a few times, reached out to wrap his arms around the plump and weak willow waist of the beautiful woman, and hugged her into his arms again.

"Good Jie'er, come here, let my husband take a good look at how you hate my husband."

Chen Jie's tender body trembled slightly, her mouth was slightly opened, and she exhaled the fragrance of orchids to Young Master Liu with a slightly chaotic breath.

"Stinky husband, you... you won't come again, will you?

No more, okay, it's getting late, and I have to go on my way! "

Young Master Liu looked at the charming appearance of the beautiful woman who wanted to refuse but still welcome, and supported the beautiful woman's chin with her fingers with a smile.

"Good Jieer, do you still want to?"

Chen Jie's beautiful eyes dodged for a moment, and she hurriedly shook her head a few times: "I don't want to, not at all?"

Young Master Liu raised his eyebrows, raised his hand and patted the beauty's buttocks lightly.


Chen Jie couldn't help groaning softly, and rolled her eyes at First Young Master Liu with coquettish eyes.

"Stinky husband, you!"

Young Master Liu tightly hugged the beauty's willow waist, his palm became restless again and said with a light smile: "Good Jie'er, you have to tell the truth, and you will be punished if you lie."

Chen Jie quickly pressed Young Master Liu's wrist, which was twitching with the ribbon around her waist, breathing heavily, looked at him resentfully, and nodded like a mosquito.

"Well, think."

"However, the concubine has to hurry.

If there is any further delay, the concubine will not be able to find a place to stay before dark.

In that case, the concubine and Lianiang, our mothers, will probably sleep in the wilderness.

Good husband, the weather is still so cold now, you don't want our mother and I to sleep on the pipeline in the wilderness all night, do you?
Good husband, after my concubine returns from Donghai, I will serve you well, okay? "

First Young Master Liu let go of the beauty's willow waist, and cheerfully used his fingers to comb the somewhat messy hair around her ears.

"Hahaha, good Jie'er, my husband won't tease you."

Seeing the narrow look in her husband's eyes, Chen Jie suddenly reacted.

At this moment, she still didn't understand that Young Master Liu was deliberately teasing her just now.

"You, hmph, stinky husband, you really hate me to death."
After Liu Mingzhi combed the messy hair for the beauty, he took a sip of the tea on the table.

"It's a long way to go to the East China Sea. Do you need to arrange some experts to escort you secretly?"

"Husband, no need, you also know Lao Gao's strength.

It is more than enough to protect the safety of our mother and daughter with his strength.

Besides, the world is peaceful now, Haiqingheyan, how can there be so many bad guys.

You, stop wasting manpower. "

Liu Mingzhi sipped the tea leaves at the corner of his mouth, and nodded silently.

"That's true."

"Yeah, husband, don't worry, it's enough for us to have Lao Gao's protection by our side."

Young Master Liu casually put the teacup on the table, lowered his head and took out his Golden Dragon Emperor Token from the fish bag on his waist, and put it in the beautiful woman's jade hand with a light smile.

"Jie'er, here you are."

Chen Jie's expression was slightly taken aback by the cold token, and she subconsciously looked down at the Golden Dragon Emperor Token in her hand.

"Husband, what is it?"

When she saw the four large characters on the gold medal, her slender jade arms trembled uncontrollably.

"Like the emperor coming in person?"

Chen Jie instinctively read out the four characters on the token, and hurriedly raised her head to look at Liu Mingzhi.

"Husband, are you?"

"Jie'er, the world is so big that there are so many wonders, it is inevitable that there will be some unsightly people who will offend you.

On your way to the East China Sea, if you really encounter something unsightly, you can just go to the local chief government office with your husband's token. "

After listening to her husband's explanation, Chen Jie subconsciously wanted to return the token in her hand to First Young Master Liu.

"Husband, it's so important..."

Just halfway through Chen Jie's words, Liu Mingzhi directly pressed the beauty's wrist, and interrupted her words with a light smile.

"Jie'er, listen to my husband."

"Hey, husband, say it."

"Jie'er, this token is certainly important.

However, in the heart of a husband, the safety of your sisters, and the safety of your children are even more important.

In this world, nothing is more important than your safety.

Good Jieer, do you understand the meaning of being a husband? "

Chen Jie looked at First Young Master Liu with emotion in her eyes, and said softly, "Husband, I know that you are worried about my safety, but..."

Liu Ming directly interrupted the beauty's words: "Stop, there is no but."

Immediately, he picked up the token in Chen Jie's hand and stuffed it directly into the arms of the beautiful woman. Then he raised his palm again and made a few gestures at the beautiful woman's buttocks.

"Good Jie'er, if my husband asks you to take it, you can take it.

If you are disobedient, my husband will punish you. "

Seeing Young Master Liu pretending to make a move, Chen Jie quickly raised a pair of jade hands and grabbed his wrist.

"Take it, take it, can't I just take it with me?"

"It's almost there."

Chen Jie gently held her husband's hands, and leaned into Young Master Liu's arms with sore eyes.

The beauty's mood at this moment is nothing but moving.

God has eyes, treat yourself well.

Although the first half of my life was not perfect, God allowed me to meet a man who is so considerate to me in the rest of my life.

With such a loving and considerate husband, he would die immediately.

This life is already enough.

When Chen Jie's Fang was full of thoughts, she tightly wrapped her arms around Young Master Liu's tiger waist, and said softly: "Husband, thank you, thank you for taking this concubine so seriously."

Hearing Chen Jie's somewhat hoarse voice, Young Master Liu nodded and kissed her lightly on the forehead, pinched the beautiful woman's straight nose with his fingers and pulled it a few times.

"Silly woman, if it's not that it's getting late, any further delay may affect your itinerary. Just relying on your words that are alien to my husband, I have to punish you properly."

Hearing her husband's pretending to be angry, the beautiful woman quickly blinked her pretty eyes a few times, straightened up her willow waist, and kissed Young Master Liu's lips lightly.

"Husband, my concubine is wrong, my concubine is wrong."


Liu Mingzhi looked down at the beautiful woman in his arms, raised his hand and gently patted her on the back.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Husband, after I come back from Donghai, I will serve you well."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a smile, put his hands on the beautiful woman's fragrant shoulders, and lifted her up from his arms.

"Jie'er, it's getting late, so I won't waste your time as a husband."

"Hey, I already know."

After Liu Mingzhi lowered his head and pecked the beautiful woman's red lips, he helped the carriage to open the front curtain.

"Jie'er, go down first for your husband."

"Yeah, that concubine won't go down."

Young Master Liu smiled lightly and waved his hands. After jumping off the carriage, he turned and looked in the direction of the mansion gate and shouted loudly: "Old Gao, Lao Gao."

"Old Gao!"

"Hey, here we come."

Lao Gao responded with a loud voice, and immediately led Liu Lianiang out of the mansion gate.

"Your Majesty, the old slave is being polite."

"Excuse me."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."


Young Master Liu squatted down with a smile on his face, and stretched out his hands to pinch your pink little cheek of Lianiang Liu.

"Hey, dear girl, are you full yet?"

Liu Lianiang patted her bulging belly with her small hands, and nodded with a smile.

"Hee hee hee, I'm full, I'm almost done."

"Hahaha, just eat enough."

Liu Lianiang looked at the laughing father, poked her head and glanced at the carriage in the corner ahead.


"Hey, dear girl, what's the matter?"

Liu Lianiang raised her little finger and pointed to the carriage in front of her, looked at Young Master Liu and asked curiously: "Father, is mother's carriage broken?"

First Young Master Liu was stunned for a moment, and then glanced at the carriage next to him with a puzzled expression.


"do not have it?"

"Hahaha, silly girl, did you stop there without seeing the carriage? Does it look broken?"

Liu Lianiang looked at the carriage ahead and scratched her head in doubt.

"Yeah, it doesn't look like there's anything wrong with it.

However, if the carriage was not broken, why did the carriage keep shaking just now? "
Lao Gao heard Liu Lianiang asking Young Master Liu's question, flicked his sleeve casually, and hurriedly walked towards the carriage ahead with a strange expression.

Some words, it is better not to listen to yourself.

First Young Master Liu heard the puzzled words of his little padded jacket, and then looked at her bewildered and puzzled expression, his face froze suddenly.

At this moment, he finally understood why his little padded jacket asked such a strange question.

I also understood why Lao Gao hurried towards the carriage without even saying hello.

First Young Master Liu touched the tip of his nose resentfully, and coughed softly.

"Cough cough cough, uh huh, my pity."

"Hey, Daddy?"

"Maybe the horses pulling the cart were too full and wanted to walk around, so the carriage kept shaking."

Liu Lianiang glanced sideways at Qianli Liangju who was sneezing non-stop in front of her, and nodded in a sudden realization.

"Oh, so that's it. Lianiang knew that, I thought the carriage was broken."

Seeing the look of the little padded jacket believing it was real, First Young Master Liu let out a silent breath, reached out and hugged him into his arms, got up smiling and walked towards the carriage.

"Silly girl, of course it is. How can the carriage break down so easily?"

Liu Lianiang laughed and hugged First Young Master Liu's neck, and nodded vigorously.

"Yeah, you can rest assured, Lian Niang."

Young Master Liu hooked the tip of the little girl's nose with his fingers, and said with a smile: "Stinky girl, you can put your heart in your stomach, your mother won't want to fall on you."

"Hehehe, Lianiang knows."

Young Master Liu put the little padded jacket on the carriage with a light smile, and patted her little butt lightly.

"Silly girl, go in quickly."

"Yeah, Lianniang knows."


"Hey, good girl."

"Daddy, Lianniang will miss you on the way."

Young Master Liu raised his brows, smiled and pointed the little girl's tender forehead with his fingers.

"Hahaha, good girl, Daddy will miss you too, so go in quickly."

Liu Lianiang smiled and nodded, put down the curtain and got into the carriage directly.


Young Master Liu turned his head to look at Lao Gao, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Old Gao, you have worked hard on the road."

"Your Majesty, this is the job of this old slave, it should, it should."

"It's getting late, my young master won't delay your journey."

Lao Gao nodded slightly, untied the reins from the horse post, picked up the whip that was on the side, and jumped directly on top of the car.

"Your Majesty, you can go back and rest first, the old slave will take his wife and young miss and set off."

"Wait for a moment, my young master will have a few words with Jie'er,"

"Yes, please, Your Majesty."

Young Master Liu nodded slightly, and after tightening the cloak around his body, he raised his hand and opened the curtains on the carriage.


Chen Jie quickly moved a few times, poked her head out and looked at her husband standing outside the carriage.


First Young Master Liu looked around a few times, leaning on the car window with both hands and leaning over.

"Jie'er, Ye'er is not young anymore.

When you get to the East China Sea and meet Ye'er, you should ask him if he has met the girl he likes now.

If there is, you should immediately ask Lao Gao to send a letter to my husband, Fei Ge.

After my husband receives your letter, he will reply to you immediately.

At the same time, you can also directly tell this child Ye'er that as long as he meets the girl he likes, he can marry a wife and have children at any time. "

Chen Jie nodded her head lightly a few times, and said softly: "Mmm, I understand, I must have brought your words to Ye'er."

Liu Mingzhi stretched out his hand to caress the beautiful woman's pretty face, then turned to look at the little padded jacket in the carriage.


Liu Lianiang came over immediately, and put her little hand on the window of the carriage with a smile.

"Hey, Daddy."

Liu Mingzhi pinched the little girl's pink face, and said cheerfully: "Daughter, you must obediently listen to your mother on the road.

Otherwise, when you come back, Daddy will spank your ass.

Do you understand? "

"Yeah, Dad, don't worry, Lianiang will obediently listen to what mother says, and won't make mother angry."

"Good daughter, so good."

"That is, who told me to be your obedient daughter, Daddy, of course I am obedient."

Young Master Liu nodded cheerfully, raised his head and pecked lightly on Chen Jie's red lips, then silently stepped back a few steps.

"Jie'er, the journey is far away, you must take care of yourself."

Chen Jie nodded her head a few times, watching Liu Mingzhi reluctantly put down the curtain in his hand.

"Hey, I already know."

"Husband, we are on our way, you can go back."

Young Master Liu lightly buckled the compartment a few times, turned around and looked at Lao Gao.

"Old Gao, be careful all the way."

"The old slave understands, please go back, Your Majesty."

"Okay, let's go."

Lao Gao pulled the rein in his hand and waved the rein lightly.


(End of this chapter)

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