Chapter 3268 Eat it

The carriage gradually drifted away until it disappeared around the corner of the street.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the carriage gradually going away until it completely disappeared at the corner of the street, and then he looked away.

Afterwards, he raised his hands and rubbed his cheeks vigorously a few times, squinting his eyes slightly to look at the bright red sunrise in the sky.

Ye'er, Ye'er, you were once the king of a country, so you don't understand what that token means.

You kid, don't let uncle and me down!

Young Master Liu muttered to himself, casually put his hands behind his back, turned around and walked towards the gate of the mansion.

Seeing Young Master Liu walking into the gate of the mansion, Liu Song immediately stood up from the small bamboo chair.



"Young Master, Madam Jie and Miss Lianiang are leaving?"

First Young Master Liu smiled lightly and nodded, then rubbed his hands and turned over the stove.

"Yeah, it's already set off."

Immediately, Young Master Liu looked at the sweet potatoes on the stove with strange eyes.

"Eat roasted sweet potatoes early in the morning, aren't you afraid of a series of bad farts?"

Liu Song glanced at the sweet potatoes on the stove, smiled and scratched his head.

"Hehehe, young master, you are wrong to blame the little one.

It was Miss Lianiang who insisted on roasting some sweet potatoes for her just now, saying that she would take them with her to eat on the road.

No, the little one baked ten sweet potatoes in total, and the little lady packed up and took away six. "

Hearing Liu Song's explanation, First Young Master Liu tightened the cloak on his body, smiled lightly and shook his head.

"This stinking girl."

"Okay, my young master is going to the study first, you can go about your own affairs."

"Yes, the little one will send you off to the young master."

"By the way, since the sweet potatoes are already baked, don't waste them.

If you don't want to eat it, you can send it to my young master's nephews and nieces. "

The eldest nephew and eldest niece Liu Mingzhi mentioned just now are not "other people".

It was when he first came to the capital that year, he and his elder brother Song Qing became sworn brothers after getting drunk, and the third brother, Rhubarb, gave birth to a large litter of children.

As for his foster brother Rhubarb, and several of his wives, they had already passed away seven years ago.

Young Master Liu, the second uncle, naturally shouldered the heavy responsibility of taking care of his eldest nephew and niece.

No, many years have passed in the blink of an eye.

With so many elder nephews and nieces, I was a bit reluctant to give them away.

Anyway, there is no shortage of such a bite to eat at home.

No way, who made himself and Rhubarb sworn brothers!
Listening to the young master's explanation, Liu Song scratched his brow with his fingers, and nodded with a smile.

"Hey hey, little one knows."

Young Master Liu tightened his cloak and walked all the way back to the main hall.

He ate another basket of steamed buns and a bowl of millet porridge in the living room before leaving for the study.

Liu Mingzhi came to the courtyard outside the study without haste, and opened the door casually.

As soon as he stepped over the threshold with one foot, he heard Qi Yun's soft voice coming from behind him.


Young Master Liu paused, and instinctively turned his head to look at Qi Yun, who was walking towards him in a graceful manner.

"Yun'er, why are you here?"

Qi Yun walked up to her husband gracefully, raised her white jade finger and pointed to the inside of the study.

"Husband, I have something to ask you for."

Upon hearing this, First Young Master Liu nodded with a clear expression, and walked into the study with a faint smile.

"Okay, then come in and talk."


Qi Yun smiled and tapped Zhen's head a few times, followed her husband into the study with her skirt, and closed the door behind her.

Young Master Liu went to the stove to make a pot of tea, smiled and glanced at Qi Yun, and walked towards the desk in front of him without haste.

"Yun'er, I don't know why you came to see your husband?"

Hearing her husband's question, Qi Yun raised her slender lotus arms, hugged her plump chest naturally, and then leaned sideways on the desk behind her.

"There is one very important matter."

Young Master Liu frowned slightly, and after setting up two teacups casually, he poured two cups of fragrant tea from the pot.

"What? Something very important?"

Seeing her husband frowning slightly and looking puzzled, Qi Yun vigorously nodded Zhen's head a few times.

"Yeah, that's right, it's a very important thing."

Young Master Liu put the teapot in his hand on the desk, looked at the serious beauty with curiosity, and sat down on the chair behind him with a smile.

"Yun'er, if you speak, I will listen carefully for my husband."

"Before we talk about this, we need to do something else first."

"Oh? Yun'er, what are you going to do with me as my husband?"

Qi Yun immediately got up and walked in front of First Young Master Liu, groping for a small porcelain bottle from her arms with smiling eyes.

Under Young Master Liu's perplexed but very curious eyes, the beauty unplugged the small porcelain bottle, and poured a light red pill into the palm of her slender hand.

Young Master Liu looked at the light red pill in Qi Yun's hand, and raised his eyes to look at the person in front of him in surprise.

"Ma'am, this is?"

Qi Yun didn't answer, she squeezed the pill in her palm with her fingers and handed it directly to Young Master Liu's mouth.

"Husband, eat it."

Hearing Qi Yun's words, Young Master Liu nodded with a smile, opened his lips without hesitation and took the little reddish pill between the fingers of the beauty.

As soon as the pill entered the mouth, a bitter taste lingered between the teeth.

The bitter taste is mixed with a bit of sweet taste, which seems to be the taste of honey.

Qi Yun leaned her willow waist slightly, stretched out her hand to pick up a cup of tea and sent it over.

"Silly husband, you didn't even ask me what this pill is, but just took it.

Are you not afraid that my concubine will poison you in the pill? "

First Young Master Liu took the tea and downed the small pill in his mouth, and raised his head to look at the beautiful woman with a smile.

"Hehehe, good rhyme, as long as you are willing, you will poison my husband, and I will recognize your husband.

I am willing to die in your hands for my husband. "

Seeing Liu Mingzhi's smiling face with an indifferent look on his face, the beauty rolled her eyes pretending to be coquettish, and tapped his forehead lightly with her fingers.

"If you are virtuous, you will know what to say."

Liu Mingzhi gently stroked the tea cover in his hand, leaned over and spit out the tea leaves from the corner of his mouth towards the copper basin beside him, and looked at the beautiful woman again with a smile.

"Miss, what you said just now before we talk about the important things, is there something else we need to do, that is, give me a pill for my husband?"

Qi Yun picked up another cup of tea sideways, brought it to her delicate red lips with a smile, and took a sip.

"How is it possible, of course it's not that simple."

Young Master Liu leaned back on the chair lazily, looking at the beauty with more and more curiosity.

"Good lady, go ahead and listen to me, my husband."

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, he suddenly felt his dantian become hot.

Sensing the somewhat disordered breath in his dantian, First Young Master Liu sat up straight.

This feeling, this feeling, is so familiar.

As soon as this thought flashed across, Young Master Liu felt his face involuntarily becoming hot again.

First Young Master Liu directly put the teacup on the desk, stretched out his hand and pulled his skirt and took a few deep breaths, then looked at the beautiful woman with a strange expression.

"Yun'er, that pill isn't that kind of medicine, is it?"

Seeing her husband's unnaturally flushed face, Qi Yun casually put the teacup in her hand, and untied the cloak on her body with a half-smile.

"Good husband, what do you say?"

Young Master Liu stood up abruptly, picked up the documents on the desk with a heavy breath to fan the cool wind, and looked at the beautiful woman helplessly.

"Hey, I'm going, my good lady, what are you doing here?

Ever since I taught you the Yin-Yang and Great Compassion Fu for my husband, every time we have sexual intercourse between husband and wife, it is your sister who begs me for mercy, okay?

My husband doesn't have any problems with my body, why are you giving me this kind of food? "

As Young Master Liu spoke, his breath became heavier and heavier.


After taking a few deep breaths, Young Master Liu dropped the document in his hand and rushed towards Qi Yun.

"Good Yun'er, since you're a silly woman asking for trouble, it's no wonder I don't know how to be sympathetic as a husband."

Seeing her husband rushing towards her with a crimson face, Qi Yun tapped on the desk with her fingers, and immediately dodged sideways with a smile on her face.

Seeing the beautiful woman hiding away with a smile on her face, First Young Master Liu blushed and rubbed his hands, spread out his hands cheerfully, and rushed towards his family again.

"Hahaha, good lady, you have played hide-and-seek for my husband.

Fairy, don't let me catch you as your husband.

Otherwise, as a husband, I have to let you know what it means to be unresponsive every day, and the ground is not working. "

Qi Yun lifted her skirt, and looked at her husband who was flying towards her with a smile on her face, her graceful and graceful body dodged to the side again.

"Good husband."

"Hehehe, little fairy, now I know how to applaud my husband.

It's too late, my husband must punish you well today. "

Looking at the laughing husband, Qi Yun walked lightly to the back of the door, raised her jade hand and patted it lightly a few times.

The door slammed open.

Qi Ya's figure was graceful, and her swaying figure was directly caught in the eyes of First Young Master Liu.

"Eh! Sister Ya?"

Lifting the hem of her skirt, Qi Ya walked into the study coquettishly and saluted Young Master Liu.

"Hey, husband."

Qi Yun walked to her sister Qi Ya with light steps, and glanced sideways at the courtyard outside the study.

"elder sister?"

Qi Ya nodded slightly, and gestured towards the arch in the courtyard with her fingers.

"Well, I'm waiting outside the palace gate."

Qi Yun raised her eyebrows and nodded with a sweet smile.

"That's good, that's good, just wait a little longer."

Qi Ya raised her eyes to see her husband's breath was disordered and his face was crimson red, there was a hint of worry in his beautiful eyes.

"Sister, don't you hurt your body?"

Qi Yun looked at her husband who was rushing towards her, and hurriedly pulled her sister's sleeve and hid aside.

"Sister, don't worry, my sister got that pill from my mother-in-law.

If it will hurt the body, how can mother-in-law let daddy take it? "

"It's so good, it's so good, if it doesn't hurt your body, my sister will feel relieved."

"Oh, good sister, you just put your heart in your belly.

The younger sister has already asked her mother, assuring that there is no problem.

Otherwise, don't say you are worried, my sister and I are also worried. "

Young Master Liu heard Qi Ya and Qi Yun sisters discussing the topic of the pill as if no one was present, and seemed to have vaguely guessed the intention of the two sisters.

"Huhuhu——Sister Ya, Yun'er."


"Hey, my concubine is here."

Young Master Liu looked at the two beauties in front of him, and immediately circulated the true qi in his body, forcibly suppressing the dryness and heat in his body.

"Sister Ya, Yun'er,"

Qi Ya and Qi Yun sisters immediately went up to meet her.



Young Master Liu took a deep breath, and pointed to the courtyard outside the study with trembling arms.

"Sister Ya, good lady, you two sisters, don't tell your husband that girl Qingrui is waiting outside right now?"

Qi Yun pursed her cherry lips, and tapped her head nervously a few times.

"Well, that's right."

"Is this what your sisters mean, or girl Qingrui?"

"Returning to my husband means sisters who are concubines."

"Where's Qingrui girl?"

"She...she didn't agree, so the concubine sister forcibly pulled her over.

Then, after our sisters' persuasion, Sister Rui'er agreed.

She said, as long as your husband is willing, she has no complaints or regrets. "

Hearing Qi Yun's answer, First Young Master Liu stretched out his hand and tugged at the skirt of his clothes, shaking his head dumbfounded.

"Yun'er, Sister Ya, you sisters are confused.

I have my own ideas about the relationship between me and girl Qingrui.

As a husband, I understand your sister's kindness very well, but you sisters shouldn't act so recklessly. "

Qi Yun looked at her husband dumbfounded, with a slightly helpless expression, and quickly stretched out her jade hand to grab Young Master Liu's big hand.

"Husband, but..."


"Hey, husband."

First Young Master Liu waved his hands vigorously, immediately hugged Qi Ya by the waist, and quickly walked towards the soft bed next to the bookshelf.

"Sister Ya, I really can't hold on to my husband."


"Hey, husband."

"Go and tell Yan'er, Lian'er, and Qingrui girl immediately, let them go back first.

Then, you just go straight to it. "


Responding to Qi Yun's voice, there was a muffled sound first.

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of ripping clothes.

Qi Yun glanced at her husband and sister who were overlapping on top of the soft slump, shook her head helplessly, and hurriedly trotted towards the outside of the study.

After a moment.

After Qi Yun returned to the study, the room was already full of spring.

Qi Yun's pretty face couldn't help becoming hot when she heard the sluggish voice not far away.

Afterwards, she gently closed the door behind her, undressed and walked towards the limp direction.

"Husband, Sister Rui'er has... ah..."

Before Qi Yun could finish her sentence, she was dragged into the brocade quilt in the cup by Young Master Liu.

"Husband... um..."


(End of this chapter)

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