Chapter 3272 Not ideal
"Husband, my sister is right, no matter how talented we sisters are, we can still share some of the pressure for you.

Our sisters can't help you with big things, but we sisters can still help you with some trivial things that are not important.

You put everything in your heart, how tiring it would be. "

Feeling the pain in the beautiful eyes of the two sisters, Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to caress the waterfall-like jet-black hair of the two beauties, and grinned softly.

"Hahaha, Sister Ya, Yan'er, in fact, your sisters are already helping my husband. You sisters can handle the affairs of the house in an orderly manner, so that our family can live in harmony.

As a husband, I don't have to worry about family affairs anymore, and I don't have to worry about children's affairs.

For husbands, this is the best help you sisters can offer.

Yiyi, Feifei, Chengfeng, Yaoyao, Yue'er, Chengqian, Zhenghao... and Zhengwen, Lianiang, Keke, a large group of brothers and sisters like them, can be brothers and sisters on weekdays.

You sisters, it can be said that the credit is indispensable! "

Qi Yun leaned sideways on her husband's shoulder again, and said softly with her mouth slightly open: "Husband, the things you said are originally the duties of sisters who are concubines.

Concubine sisters, I want to share more for you.

Only when you are all well, can our sisters be all well. "

Liu Mingzhi glanced down at the beauty, and nodded cheerfully.

"Okay, I know it's my husband."

"Yeah, since that's the case, then I won't chatter anymore as a concubine."

Qi Ya's expression hesitated for a while, and she leaned her waist and supported a pair of jade arms on Young Master Liu's knees.


"Hey, Miss Ya?"

"Husband, what about sister Qingrui and you?"

Liu Mingzhi looked down at Qi Ya who was lying on his knees, gently turned the emerald wrench on his thumb, and frowned slightly for a moment.

"Sister Ya, regarding the matter of my husband and girl Qingrui, let's get along as usual for the time being.

Let's wait until the position of the crown prince is officially settled.

Now, I can only wrong her a little bit first. "

Hearing the answer given by her husband, Qi Ya'e frowned slightly, twisted her fingers around the few strands of blue hair scattered in front of the towering mountain, and sighed with regret.

"Oh my lord, is there no other way?
You are so quick-witted, you should be able to come up with a way to get the best of both worlds. "

Seeing the regretful expression on the beauty's delicate face, Liu Mingzhi stretched out his hand to pinch the tip of the beauty's delicate nose and shook it gently a few times.

"Sister Ya, as a husband, I have always wanted to find a way to get the best of both worlds, to solve the problem between me and girl Qingrui.

It's a pity that I thought of one after another for my husband, but in the end, there was no solution that could achieve the best of both worlds. "

As Young Master Liu spoke, he smiled wryly a few times.

"Hehehe, alas, fish and bear's paw, you can't have both!"

Qi Ya pondered for a moment, then said softly: "As the saying goes, one person counts his weaknesses, and two count his strengths.

When the concubine is free, I will also help you to think more, to see if I can help you come up with a way to have the best of both worlds, to have both the fish and the bear's paw. "

"Okay, then work hard, sister Ya."

As soon as Young Master Liu's words fell, Qi Yun suddenly puffed out her plump chest, and turned her head to look at her husband with brilliant eyes.

"Husband, I have a way.

And this method is done by yourself, husband, and the concubine can guarantee absolute reliability. "

Young Master Liu frowned slightly, looked at Qi Yun curiously and asked with a light smile, "Oh? What kind of method?"

Qi Ya also raised her jade neck, and looked at Qi Yun curiously.

"younger sister?"

Qi Yun caressed her gentle and jade-like, slightly plump belly with her right hand, and glanced at her curious husband and sister with smiling eyes.

"Husband, if you are worried about those problems in the future.

You can just want sister Qingrui's body first, but don't let her get pregnant for the time being?

Have you forgotten how you have kept your concubine sisters from getting pregnant again all these years?

It's just an official husband and wife with Sister Qingrui, wanting her perfect body, but not letting her get pregnant yet.

This kind of small matter should not be a problem to you, husband, right?

After all, husband, you have a lot of experience.

Our sisters are the best example. "

When Qi Yun said the last few words, her tone couldn't help being a little more resentful.

Obviously, he still has some complaints about his husband's previous behavior.

After listening to the method her sister said, Qi Ya only felt her eyes light up, and raised her hands and patted it lightly.

"That's right, that's right, husband, you can just take sister Qingrui's body, but not let her get pregnant for the time being.

When the position of the crown prince is officially settled, you can just let sister Qingrui become pregnant.

In this way, Husband, you and Sister Qingrui can become husband and wife as soon as possible, fulfilling Sister Qingrui's wish of marrying you as a wife for many years, and flying wing to wing with you.Husband, you can also have no worries.

Husband, isn't this... isn't this a good way to have the best of both worlds? "

As soon as Qi Ya's voice fell, she supported her limp with both hands with a smile on her face, and slowly moved towards her younger sister Qi Yun.

"Yun'er, you are so smart."

Qi Yun let out a sigh of relief, and gave Young Master Liu a predestined look.

"What's so clever, but not inspired by some bad guy with no conscience.

Otherwise, my sister, I'm just thinking about it, and I'm afraid I can't think of such a way. "

Qi Ya'e raised her eyebrows slightly, and tapped Qi Yun's waist with a smile.

"Good sister, you have to think about it."

Being pointed at the waist by her sister, Qi Yun's delicate body softened, and she couldn't help laughing.

"Giggle, whoops."

Immediately, Qi Yun threw off the brocade quilt on her body, and rushed towards her sister.

"Okay, bad sister, you actually tickle me, sister, I can't spare you."

Getting the best of both worlds from her sister, the melancholy in Qi Yafang's heart disappeared instantly, looking at her sister who was rushing towards her, she naturally became playful.

She also threw off the jade quilt that wrapped her, straightened her willow waist and counterattacked at her younger sister Qi Yun.

For a moment, without a trace, the two curvaceous sisters 'scrambled' together.

"Hehehe...Bad sister, you don't talk about Wude, you actually attacked my...

Hehehe, Yun'er is fighting with you. "

"Oh, giggling, smelly rhyme, you don't talk about martial arts, you... are worse than your husband."

Amidst the sound of laughter like silver bells, the scene in front of Young Master Liu's eyes was so evocative.

Young Master Liu looked at the incomparably glamorous scene in front of him, and his heart suddenly became hot.

Goblin, what a goblin!

It's about the time of a cup of tea.

Qi Ya and Qi Yun sisters were both out of breath from laughing, panting, clutching the half of the brocade quilt in their hands, they retreated to the side of the bed.

Qi Ya caressed her undulating chest with her jade hands, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a smile.


"Uh huh, hey, Miss Ya."

"Husband, what do you think of Yun'er's method?"

Qi Yun calmed down her breathing, looked at Young Master Liu and asked coquettishly, "Husband, this method of being a concubine should be the best of both worlds, right?"

Liu Mingzhi silently took a few deep breaths of cool air, forcibly suppressing the heat in his heart, looked at the two beauties in front of him and shook his head gently.

"To be honest, it's not ideal."

(End of this chapter)

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