My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3273 Help me practice

Chapter 3273 Help me practice
As soon as the husband said this, the two sisters, Qi Ya and Qi Yun, put away the smiles on their pretty faces, and their eyes became surprised in unison.

"Ah? What? This... Isn't this ideal?"

"No, my husband? Why is this not ideal?"

Seeing the surprised reactions of the two beauties, Young Master Liu wryly smiled and pinched the tip of his nose.

"Sister Ya, Yun'er, you sisters don't know something. In fact, according to the days when you sisters came to Tiankui, the method to prevent your sisters from getting pregnant again is not a foolproof method."

Qi Ya and Qi Yun were stunned for a moment, and a look of astonishment could not help but appear in their eyes.

"What? Isn't this method guaranteed to be foolproof?"

"Husband, is it true or not?"

Liu Mingzhi scratched his head vigorously, smiled wryly and nodded as a gesture.

"Good sister Ya, good rhyme, of course it's true.

If this method is really foolproof, the two sisters, Yan'er and Wei'er, will not give birth to Yirou and Yunxi's two little girls successively.

When Yan'er and Wei'er gave birth to Yirou and Yunxi, one was already thirty-seven, and the other was thirty-five.

If it wasn't for an accident, the sisters are already at such an age, how could I be willing to let them risk their lives as a husband...

Alas, you should know what I want to say as a husband.

I don’t need to say more about some emotional words for my husband, as long as you sisters understand it in your heart.

Therefore, even if the date of coming to Tiankui is counted, it is possible to be pregnant.

Girl Qingrui is in her prime now, and she will only be more likely to become pregnant than the two sisters Yan'er and Wei'er.

After my husband had sex with girl Qingrui, she didn't get pregnant in a short period of time, so naturally everything was easy to talk about.

However, if she is really pregnant, her husband can't let her have an abortion.

Abortion is one of the most harmful things for a woman.

As a husband, I can't bear to let Qingrui, a silly girl, do such a thing.

What's more, she is pregnant, it's my husband and girl Qingrui's own flesh and blood, how can I be willing to be my husband! "

Qi Ya and Qi Yun came back to their senses, and looked at each other with wry smiles.

"It turns out that this kind of thing is not foolproof.

In this way, the concubine's stomach is really disappointing.

Otherwise, why would Sister Yan'er and Sister Wei'er be able to give birth to a child for you again under such circumstances, but the concubine could not. "

Young Master Liu panicked, and quickly grabbed Qi Yun's bright wrist.

"Oh, Yun'er, don't think so.

It's all my husband's fault, my husband's fault. I was too stupid before. I didn't take your sisters' thoughts into consideration, and I didn't talk to your sisters about this matter.

Good rhyme, I know I was wrong as a husband, so don't feel bad, okay?

As a husband, when I see your sad appearance, my heart feels even more uncomfortable. "

"Hmph, it's good that you know."

"It's wrong for my husband, it's really wrong for my husband."

"Husband, if it weren't for our husband and wife sharing the same bed, we would have been together day and night for decades.

The concubine really doubts whether you have worshiped some Xinglin master before to refine your medical skills. "

"Hahaha, good sister Ya, you are joking, I don't have time to study medicine as a husband."

On Qi Ya's pretty face, she said with a slightly melancholy expression: "Husband, if this method is not the best of both worlds, then what other method is the best of both worlds?"

Qi Yun hurriedly tapped Zhen's head a few times, and softly echoed: "Yes, such a method cannot be guaranteed to be safe, and I really can't think of other methods.

Is it really impossible to have both fish and bear's paw? "

Seeing Qi Ya, Qi Yun and sisters looking downcast, Young Master Liu narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes gradually became darker.

"You two good ladies, the only way to be safe is to wrong Qingrui, a silly girl, for a while longer."

"My lord, for a while, for a while.

Sister Qingrui has been waiting for you for so many years, how long do you have to keep her waiting for her? "

Qi Yun bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, lay down in Young Master Liu's arms with complicated eyes, and sighed softly.

"Oh, stinky husband, you know what?
Thinking back many years ago, ever since you became an official in the court, you were often ordered to leave your house and lead the soldiers to fight in the north and south.

In one year, you can stay at home with our sisters, and I can count the number of days on my fingers.

At that time, the concubine felt very regretful and wronged.

Gradually, the concubine understood what it means to repent and teach her husband to seek a title.

Every time I think about those past events, I feel very guilty in my heart.

More than 20 years ago, if it wasn't for my vanity, I would have forced you to become an official in the court if I wanted to marry a good man with both civil and military skills.

Perhaps, our family's life will be happier and more fulfilling than it is now.

However, no matter how wronged I am in my heart, I still have to force myself to smile and pretend to be okay.

After all, this is the path I chose myself. "

Liu Mingzhi frowned, raised his hand and gently patted the beauty's fragrant shoulder.

"My lady, why are you talking about these old things that have passed for many years?"

Qi Yun's jade body turned over nimbly, lying in her husband's arms and gently raised her jade neck.

"Husband, this concubine just wanted to tell you.

The grievances in the concubine's body and mind at the beginning were purely caused by the concubine herself.

However, sister Qingrui is different.

She didn't make any mistakes like the concubine.

If, if you have to say that there is something wrong with her.

That is, it was her fault that she should not have been born in Sichuan, that she should not have the same appearance as a certain person, and that she should not have exactly the same name as a certain person.

However, these things are not something she can decide on her own.

At the beginning, because your husband was not by your side for a long time, the concubine felt very wronged in her heart.

However, when the concubine met Sister Qingrui, she realized what real grievance was.

Husband, just like what my sister said just now.

For a while, for a while.

It's just, during the period of time you mentioned, when will you be tall? "

Liu Mingzhi remained silent for a long time with deep eyes, and gently hugged the two beauties into his arms.

"Sister Ya, Yun'er, hurry up, hurry up.

After I finish the last move on the chessboard as my husband, I will give Qingrui an explanation. "

"The last move, what kind of chess..." Qi Yun asked her question in a gesture, and then she seemed to think of something, and coughed a few times: "cough cough cough, huh, really? "

"Husband, are you sure?"

Young Master Liu looked at the two beauties with a smile, and nodded silently.

"Hahaha, Sister Ya, Yun'er, when did my husband say empty words to you?"

"Yeah, I trust you."

"Husband, I also believe in you, and I believe that you will not disappoint Sister Qingrui's affection."

"Sister Ya, Yun'er."

"Hey, husband?"

"Husband, what's wrong?"

"Sister Ya, Yun'er, didn't your sisters say just now that they want to help my husband and I solve problems and share some pressure?"


"Yeah, that's right, my concubine sister did say so."

"Two ladies, I do have one thing to do as a husband. I need you two sisters to help me as a husband."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"Husband, tell me, my concubine is listening?"

"Sister Ya, Yun'er, my husband's Yiqi Jing has already reached the bottleneck of the third floor, and he is almost able to break through the fourth floor."

"Huh? Yiqi Jing urgently needs a breakthrough?"

"Husband, have you encountered any difficulties?"

Seeing the bewildered expressions of the two beauties, Young Master Liu raised the silk quilt on his body, turned over and rushed towards the two beauties.

"Two witches, my husband wants you to help me practice."

"Ah, stinky husband, you are"

"No, no, bad husband."

"I hate it, you are so light... 咕咒..."

(End of this chapter)

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