Chapter 3276

"Sisters who are concubines send off their husbands respectfully."

Qi Ya and Qi Yun were about to stand up when Young Master Liu smiled and waved his hands.

"Okay, okay, let's go down first for my husband."

As soon as Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he jumped straight into the courtyard without waiting for the two sisters to respond.

Qi Yun looked at her husband's figure who left without haste after landing steadily, smiled and nodded to her sister Qi Ya.

"Sister, let's go down too."

"Okay, together."

Compared with Young Master Liu's movements, the figures of Qi Ya and sisters are much more graceful.

Qi Yun tidied up her skirt, and looked at her sister Qi Ya who was also tidying up her skirt with smiling eyes.

"Sister, should we prepare lunch first, or go to Yayuan where sister Qingrui lives?"

Hearing this, Qi Ya raised her jade neck to look at the sun in the sky, and pointed in the direction of Yayuan with a smile on her face.

"It's still early, let's go to Sister Rui'er and chat with the sisters for a while.

As for lunch, if we want to eat any dishes, let the maids pass the word. "

"Hehehe, my sister thinks so too."

"In that case, let's go."

"Hey, here we come."

"younger sister."

"Sister, what's wrong?"

"Do you think what our bad husband said just now is true?"

Qi Yun'e frowned slightly, smiled and thought for a while, and then she understood what her sister meant.

"Sister, do you want to ask my sister, is the poem sung by the sisters that my husband said just now a question he heard from a master?"

Qi Ya glanced sideways at Qi Yun, and nodded with a smile.


"Sister, do you think what my husband said is true or false?"

"It's hard to say, it looks like it's true, but it also looks like it's fake."

"Well, my sister thinks so too."


"If you have anything to guess, just ask Sister Qingrui directly."

Qi Yadai raised her eyebrows, covered her lips with a light smile and said, "Heck, how about we are sisters, we have a good understanding."

While talking and laughing, Qi Ya and Qi Yun came all the way to the elegant garden where Ren Qingrui lived.

Inside Yayuan, in a unique and quiet gazebo.

When all the beauties who were chatting coquettishly together saw Qi Yun and Qi Ya and sisters, they all stood up with smiles on their faces.

"Sister Yun'er, sister Ya'er."

"Sister Yun, Sister Ya."

"They're all my sisters, there's no need to be like this, please sit down quickly."

"Sister Yun, Sister Ya, sit down too."

"Okay, okay, together, together."


Liufu, east across the courtyard.

After Young Master Liu bid farewell to Qi Ya and Qi Yun, he did not rush directly to his study.

Instead, he made a detour to Dongkuayuan.

Liu Mingzhi walked through the arches of the courtyard, looked at the room where his old man and mother lived in front, and walked slowly.

Looking at the wide open door, Liu Mingzhi walked out of the door with steady and strong steps, raised his hand and knocked lightly on the door a few times.

Dangdang knocking on the door directly broke the silence in the yard.

As soon as the knock on the door fell, Mrs. Liu's doubtful voice came directly from the room.

"Who is it?"

"Go back to mother, it's a child."

"It's Zhi'er, come in quickly."

"Okay, the child understands."

Liu Mingzhi walked into the room with a faint smile, and at a glance, he saw Mrs. Liu walking towards him with a ball of needlework in her hand, smiling.


"Hey, my son has seen mother."

"Silly boy, why are you being polite to my mother, sit down quickly.

There is tea on the table, and you can pour it yourself when you are thirsty. "

Young Master Liu nodded cheerfully, walked directly to the table in the main hall and sat down on the round stool.

"Mother, sit down too."

Mrs. Liu nodded with a slight smile, turned around and sat on the stool next to her, and looked at First Young Master Liu kindly.

"You are a busy person, why are you willing to come here for your mother?"

Liu Mingzhi lifted the tea tree and poured two cups of herbal tea, looked up at Mrs. Liu and said with a smile: "Mother, what are you talking about.

Baby, no matter how busy I am, I should come to your place to have a look, and I have to come to your place to have a look.

Mother, you drink tea. "

Mrs. Liu rolled her eyes pretending to be annoyed, and took the teacup from her eldest son with a smile on her face.

"Stinky boy, you know how to talk poorly."

"Hey hey, mother, what I say is the truth, baby, it's all the truth."
"You, just make me happy for your mother."

"Mother, where is the old man?"

Madam Liu lowered her head and took a sip of tea, then smiled lightly and gestured towards the courtyard next door.

"After breakfast in the morning, I went to work in the study, and it's already noon now, and I haven't seen a single person.

No, it's spring now.

In half a month's time, it's time for the real spring to return to the earth.

My mother guessed that he was busy making a general plan for this year's business for the shopkeepers of various shops, how to manage it. "

Young Master Liu nodded cheerfully, just picked up the teacup, then put it down again.

Then, he casually took off the wine bag at his waist, and with a light smile, unplugged the wine bag.

"Hahaha, busy enough."

Mrs. Liu put the teacup on the table casually, and shook her head helplessly.

"Don't you know what kind of virtue your father's old man is? He can't stay idle at all."

As Madam Liu was talking, she chuckled and picked up the needle and thread on the table again.

Young Master Liu took a few sips of fine wine with a smile on his lips, and looked curiously at the needlework in Mrs. Liu's hand.

"Mother, what are you busy with?"

Mrs. Liu raised her eyes to look at First Young Master Liu, holding a shining thin needle between her fingers, and flicked it a few times between her temples.

"It's spring now, and the weather is getting warmer.

As a mother, I am idle at home, so I plan to sew two new clothes for Chong's two great-grandchildren, as well as the great-granddaughter's brothers and sisters. "

Hearing this, Liu Mingzhi frowned helplessly.

"Mother, the clothes of Chenyu and his siblings are prepared in the dressing room in the palace, and Yun'er, Sister Ya, Lian'er and the others prepare them.

Why do you have to do the hard work yourself? "

Mrs. Liu deftly adjusted the needle and thread in her hand, raised her eyes slightly and gave Young Master Liu a supercilious look.

"Girl Yun, girl Lian'er, girl Yan'er, girl Shan'er, the clothes made by their sisters are clothes made by their sisters.

The clothes I made for my mother are the clothes I made for my mother. This is for my mother, my grandma.

What's the matter, you brat, are you looking down on clothes made for my mother?
Brat, old lady, I can tell you.

Although I am old as a mother, my clothes-making skills are not as old as your mother. "

Young Master Liu sat up straight in an instant, and waved his hands generously.

"Mother, my child, I don't mean that.

Me, Mingli, Xuan'er, Mingjie, we brothers and sisters grew up year after year wearing the clothes your mother sewed with your own hands.

Even if you lent me 1 guts, I wouldn't dare look down on the clothes you made yourself, mother.

In my child's mind, the clothes you make, mother, are the best clothes in the world.

Even the female officials in the Shangyifang, the dragon robes they carefully made for my baby are not as good as the clothes you made for my baby, mother. "

After listening to the eldest son's words, the smile on Mrs. Liu's face became more intense.

"Stinky boy, at least you still have a little conscience."

Young Master Liu drank a few sips of wine, said with a smile: "Hey hey, the words from the heart, these are the words from the heart of the child.

Mother, what the child said just now is not like you continue to work hard.

If you're bored at home, go find Yun'er, Yan'er, Wanyan, Yunshu...their sisters.

Let their sisters and others accompany you to go around the street, or go for a walk by the river outside the city.

In this way, mother, if you still feel idle.

Then let's go to the various state capitals in Gyeonggi, or go to the state capitals farther away to have fun.

As long as your mother is happy, you can do whatever you say. "

Mrs. Liu put the needle and thread in her hand on the table, clicked her tongue a few times, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a half-smile.

"Tsk tsk tsk, brat."

"Hey, mother."

"Stinky boy, if it was 30 or [-] years ago, even if it was ten years ago, maybe I would have agreed to your suggestion.

It's a pity, as a mother, I'm already old now, and I don't have the leisure and elegance I had when I was young. "

Seeing his mother's expression of emotion, Young Master Liu stood up abruptly, pulled the stool behind him, walked to Mrs. Liu and sat down.

"Oh, my good mother, what are you talking about?

Where are you old?Where is it old?

In my child's mind, mother, you are not old at all, you are still as young and beautiful as you were decades ago.

Mother, with your current appearance, if you, Yun'er, Sister Ya, Sister Wanyan, Sister Shan and the others go wandering in the street together.

Those who didn't know thought you were sisters! "

Mrs. Liu frowned, she reached out and grabbed First Young Master Liu's ear, and couldn't help laughing.

"Cluck, cluck, brat, you are really good at talking."

"Mother, my child, what I said was not rhetoric, what I said was the truth."

Mrs. Liu rolled her eyes angrily, stood up slowly, and lifted Young Master Liu's right hand that was holding onto Young Master Liu's ear.

"Stinky boy."

First Young Master Liu took a deep breath, and grinned instantly.


Ouch, my good mother, how can you really do it.

Hiss, tap, tap, if you twist it down, it will really be twisted off. "
Seeing the eldest son grinning and sucking in the cold air, Mrs. Liu squeezed the fingers that grabbed Young Master Liu's ear again a little harder.

"Smelly boy, it would be better for my mother to twist your ear off, so that you don't have to ignore what my mother said, and listen in with one ear and out with the other."

"Hiss, hey, mother, please lighten up, lighten up, it's really about to fall."

Mrs. Liu saw that the roots of the eldest son's ears had turned rosy, so she eased the force on her hands.

"Stinky boy."

"Hey, hey, mother, tell me, baby, I'm all ears, all ears."

"Stinky boy, aren't you quite good at talking?

As a mother, I can't figure it out, since your brat's mouth is so sweet.

Why don't you use your flattering sweet words on Qingrui girl?

As long as you use this set of rhetoric skills on Qingrui girl earlier, my mother, I guess, my youngest grandson or granddaughter should be able to run around by now. "

First Young Master Liu bowed his body slightly, grabbed Mrs. Liu's right hand that was holding his ear, and pressed it down with a smile on his face.

"Hahaha, mother."

Seeing the eldest son's licking smile, Mrs. Liu let go of her two fingers that were holding his ears, and rolled her eyes angrily.

"Stinky boy, you."

First Young Master Liu hissed and breathed out, rubbed his hot ears with one hand, picked up the teacup on the table with the other, and handed it to Mrs. Liu with an apologetic smile on his face.

"Mother, you drink tea, you drink tea."

Mrs. Liu glanced narrowly at First Young Master Liu, took the teacup majestically from the corner of her lips, and sat down on the stool again.

"Stinky boy."

"Hey, hey, the baby is here."

Mrs. Liu nodded and took a sip of her tea, then cast a gloomy look at First Young Master Liu.

"Bastard, there is a saying, you should have heard it."

Hearing the pointed tone, First Young Master Liu's expression suddenly turned awkward, he pinched the tip of his nose with a smirk, and grinned foolishly.

As soon as my mother's words came out, Young Master Liu's heart was clear.

My own little thoughts, my mother is no more than my own mother's eyes.

Young Master Liu let out a long breath, raised the wine bag in his hand and brought it to his mouth.

After drinking a few gulps of fine wine in a row, he clasped the wrench on his thumb with a sigh.

"Mother, why don't you say that knowing a child is better than a mother, you are the one who understands children's thoughts best."

Mrs. Liu silently chewed the surprise between her white teeth, with a majestic corner of her lips, she glanced at First Young Master Liu with a half-smile.

"Stinky boy, from the moment you came in, you have been sycophating one after another.

What's the matter, no more filming? "

Young Master Liu nodded with a wry smile, raised his wine bag and silently drank a few mouthfuls of fine wine.

"Oh, mother, don't make fun of the child."

Mrs. Liu caressed the tea cover in her hand, and looked at First Young Master Liu playfully.

"Stinky boy, tell me, why did you suddenly come to find your mother?"

First Young Master Liu remained silent for a long time with a complicated expression, then directly raised the wine bag in his hand, and took a few gulps of wine happily.

"Phew, mother, the child is here this time, and wants to ask for something from you, mother."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Liu casually put down the teacup in her hand, got up and walked directly towards the bed.


"Stinky boy, wait."

"Hey, okay."

Madam Liu walked to the bed, held up her skirt and squatted down.


Mrs. Liu took out a beautifully shaped sandalwood box from under the bed, smiled and carried the sandalwood box back.

"Boy, what you asked for is in the box."

Young Master Liu was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously looked at the sandalwood box in Mrs. Liu's hand.

"Mother, you know what the child asked for?"

Mrs. Liu gently placed the sandalwood box on the table, and tapped Young Master Liu's forehead with her fingers.

"Silly boy, you are the flesh that fell from my body because of my mother!
Others don't know what is going on in your heart, but mother, don't you know what's going on in my heart? "

(End of this chapter)

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