Chapter 3277
"Since you entered the door, you have been flattering non-stop, my mother guessed the reason for your visit, you brat.

After all, there is nothing to go to the Three Treasures Hall! "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a silly smile, and scratched the stubble on his chin with a smile on his face.

"Hey hey, mother, you are really astute, the child knows my little thoughts, and I can't hide it from your eyes, mother.

Sure enough, it is better to know the child than the mother, and to know the son than the mother. "

As Young Master Liu was talking, he reached out and picked up Mrs. Liu's exquisitely shaped sandalwood box, which he placed on the table.

When he was about to open the lid of the box, Mrs. Liu suddenly spoke.

"Wait a minute."

"Huh?" First Young Master Liu was taken aback for a moment, and when he wanted to open the box, he paused, looked up at Mrs. Liu suspiciously, and asked, "Mother, what's wrong?"

Mrs. Liu looked at the doubtful expression of the eldest son, then at the sandalwood box in his hand, and slowly sat on the round stool behind her, holding up her skirt.

"Zhi'er, before you open this sandalwood box, I want to ask you a question first."

Young Master Liu gently stroked the exquisite lines on the sandalwood box with his fingertips, and nodded with a light smile.

"Mother, you can ask."

"Son, have you really thought about it?

If you have really thought about everything, then I won’t say anything more for your mother, you just open the box.

On the contrary, it is better to advise you to think twice for your mother.

After all, think about everything now, and save some inexplicable incidents in the future. "

Hearing Mrs. Liu's meaningful words, First Young Master Liu frowned subconsciously, narrowed his eyes slightly and fell silent.

Mrs. Liu saw the eldest son's reaction, but did not continue to say anything.

She turned slightly sideways and picked up the herbal tea on the table. After taking a sip of the tea with a calm expression, she waited quietly after relishing the taste of the tea.

After a long time.

Mrs. Liu's expression returned to normal, she opened her mouth and let out a long breath, and directly picked up the wine bag on the side and sent it to her mouth.

After taking a few sips of fine wine, he happily looked at Mrs. Liu.


Mrs. Liu sipped the tea at the corner of her lips, and glanced at First Young Master Liu with a slight smile.

"Silly boy, have you thought it through?"

Liu Mingzhi leaned the wine bag on the tray casually, held the sandalwood box in his hand with one hand, got up and paced lightly in the main hall.

"Mother, maybe my child has already been considered clearly in my heart.

However, Hai'er has been unable to find a reasonable reason to convince himself.

Hahaha, hahaha, it's really embarrassing to say.

My son, even if I am not the son of today, the king of a country, I am still the grand young master of our Liu family.

Such a background is so extraordinary.

How could I be so indecisive and indecisive for so many years because of an honest young girl.

Mother, do you think I am very ashamed, baby? "

Seeing the self-deprecating smile on the corner of the eldest son's mouth, Mrs. Liu gently stroked the tea cover in her hand, and calmly shook her head at First Young Master Liu.

"Shame? How can you be ashamed.

Silly boy, you can treat everything with caution, and seriously consider the pros and cons of something that will bring you.

Does such behavior look embarrassing to you?

No, it's not ashamed at all.

This shows that you have really grown up and matured. "

"Mother, but..."

As soon as First Young Master Liu opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Mrs. Liu.


"Hey, mother, tell me."

"Silly boy, as the saying goes, the prosperity of the world is for profit. The hustle and bustle of the world is for profit.

All things in the world are like this.

Maybe you will feel that if everything is linked to the relationship between pros and cons.

It may be unfair to a certain person.

Or, it is unfair to certain people in a certain matter.

However, have you ever thought about it.

When has this world been truly fair? "

Young Master Liu stared blankly at Mrs. Liu, his lips twitching non-stop.


Seeing that the eldest son hesitated to speak, and seemed to want to say something, but was unable to speak for a long time, Mrs. Liu casually put the teacup on the table, got up and walked out of the room.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi hurriedly picked up the wine bag leaning on the tray, started to follow Mrs. Liu.

Mrs. Liu walked lightly into the courtyard with lotus steps, looked back at her eldest son who was following up, and started to swim around the small flower bed in the courtyard.

"My child, there is never any fairness in this world.

You have been emperor for so many years, and you have sat in that chair for so many years.

There are some things that you should see more clearly than my mother.

From your own perspective as today's world, is this world fair?

My child, if this world is really fair.

Duan couldn't bear why that kid's son, Duan Dingbang, was able to easily win the seal of Marshal of the Second Army. "

First Young Master Liu frowned, and hastened to catch up with Mrs. Liu.

"Mother, I can assure you, Duan Dingbang won the seal of Marshal of the Second Route Army and Horse Army entirely because of his own ability.

On my side, my boy, I absolutely didn't favor him at all, and I didn't tell my elder brother Song Qing to take care of him in secret, and did any secret operations.

Mother, baby, what kind of character I am, don't you understand?
I'm not confused, how could it be possible to mess around with major military affairs, such matters related to the country, the country, and the safety of the court? "

Mrs. Liu paused, turned her head and glared at First Young Master Liu angrily.

"My mother, I didn't mean that. You don't need to explain to my mother."

Young Master Liu nodded resentfully, raised his wine bag and took a few sips of fine wine with a smile on his face.

"Yes, yes, mother, please continue."

"Stinky boy, you don't need to say it, as a mother, I know it very well.

You definitely won't engage in any kind of black-box manipulation behind the scenes on such a matter of national importance.

However, have you ever thought about why Duan Dingbang was able to stand out among the hundreds of thousands of new soldiers and win the command of the three armies? "

Liu Mingzhi drank a few sips of wine silently, and sighed softly with a sigh.

"Oh, mother, my child understands what you want to say.

This kid Dingbang was able to stand out among the [-] recruits and win the commander-in-chief seal of the three armies.

The fundamental reason is that he has lived by his father's side since he was a child, who couldn't bear the general who was a guard.

Under the influence of his ears and eyes, his own military talents are naturally far superior to those of the new army soldiers who enlisted with him. "

"That's right, brat, don't you understand everything?
So, is this world really fair?
Duan Dingbang, as the younger brother of the great general of the dynasty, can not only learn some ways to use soldiers, but also get in touch with various military books.

However, what about those children from ordinary people's families?
What do they have?What can they touch?

Son, tell yourself, is this world fair? "

Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes and was silent for a moment, then turned his head to look at Mrs. Liu, smiled wryly and sighed.

"Mother, hahaha, haha... oh..."

"Zhi'er, besides Duan Dingbang, let's talk about Xie Yun.

Since the marriage between this girl Yiyi and this child Xie Yun was finalized, you directly gave this kid Xie Yun the position of inspector and captain of the Imperial Guard.

The inspector and lieutenant of the Imperial Guard, that is an official position under the sixth rank.

For those well-educated people who have worked hard for ten years and became famous all over the world in one fell swoop, what kind of official positions were they awarded after they were in high school in the imperial examination and were named on the gold list?
Except for the top three Jinshi and the No. [-] scholar, No. [-], and Tanhualang, most of the Jinshi are only officials of the seventh rank.

A word of yours is enough for others to study hard for ten years!

Why didn't you reward someone else with the position of inspector and lieutenant, but rewarded this kid Xie Yun.

After all, isn't it because Xie Yun is the son of your old subordinate Xie Qingtong, and your future son-in-law Liu Mingzhi?
This kid Xie Yun started off as a sixth-rank official.

But other people's children may work hard to reach the end of their lives, but they may not be able to reach the starting position of Xie Yun's child.

Silly boy, where is the fairness?Where is the fairness? "

Young Master Liu frowned and remained silent for a long time, then looked down at the sandalwood box in his hand with a melancholy expression.

"Yeah, what's fair about it?"

"Zhi'er, from the time when the Three Emperors ruled the world and the Five Emperors ruled the world, until now.

There has never been any absolute fairness in this world.

So, you don't have to worry about Qingrui's affairs at all.

Not to mention, I feel that I have wronged Qingrui girl, and I even feel sorry for Qingrui girl.

That's right, you did delay girl Qingrui's youth for a few years because of your own considerations.

However, you didn't completely delay Qingrui's feelings for this girl!

You gave her a promise, a promise that one day in the future, you will marry her in the open, and use eight sedan chairs to welcome her in a grand manner.

In other words, you gave girl Qingrui a promise that from an ordinary girl flying on a branch to becoming a phoenix, it would be enough for her to reach the sky in one step. "

Young Master Liu stopped abruptly, and looked towards Mrs. Liu with a complicated expression.

"Mother, what you said is biased.

What kind of character Qingrui girl is, my heart is very clear.

Baby, I can tell you with certainty that Rui'er has never cared about whether she will become a noble concubine. "

Seeing the eldest son stop, Madam Liu immediately stopped too.

"Don't care?"

First Young Master Liu raised his brows slightly, nodded without hesitation and said, "That's right, baby, I know her character, she has never cared about such things before."

Mrs. Liu stared at First Young Master Liu indifferently for a moment, reached out and took the wine bag in his hand, raised her head and drank a few mouthfuls of fine wine, and sat on the flower bed behind her with her skirt lifted.

"Silly boy, my mother, I'm not telling you these things because I have any opinion on Qingrui, a silly girl.

In my mother's heart, as a mother, I have already regarded her as one of my daughters-in-law.

Put her in the same position as girl Yun'er, girl Yan'er, girl Xiaoxi, girl Wanyan, girl Qingshi...their sisters.

As you just said, girl Qingrui never cared about whether she would become one of the noble concubines of the dynasty.

Regarding this point, as a mother, I am very clear in my heart.

Not just girl Qingrui, girl Yun'er, girl Ya'er, girl Yunyao and the other sisters also don't care about these things. "

Young Master Liu's eyes lit up, he flicked the hem of his clothes behind him, and sat on the flower bed with a smile.

"Mother, since your old man's heart is like a mirror and everything is clear, why do you still mention such things?"

Mrs. Liu glanced at First Young Master Liu lightly, drank the wine and shook her head lightly.

"Stinky boy."

"The baby is here, mother?"

"Silly boy, don't the facts really exist if the sisters don't care about these things?

It has been over seven years since you sat in that position, and this girl, Li Yun'er, has never been officially registered as the Queen of the Palace.

Similarly, you did not formally register Yan'er as the Empress of the West Palace, nor did you register Ya'er as a girl, but politely said that the girl and her sisters were one of the royal concubines of the dynasty.

However, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty met girl Yun'er, after Yan'er and their sisters.

Which one is not a respectful and respectful salute, a thousand years for the empress, a thousand years for the empress, and a thousand years for the imperial concubine.

Girl Qingrui doesn't care about these things, isn't she one of the noble concubines of the dynasty?

She is infatuated with you and doesn't care about the so-called status issue at all.

However, do others dare to despise her because she doesn't care about her identity?
You tell Wei Niang, looking at the whole world, who dares to underestimate the identity and status of their sisters. "

"This this……"

Mrs. Liu saw the eldest son's tangled expression, raised the wine bag and took a few sips of fine wine, and put the wine bag back into Young Master Liu's hand with a smile on her face.

"Silly boy, you don't need to care about the status of their sisters, and the sisters themselves don't need to care about their status.

Others can't help but care.

Although their sisters may not care, it does not mean that their status really does not exist.

According to the court regulations, when the imperial concubine and concubine are in the same rank as the first-rank officials.

In terms of title, it is the same respect as the eldest princess, prince and concubine of the current dynasty.

Except for you, the king of a country, the two queens in the east and west palaces of the harem, and the crown princess in the east palace.

In the entire world, the status of the imperial concubine is the most honorable.

After several years of waiting, she soared to the sky and became the imperial concubine of the current dynasty.

As a mother, I think, even if you look at the whole world, there shouldn't be any woman who can refuse, right? "

"Mother, what you said, I actually understand my child."

Mrs. Liu waved her hand directly, and looked at First Young Master Liu kindly.

"Yes, in fact, brat, you know everything in your heart.

Including the words I just said for my mother, you should have thought about it many times, right? "

Hearing this, Liu Mingzhi was silent for a while with a complex expression, then nodded with a wry smile.

"Well, that's right."

"Silly boy, I'm still the same as my mother, I said these words just now, not because I have any opinion on Qingrui girl.

I just hope you can understand that you don't owe Qingrui anything.

The love between children and daughters depends on the gratification of the two.

You are willing, I am willing, this is a happy relationship.

As for other things, do they really matter? "

(End of this chapter)

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