Chapter 3281

Midday on the moon.

It's late at night, and people are still awake.

After about a stick of incense, Ren Qingrui finally paid back the interest she said.

"Well, cough cough cough."

After the beauty coughed a few times, she immediately turned over and got off the bed, covered her cherry lips lightly, and ran towards the back of the screen.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi quickly waved his hand as a signal.

"Smelly girl, slow down, don't bump into it."

Ren Qingrui stared back at First Young Master Liu with her blushing face, pursed her red lips lightly and snorted heavily, and casually picked up the teacup on the low table.


It didn't take a while.

Ren Qingrui leaned over beside the screen with her willow waist bent, and spit out the warm water for gargling in the spittoon.

Afterwards, she directly lifted the kettle on one side, turned around and walked to the washing rack next to it.

The beauty went to the washing rack and began to adjust the warm water used for washing.

"Da Guoguo, my sister will adjust the hot water for you to wash."

"Okay, brother, I know."

After Liu Mingzhi savored some feelings for a while with a pleasant expression, he straightened his clothes with a smile, got up and walked towards the beautiful woman standing in front of the washing rack.

Seeing her sweetheart walking towards her, the beauty smiled, and immediately picked up the water cup used for washing and handed it over.

"Da Guoguo, here you are."

"Silly girl, you're not feeling well, I'll do it myself for my brother."

Ren Qingrui smiled sweetly, took out the towel from the copper basin, twisted it vigorously, and put it aside casually.

"Da Guoguo, after you used your true energy to heal my sister, I feel much better.

Oh, my sister is fine, you can wash up quickly. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a chuckle, picked up a toothbrush made of pig bristles, dipped it in some green salt, and began to wash.

Seeing this, Ren Qingrui picked up her washing things with a smile on her eyes.

Soon, Young Master Liu and Ren Qingrui returned to the bed.

Liu Mingzhi took off his outer robe, turned over and sat on the bed, and leaned lazily on the pillow behind him.

He raised his hand and caressed the beauty's red lips for some reason, and heaved a helpless expression.

"Silly girl, why are you bothering?"

Ren Qingrui took away her sweetheart's fingers with a smile, and directly pulled the brocade quilt to wrap her exquisite and graceful jade body, and looked at Young Master Liu affectionately with bright eyes.

"Da Guoguo, what are you talking about.

Sister, I am already your person, shouldn't I serve you? "

Feeling the tenderness in the beauty's pretty eyes, Liu Mingzhi smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Hehehe, silly girl, as a brother, I am afraid that I will wrong you.

After all, you are still an innocent, perfect girl with a yellow flower. "

Ren Qingrui shook her head without hesitation, and threw herself into Young Master Liu's arms.

"Da Guoguo, my sister is not wronged.

What you sisters can do for you, my sister, I can do the same. "

Young Master Liu let out a wry smile, raised his hand and rubbed it gently on the beauty's messy hair a few times.

"Come on, since you don't feel wronged, girl, what else can I say as a brother!"

The beautiful lady leaned sideways to her sweetheart's side, holding her delicate cheeks with one hand, and gently stroking the stubble on Young Master Liu's chin with the other.

"Big fruit."


Ren Qingrui bit her lips a few times with her jade-like silver teeth, looked expectantly at Young Master Liu and asked softly: "Da Guoguo, now you have given the token of love to my sister, and I have also accepted it." down.

Then when do you plan to fulfill those promises you once made to me and formally marry my sister to pass the Mensa? "

Seeing the beauty, Young Master Liu finally asked this question, sat up suddenly, and his face instantly became a little embarrassed.

"Rui'er, about this matter, see...

Us, can we talk again later? "

Seeing her sweetheart's reaction like this, the beauty's expression suddenly became tense.

"Da Guoguo, what do you mean by saying this? You don't want to go back on your word, do you?"

Young Master Liu saw the tense expression on Jiarenqiao's face, quickly waved his hands, and said softly: "No, no, since I have already agreed, brother, I will definitely not go back on my word.

It's just...just..."

Ren Qingrui grabbed First Young Master Liu's palm, and hurriedly asked anxiously: "What is it? You should hurry up and talk."

First Young Master Liu scratched his brows with his fingers, and smiled resentfully.

"Hey hey, girl, I plan to put aside the relationship between the two of us for a while, brother."

Hearing the words of her sweetheart, Ren Qingrui suddenly became unhappy.

I have been waiting for so many years, and finally waited until today.

If I put it on hold for a while longer, when will I be able to truly achieve a positive result with the bad guy in front of me?

Ren Qingrui took a few deep breaths, forced to suppress the disappointment in her heart, and asked softly to Young Master Liu: "Da Guoguo, sister, I can listen to you and delay our affairs for a little longer.

However, you have to give me a suitable reason first. "

Liu Mingzhi kneaded his forehead with his fingers, and said softly: "Rui'er, you also know about the girl Yiyi, Chengzhi, who became the lifelong event of the three of them.

Now, more than half of the first month has passed.

As a brother, I set all the lifelong events of the three of them in March.

That is to say, in two months' time, Yiyi, Chengzhi and Chenggan, the three siblings, will leave the pavilion to marry, and the two wives who will marry him will come in.

As a brother, as a father, I can't just marry Rui'er right after the children have just finished their lifelong affairs, right?

You silly girl, don't even think about it, if I really act like this for my brother.

At that time, I don't know what kind of rumors will be stirred up in the capital. "

After listening to First Young Master Liu's explanation, Ren Qingrui pouts her cherry lips in silence for a moment, and taps her head a few times with a disappointed face.

"Da Guoguo, that's true."

"The children have just finished their lifelong affairs, Da Guoguo, you have taken over my sister's concubine's room on the back.

If such things are spread, it will indeed affect Da Guoguo's reputation. "

Young Master Liu nodded cheerfully, patted the beauty's jade arm and said with a light smile: "Good Rui'er, you can understand it as my brother's difficulty, and that would be great."

Ren Qingrui tapped the corners of her lips with her jade fingers, sat up on her side with her palms propped on the pillow, looked at Young Master Liu dejectedly and nodded silently.

"Well, since that's the case, then follow Da Guoguo's wishes."

Liu Mingzhi tugged at the brocade quilt that had fallen on his lap, and pinched the beauties' round and round earlobes with his fingers.

"Silly girl, I have wronged you."

Ren Qingrui directly raised her slender right arm, and shook the jade bracelet she was wearing on her wrist a few times at First Young Master Liu.

"If it was in the past, sister, I might feel very uncomfortable.

However, now that my sister has it on her wrist, I don't feel wronged at all. "

Young Master Liu nodded slightly, lay down again, and said cheerfully: "It's so good, it's so good.

It's getting dark, we should rest. "

Young Master Liu was about to blow out the flickering candles on the low table beside the bed while supporting his body.

When the beautiful lady saw her sweetheart's plan to blow out the candles, her pretty face became anxious, and she quickly reached out to stop her.

"Da Guoguo, wait a moment."

Young Master Liu looked back at the beauty, and asked with a puzzled expression: "Rui'er, what's wrong?"

Ren Qingrui laughed and rolled over from First Young Master Liu, and then pushed him to the inside of the bed a few times.

"Hehehe, today, Da Guoguo, you sleep inside, and sister, I sleep outside."

Although Young Master Liu didn't know the beauty's intention, he still happily moved into the bed a few times.

"Stinky girl, is it okay now?"

Ren Qingrui nods her head with a smile, and pulls up the corner of the quilt to cover Young Master Liu.

"Yeah, it's ok, Da Guoguo, you should rest first."

Liu Mingzhi couldn't help being stunned, and asked softly, "Huh? Girl, aren't you resting yet?"

Ren Qingrui turned her head and glanced sideways at her sweetheart, turned over and lay on the bed, smiled and lifted up her slender jade arm wearing a jade bracelet, and turned it gently.

Can't get enough of it, really can't get enough of it.

"Bad guy, I'll take a look at my girl for a while, you should rest first."

Hearing Ren Qingrui's answer, First Young Master Liu looked slightly taken aback.

He subconsciously glanced at the jade bracelet on the beautiful woman's slender wrist, and suddenly realized it.

"Hey, Rui'er, it's because of this reason that you don't let me blow out the candle for my brother.

Hehehe, silly girl, do you look like this? "

Ren Qingrui listened to the somewhat helpless tone of her sweetheart, her delicate black eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she looked back with coquettish eyes and gave Young Master Liu a supercilious look.

"Smelly bastard, how could it not be like this?

Sister, I have been waiting for ten years, and as of today, I finally got this thing.

Why not?My girl, how can I let it go if I watch it for a while?
Let me ask you, my girl, what's wrong with me if I wait a little longer? "

Seeing the beautiful woman's appearance, Young Master Liu couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth a few times, and raised his hand to pat the beautiful woman's buttocks vigorously.

"Smelly girl, you really don't know good people.

Brother, I am worried that if you stay up late for too long, your body will not be able to bear it.

It's fine if you don't appreciate it, but you still blame Brother Wei. "

Ren Qingrui's delicate body trembled slightly, she bared her silver teeth, grabbed Young Master Liu's palm and bit it lightly, then threw his arm aside.

"My girl, I'm happy to watch it, can you control it? Go to sleep in your deep sleep.

This time, my girl, I bit you lightly, just to teach you a little lesson.

If you dare to disturb this girl again, I appreciate the bracelet, be careful, I'm really rude to you. "

After getting the token of love, the beauty even spoke a little stiffly.

Young Master Liu looked at the beautiful woman's arrogant expression, shook his head helplessly, and fell asleep on his side.

"Okay, brother, can't I stop bothering you?
You continue to appreciate your baby slowly, as a brother, I will rest first.

The night is already dark, don't stay up too long. "

"Got it, got it, you should rest first."

Liu Mingzhi adjusted his posture lazily, and closed his eyes silently.

Seeing this, Ren Qingrui slightly turned over and lay down on the brocade quilt, a pair of round and slender jade legs swaying gently.

Immediately, the beautiful woman gently took off the jadeite bracelet on her wrist, held the bracelet in the jade hand with a smile like a flower, and carefully played with the flickering candlelight by the bedside.

For a moment, the beauty's watery eyes stared straight at the jadeite bracelet in her hand, and she couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

A heart is as sweet as eating honey.

Hee hee, token of love, this is token of love!

How do you say that word, it's hard work.

That's right, it's hard work.

The bright moon moved westward, and the night became darker.

Young Master Liu's breathing had been even for a long time, but Ren Qingrui was still playing with the jadeite pendant in her hand over and over again.

There was hardly a trace of sleepiness on that glamorous and pretty face.

The candles flickered and crackled.

Suddenly, the beautiful woman seemed to think of something, with a touch of excitement in her bright eyes, she sat up suddenly.

Ren Qingrui first looked down at the jadeite bracelet in her hand, and then shifted her gaze to Young Master Liu.

She looked at her sweetheart who was breathing evenly and sleeping sweetly, and fell silent with a hesitant expression.

After a moment.

The beauty leaned slightly on the slender willow waist, pinched the tip of Young Master Liu's nose with her fingers and shook it gently a few times.

"Big fruit."

Ren Qingrui groaned softly, Young Master Liu was still soundly asleep, without any reaction.

Seeing this situation, Jiaren frowned lightly, leaned into Young Master Liu's ear and whispered again: "Da Guoguo."

"Big fruit."

One after another, the beauty involuntarily increased her voice.

"Big fruit!"

Finally, when the beauty uttered her last cry, Young Master Liu finally responded.

First Young Master Liu opened his eyes, and looked sleepily at the beautiful woman who was leaning over in front of him.

"Well, Rui'er, what's the matter? Is it dawn?"

"No, it's still early in the morning!"

"It's not dawn yet, how many times has the rooster crowed now, when is it?"

Ren Qingrui rubbed the tip of her nose lightly, and said with a slightly embarrassed smile, "Hehehe, Da Guoguo, the rooster hasn't crowed yet."

"Ah? What? Say it again, girl."
Seeing Young Master Liu's astonished expression, Ren Qingrui said with a dodgy look, "Then what, what, it's not time yet!"

Young Master Liu rubbed his eyes, turned over helplessly, and looked at the beauty with a wry smile.

"Hehehe, brat, you haven't passed your time yet, so why are you waking me up?"

Ren Qingrui hurriedly stuffed the jade bracelet in her hand under the pillow, and leaned into Young Master Liu's arms.

Afterwards, she hugged her sweetheart's arm in her arms with a silly smile, and said delicately, "Hey hey hey, oh, Da Guoguo, listen to my sister first."

Hearing Ren Qingrui's soft, soft, and extremely sensual coquettish voice, Young Master Liu was excited one by one, turned over and pressed the beautiful woman under him.

"Stinky girl, listen up, brother, you go ahead and talk.

If you can't tell the reason, brother, I can't forgive you. "

Ren Qingrui nodded with a smile on her face, and stretched out a pair of lotus arms, naturally hugging her sweetheart's generous waist.

"Big fruit."

"Well, what happened?"

"Sister, I suddenly had an idea just now."

"Oh? As a brother, I would like to hear the details."

(End of this chapter)

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