My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3282 Figured it out

Chapter 3282 Figured it out
"Da Guoguo, get up from my sister first, let's sit up and talk."

During Ren Qingrui's words, she lightly pushed Young Master Liu's shoulder with her bare hands.

"Okay, brother, get up now."

Young Master Liu nodded slightly, turned over and lay down on the pillow behind his back, yawned and rubbed the corners of his still sleepy eyes.

"Girl, you can just say it, brother, I will listen."

Ren Qingrui tapped her head a few times with a smile, her jade hands supported her fragrant cheeks, and her curvaceous jade body leaned sideways on the pillow.

"Da Guoguo, the promise you made to my sister outside the city of Chengzhou earlier was that one day, you will marry me as a matchmaker, and you will marry me into our house in a grand manner with eight sedan chairs. gate.

Da Guoguo, sister, I remember right? "

Liu Mingzhi raised his brows slightly, although he didn't quite understand why the person in front of him asked him this question, but he nodded his head with a smile.

"Yeah, Rui'er, you remember right, I did promise you that as a brother back then."

Seeing her sweetheart acknowledging her promise, Ren Qingrui's pretty face, which was already brimming with a faint smile, smiled a little more intensely.

She immediately arched her waist, groped for the crystal clear jade bracelet under the pillow next to her, and put it on her wrist again in front of First Young Master Liu.

"Da Guoguo, sister, I think so."

"Huh? What?"

Ren Qingrui stretched out her hand to caress Young Master Liu's cheek, and looked at him affectionately with her gaze.

"Da Guoguo, during the time you fell asleep just now, my sister, I thought and thought, and finally figured out one thing.

Big deal, my sister doesn't want you to be married in the open, and I don't want you to marry my sister in a good way, just let me in. "

After listening to the words of the beautiful woman in front of him, First Young Master Liu couldn't help but froze for a moment.

"Ah? What? Ruier, what did you say?"

Seeing the astonished expression of her sweetheart, Ren Qingrui smiled directly, and gently tapped Young Master Liu's nose with her slender fingers.

"Bad guy, my sister said I've already figured it out.

What kind of media is getting married, what is the use of eight sedan chairs to marry my sister in a grand manner, I come in, I don't care about these things, my sister.

My sister, all I want is to marry you, Da Guoguo, as soon as possible. Like all the sisters, I will become a real husband and wife with you, Da Guoguo.

As long as I can truly marry a stinky guy like you, those so-called vulgar etiquettes are not important to me, sister.

After all, what I want, my sister, has never been the so-called three matchmakers and six hires, the so-called bright matchmaker getting married.

Rather, Daguoguo you.

That being the case, the big deal is to keep everything simple. "

Young Master Liu's face froze, he never expected that what the person in front of him said she had figured out was actually such a thing.

The people in front of me have already said that, so how should I answer it?

If he agreed to the beauty's suggestion, it would definitely affect his previous plan.

On the contrary, if I disagree, it will definitely hurt the long-awaited heart of the beauty.

For a moment, Young Master Liu couldn't help feeling a little confused.

It has been many, many years.

I haven't experienced this kind of dilemma, the feeling of being in a dilemma for many years.

Seeing her sweetheart's confused expression, Ren Qingrui couldn't help being overjoyed, subconsciously thinking that her sweetheart looked like this, but she was surprised by her reasonableness.

"Da Guoguo, sister, am I very reasonable and understanding?

Don't worry, after we get married, Rui'er, I will become more reasonable and understanding.

Sister Yun'er, Sister Yan'er, Sister Ya, Wan Yan's sisters can do for you, I can do the same.

No, no, sister, I have to do better than you sisters.

After all, Mei'er not only needs you, the bad guy, to recognize me alone, but also needs all the older sisters to fully recognize me, the youngest sister.

Otherwise, if one day all the sisters give me small shoes, I will not be able to bear it.

Smelly guy, what do you think of me, sister? "
Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman's pretty face with a smile like a flower, his bright eyes bent into crescent moons, his eyes disappeared for a moment, and his complexion became a little complicated in an instant.

"Uh, this... this..."

Seeing Young Master Liu's stunned reaction, the beautiful woman sat up gracefully, and stretched out her jade hands with a smile to hold the hands of her sweetheart.

"Bad guy, sister, I've already thought it through just now.

When Yiyi left the cabinet to get married, Cheng Zhi and Cheng Qian also got married.

The two of us will have another month, or about two months, and my sister will be waiting for you to marry me as your pillow at any time.

At that time, when the two of us get married, we will simply arrange it in my sister's boudoir, so that it looks like a bridal chamber. "

The beautiful lady didn't notice the complicated expression of her sweetheart, she still pulled her slender fingers, and said with a small smile to herself, "I'll figure it out, sister, I just need to pull a few pieces of red silk and prepare a few pairs Mandarin duck candles or dragon and phoenix candles, and then replaced with two mandarin duck brocade quilts.

The other is the wedding clothes we used to get married, and then we carried a table of dishes and wine for the two of us.

Uh... um... um... and... and..."

The beauty murmured for a moment, then tapped her red lips with her fingers, and frowned slightly.

"In addition to these, I don't know what else needs to be prepared, sister.

Rui'er, I have never been married, so I only know a little bit about the rules of getting married and what is needed.

Specifically, what things need to be arranged and prepared.

After breakfast tomorrow morning, Mei'er will ask Sister Yun'er, Sister Yan'er and the others in private, and ask them to teach me.

Smelly guy, sister, have I considered things carefully? "

Seeing the beautiful woman's expectant expression, Young Master Liu gently twirled the emerald wrench with three thumbs, and nodded with a wry smile.

"Thoughtful, thoughtful, Ruier, you are very thoughtful."

"Yeah, it's good to be considerate, Da Guoguo, you have already married so many sisters, and you should be very experienced in matters of getting married.

Help Rui'er do the math, what else do I need to prepare? "

Liu Mingzhi bit his lips silently, and looked at the beauty with tangled eyes.


"Hey, bad guy, tell me, sister, listen."

Liu Mingzhi sat up cross-legged, opened his hands directly, and gently hugged the person in front of him into his arms.

"Rui'er, by doing this, aren't you making me, brother, break my original oath?"

Ren Qingrui gently raised her snow-white jade neck, looked at Young Master Liu with a flowery smile and said softly, "Oh, Da Guoguo, this is what my sister asked me to do, not that you broke your oath. "

"Brother, I know, but, brother, I'm afraid I'll wrong you."

Ren Qingrui straightened her delicate body immediately, watching her sweetheart shake her head vigorously a few times.

"No, no, no grievances, no grievances at all.

The sisters in our family, except for sister Yun'er and sister Yan'er, when the other sisters marry a bad guy, don't you keep everything simple?
When they marry you, a bad guy, and become your wife, they can keep everything simple.

Why can't I, the youngest girl, follow Jane in everything?
Rui'er is still the same as before, what my sisters can do for you, I can do the same. "

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at the person in front of him, and suddenly, he couldn't help being speechless.

This silly girl is already so reasonable and understanding, what else can I say?

However, if it is really carried out according to her intention...

For a moment, Young Master Liu's complicated expression became more and more complicated.

The already somewhat confused expression became even more confused.

Ren Qingrui was thinking about what to say, but when she saw her sweetheart looked hesitant and absent-minded.

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something.

Some inner thoughts that were already on the verge of mouth, and almost blurted out, were swallowed immediately.

Although she didn't understand what her sweetheart was thinking, she could still see one thing, that is, her sweetheart didn't seem to agree with her proposal just now.

Ren Qingrui quietly looked at the confused and absent-minded Young Master Liu, and the excitement in Fang's heart gradually calmed down.

She hesitated in silence for a while, then turned slightly and blew out the flickering candles on the low table beside the bed.

Immediately, she lay down slowly, and gently pulled the silk quilt on one side to cover her graceful body in a thin obscene dress.

"Big fruit."

(End of this chapter)

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