Chapter 3283
"Hey, girl?"

"Da Guoguo, the night is getting dark, my sister is a little tired, let's rest."

Hearing the disappointed tone of the beautiful lady, Young Master Liu was shocked, and lay down with his brows furrowed.

After a long time.

Young Master Liu turned his head to look at the beautiful woman sleeping beside him, and responded softly.

"Okay, let's talk."

"Yeah, Da Guoguo, good night."

"Rui'er, good night."

After the two said good night to each other softly, the room fell silent instantly.

Only a ray of bright moonlight quietly shot into the room through the window.

I don't know how long it took.

Ren Qingrui listened to the gradual and even breathing of the person next to the pillow, and looked melancholy at the pair of autumnal eyes in the hazy moonlight outside the window, and then quietly shifted to the resolute face of the person next to the pillow.

The beauty secretly looked at the appearance of the person in front of her, her thoughts were racing.

I made an appointment with this stinky guy in front of me, and before I knew it, I had known him for ten years.

In the recent period of time, I have even had a skin-to-skin relationship with him.

Between me and him, apart from not really entering that step, there are almost all the things about the love between men and women, the love between men and women, and the love between men and women.

After ten years of getting along with each other, plus the intimate relationship of the past six months.

At the beginning, I foolishly thought that I knew enough about the man in front of me who was worthy of entrusting him for life and staying with him forever.

However, until now, at this very moment, I truly understand.

It turned out that I had never really understood the heart of this bad guy.

It turned out that I never knew what this man was thinking in his heart?
Thinking of this, Jiaren's heart suddenly became sore and unbearable, worrying about gains and losses.

The beautiful woman moved the jade body under the brocade quilt lightly a few times, turned her head to look out the window, and carefully raised her white and tender lotus arms to the moonlight that shone into the room.

She quietly looked at the emerald green jadeite bracelet on her wrist, and there was a faint sense of confusion in the gaze of Qiushui, which should have been full of joy.

What kind of feelings does this man, whom he loves to treat, treat him with?
Mother, maybe you are right.

Perhaps, it is really your daughter, a silly girl, who is too wishful thinking.

Perhaps, Rui'er, a silly girl who has never experienced the hardships of the world, really climbed up.

But, but, mother, do you know?

Rui'er, a silly girl, really loves him!

Rui'er, I really miss him!

In the past, Daddy and you always cared for the child, not letting the child do this, not letting the child do that.

Because of these things, the boy has often quarreled with you two elders and complained.

In fact, the child really understands everything in his heart. The two elders did this because they cared about the safety of the child and did not want the child to encounter any danger.

It's just that children are going to grow up after all.

You two elders can protect the child for a while, but you can't protect the child for the rest of my life.

Years ago, since the boy left the shelter of you two elders, he finally walked on the path he wanted to take.

It is also from when, from that time.

It was him who made the child understand that a man's embrace is so generous and warm.

It was him who made me realize for the first time, that a person can live so comfortably in this lifetime.

It was also he who led the child to run wildly for the first time, galloping thousands of miles, and let the child know what is called real galloping and singing, wanton life.

It was him who made me, a silly girl, understand that people can live like this in their entire life.

Similarly, it was him who let your silly girl know one thing.

It turns out that the love in the world is so wonderful.

It turns out that to love someone, you have to pay so much.

Ten years have passed since I was a child, and my heart is as firm as a rock, and it has never changed a bit.

Boy, I always firmly believe that as long as you give your heart, you can impress this man with your heart, and you can get the emotional response you deserve.

However, my daughter really felt confused today, for the first time.

Mother, the child is really confused.

I don't know if there is a child in this man's heart.

If he really has a child in his heart, why would he treat the child like this.

On the contrary, why did he treat the child like this?
Mother, tell me, does he have a baby in his heart?
Mother, tell me, baby, should I be more conscious and withdraw from his world?

But, Hai'er really loves him so much, can't bear to part with him, and really wants to be with him forever and ever!

Two lines of tears flowed down my cheeks, and the beauty turned her head to look at her sweetheart who was breathing evenly by the pillow.

She gently turned the jade bracelet on Hao's wrist, and whispered like a mosquito: "Da Guoguo, bad guy, Ruier, I'm really not her!

In fact, sister, I also hope that I am that person.

In that case, sister, I won't have to feel so uncomfortable like now.

Good night, Da Guoguo. "

Ren Qingrui gently tugged at the brocade quilt on her body, slowly closed her eyes, and let the tears flow down her eyes.

"Bad guy, good night.

After a while, it's time for the silly girl you speak of to say goodbye to you.

Perhaps, the quiet courtyard outside Chengzhou City is Rui'er's final destination.

Stinky guy, the silly girl you call, the only thing I can do for you is that.

I hope you can remember your promise.

In the next life, don't blame me anymore. "

The beauty's heart was in turmoil, and when her mind was wandering, she was completely unaware of the breathing of the person next to her pillow, which gradually became heavier.

Liu Mingzhi slowly opened his eyes, and turned his head cautiously to look at the beautiful woman who was crying secretly by the pillow.

At the end of the engagement, he just closed his eyes and did not really enter the dreamland.

After a long time.

Liu Mingzhi turned over and directly embraced the beautiful woman into his arms.

"Rui'er, silly girl."

The beauty Qingrui trembled, her cherry lips raised her head tremblingly to look at her sweetheart.

"Da... Da Guoguo, you haven't fallen asleep yet?"

Young Master Liu tightly hugged the beauty's willow waist, and sighed silently.

"Oh, I can't sleep!"

"Ah? Then...then...then I was talking to myself just now,"

"Hahaha, brother silly girl heard everything."

"Da Guoguo, you! Me! Me! You!"


"Oh, my sister is here."

Liu Mingzhi stretched out his hand to hold the beautiful woman's right wrist, played with the jade bracelet on her wrist, and looked at her quietly under the moonlight coming in through the window.

"Rui'er, a silly girl for my brother."

"Oh, Da Guoguo?"

"Why haven't you fallen asleep yet?"

Ren Qingrui was silent for a moment, then said softly, "Just like you, I can't sleep."

Liu Mingzhi slowly turned the jadeite bracelet on the wrist of the man in his arms, and said with a sigh: "Oh, silly girl, I can't sleep because of my brother."

"Da Guoguo, what I was muttering just now... um..."

Before the beauty could finish speaking, Young Master Liu kissed the beauty's delicate red lips.

"No, no, no, no..."

For a long time, the lips are divided.

The beautiful woman looked at Liu Mingzhi with blurred eyes, her eyes were both joyful and melancholy.

"Da Guoguo, you?"

"Rui'er, do you trust me?"

Ren Qingrui nodded without hesitation.

"Yeah, my sister believes it."

"Silly Ruier, wait a while longer for me, and I will definitely marry you as my brother.

Smelly girl, listen up. "

"Huh? What?"

"The emperor's sky is above, and the thick soil is below.

In this life, if I, Liu Mingzhi, cannot marry Ren Qingrui as my wife, then let me, Liu Mingzhi, be struck with a thunderbolt, and my soul be damned..."

Ren Qingrui covered Young Master Liu's mouth before he could finish speaking.

"Rui'er, uh uh..."

(End of this chapter)

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