Chapter 3286

Everyone who was eating breakfast was shocked by Young Master Liu's slap.

Qi Yun quickly took the bottomless porridge bowl in Young Master Liu's hand, and said softly, "Husband, don't be angry, our father and the others also went to Zuichun Tower in a daze because they drank too much. .”

As soon as Qi Yun's words fell, she immediately handed over another bowl of eight-treasure porridge.

"Husband, don't be angry, don't be angry, drink porridge, drink porridge."

Madam Liu also immediately put down the porridge bowl, and looked at her eldest son with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

After my father and grandfather got drunk, they took a son and three grandsons to the place of fireworks to have fun.

Such absurd things are rare in the world.

Seeing Young Master Liu's sulky expression, Mrs. Liu immediately blamed Liu Zhi'an even more in her heart.

You old bastard, it's better to let my old lady tell you what you are.

If you want to go to that kind of place, you just have to take your father-in-law with you, why do you have to take your son and a few grandchildren to do it together.

Well now, the son is angry.

My old lady, a mother, wants to explain a thing or two to you, but she doesn't know how to speak.

Unscrupulous old stuff, embarrassing, embarrassing!

Mrs. Qi stirred the spoon in her hand strangely, the embarrassment on her face was no less than that of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Liu.

After all, Liu Zhi'an was not the only one involved in this absurd matter, but also his old and unscrupulous old master was also involved in it.

Young Master Liu finished the egg in his hand in two or three bites, and angrily took the porridge bowl from Qi Yun.

"Yun'er, don't be angry, how can I not be angry if you make me your husband?
Tell me, what did the old man do? "

"Oh, my husband, our father drank too much, too much."

Young Master Liu took a sip of the porridge, and picked up a steamed stuffed bun angrily.

"What's wrong with drinking too much? Is drinking too much an excuse? Can drinking too much be so excessive?"

"Uh! Uh! This...that..."

Mrs. Liu got up slightly, smiled and put the freshly peeled egg on the plate in front of Young Master Liu.

"Zhi'er, Yun'er is right, your father drank too much, that's why he did such a stupid thing.

You, don't be as knowledgeable as an old guy like him.

Don't worry, I will teach him a lesson when I go back for my mother, and I guarantee that he will not do such a stupid thing again next time.

Good boy, let's not get angry, don't get angry. "

First Young Master Liu took a bite of the steamed stuffed bun, then turned and looked at his mother.

"Mother, don't be angry, baby, how can I not be angry?

After getting drunk, he took his in-laws, one son, and three grandchildren to Zuichunlou.

Mother, tell me, is this behavior too much? "

Mrs. Liu hurriedly nodded her head and said: "Yes, yes, it's too much, it's too much, mother will teach him a lesson when I get back."

First Young Master Liu ate the buns in his hand happily, and picked up the eggs on the plate with a displeased face.

"Huh—too much, it's simply too much.

Ah, is there anyone who acts like an old man like him?

The third child is his son, so am I not his son, my young master?
Why did he take the third child with him when he went to Zuichun Tower, and didn't even call me?

The third son was invited, the in-laws were invited, and the three grandsons were also invited, but the young master and I were left behind.

Too much, too much, simply too much!
If the old man treats this young master differently, if he is not angry, how can I not be angry with this young master!
Not angry yet, I'm about to explode now.

I found more than 30 young beauties at once, that's more than 30!
There are only a few of them all together, and there are only a few of them if they all hug each other from left to right. Isn't this a waste of money? "

After hearing her husband's angry words, Qi Yun's face froze instantly, and she almost couldn't breathe.

"Uh huh, heh heh, heh heh heh..."

Qi Yun coughed a few times, her delicate red lips trembling uncontrollably.

Good guy, you have been groaning for a long time, the co-author is angry because of this reason?

Mrs. Liu's eyes twitched as she looked at the eldest son with a displeased face, she stood up abruptly, and directly reached out and snatched the egg that Young Master Liu was about to send to her mouth.

Young Master Liu was taken aback for a moment, and quickly turned around to look at Mrs. Liu.

"Mother, what are you doing?"

Mrs. Liu glared at First Young Master Liu angrily, ate half an egg in one gulp, and sat down on the chair again with gritted teeth.

"Crack, creak, creak."

"Don't do anything, I'm afraid you will kill you bastard."

"Oh, mother, baby, I only ate two buns, how could I make it last?"

"That's hard to say, today's buns are a bit too big, what if they are stuffed to death?

Brat, you are right. "

"But, baby, I'm not full yet!"

"Eat, eat, eat, eat your grandma's leg, you deserve it to starve to death."

"Uh! Uh!"

Mrs. Liu looked at First Young Master Liu who looked embarrassed, and picked up her porridge bowl humming.

"The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, the old ones are old, the young ones are young, and there is no one good thing in the family."

As soon as Mrs. Liu's words fell, a faint smile flashed in her eyes.

How could she fail to see that what the eldest son said just now was just deliberately gagging, trying to relieve the resentment in her heart.

Young Master Liu pretended not to hear Mrs. Liu's words, turned around and looked at Qi Yun beside him, and blinked a few times with a smile.


Qi Yun saw the sign her husband gave her, and glanced at Mrs. Liu again.

At this time, she had already reacted and understood her husband's intentions.

"Hey, my concubine is here."

"Yun'er, my husband is not full yet, so peel another egg for my husband."

Qi Yun picked up an egg with a smile, and gently bumped it on the table.

"Yes, I know."

Liu Mingzhi put the porridge bowl on the table, and stretched lazily.


"Hey, husband, what's the matter?"

"In the past few days, I always eat plain water eggs, and it's time to change the taste tomorrow.

After breakfast, you send someone to the kitchen to inform that you will be ordering tea eggs for breakfast tomorrow. "

Qi Yun nodded with a smile, and put the egg in Young Master Liu's hand.

"Yeah, I know."

Young Master Liu finally took a bite of the egg, and cheerfully looked around at the children on the table next to him.

First Young Master Liu was taken aback for a moment, and instinctively frowned.

"Be polite."

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Why didn't you see Yue'er, a stinky girl? Why didn't she come to have breakfast?"

The queen licked her red lips and forehead, raised her jade finger and pointed in the direction of Dongyuan.

"I didn't get up, I was still sleeping in my room."

Young Master Liu raised his brows and shook angrily.

"This stinky girl is still a lazy bed as always.

Except for the big and small court meetings, my husband has never seen her get up early. "

Young Master Liu seemed to think of something when he was about to put the remaining half of the egg into his mouth.

His face suddenly tightened, and he hurriedly turned his head to look at the queen.

"To put it bluntly, Yue'er, a stinky girl, didn't follow the old man to Zuichun Tower last night."

Seeing Young Master Liu's expression of nervousness suddenly, the empress took a sip of porridge water with a spoon in her hands, and shook her head with a strange expression.

"No, she didn't go with her."

Hearing the Queen's answer, First Young Master Liu breathed a sigh of relief, and a faint smile appeared on his face again.

"Hahaha, it's fine if you don't go, it's fine if you don't go."

The empress glanced sideways at the cheerful Young Master Liu, and said another word with a smile on her eyes.
"She went by herself, to Tianxiang Tower."

Young Master Liu didn't react for a while, and said cheerfully: "It's fine if you don't go together, you can play by yourself... also..."

As Young Master Liu was talking, he suddenly came to his senses, his face froze for an instant, and he turned his gaze to the empress again.

"What? What did you say politely?"

"The concubine said that Yue'er went there by herself, and she went to Tianxiang Tower."

Young Master Liu stood up abruptly, panting heavily.

"Rebellious girl, rebellious girl.

This bastard, she... Who did she learn from, and why does she like to go to that kind of place so much? "

The queen gently put down the porridge bowl that had bottomed out, lifted the pot and poured a cup of herbal tea, and glanced at First Young Master Liu with narrow eyes.

"As the saying goes, like father, like daughter.

Who did she learn from, I can't tell why, anyway, she didn't learn from us sisters.

Probably, maybe, maybe self-taught! "

Hearing the empress's words full of ridicule, First Young Master Liu's face froze suddenly, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching a few times.

Nonsense, and I can't tell why.

Your sentence, like father, like daughter, has already made it very clear, okay?

But anyone who is not a fool can hear who you are talking about in that sentence.

Qi Yun, the third princess, Qinglian, Huang Lingyi and the other sisters couldn't help laughing when they saw her husband's embarrassed face.

"Teach yourself, puff, huh!"

"Hee hee... Mmm..."


Young Master Liu turned around abruptly, and looked at Huang Lingyi who laughed the loudest.

"Lingyi, are you happy today?"

Huang Lingyi immediately suppressed her smile and looked up at First Young Master Liu.

"Yeah, husband, I'm sure I'm very happy today, because I suddenly remembered a very interesting thing just now."

Immediately, Huang Lingyi couldn't help but turned her head to look at her good sister Ling Weier who was sitting next to her.

"Sister Wei'er, sister, when I was in the restaurant yesterday, I heard a very interesting thing from a customer.

My sister can't help laughing now when she thinks of the funny things those guests said!

Come, come, my sister will tell you something now. "

Seeing Huang Lingyi's quick reaction, Young Master Liu immediately became speechless.

This little goblin has found such a perfect excuse, what else can he say?

I can't be so domineering. When the lady thinks of some interesting things, can't she laugh?
Ling Wei'er glanced at First Young Master Liu with a sullen smile, and put down the porridge bowl in her hand with a smile.

"Yeah, sister Lingyi, tell me, sister is listening."

Young Master Liu looked weird, obviously wanted to laugh out loud, but suppressed the ladies who dared not laugh out loud, and their expressions became more and more helpless.

The queen didn't seem to see Young Master Liu's helpless expression, she drank the porridge in the bowl with a half-smile.

"Hey, you have no conscience, what kind of face are you making with us sisters?

The one who made the mistake was obviously Yue'er, a stinky girl. If you have the ability, you can teach her a lesson. "

Young Master Liu gave the Queen a helpless look, and said with a moaning voice, "Wanyan, don't provoke your husband, I'm really going."

Empress Xiaoke sipped the porridge and looked narrowly at First Young Master Liu.

"Go, it's as if the concubine is blocking you."

Young Master Liu's expression froze, he stuffed half an egg into his mouth, bent down to pick up a bun from the table, and walked directly to the hall door.

"Feifei, Yaoyao."

Liu Feifei and Liu Yaoyao, who were eating breakfast, immediately stood up and looked at their father suspiciously.

"Hey, the baby is here."


"Feifei, Yaoyao, you two come out, Dad has something to tell you."

"Hey, here we come."

"I'm coming."

Sisters Liu Feifei and Liu Yaoyao put down the soup bowls in their hands, and smiled at Mrs. Liu, Mrs. Qi, Qi Yun, the third princess and their sisters, and Liu Xuan.

"Grandma, grandma, mother, aunts, aunts, let's go first."

"Grandma, grandma... Auntie, take it easy."

Madam Liu put down the teacup in her hand, and shook her head helplessly.

"Feifei, Yaoyao, if your father is really angry, don't forget to stop him."

"Yeah, Feifei got it"

"Grandma, don't worry, Yaoyao will have a chance to escape with Sister Yue'er,"

"Hahaha, grandma knows that you two are the smartest, go quickly."

"Yeah, grandma, the two of us followed."

Liu Feifei and Liu Yaoyao gave a blessing, and hurriedly ran towards the hall door.

Mrs. Liu watched the backs of the two granddaughters gradually go away, and looked at Caichang with a wry smile.

"Be polite."

"Hey, mother?"

"Daughter-in-law, it's all over, why do you bother?"

The queen stood up with the teapot in her hand, and walked gracefully to Mrs. Liu's side, and poured a cup of tea with a light smile.

"Mother, this stinky girl, Yue'er, has gone too far recently, and she should be disciplined.

In our family, this stinky girl is not afraid of anyone except my husband, who is a heartless guy.

Whether it's daddy, mother, you, or us sisters.

This stinky girl, as long as she shows a pitiful look, she can make us happy with just a few words.

She has been reckless for several months, and it is time to put the rein on her.

When it's time to relax, the daughter-in-law will naturally not discipline her.

However, when it's time to be strict, the daughter-in-law also has to discipline her well, right?
Mother, you drink tea. "

Mrs. Liu took the teacup handed by the Queen, and nodded with a smile.

"Okay, okay, as long as you bluntly say that you have a plan in your heart, I will feel relieved as a mother."

"Mother, you can just eat with peace of mind, that heartless, measured one."

"Hahaha, mother knows, you can sit back."

"Hey, thank you, mother."


Inner courtyard Dongyuan, in a small and lovely courtyard.

Young Master Liu kicked open the door in front of him, and turned to look at the two little padded jackets beside him.

"Feifei, Yaoyao, you guys come in immediately and see if this stinky girl, Yue'er, is wearing any clothes."

(End of this chapter)

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