Chapter 3287

"Ah? Daddy, isn't this bad?"

Liu Yaoyao nodded hurriedly, and echoed softly: "That's right, Daddy, isn't this very good?"

First Young Master Liu took out a handkerchief from his cuffs and wiped his hands, raised his head and gestured towards the cute room and pouted.

"There's nothing wrong with it. Just let you two go in, and you two can just go in directly."

Liu Feifei and Liu Yaoyao looked at each other with strange expressions, and looked at Young Master Liu with a wry smile and tapped Zhen's head a few times.

"Okay, Feifei got it."

"Daddy, wait a moment, then my sister and I will go in."

Young Master Liu leaned against the door frame with a faint smile, and waved his hands casually.

"Alright, let's go in."

The two sisters gave a blessing and went straight into the little cutie's boudoir.

Liu Feifei walked lightly all the way to the back of the screen, looked back at the direction of the door, and gently tugged at the sleeve of her younger sister Liu Yaoyao.

"Sister Yaoyao, what should I do? Dad won't really want to beat Sister Yue'er, right?"

Liu Yaoyao frowned slightly, and looked up at the bed in front.

Seeing that the little cutie was only wearing a flimsy and Zen-like flimsy dress, and was still sleeping soundly with a pair of slender jade legs sandwiching a silk brocade quilt, Liu Yaoyao shook her head helplessly, and stepped forward. Walked over lightly.

At this time, the little cutie embraced the brocade quilt and was sleeping soundly, not aware of the imminent danger at all.

"Looking at Dad's posture, it's almost inseparable."

Hearing her sister's return, Liu Feifei followed with a wry smile.

"Yes, I hope sister Yue'er won't blame the two of us."

Liu Yaoyao sat sideways on the edge of the bed, watching the obscene clothes slipping aside, the little cutie who was drooling at the corners of her lips stretched out her hand to lightly push her shoulders that looked like creamy, icy skin and snow skin few times.

"Yue'er, wake up.

Sister Yue'er, wake up. "

The little cutie's delicate crescent eyebrows frowned, whimpered and turned over, muttering and covering her ears.

"It's early in the morning, who is it? This girl is sleepy, so stay and go."

"Sister Yue'er, it's me, your sister Yaoyao."

The little cutie pursed her lips and moaned softly, then shrank directly into the warm blanket.

"Oh, oh, sister Yaoyao, what are you doing in the early morning?"

When Liu Yaoyao saw this, a look of helplessness appeared in her pretty eyes.

She raised her eyes to look at her sister Liu Feifei who had a strange expression, and leaned slightly towards the little cutie's ear.

"Smelly girl, daddy came to you with a training stick."

As soon as Liu Yaoyao finished speaking, she seemed to have anticipated what might happen next, so she hurriedly got up and moved to the side to hide.

as predicted.

The moment Liu Yaoyao straightened her waist to avoid it, the little cutie suddenly opened her eyes, her curves were graceful, her uneven body seemed to be equipped with springs, she suddenly sat up straight.

The cutie quickly wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth, and looked around nervously in her boudoir.

"Suck, suck, what? What? The smelly old man came with a training stick?
where?where?Where's Daddy?Where? "

Seeing the little cutie's nervous expression, Liu Yaoyao raised a pair of slender hands to cover the little cutie's pretty face and turned slightly, then pointed to the location of the door.

"Smelly girl, don't look for it, daddy is waiting outside the door, he hasn't come in yet."

Hearing this, the cutie hurriedly looked towards the door.

Sure enough, she saw Young Master Liu's shadow on the door of the room at a glance.

The little cutie's snow-white jade neck slid a few times, and looked at the two sisters standing on the edge of the bed in bewilderment.

"Gudu, Sister Feifei, Sister Yaoyao, what's going on?

Early in the morning, why did the stinky old man come to my place? "

Liu Feifei took a few steps forward with her skirt lifted, and sat on the cute bed with her lips pursed.

"Smelly girl, what did you do last night, don't you know yourself?"

The little cutie felt the constriction in Sister Feifei's pretty eyes, her cherry lips quivered slightly and glanced at the shadow on the door, and couldn't help shrinking her fair and delicate jade neck.

"No, Dad, Dad, does he know that I went to Tianxiang Tower?"

Liu Feifei smiled and spread out her hands, and lightly shrugged her shoulders.

"What do you think?"

The cute face froze, looked at Liu Feifei, then at Liu Yaoyao, and quickly grabbed the pillow beside her and hugged her in her arms.

"So? Dad, why did he come to Yue'er?"

"What do you say?"

"Sister Feifei, Sister Yaoyao, who are you two?"

Playing with her willow waist, Liu Yaoyao picked up the clothes on the bedside, and put the clothes in the hands of the little cutie with a smile.

"Yue'er, Daddy asked my sister and sister Feifei to take a look and see if you are wearing any clothes now."

Hearing her sister's answer, the little cutie was overjoyed, and hurriedly took off the only flimsy and flimsy obscene clothes left on her body.

Afterwards, the movements were very flexible, and the graceful jade body slipped into the bed without any trace.

"No, no, I don't have a single piece of clothing on my body now.

Sister Feifei, Sister Yaoyao, hurry up and tell Old Smelly that Yue'er's body is naked now, and she doesn't even have a single piece of underwear on her body. "

Liu Feifei looked at the little cutie who had shrunk her body under the brocade quilt, only showing one head, raised her eyebrows slightly, and shook her head playfully.

"Sister, you can hide for a while, but you can't hide forever!

You can't always hide under the blanket and never go out, can you? "

The little cutie glanced at the shadow on the door, tightly grasped the brocade quilt on her body, and quickly moved a few times towards the inside of the bed.

"Oh, if you can hide for a while, it's just for a while.

Maybe one day when the stinky old man is busy, he will forget about this matter. "

Seeing the bitter expression on the little cutie, sisters Liu Feifei and Liu Yaoyao looked at each other, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Hehe, hehe, sister Yue'er, do you think it's possible?"

"Hehehe, yes, Yue'er, do you think this is possible?"

"How do you know if you don't try it? Just in case it's possible.

Even if the chances are very slim, it's better than going out and getting beaten right now, right?

After so many years, this is the first time that the smelly old man directly killed the girl in this girl's room like today.

Dad, he came aggressively, and he came in a bad way, so of course I had to hide from Yue'er. "

When Liu Feifei and sisters were about to speak, the voice of Young Master Liu suddenly came from outside the room.

"Smelly girl, I will give you a cup of tea for my father.

Either you get dressed yourself and come out honestly, or I invite you to come out for my father. "

The little cutie had a bitter expression on her face, and hurriedly looked towards the door with her cherry mouth pouting.

"Smelly old man, can't come in.

Yue'er can tell you, I'm not wearing any clothes now. "

"Hehehe, as a father, I will let the maids wait on you and go in after you get dressed.

Say it again for the father, you only have time for a cup of tea.

Either you dress yourself and come out, or I ask you to come out for my father. "

"I won't wear it, I won't wear it, even if you beat me to death, I won't wear it either.

If you have the ability, if you have the ability, come in and beat me up right now. "

First Young Master Liu stopped answering Little Cutie's words, leaned against the door, and gently licked his fingernails.

Little Cutie didn't hear Young Master Liu's answer for a long time, and her face suddenly became bewildered.



"Smelly old man?"

"Good daddy?"

"Daddy, good daddy, we are father and daughter, Yue'er's body is full of your blood!
How about you, how can you treat Yue'er like this? "

For the little cutie's words, First Young Master Liu directly chose to turn a deaf ear to it, still gently fingernails.

The little cutie stared at the shadow on the door with trembling lips, and hurriedly straightened her willow waist to look at Liu Feifei and Liu Yaoyao.

"Sister Feifei, Sister Yaoyao, is there no other way?

Why don't you two sit still?Hurry up and help me find a way, little girl? "

Liu Feifei and Liu Yaoyao shook their heads helplessly.

"Oh, I have more than enough heart, but not enough to stand on."


After hearing the answers from the two good sisters, Xiaocuti immediately sat down softly.

"It's over, it's over, it seems that today is definitely impossible to escape.

That's right, that's right, Sister Feifei, Sister Yaoyao, how did Dad get here?

Did he come empty-handed?Or did you come with something to do? "

"This sister can tell you with certainty that Daddy came here empty-handed."

The little cutie threw off the brocade quilt on her body, grabbed the flimsy obscene clothes at the side, got out of bed and ran towards the closet.

"Sister Feifei, Sister Yaoyao, I'll go get dressed first, you two hurry up and hide all the things I have in my room under the bed."

"Hey, sister knows."

"Yue'er, there is only so much Sister Feifei and I can help you with.

As for the rest, you can only ask for blessings. "

Cutie bit her red lips and nodded, then opened the closet with a depressed expression.

"Oh, I know."

Soon, the work of a cup of tea is over.

Young Master Liu stretched lazily, raised his hand and knocked lightly on the door a few times.

"Smelly girl, have you put on your clothes?"

Hearing the old man's question, the cute little body who had already put on clothes trembled, and instinctively hid behind the two sisters.

", not yet."

Young Master Liu raised his brows, narrowed his eyes slightly and hummed a few times.

"Hahaha, no problem, then I will give you half a cup of tea as a father.

However, as a father, I explained to you in advance.

The longer I wait for my father, the more itchy my hands become. "

Hearing what Young Master Liu said, Little Cutie hastily replied: "Father, it's ready, Yue'er is already dressed now."


Young Master Liu muffled a nasal voice, put his hands behind his back casually, and walked into the little cutie's boudoir at a leisurely pace.

Seeing the old man walking into his room, the little cutie smiled and waved.

"Hey hey, daddy."

Young Master Liu glanced at the little cutie lightly, and walked straight towards the washing rack behind the screen.

Seeing this situation, little cutie, a hint of doubt flashed in Linglong's bright eyes.

Um?what's the situation?
Under Little Cutie's perplexed eyes, First Young Master Liu washed his hands in the copper basin, then picked up the kettle on the stove and walked towards the main hall.

"Smelly girl, come here."

The cutie hid behind Liu Yaoyao, looked at First Young Master Liu with a smile and said coquettishly, "Good daddy, good daddy."


Seeing that it was useless to act like a baby, Little Cutie reluctantly followed.

"I'm coming."

After Liu Dashao lifted the pot and poured a cup of tea, he turned his head to look at the little cutie who was walking towards him with three stops, and rushed over in one stride.

The little cutie shrank her neck directly, squatted down with her head in her hands, and screamed at the top of her throat.

"Ah-ah--Daddy calm down, Daddy calm down."

First Young Master Liu looked down at the little cutie who was holding her head in both hands and squatting on the ground 'shivering', and directly opened her right hand to hold the little cutie's white and tender neck.

"Smelly girl, come here for your father."

Being strangled by her father's neck of fate, the little cutie hastily cried and begged for mercy.

"Daddy, good daddy, Yue'er knew she was wrong, please forgive me, please forgive me."

First Young Master Liu pinched the back of the cutie's neck, and looked at the cutie with a smile.


The little cutie immediately crossed her hands together to protect her body, and shrank her white and tender neck with a silly smile.

"Hey hey, good daddy, don't call me that.

Or you'd better call me a stinky girl, Yue'er sounds down-to-earth. "

First Young Master Liu grabbed the back of the cutie's neck with one hand, pinched the cutie's pretty face with the other and twisted it gently a few times.

"Smelly girl, tell Weifu, how many times have you been to Tianxiang Tower this month?"

The little cutie turned her eyes erratically and said, "The... first time."


"Uh! Uh! It's the second time, is it the second time?"


"Oh, Daddy, this is really the second time Yue'er has gone."


"Good daddy, it's really the second time. If you don't believe me, Yue'er can swear to God."


The little cutie nodded hurriedly, and said softly: "Good daddy, how dare Yue'er lie to you, it's really the second time."

"Yue'er, Tianxiang Tower, is it fun?"

"That has to be done, otherwise, my girl, I'm... er... er..." As the little cutie spoke, she seemed to realize something, and quickly changed her tone with a muffled cough.

"Hmm, so-so, just so-so.

Yue'er, I just go to drink, listen to music, and pass the time. "






"Must be sure!"

"How many girls did you find to accompany you?"

"Two... didn't find them, didn't find them, didn't find any of them."

Young Master Liu let go of the big hand holding the cutie with a half-smile, and picked up the teacup on the table sideways to take a sip of the tea.


Little Cutie gently rubbed her neck, and looked at First Young Master Liu with an aggrieved expression.

"Good daddy?"

"Smelly girl, you are the father who doesn't believe your words?"

"Oh, good daddy, what Yue'er said is the truth."

"Oh? Is it all the truth?"

The little cutie put her hand on her chest, and tapped her head vigorously a few times.

"Yeah, Yue'er can touch her conscience and say that what I'm telling is the truth."

Young Master Liu nodded with a light smile, and put the teacup back on the table casually.

"Since you have said so, I will believe you as a father."

Hearing what the old man said, the little cutie looked happy.


"Of course it's true."

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, he pointed to the blanket on the ground.

"Yue'er, what's on the carpet under your feet?"

The little cutie was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously lowered her head and looked towards her feet.

"Huh? Is there something?"

"It's right next to your left foot, take a good look."

The little cutie immediately lifted up her skirt, bent down and glanced at her feet.

"What is it? Why didn't Yue'er see it?"

As soon as the little cutie bent down, Young Master Liu raised his foot and kicked the little cutie's buttocks.

(End of this chapter)

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