Chapter 3288

There was a soft plop.

The little cutie was caught off guard, and was directly kicked by Young Master Liu and fell onto the carpet.


The little cutie screamed instinctively, sprawled all over the delicate carpet, and looked up at Young Master Liu with an angry look on her face.

"Hey, old man, what are you kicking me for?"

First Young Master Liu looked at the pretty face of the little cutie, walked directly to the little cutie, bent down and took off the shoe on his left foot.

"Stinky girl, what are you doing kicking you? I'm going to beat you!"

Seeing her father picking up the shoes at her feet, Xiaocuti's pretty face suddenly tightened, and she hurriedly put up her hands and crawled under the table next to her.

"Daddy, daddy, what are you doing?
As the saying goes, a gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands, so you can't treat this girl like this. "

Seeing that cutie wanted to crawl under the table, Young Master Liu naturally wouldn't give her this chance.

Liu Mingzhi didn't wait for the little cutie to crawl twice, he quickly raised his left foot, and directly stepped on the little cutie's waist that couldn't be grasped.

There was another plop, and the little cutie was directly stepped on the ground by Young Master Liu.

First Young Master Liu rolled up his sleeves with the shoes in his hand, looked down at the little cutie, and grinned.

"Hehehe, stinky girl, are you climbing? Are you continuing to climb?

I want to see, Lao Tzu, where can you climb today, you stinking girl. "

The little cutie turned her head to look at her father who was staring down at her condescendingly, and struggled vigorously.

She struggled non-stop while baring her teeth and claws, while screaming loudly at the top of her throat.

"Ah-ah-sister Feifei, sister Yaoyao, help, hurry up and help.

The stinky old man doesn't recognize his six relatives anymore, so come and help me! "

Liu Feifei and Liu Yaoyao heard the little cutie calling for help, and hurriedly set off towards the main hall.


The two sisters had just stopped, and before they had time to speak, Young Master Liu looked over.


Liu Feifei and Liu Yaoyao's pretty faces froze, and they immediately laughed bitterly.

The two of them gave Xiaocuti a self-seeking look at the same time, pretending to look at the layout of the room in an erratic way.

The little cutie felt the deep meaning in the eyes of the two sisters, and the eyes that were originally full of anticipation turned into despair in an instant.

She looked up at First Young Master Liu who had rolled up her sleeves, hurriedly waved a pair of slender jade arms, and howled loudly while struggling with all her strength.

"Come on, come on, come on, help me, kill me...

Grandpa, grandma, help me. "

First Young Master Liu stepped on the cute little waist, lifted the shoe in his hand, and slammed it on the cute buttocks.

Seeing the shoes in Young Master Liu's hands gradually enlarged in his eyes, Xiao Kei's body softened immediately, and his eyes became more and more desperate.

"It's over, my life is over."

Just as the cute thought flashed through my mind, there was a continuous crisp sound in the room.

The little cutie suddenly puffed up her chest, baring her teeth and screaming loudly.


Smelly daddy, stinky daddy, you really did it. "

In response to the little cutie's voice, there were several crisp sounds in succession.

Clap clap, clap clap.

The little cutie's body tensed up suddenly, and she howled loudly again: "Ah! Aah! Help, help, someone help me."

"Smelly girl, will you go to the place of fireworks to have fun in the future?"

"Hoho, I won't go... I won't go, I won't go."

clap clap clap!clap clap clap!
"A big girl's family, don't you know it's embarrassing?"

"I know, I know."

First Young Master Liu held his own shoes in his hand, and beat the little cutie's buttocks with the soles for a dozen times in succession before stopping.

The little cutie stretched out her hand to rub her buttocks, sucking in the cool air with her cherry lips.

"Hiss, hiss, whoops, whoops.

It's going to kill, it's really going to die. "

First Young Master Liu moved away from the left foot that was stepping on the little cutie's waist, and squatted in front of the little cutie with a smile on his clothes.

"soy Mujer."

The little cutie looked at the smiling expression of the old man, as if seeing an evil spirit, her delicate body trembled slightly, and quickly turned to hide aside, a pair of jade hands did not hesitate to protect her buttocks.

"Good daddy?"

"Smelly girl, do you know why my father beat you today?"

The cutie, who was grinning and rubbing her own buttocks, nodded hurriedly when she heard the father's question.

"Yeah, I know, I know, Yue'er shouldn't go to the place of fireworks to have fun."

"Is that all?"

The little cutie was taken aback for a moment, and asked with a hint: "Apart from this, is there anything else?
Good father, Yue'er, apart from going to Tianxiang Tower to have fun recently, I have always been honest and honest, and I haven't caused trouble for you outside? "

Young Master Liu stood up abruptly, grabbed the back of the cutie's neck, held up the shoe in his hand, and once again beat the cutie's buttocks a few times vigorously.

clap clap clap!clap clap clap!
Suddenly, there was another continuous crisp sound in the room.

The little cutie struggled hard, and screamed again, screaming one after another, endlessly.

"Whoa, ah, ah-ah--

Good father, Yue'er already knew that she was wrong, why are you still hitting me? "

Young Master Liu squatted down again, gently waved the shoes in his hand, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Stinky girl, think about it again, what's wrong?"

The little cutie was rubbing her own buttocks complaining endlessly, while turning her exquisite eyes in a hurry.

After a long time.

The little cutie looked at First Young Master Liu pitifully, and shook her head depressed.

"Good dad, I really can't think of it?

Yue'er carefully recalled all the things she did, and she didn't make any mistakes, did she? "

"Oh? Really unexpected?"

"Hmm, that's really unexpected.

In the past half a month, besides going to Xianglou twice, Yueer, I went to Yunyan once... huh...

Except for going to Tianxiang Tower twice, I have been staying at home honestly the rest of the time! "

Young Master Liu looked at the aggrieved little cutie, and shook his head helplessly.

"Smelly girl, it seems that you still don't realize where you went wrong."

The little cutie's expression tightened, and she quickly rolled and hid aside.

"Good father, good father, I really don't know Yue'er."

First Young Master Liu saw the pretty face that was already blushing, so he put on his shoes casually, got up, walked to the table and sat down on the chair. '

"Smelly girl, does your butt hurt?"

The little cutie gently rubbed her own buttocks, and raised her head to look at First Young Master Liu with her cherry mouth in her mouth.

"Dad, it's all swollen, do you think it hurts?"

Young Master Liu picked up the teacup on the table with a smile, and turned to look at Liu Feifei and Liu Yaoyao.

"Feifei, Yaoyao."

"The child is here."

"Hey, Daddy?"

Young Master Liu nodded and took a sip of the tea, then pointed at the little cutie and pouted for a gesture.

"Hey, help Yue'er up."

"Yes, the child knows."

"Okay, Yaoyao understands."

Seeing the two elder sisters wanting to help her, Little Cutie quickly waved her hands.

"No, no, no, sister Feifei, sister Yaoyao, you two don't need to help me, don't need to help me.

Whoops, let Yue'er lie on the ground for a while before we talk. "

Liu Feifei and Liu Yaoyao nodded with a smirk, turned around and walked to the side and sat down.

"Okay, then you can wait a little longer."

"Yue'er, it's you who refused to help you, it's not that my sister didn't want to help you."

The little cutie grinned and nodded, and lay down on the carpet with a big grin.

"Hiss, ouch, I got it, I got it, don't need to help."

Liu Mingzhi gently caressed the tea cover in his hand, and looked at the little cutie with slightly raised brows.

"Smelly girl, do you know where I went wrong now?"

The little cutie pondered for a while angrily, then shook her head with a troubled expression.

"Good father, Yue'er has told you several times, I really don't know.

Even if you ask ten more times, Yue'er, I still don't know what I did wrong. "

Young Master Liu stood up holding the teacup, sipping the tea leaves at the corner of his mouth, and started pacing gently in the main hall.

"Smelly girl, what kind of character you are, as a father, I am your father, so naturally I know best.

Your character has been carefree and eclectic since you were a child.

Tell me about you, you stinky girl, you go to the land of fireworks to have fun, just go, can't you keep a low profile?

Do you have to go in in a big way so that everyone knows about it? "

When Little Cutie heard Young Master Liu's angry words, she froze instantly.

"Huh? What?"

Young Master Liu took a sip of tea, silently chewing the tea leaves between his teeth.

"Stinky girl, you brothers and sisters have been on duty in the Hall of Ten Kings for several years.

In the past few years, you brothers and sisters should have dealt with Mr. Xia Gongming, the chief assistant of the cabinet.

What kind of virtue is Xia Gongming, an old bastard... Uh huh... Cough cough cough...

Boss Xia, yes, today there are only four of us, father and daughter, and no outsiders are present.

An old bastard is an old bastard.

Smelly girl, you are not only a daughter, but also the fourth princess of the dynasty.

As the princess of the current dynasty, you disguise yourself as a man in private, and secretly go to places like Tianxiang Tower and other fireworks to have fun.

What kind of reaction do you think the old bastard will have if such behavior reaches his ears?

Damn girl, don't forget that this old bastard, in addition to being the chief minister of the cabinet, also holds the official position of the royal censor at the same time!

If this old bastard is really on the line, even your father and I have to give up three points.

When I say this for my father, I do not mean that I am afraid of him for my father.

The point is, this old stubborn donkey is really not afraid of death.

This old bastard is at the top of the court, he does not form a party for personal gain, and he does not seek power to deceive the emperor.

In dealing with government affairs, he is dedicated and dedicated to his duties.

As a father, as a father, I really can't do anything to him. "

What Young Master Liu said was very calm, and he didn't mean to avoid Liu Feifei and Liu Yaoyao at all.

Liu Feifei and Liu Yaoyao looked at each other strangely after hearing what their father said.

The two of my sisters originally thought that the father was angry because Yue'er and sister went to the place of fireworks.

After working on it for a long time, co-authoring, co-authoring, this is the real reason why the father beat Yue'er sister violently.

The little cutie was pitiful, and his face full of grievances became energetic in an instant.

"Good father, the reason why you beat Yue'er today is not because I secretly went to the fireworks land to have fun?"

First Young Master Liu stopped walking, and glared at the cutie angrily.

"Stinky girl, if my father gets angry because of such a trivial matter, you, you smelly girl, would have been beaten off by me long ago.

Over the years, whether you go by yourself, or take your eldest brother, second brother, third brother, fourth brother and others together.

Apart from scolding you a few times as a father, when have I ever really beaten you?

Or at that time last year, you secretly took your Aunt Hoshino to Tianxiang Building to gamble with others, what did I teach you for my father? "

When Young Master Liu mentioned Sakai Hoshino, he sighed softly, and his face suddenly became complicated.


In the blink of an eye, Alcohol Hoshino had been gone for so long.

The mountains are high and the waters are far away, and the ocean is vast.

I don't know what's going on with this silly woman.

Whether, has returned to his hometown safe and sound.

Seeing the melancholy look on his father's face, the little cutie squirmed straight forward a few times while propping up the carpet under her body with both hands.

"Daddy, good daddy, do you think of Aunt Hoshino and Sister Sakuraori?"

First Young Master Liu frowned and directly raised his arms to gesture to the cutie.

"Smelly girl, does this matter have anything to do with you?
Now we are discussing the issue of your mistakes, so please stop distracting me. "

The little cutie shrunk her neck subconsciously, immediately spread her hands and hugged Young Master Liu's calf, looked up at him and smiled innocently.

"Hey hey, hey hey, Yue'er understands, Yue'er understands.

Good dad, good dad. "

First Young Master Liu looked down at the cute little girl who was holding her calf with a silly smile, and shook her angrily.

"Smelly girl, what are you doing?"

The little cutie raised her white and tender jade neck with a smile, hugged Young Master Liu's calf with one hand, and grabbed Young Master Liu's palm with the other and shook it gently a few times.

"Good daddy, what do you mean by that, is that you don't object to Yu'er going to that kind of place?"

Young Master Liu leaned over slightly, and flicked the little cutie's forehead forcefully with his fingers.


"Smelly girl, will you listen to my father not letting you go?"

The little cutie stretched out her hand and rubbed her forehead, without saying a word, she kept laughing silly.

"Hehehe, hehehe."

"Smelly girl, let go of your father's legs and stay on the sidelines."

The little cutie nodded hurriedly, and let go of the lotus root arm that was holding the old man's calf.

"Oh, Yue'er knows."

Young Master Liu walked to the desk, put the tea cup in his hand on the table, and tidied his clothes casually.

"Stinky girl, in the recent period, I have a lot of things to be busy as a father.

You smelly girl, you better give me a break.

Of course, if you still want to go to that kind of place, then please keep a low profile for my father.

As a father, when I don't know, you can go whenever you want.

However, it is best not to spread it to the ears of the father.

In particular, don't spread it to other people's ears.

Otherwise, as a father, I can't spare you. "

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, he raised his foot and kicked the little cutie's buttocks, put his hands on his back casually, and walked straight out of the room.

"Smelly girl, I'm leaving for my father, go back and continue to sleep in your sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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