My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3294 Not So Scary

Chapter 3294 Not So Scary

"It turns out that you know everything."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the strange eyes of the empress, and gently turned the emerald wrench on his thumb.

"Hehehe, to put it bluntly, I used to be a subject as my husband, but now I am the king of a country as my husband.

As my husband, I am in this position, and it is hard for me not to think clearly about some things. "

The queen nodded lightly, folded her arms around her chest, looked at Young Master Liu and asked curiously: "You have no conscience, since you know everything, then do you think the reason for Zhang Shuai and Nangong Shuai's slow use of troops is because Because of the former? Or because of the latter?"

Seeing the queen's curious expression, Liu Mingzhi rubbed the stubble on his chin and pondered for a while, then said with a light smile, "Let me say as a husband, I prefer the latter."

"the latter?"

"That's right, I prefer the latter as a husband compared to the fact that they don't want to bear the reputation of being a massacre.

To put it bluntly, do you think it's the former or the latter? "

The queen rolled her eyes lightly, and stretched lazily.

"To put it bluntly, like your husband, you are more inclined to the latter.

Since ancient times, nine out of ten people with high achievements will not end well.

The rest, either choose to retreat bravely in the torrent, so as to protect themselves, or take the road where the emperor forces the ministers to rebel, and the ministers have to rebel.

Don't talk about it far away, just say you, husband, isn't it the best..." The queen seemed to realize something, and coughed a few times with a sullen expression: "Uh huh, cough cough cough. "

Young Master Liu looked at the resentment on the Queen's pretty face, pinched the Queen's earlobe with his fingers and twisted it gently a few times.

"To put it bluntly, you want to say that I'm the best example as a husband, right?"

The empress patted Young Master Liu's big hand away from kneading her earlobe, and said with a smile: "Hey, hey, you said this yourself, you said this yourself."

Young Master Liu nodded cheerfully, pretending to be annoyed and replied: "Yes, yes, I said it for my husband, it has nothing to do with you Wanyan, that's fine."

The queen smiled, pinched the tip of Young Master Liu's nose with her fingers and shook it.

"Hehehe, that's about the same."

"Hahaha, you."


"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Since your thoughts are more inclined to the latter, and you can also understand the difficulties of Zhang Shuai, Nangong Shuai, and Uncle Huang.

Then why don't you just send them a letter from the golden eagle, ordering them to continue to march westward and use troops?
After all, with your husband's order, these old foxes don't have to think about it, and they can use their troops with confidence. "

Liu Mingzhi got up and left the empress's slender jade legs, leaned over and pulled a dry grass under the bench, picked it up and played with it gently.

"Because, for my husband, I am waiting for an opportunity."

The queen's pretty face froze for a moment, and her expression suddenly became puzzled.

"Ah? Wait for a moment?"

"That's right, I'm waiting for an opportunity for my husband."

"What... what kind of timing?"

Young Master Liu tightly pinched the dry grass on his fingertips, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

"Wanyan, do you still remember what Wei Fu told you just now?"

When the queen heard this, she rolled her eyes at First Young Master Liu angrily.

"You said so much just now, how does my mother know which sentence you said?"

"To put it bluntly, what I said for my husband is that our big dragon is thousands of miles away from those small barbarian countries in the far west."

The queen suddenly realized and nodded, and said softly: "So what you said, yes, yes, you did say this just now.

But, is there any necessary relationship between this and what you said that you are waiting for an opportunity? "

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and patted the empress's fragrant shoulder, stood up from the bench and walked towards the path ahead.

The queen stood up immediately, and Lianbu lightly chased after her.


"To put it bluntly, do you know how much time it will take to go to the Anxi Protectorate's Mansion from our Dalong's native border?

The short is three or four months, and the long is about half a year.

If something unexpected happens on the way, it may take about seven or eight months, or even a year or so. "

Liu Mingzhi snapped his fingers lightly, and looked at the queen with a smile.

"It will take three or four months for us to rush to the Anxi Protectorate's Mansion.

Dashi, Tianzhu and other barbarian countries are farther away from our Dalong. "

Seeing the profound smile on Young Master Liu's face, the empress narrowed her bright eyes slightly, and began to think secretly.

After a long time.

Suddenly, the empress's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly looked towards First Young Master Liu.

"Without conscience, you mean, easy to beat but hard to cure?"

Seeing that the empress finally understood his thoughts, Young Master Liu pinched the tip of his nose with his fingers, and nodded cheerfully.

"In a word."

The queen took a sip of the wine, looked at Young Master Liu with a surprised expression, and tapped her head a few times.

"Oh, ma'am, I finally understand.

No wonder, no wonder.

No wonder you, the heartless, have not sent a letter to Zhang Shuai and Nangong Shuai for so long, ordering them to continue to use troops in the Far West!

It turns out that you were worried about this problem. "

"if not?"

The queen narrowed her eyes slightly, and was silent for a long time thoughtfully, then looked at First Young Master Liu with strange eyes.


First Young Master Liu turned his head and looked at the Empress. Seeing the strange eyes of the Empress, he gradually put away the smile on his face.


A gleam flashed in the empress's bright eyes, she looked at First Young Master Liu narrowly, and said in a flat and delicate tone: "Husband, if it's not what I expected.

In fact, you have never been afraid that you will bear the notoriety of being a big swordsman, let alone Zhang Shuai, Nangong Shuai and the others will make great achievements.

From beginning to end, you have only one problem to worry about.

That is, the problem you just mentioned.

If you are really worried about Zhang Shuai, Nangong Shuai and the others will overwhelm the master, then you won't let them lead the battle.

After all, among the generals of the six guards of the new army, if anyone is picked at random, he is a brave and good general who can single-handedly destroy the city and destroy the country.

They followed you to fight north and south, and fought east and west for so many years, and they all had a life-threatening friendship with you, husband.

In other words, they are your real confidantes, the people you can trust the most.

Then, the person who is most suitable to lead the expedition of the Western Expedition for thousands of miles should be selected from among the six of them.

However, the official positions they got in the end were only the positions of General Ma, the vanguard of the Western Expeditionary Army.

Husband, why are you doing this? "

First Young Master Liu raised his brows slightly, looked at the Queen and asked with a smile: "Hahaha, hahaha, to put it bluntly, why would you do this as a husband?"

The Queen's footsteps stopped abruptly, and she looked at First Young Master Liu with playfulness in her eyes.

"When the time comes, the old coach steps back and the new coach takes over.

The merits of the Western Expeditionary Army are divided into two, the old commander and the new commander each account for five.

At that time, the old commander can reward gold, silver and treasures, but he will not be crowned king.

Those who have made great contributions, are not enough at the top and have more at the bottom, they can reward their sons and daughters with titles and official positions to reassure them.

And the achievements of the new coach are not enough to be crowned king.

In this way, the former is worry-free and the latter is worry-free.

And husband, you, the king of a country, can naturally be carefree.

Everything is happy. "

Husband, to put it bluntly, you shouldn't have guessed wrong, right? "

Sensing the empress' narrow eyes, First Young Master Liu gently stroked the stubble on his chin, and smiled resentfully.

"Hahaha, hahaha, sure enough.

As a husband, I know it. It’s okay if I don’t talk about this topic.

As long as I roughly express my thoughts for my husband, you can immediately guess what I am really thinking about for my husband.

Facts have proved that my husband was right. "

The empress held up the jade gourd and took a sip of the wine, then let out a long breath looking at Young Master Liu with a sigh.

"Hey, a group of old foxes who think they are smart, they are really pitiful.

This is really in line with that sentence, cleverness is misunderstood by cleverness. "

Seeing the empress's sighing expression, Young Master Liu couldn't help but sneered a few times.

"Hehehe, to put it bluntly."

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"How can you be so sure that those old foxes can't guess my husband's mind?"

The queen's pretty face froze, she turned her head to look at First Young Master Liu, and frowned involuntarily.

Seeing Young Master Liu's slightly raised mouth corners, which seemed to be a smile but not a smile, the empress lost her mind and pondered.

After a long time.

The queen's pupils shrank suddenly, and she couldn't help but gasped.

"Hiss, husband, what do you mean?"

First Young Master Liu stretched his arms high, and laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, hahaha.

Uncle Zhang Kuang, Uncle Nangong Ye, the two elder brothers, they have struggled under the hands of their father, Emperor Li Zheng, for decades, but they are still safe and sound, and they can be among the six guards in northern Xinjiang. people.

Besides, brother Huyan, I said bluntly that you had a lot of dealings with him back then, so I don't need to be a husband to tell you what his character is like. "

The empress nodded without hesitation and said, "Mmm, Mmm, how is Hu Yanyu's behavior, she is very clear."

"As for your uncle Wanyan Chizha, and Yeluha and his brothers, I won't say much about their virtues as husbands.

On this point, I politely say that you have more say than my husband. "

The queen looked at Eldest Young Master Liu's weird eyes, and smiled lightly with her cherry lips slightly raised.

"Hehehe, of course."

"To put it bluntly, my husband has already said just now, which of these old foxes is not a mature person?
They have more minds than hornet's nests.

Do you really think that they can't figure out the husband's mind? "

"Eh! This! This!"

Young Master Liu reached out and took the wine gourd from the Queen's hand, and raised his hand to pat the Queen's fragrant shoulder with a hearty laugh.

"Haha, hahaha, to put it bluntly.

Some things are clear in the hearts of the husbands, and they are even clearer in their hearts.

In a person's life, who hasn't made it step by step, step by step?

People, don't think that anyone is smarter than the other.

After all, isn't it just a tacit understanding?

I won't tell you about my husband, they pretend to be confused.

All the best, all the best! "

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, he raised the wine gourd and sent it to his mouth with a smile.

The queen looked at First Young Master Liu who was sipping fine wine, smiled wryly and shook her head.

"Hehehe, oops, I didn't understand until today, why my old lady, the little goblin, and our sisters together couldn't beat you alone.

Your unconscionable mind is really too meticulous.

We sisters take one step and think ten steps.

You take one step, think about a hundred steps.

Sometimes my old lady, I really can't figure out how your brain grows.

Madam, I am obviously a few years older than you, and I have experienced many more things in the world than you.

According to common sense, my mother, I should be better than you.

But, why...why..."

"Full of doubts?"

"Hmm, full of doubts."

"I don't understand, why is this?"

"Mmmm, of course."

"Then I'll tell you about it for my husband."

"Be polite and listen carefully."

"Because I was a husband and I was very afraid of death."

The queen looked startled, and frowned involuntarily.

"What? Very... very afraid of death?"

Seeing the empress' stunned expression, First Young Master Liu let out a sigh of embarrassment.

"Oh, yes, as a husband, I was very afraid of death back then.

Back then, as my husband, I was beaten up by Yun'er in Misty Rain Pavilion, and she threw me off the second floor.

It was only later that I realized that I had been reborn... when I was reborn.

At that time, as a husband, I really couldn't understand your old-fashioned... huh, your old-fashioned ideas.

Like a soldier who can be killed, but not humiliated.

Like what righteousness comes first, generously go to righteousness.

It's like dying for the country, it's a worthy death.

The idea of ​​blah blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

I have already died for my husband... I have escaped from Yun'er once.

Therefore, as a husband, I am particularly afraid of death, and I just want to live well.

Even if you live forever, as long as you can live well.

What is the so-called face, what is the so-called dignity, I don't care at all as a husband.

As a husband, I only know that being alive is better than anything else.

Therefore, for my husband, I racked my brains and tried my best to survive.

He was alive when his father, the emperor, and his elders served as ministers, and he was only alive when he charged on the battlefield, and he was alive among his colleagues in the Manchu Dynasty.

All in all, just to live. "

"Because you're afraid of death, so you try your best to stay alive?"

"That's right, because I'm afraid of death, I tried my best to stay alive.

Back then, in order to live as my husband, I had to be loyal to my duties and greet people with a smile when I was a minister under my father and his elders.

When I get along with my colleagues in the Manchu Dynasty, as a husband, I have to intrigue with them.

On the battlefield, as a husband, I have to plan ahead everywhere to ensure that the odds of victory are within my grasp.

Because, only if I have the chance to win, can I be safe and sound.

So, gradually, gradually.

For my husband, I am a playboy who just wants to live a good life.

I don't know when it started, but it has gradually grown into an old fox who is proficient in tactics and scheming. "

The queen looked at Young Master Liu's sighing expression, and reached out to hug Young Master Liu's arm.

"now what?"


"Well, what about now?"

Liu Mingzhi rubbed his chin with his fingers and remained silent for a long time, then smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

"When I was young, I always wanted to live a few more years.

Now, with the growth of age and the increase of life experience, I gradually look away from being a husband.

Life is full of life.

Many things cannot be avoided.

Death, it seems, is not so terrible.


(End of this chapter)

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